
Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Caden’s eyes wandered Nero’s body, searching for anything that might have signalled why Cassi and them were no longer together, but aside from Nero’s question being the reason for Cassi’s disappearance, he didn’t see any signs of their conversation having gone wrong.
”She helped you find more memories? What did you see?” Caden was surprised Cassi had helped Nero that way, but he was curious about what they saw, especially if it involved Mundus.
Avery Zain
Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Avery finished the round he was doing with Nic and looked at Kimiko. Avery had set up two bags for them and had Nic follow his rounds. The human was powerful --- Avery had to admit --- he had to switch his style quickly to challenge Nic more.
”I was thinking you and Nic should go, actually. That way I, can get you to switch up or point out where you both need to tighten up more. How does that sound?” he asked, looking at the two of them.