Avatar of KazAlkemi


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2 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
9 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
9 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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9 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Most Recent Posts

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

”Hmmmm, okay. All noted,” Avery said, taking Kimiko’s hand while he stands. He squeezed her hand while they walked, and he led her from the restaurant. He pushed the door open, his arm over her head and let her go first before he followed along behind her.

”Are there any tree house homes in Japan?”


Location: Restaurant

Caden smiled and squeezed Nero’s hand after they squeezed his three times, learning that was Nero’s way of saying ‘I love you’. ”I think we balance each other out well. I don’t mind your wholesome, mischievous pranks, but if they go too far, I can bend them back the other way.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia frowned at the simple emoji message back from Ren. That definitely didn’t make sense to her. And he didn’t tease Cass at all today. Something was up. Cassi picked up her tea after the second kiss from Nic, and she followed behind him and Wayland.

”Ya, I think that’s a good idea. Costa wants me to work on this red cap case anyway. I’m not sure how long it’ll take me. They are incredibly annoying and aggressive, and by the sounds of it, there are several of them causing terror.”

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery laughed when Kiki said it was just chocolate-covered strawberries. ”At least make the dessert something challenging. You already know I can make flawless chocolate-covered strawberries,” he said and paid their supper bill.


Location: Restaurant

Caden looked at Nero and reached out to claim their hand. He twitched his fingers, beckoning Nero to unfold themselves and reach out to him. ”It depends on who you ask, I suppose. I think we both saw that the couple was not going to last. If anything, you did them a favour. However, right now she does not see it as such. A little kindness will go a long way in getting her to feel confident again,” Caden declared.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

It isn’t until Nic’s thumb runs over Cassi’s lips that she finally shuts up. In fact, she goes quiet mid-sentence and just stares into Nic’s eyes. How is it he can capture her attention so easily? Aside from plants and her work, nothing can pull Cassi’s attention quite so immediately as Nic can. Her anxious heart is grateful for it.

Cassi blushed when Nic told her she couldn’t take advantage. She would never, but she could tease him. Before she can say as much, Nic is kissing her, and Cassi is leaning into in. She kissed him back softly, tasing the strong tea she made him drink earlier, but its diluted now because of the water and time.

Cassi pulled herself away from the kiss. ”Okay, okay. We’re almost finished with the tattoo, and then you can distract me after. Let your dad know you’re staying so he doesn’t worry.”

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

The next time the waiter came around, Avery asked for the bill. After they left, he crossed his arms and leaned on the table, watching Kimiko. Her fidgeting was getting worse and Avery was half tempted to pick her up and sit her on his lap so she wouldn't run off on him.

”Fresh apple pie, with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce,” Avery said, very specifically. ”Yours?”


Location: Restaurant

Unlike Nero, Caden doesn't enjoy seeing the woman crying by herself. From the conversation he overheard, it was for the best the relationship ended. It wasn't going anywhere, but it came to a forced conclusion rather than natural.

When the cheesecake is delivered to Caden and Nero, Caden asks for the woman's bill so he could pay it along with theirs. Once the waiter left, Caden picked up his fork and sliced a piece. He contemplated it before eating.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi crossed her arms and leaned against the counter while she waited for the kettle to boil. She laughed when Nic remembered what he had said about ninjas and backtracked.

”Awe, why? I was already designing a piece in my head,” she teased him. ”And no, you don't need to massage my neck and shoulders. I rather think you need that more than me.”

Cassi turned around when the kettle boiled and poured herself a cup of hot rosehip and cerulean tea with other fresh herbs. As it steeped, she refilled Nic's water glass for him.

”Actually, would you maybe consider spending the night? I know you just moved in to your new place and the bed is very comfortable since you mention how comfortable it is every time you sleep in it… but there was all that tension with your dad today and you haven't spent the night since that night at Caden's and…” Cassi continued to ramble even as she moved to finish preparing her tea.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery could think of several other things he would enjoy far more for his reward than frozen yogurt, but the stern look on Kimiko’s face, mixed with her hopeful expression, had Avery caving rather than teasing her.

”We definitely have time to get you frozen yogurt.”


Location: Restaurant

”Oh? I thought you and Kiki shared a bond over pranking. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you two,” he said before assuring Nero that they would be getting dessert as well. They still had an hour before they needed to be at the airport to leave.

Caden was equally sad and happy to be returning to Chicago. He was feeling rather tired and was looking forward to sleeping on the plane, but he had enjoyed a simple weekend with Nero where neither of them had responsibilities to attend to. That would all end tomorrow.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi paused to look at Nic’s arm. ”At least another hour, closer to two.” She resumed walking out of the room and smiled at Nic. ”You can leave the room. Just don’t lean against anything. I’ll be swapping the needles out for a fresh one when we start up again anyways, so everything will remain sanitary,” she assured him before she resumed walking.

Cassi rotated her neck and arms while she walked. She stretched out her fingers and yawned before walking into the kitchen. She turned the kettle on for some tea before pouring Nic a glass of water.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery glanced down at the empty plates when Kimiko stopped talking midway through her sentence. In the last week he had replayed each time he came in contact with the Chicago werewolf pack over and over again, wondering if there was a different way they could have approached Levi and his pack. After hours of beating himself up, Avery determined that there wasn’t. Levi and his pack had been self-absorbed and entitled. It wouldn’t have mattered how Avery and Caden treated them. They would have acted and done what they wanted regardless. Avery was just glad he had been there the night at the club. Who knows what Terry and them would have tried that night if Avery hadn’t been there.

Kimiko started talking again, and Avery glanced up at the mention of her underwear drawer. He grinned, amusement plain on his face. He shrugged, the epitome of innocence. ”I have no idea what you are talking about.”


Location: Restaurant

Chuckling, Caden signalled for their waiter and relayed what he wanted. The waiter happily complied before leaving to fulfil the task. A few moments later, a piece of cheesecake with two forks was delivered to the not-so-happy-looking couple.

Still smiling, Caden turned his attention away and finished his drink before finishing his meal.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi paused in her tattooing to look up at Nic with amusement before shaking her head and returning to her task. Most of the next couple hours went like that: Nic feeling rather good and Cassi being entertained by all his wild theories and the things that seemed to upset him most. Honestly, Cassi found most of those things to be amusing.

”I need a little break. Why don’t you stretch a bit? Your body should still be numb, but your head should be clearing a bit. I’ll go get you some water,” Cassi said and pushed her trolley aside before she stood and stretched.

Wayland also took the opportunity to jump from Nic's lap, where he had been happily taking all the human's attention, and went to stretch his own legs.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

The waitress returned with another drink for Avery, so he didn’t have to keep stealing Kimiko’s. He sipped his sweet tea before accepting Kimiko’s plate of fries. ”What did you buy for Nero?”


Location: Restaurant

Nero’s delight is a show on its own. Caden is torn between looking at the couple and looking back at Nero while they enjoy themselves. Caden just shook his head, amused by their antics.

”Should we send over a piece of cake in congratulations for the happy new couple?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

When all the reviews of the movies had come out, Cassi had read up on that fact and knew it was one of several the fandom was disappointed with. ”Rey was pretty cool though,” Cassi commented while she continued to work.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery nearly choked on his food. He stole Kimiko’s drink to take a sip and clear his airway before he coughed and laughed.

”Are you going to ask him before or after you punch him?”


Location: Restaurant

Caden watched the glass float its way through the restaurant until it found the right table. He glanced at Nero, shaking his head, but was fully entertained by the minor chaos Nero had just unleashed.

”Do you think they’ll go along with it?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi focused on her work, but a smile remained while Nic rambled on. She rather liked this high side of Nic. ”I have, but we could still watch them together. Why don’t you like the sequel movies?” she asked him curiously.

Cassi dipped the needle in more of the ink before she continued on.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned and started eating his meal happily, too hungry to continue a conversation for the moment. Once he finished his burger, he finished his drink and cleaned off his hands before he sat back and started eating his side dishes.

”So a PI, living in a tree house. Anything else I am missing? What will you be doing when you aren’t hunting down people?”


Location: Restaurant

”Ah, but I like you just the way you are, my darling imp. Of course, if you wanted to be anything else and I could help you achieve that, then I would,” Caden added.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi smiled and nodded. She finished getting everything ready and started with the outline of Nic’s tattoo. ”Try not to move your arm too much. You might fall asleep, and that’s okay, but if you do need to move or need a break, just let me know,” Cassi said before she turned the tattoo gun on and started outlining the koi.

Avery Zain

Location: Restaurant – Chicago, IL

Avery looked down at the table, his mind processing Kimiko’s words and her tone. They definitely were kindred spirits. Kimiko’s story was her own as was Avery’s, but they both had shared pain from their past. Demons, they were still fighting.

He looked back at her as their food arrived. ”Would you still do PI work if you decided to remain in one place?”


Location: Restaurant -- New York

”Yes, and from my family line. We have a specific pedigree that allows us to sustain and survive with a dragon inside us. Not to say a dragon hasn’t chosen outside my family before, but it is rare.”

The main course of their meal arrived, and Caden happily cut into his steak, mixing it with the potatoes before taking a bite.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi looked up from Nic’s arm to his face when he mentioned ninjas. ”Oh good, the tea is working. Time to sit down, handsome,”

Cassi guided Nic into the chair, and Wayland curled up in Nic’s lap. Cassi lit a candle with a snap of her fingers and poured a fine white powdered substance into her hand. She sprinkled some over the flame and onto Nic’s arm. The candle flared while Cassi spoke the spell in Latin.

”Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala.” Cassi left the candle lit, dumping the remaining powder and turned to focus on breaking the needle out of its package and added it to her tattoo gun.

”Do you want your tattoo black and white or coloured?”
Ezekiel Kel

Location: CHB

Zeke’s eyes roamed over Demetri’s half-naked body. He smirked when Demi shifted to cover himself with his pillow before walking back inside the cabin. ”Good morning to you, too,” he said cheekily. Zeke moved to follow Demetri but the roar of Coach Hedge had him pausing and holding his hands up.

Zeke turned around to face Hedge before he leaned against the door frame. ”I’m just waiting, Hedge! No need to stomp your hooves.” Zeke shoved his hands into his pockets before returning his attention to Demi.

”You’d think they wouldn’t be so uptight about relationships at camp.” Ezekiel glanced back to see Coach glaring at him until Kiera stepped in. Hedge finally left, and Zeke gave Kiera a grateful look.

”Hurry up, Dem. Kiera’s waiting for us.”
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