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2 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
9 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
9 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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9 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery smiled, listening to Kimiko’s French as she spoke about how her dreams shifted. ”Did you find being a PI helped you, too, in trying to find your mom but also being able to solve mysteries for others?”


Location: Restaurant

Caden laughed and shrugged, nodding his head. ”It could be very possible. We are merely hosts for our dragons within. They choose us, and we host them until they decide to move on or we die,” Caden informed Nero.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi laughed at the pec dance Nic gave her, but she still blushed. It reminded her of something Avery would do, but she was more attracted to Nic doing it. When Nic told her what side, she had him shake out his arm before letting it rest relaxed at his side. She laid the stencil down over his skin and rubbed it in before pealing back the tracing paper.

”Okay, look in the mirror and let me know how you feel about the placement. We can shift it any way you want if you don’t like it there.” She had made sure it was high enough and angled so Nic could add to it when he was ready.

Zain Anders

”Sprocket, my darling, you’re looking absolutely fine as usual. Have you gotten anything new and exciting lately?”

Zain walked up to Sprocket’s workbench and leaned his arms on the table, glancing at the random pieces scattered about. He picked up a couple to examine them like he knew what he was looking at, even though he didn’t have a clue. Sprocket was usually a procurer of rare and unique items, as well as things that anyone with more than two bits to their name wouldn't buy. But people were often down on their luck here, and if anyone needed a good score, Sprocket usually had the goods. Or the information.

”I could use a cup of black coffee,” Zain said, perfectly fine with however it came. ”And who’s buying up your new supplies, Sprocket?

Actions: Charm Sprocket/Clever +1 = +1 Average result ; Who’s buying new supplies/Clever +1 = +4 Great result| FP: 0| Stress: 0| Consequences: 0
Tag: @MrSkimobile

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery flexed his muscles in response to Kimiko's words, the shirt tightening over his arms before he relaxed. That was another reason for wearing black. It wasn't always so obvious how much muscle tone he had, plus he blended in with her surroundings better and went unnoticed, which was ideal for his line of work.

”Growing up I didn't have much of a dream, and then in the army it was just about surviving but we also had to blow off steam so I started fighting, like boxing. I got pretty good at it and thought I might have a shot at that and did for a while but then everything changed and it was back to trying to survive,” Avery said with a shrug, not really wanting to get into it. ”Did you always want to be a PI?”


Location: Restaurant

Caden grinned at the memory and the reference. The waiters came and collected their appetizer plates and resupplied their drinks.

”It's definitely a dragon thing. I collect knowledge but I'm also drawn to power. My father was music and my great grandfather was the typical treasure. My grandfather and I often got into trouble because of what we needed to hoard. Most dragon legends are based on my grandfather because he couldn't resist stealing what the kings and queens of his time had.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia's eyes wander Nic's body. She smirked and looked at her boyfriend. ”It might be too much of a distraction,” she announced.

Cassi turned and led the pair of troublemakers upstairs to her tattoo room. The lights were bright, illuminating a table that was reclined with a couple pillows wrapped in plastic for sanitary purposes. Cassi had her tattoo gun laid out next to needles in their packaging and a series of colours laid out.

”Fuzzy mentally. The tingling will be felt physically. It should start to work in about five minutes,” she said. ”Which arm do you want?” Cassi asked, holding the stencil paper up.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery smirked and leaned forward on the table. "If I was doing it for you I would just take my shirt off all together," he teased her. He sipped his iced tea before relaxing in his seat again. "It's because I'm not working. When I'm not working, I want to feel more relaxed so I unbutton the shirt, when I'm working, it's buttoned. Depending on what I'm doing, I'll wear a tie, but it always feels too tight and claustrophobic."


Location: Restaurant

Caden happily devours his snails. It was another one of those dishes he rarely got but loved. "I'm sure they would love a look at your collection. But you don't have to put the items on loan if you don't want to, my little imp. I do it to free up space or acquire more. If I didn't, I'm afraid I would have no living space in any of my homes," he said with a chuckle.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia stood in the hallway, watching Nic and Wayland. She gave him a look when he teased her. "This coming from the half-naked man in my living room," she said and nodded at Wayland. "He can come along for moral support. He usually leaves me to tattoo in peace." She walked over to Nic and handed him a cup of tea. "Drink this. It has peppermint, clove, willow bark, and corydalis. All good for numbing pain. I'll also do a little magic and old fashioned numbing cream on your arm to help. You might feel a little fuzzy and some tingling, but you'll be fine and well enough tomorrow to work."

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery's laugh could be heard through the house until he walked into the training room and shut the door. He turned on some music and started to go through the motions. Images of Kimiko flashed through his mind, and Avery pushed himself harder to get them to leave. It was one of the hardest workouts Avery had put himself through in a while. By the end, his arms were shaking.

Like Kimiko, he decided a cold shower was needed after that. He felt more refreshed and settled after that, and cooked breakfast for whoever wanted it. The house started to fill up with people again as everyone returned from their weekends away to get the house cleaned and ready for Caden and Nero's return.

Avery stayed out of the way but helped when he needed to or if Kimiko was busy. By the evening though, he stole her away again for their second date.

He sat at the table, leaned back in his seat after ordering his meal, smiling at Kimiko. He wore his usual attire of black on black, but left the shirt unbuttoned at the top and a bit looser.


Location: Restaurant

After Liberty Island, the boat took them back to Manhattan Island, and the car picked them up. Caden had them head into Brooklyn and to some rare bookstores. He picked up a couple of volumes for himself, some for Avery, and one for Kimiko, plus whatever Nero wanted. The bookstores were quickly followed up with a light mid-afternoon lunch, and then Caden took Nero to some museums, including The MET, MOMA, and the Natural History Museum.

At each museum, Caden was cornered by the directors since he knew them and had done business with them on several occasions. Caden either requested them to find something for him, or he gave them something he had on loan or straight-up sold it depending on what they wanted.

Over supper, Caden explained some of the items he had retrieved or loaned to various museums. ”I’ll probably send them all an updated inventory. See what piques their interest,” Caden decided while he ate his escargot.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Unpacking seems to go by quickly despite the tension Cassi can feel with Ren and Nic. She has a bad feeling that tension is going to keep building until it explodes. At one point, Cassi received a phone call from Detective Costa, and she stepped out onto the terrace to answer it.

Apparently, there was a red cap invasion happening, and since Cassi was the resident Scots person, as well as magical contact, Costa was contacting her.

”Send me all the information you have on what’s happening and what their human form is. I’ll look it over and start on it tomorrow,” Cassi said. She talked for a few moments more before she hung up the phone and sighed.

Well, at least she would have something to do for the week while Nic was working.

After supper, Nic drove them back to Cassi's house so she could tattoo him. She left him with her cats to go and change into something more comfortable to tattoo. Cassi pulled on a dark grey tank top with a pair of green linen pants. She tied her hair back as she walked from her bedroom to the room she was using for tattooing. She turned on the bright lights and started to clean and wipe down everything before setting up.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Joggers

Avery smiled crookedly and walked closer to Kimiko. ”Yes I am. But now I can picture what you're wearing or what you're doing when you're not around me and I like that so much more.” He leaned down and kissed Kimiko's lips once.

”Remember the house is soundproof but only when your door is closed. So if you don't want me to hear anything, keep your door closed. Unless you want me to hear, but then I might come watch.” Avery winked at Kimiko before he left her bedroom to go work out the tension.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Joggers

Kimiko's reactions are priceless and exactly what Avery had been hoping for. He returned her items to the drawer before standing and closing it.

”Well that was fun,” Avery said happily. ”Did you want to come train with me in the gym or would you rather stay here and die?” His tone was lighthearted while he stood watching Kimiko. The smile never left his face even while he drank his smoothie.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Joggers

Avery poked around, not surprised by some styles but surprised by others. He committed her size to memory and was looking at a particularly lacy pair when something caught his eye. He paused and looked at Kimiko before he grinned and pulled the items out.

He examined one of them, chuckling to himself and nodded. ”I can easily accommodate this one,” he declared, knowing she wouldn't be disappointed if this was what she liked. Truthfully, she might be overwhelmed. Most were initially. The second item Avery turned on and played with some of the settings.

”And this we can definitely have some fun with.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Joggers

Avery walked over to her dresser and looked down at the open drawer, smiling in victory.

”Now now, don't be a sore loser,” he said and knelt down to take a better look. ”So many colours,” he mused.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Joggers

”A spoon,” Avery said matter of fact. He headed down the hallway to Kimiko's room, sipping his smoothie as he went. Once he was inside her room, he stopped and looked at her expectantly.
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