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Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
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The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery ordered a simple rum and coke for himself before paying for their drinks and brought them, as well as Kiki, to a table they could sit and talk at. He took a sip of his drink before spinning the glass around on the table. He looked from the glass to Kimiko and grinned, unable to help himself.

”I haven’t told you yet, but you look really pretty tonight. I like this outfit,” Avery commented. He reached across the table and rubbed the shirt sleeve between his fingers before letting his hand trail down her arm and, claimed one of her hands in his.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia smiled softly when Nic refused to move on. He walked her through a calming exercise, and Cassi had to confess she quite liked the sound of it. Cassiopeia leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him close and whispered her thanks.

”I’m okay, Nic. Really. And I’d like to go to Montana with you. See if your celebrity status at Chicago Med is really worth all the hype,” she teased him.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Kimiko’s words send a tingling through Avery, and he grins lazily before pulling back from the wooden ledge. He captures her hand and pulls her from the axe-throwing lanes, leaving the poor instructor to get the axes out on their own.

”Then I think this first date is off to a great start,” Avery declares. He kisses the back of Kimiko’s hand, leading her to a bar where they can get drinks and food.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia breathes easier when Nic tells her they have time, and that everyone will be looked after without her. She sighs, taking a couple of deep breaths. The action soothes her, and she opens her eyes after Nic kisses her nose. His next question makes her pause. She hated how easily he saw through her.

”This is supposed to be your exciting moving day. I’m not taking any more of the attention away,” Cassiopeia declared. ”You’ll just have to be the perfect boyfriend later, because I’m supposed to be the perfect girlfriend right now.”

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned when she moved quickly to oblige him. Avery kept his hands to himself while Kimiko kissed him, having a feeling it wouldn’t deter the women if he did touch her.

”I did ask you if it would be okay to show-off,” he whispered. He brushed his nose along the side of Kimiko’s before kissing her softly. ”And I wanted to make sure those other women understood I was taken. Now, can I buy you a drink?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

”It sort of felt like that. I just started thinking about all the things I would need to do if I went with you, and how long it might be and it just.” Cassi tumbles her hands around each other to explain that she spiralled. ”I’ve never gone on vacation or anything before,” she whispered.

Nic’s hands on her legs were soothing, and she was grateful he seemed to anticipate her needs before she knew what she needed. She looked along his terrace, thinking of the types of trees she could put out here for him. She hadn’t been out here since Nic brought her to show her the place. She had been so excited for him, and now here she was, having a panic attack in the middle of something big happening to him. Cassiopeia put her head in her hands. Why was she such a mess lately?

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery looked back at Kimiko as she stumbled over her words. He wasn’t sure what the first slang term was, but the second made sense as well as the third. Avery laughed and stood on the other side of the wooden ledge rather than going to get the axes.

Kimiko looks away from him, and Avery rests his arms on the wooden ledge, completely thrilled by Kimiko’s reaction to him showing off for her. ”Kimiko, I’m going to need you to kiss me now,” he asked of her.

He shifted his attention, and a group of older women smiled, laughed, and waved at Avery. He barely acknowledged them before he looked back at Kimiko.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia feels Nic’s hand press into hers, she shifts her attention to look at him, but it feels like she pushing through molasses. The ringing starts in her ears as they walk about the stairs, and Cassi vaguely wonders if she’s having a panic attack.

The fresh air is like a slap to Cassi’s face and she inhales deeply. The sounds of Chicago invade her senses, and she’s never been more glad to be in a busy city. Cassiopeia collapses on the chair and pulls her hair out of the bun.

”I’m sorry. I don’t… I don’t know what that was.”

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned and picked up two of the heavier axes. He turned around to find his mark. Avery rotated the axes in his hands effortlessly. He took a deep breath in, flipped both axes in the air before grabbing the handles and flung them at the wooden board. They landed evenly on either side of the bullseye, but that was fine because Avery wasn’t aiming for the bullseye. He simply wanted to frame it. The impressive part was that the axes were in line with each other.

Avery turned around and picked up a third axe. He winked at Kimiko before throwing the third and it hit the bullseye, right in between the two axes already in the target.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Of course Cassi’s face pinks when Jane started to laugh. Nic doesn’t tease Cassi, thankfully. He usually leaves that for when they are in private, instead, he explains more about why he’s going to Montana.

”Oh,” Cassi said, nodding over and over again. That made more sense. But how long was it, and what about her cats, or her plants? What about her shop and Nic’s plants? What if she was in the middle of a case? Cassi had never really, ‘gone away’ or had a vacation.

In the past, when she wanted to go somewhere new, she packed everything up and moved on. She had never just ‘gone away’ for the weekend. She supposed she could ask Kimiko to stay at her place if the girl was still around at that time. Maybe one of Caden’s employees would enjoy the change of scenery?

Her and Caden were still barely talking. They’d had a few conversations but brief and always in the presence of others. Cassiopeia still hadn’t moved past his involvement with Nero, and with the two of them going to New York for the weekend, it was almost like the last nail in the coffin for Cassiopeia. Caden was very obviously in love with Nero despite their past, and although it was admirable, Cassi struggled with the idea severely.

Stuck in a spiral of thoughts and anxiety, Cassi hadn’t realized she still hadn’t answered Nic or that she was staring at the floor, still nodding her head, and fiddling with her hair.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden smiled on their lips, kissing Nero back softly. ”Good, because I am excited to spoil you, and to show you off,” Caden said. He ran both his hands further up Nero’s legs, pushing their short dress up now.

Caden’s lips fell back onto Nero’s, and he kissed them more deeply.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery wanted to take Kimiko’s hands to stop her from fidgeting, but she runs off quickly, leaving Avery alone to smile at himself. He turned around, watching her retrieve her axe.

He didn’t mind hearing that Kimiko hadn’t been on many dates. It made sense to him, and it didn’t even bother him if she didn’t date but participated in the other aspects of a relationship. It was a hard world to go through it without anyone. Sometimes energy needed to be released to feel normal again.

”Would you mind terribly if I showed off a little?” Avery asked her.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia was setting the last box she had on the counter when Nic asked her to go to Montana. The box dropped on the counter, and she stared across the room at Nic in alarm.

”What? Why?” She looked from Jane to Kat, and then Ren, looking for help.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden ran his hands down Nero’s side until he feels the skin of their thighs under his hands. He squeezes their legs just as they bite his bottom lip and giggle. Caden chuckles and nips Nero back.

”You are a giggly little thing today, aren’t you? Does that mean you’re excited for our adventure?” Caden asked while running one of his hands up Nero’s leg.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery sat his axe down and leaned against the wooden ledge, shrugging. ”My talents lie in other areas,” Avery said, smirking sideways at Kimiko. She makes another easy bullseye and Avery turns to face Kimiko better.

”Anything really. For example, what kind of dates have you been on if not a first date?” Avery asked.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Shortly after Ren gets to the right floor, Kat and Cassi do as well. They had a rather similar conversation that Nic and Jane were having, except Cassi’s was more forward in wanting Nic to have sex with her. Anywhere at this point. Of course, she said that, but she wanted something special with Nic as well. The slow burn was great but if the moment in the back of the moving van was any indication, she was loosing her resolve on holding back.

Cassiopeia wheeled the trolley over and started unloading boxes that said kitchen onto the counters with Kat’s help.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden’s eyes flashed when Nero bit down on his thumb. He smirked and stepped closer to Nero. ”Then by all means. Bite me as many times as you want,” he said before he snaked his arm around Nero’s waist and hauled them back into the bedroom.

He laid Nero down on the bed and kissed their jaw, distracting Nero from his thumb enough to pull it back and capture their lips with his.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

”At the very least,” Avery said and picked up his axe. He flipped it over in his hand and tossed it with both hands. It landed just shy of the bullseye, but Avery doesn’t mind. ”So, should we have typical first date conversations?” Avery asked, going to get his axe out of the wood.

He pulled down and lifted up on the axe to get it to easily release his hold. In the back of his mind, something told him to throw his last axe of the night as hard as he could and then watch the trainer struggle to get it back out.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

With Nic gone, Cassi can breathe a little easier. She turns around and gets out of the van to see Kat standing there smirking. Jason and Todd get into the back of the van and haul the other heavier pieces out before heading back in.

“So,” she said, giving me a knowing look.

Cassi blushes and grabs the trolley. ”The shorts worked,” she said shyly.

Kat laughed and grabbed a box to carry. “You thought they wouldn’t?”

”No… I just didn’t think they would work that well. I wore them for you and Jane to enjoy as well,” Cassi reminded Kat and gently elbowed Kat’s side.

“It’s been enjoyment for all,” Kat assured her.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden grinned, chuckling softly, and looked around the small bathroom. ”Yes. There aren’t many places to hide in an airplane,” he informed them.

His eyes fell back on Nero, becoming distracted by the way Nero was biting their thumb. Caden lifted his hand to rest on Nero’s and gently pulled their thumb away. He held their wrist, and examined their thumb. ”I thought you preferred when I bit you,” Caden said, and looked at Nero with a raised eyebrow.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery pulled his attention from the idiot instructor when Kimiko takes an axe to go line up. She makes the bullseye easily, and Avery smirked at her response. He took the remaining axes from the instructor and set them out on the wooden ledge.

”Beginner’s luck for sure,” Avery agrees, and waits for Kimiko to retrieve their axe.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

The press of Nic’s hand on Cassiopeia’s hip burned in the best way. The heat worked it’s way lower as she fell more deeply into the kiss, and her hold in Nic’s hair tightened until he pulled away. Her arms dropped right away, but her eyes remained drawn in by Nic’s.

His thumb on her lip had her seconds away from biting it or pulling him back, but Nic had the good sense to grab the discarded box and walk away. Cassiopeia turned away and busied herself with pulling boxes forward to regain control of her faculties.

Okay, maybe she couldn’t handle the teasing. Her stomach still rolled, and she had to actively breath in and out evenly to get the clenching of her body to ease off.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden watched Kimiko dart into the bathroom, and stopped himself from running across the room to grab them and throw them back onto the bed. He took a deep breath in before staring up at the ceiling, and shook his head. A smile forms on his face, and Caden walks calmly over to the bathroom door.

”Mhmm, the bathroom, is nice.” Caden’s frame took up the doorway, and he just stood there and watched Nero.

The bathroom had a little shower, only big enough for one, a sink and a toilet. It was rather nice for an air bus.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned at Kimiko and squeezed her hand. ”Because your trainer wants you to be able to do more than just throw an axe,” Avery said, nudging Kimiko with his elbow.

The instructor for the axe throwing appraised Kimiko, and Avery nearly punched the guy. Avery’s fingers twitched at his side, playing a melody in his head to keep himself distracted while he told the instructor just to teach them both and not worry about what Kimiko might or might not be able to do. Avery understood the person was just doing their job, but it didn’t make Avery any less territorial.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia’s stomach fluttered when she watched Nic throw a look in the direction of the apartment before he easily hopped into the van. Her eyes tracked him while her blood pounded in her ears, and goosebumps formed on her skin.

She had backed herself up until she touched the side of the van. Her box was soon gone and Nic’s lips were on hers. Cassi didn’t hesitate to wrap a hand around the back of his neck and the other slipped into his hair, feeling the impossible softness of his pitch black hair.

They hadn’t been intimate like this for several days, and even though Cassi knew this was a tease that would leave her craving more, she happily fell into it.
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