Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
9 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
9 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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9 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery chuckled and kissed her cheek again. ”Don’t worry about it. At least I got to taste it,” he said. He opened his eyes and noticed Kimiko’s blush this time. His arm around her waist tightened, and he tried to look into her eyes.

”Don’t even think about moving right now. I don’t want you to move yet.”


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden refilled his glass before Nero spoke. He shivered from the power switch and he wrapped a loose arm around Nero’s waist, resting his hand on their stomach.

”I might or I might not. Why? Is there something you would like to do for our morning?”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery relaxed when she vocalized that she loved his song. Of course, he had figured she did and was going to say as much, but she quickly reclaimed his lips. Avery didn’t want to pull away from her so soon, so he kissed her back, his hand sliding up her back to tangle in her hair.

Eventually, he pulled back to get a breath in. ”I’m glad you liked it. I couldn’t tell,” he teased her. He brushed his lips across hers after he spoke and placed a kiss on her cheek.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

”Mmm, Versprechen?” Caden plucked his empty glass back while he kissed Nero’s cheek.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery isn’t exactly sure how to take Kimiko’s initial reaction. He’s never seen this reaction from her. Did he cross a line? Avery swallowed before he nervously set his guitar aside. His hand is barely off the guitar when Kimiko throws herself at him.

Her lips crush his, but Avery’s arms automatically wrap around her. He pulled her in, shifting her legs around so she was straddling her lap. Avery would be lying if he hadn’t wanted Kimiko to do this a hundred times over. In this position, she sits taller than him, and he loves it.

One arm wrapped around Kimiko’s waist securely, while the other rested along her back, his hand splayed across her shoulders in a supportive way.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

”Nein, aber es hat mir Spaß gemacht, zuzusehen, wie du mich beobachtetest.” Caden kissed the top of Nero’s shoulder before pouring himself more champagne.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Rather than fade, Avery's blush grows when Kimiko brushes her finger against it. His fingers twitched with the urge to capture her hand with his and kiss it but he doesn't. Instead, he looked away from Kimiko, trying to gain the confidence to tell her. He took a deep breath in before he looked back.

"You. I wrote it after we got you back and I couldn't sleep. I wanted to write something to remind you and me that you would come back from it despite the hell you endured. That you'd come back to me and I'd be here for you."


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

"Ah, well we can't have mein kleiner Kobold feeling lonely." Caden closed the bedroom door before he picked up his champagne glass and crawled into bed next to Nero.

Caden shoved up the pillows and arranged himself so he was seated against the pillows in the headboard. He patted the space in front of him, inviting Nero to sit with their back against his chest, so they could be close but comfortable while enjoying the remaining desserts.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

"As long as they come, hold your bones to break 'em. Only when the day come, you can sail away . My child, my dear, my child, my love. My love. Oooooo.

Avery becomes easily trapped within his music and the song he wrote that the nerves quickly slide away. It doesn't bother him when Kimiko turns to look at him, because his mind it elsewhere. The song comes to its conclusion, Avery having decided to vocalize the last bit rather than hum it. When it finishes, Avery is almost disappointed, and then he remembers its not just him in the room and he looked at Kimiko.

He smiled sheepishly, feeling his cheeks warm. He cleared his throat and shifted on his chair. "What did you think?"


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden finished the cake, setting the empty plate on top of the other empty ones, and retrieved his champagne. He chuckled before draining his glass.

"But I'm having so much fun," he announced.

Caden set the glass down, smiling at Nero and took a couple steps back, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants finally. He pushed the fabric down, bending over and pulls one leg out before he stands and turns is leg to pull the other off. He folded his pants, setting them on the dresser before looking at Nero.


Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

"That might be better," Avery agreed. He started to play again, his foot hitting a board under his foot to keep time as he played. His fingers danced back and forth between the notes, while he eyes wandered over the crumbled chocolate on Kimiko's lap. He shook his head before he started to hum, and looked at what he was playing as he took on the melody of the piece.

It was a soulful song, something that Avery didn't usually take on, but this song wasn't his. It was hers. It had come to him while he struggled to fall asleep after getting Kimiko back. It was a song that helped him calm down and remember that she was here and that she would come back from this.

"They'll make you come alive one day. They'll make you step inside to make you pay. So don't get stuck on pride my love, when you'll be watching me from far above."

He sang along, his voice a rich tenor that could fall and rise with a hidden melody that just added to the song.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

"Yes, a whole coconut. I was taught to scrape the inside of it and would eat it as is, or add the coconut shavings to other things. Then they'll filled the coconut back up with alcohol of course, and I drank from that," Caden said, remembering the typical tourist moment. He had fun with it though, and it held a lot of good memories for him.

Caden took a couple of bites from the chocolate cake that Nero liked more and savoured each bite. "This is delicious, but I think the other one is my favourite," he declared. The other mousse cake was richer in flavour, and he was fond of the taste.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery set his knife down for know, making a note to clean it so it doesn't stick. "It's the best PB&J I've ever had," he said, grabbing another slice to eat happily.

Avery reclaimed his seat and picked up the guitar. He slid the strab over his neck and looked at Kimiko. "Stop that or you're going to distract me and I'll never get through this song," he told her. He pulled his eyes away, willing his brain to think about something else other than wondering what else Kimiko's tongue could do.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden examined the fruit tray like it held the secrets of the world. "Strawberries are rather delicious, but I have a fondness for blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes, too. Lemons and limes are crisp and have always reminded me of spring and sunshine. Coconuts are also fantastic. I haven't had one in years, though."

Caden picked up a slice of cantaloupe and ate it before he picked up the mandarin cake to have.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery glared playfully when Kimiko pinched his cheeks. He glanced down at his sandwich and chuckled. She had cut it into triangles like he was three and he found it highly amusing. Avery popped one of the triangles into his mouth and ate it before he set the guitar aside and stood.

"The strawberries are to you satisfaction then?" Avery grabbed the bottle of champagne and popped the cork without launching the thing around the room. He grabbed a glass and filled it about half way before he pulled out a knife he usually kept on himself and sliced a strawberry and plopped the halves into flute before handing the glass to Kimiko.

"I'll probably sound better if you're drunk so, drink up," he teased.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

"Mmm, that's not a mess I prefer cleaning up," Caden said suggestively. His eyes roamed over Nero, lingering on his legs and another spot that was nowhere near their mouth.

He walked back to the bed and helped himself to more fruit and cheese. He noted oranges but he doubted they were mandarin. No, they would have to wait a couple more months before those came in season.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery looked up when he heard Kimko walk in. His fingers continue to shift along the fret as he plays out the rest of the chorus. He smirked, unsurprised by her response. "That does not surprise me," he said and dropped his hand from the strings. He holds the guitar and takes a seat.

Avery's eyes drift to the sandwich on a plate Kimiko had carried in. He smirked and looked at Kimiko. "Did you actually make me a PB&J sandwich?"


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

"Nero, my darling, do try to avoid getting chocolate in the bed. It makes quite a mess," Caden gently chided. He turned his head to look over his shoulder back at his mate, and flashed a satisfied grin.

Due to the position of a mirror, Caden clearly saw Nero try and fail to eat their cake while they watched Caden undress. The attention Nero was giving to him, thrilled Caden. He was pleased to have captured their attention so fully not only because it made Caden feel good, but because it also pulled Nero back from their past.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

"I don't know. Would that work?" Avery cocked his head to the side while he asked her. He grinned and winked. "Don't take too long," he said and took the hallway down to the music room.

Once Avery was inside, he debated over the acoustic guitar or electric. In the end he decided to hook up the electric guitar since he didn't get to use that as much in staff housing.

Avery went and set up the Les Paul Caden had and fiddled around with the tuning before he decided to play an Arctic Monkeys classic guitar song that most people knew these days to warm up. As he set about the task, Avery's nerves were starting to get worse. Thankfully, it wasn't affecting his playing, but he was worried about playing something that she hated.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

The grin on Caden's face spreads, his eyes danced with amusement. "I'll ask you again later." Caden obliges his little imp by taking off their shirt. His pecks twitch and the muscles on his shoulders flex from the action of pulling off his dress shirt.

He turns, putting the shirt on a different hanger, giving Nero another look at the dragon tattoo that climbed up his back along with the tattoos on his shoulders and arms.
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