@ThatOneNewGuy you alive man?
An escort of 3 Orks took the scholar into a large tent. It had logs as supports and a large bonfire burned outside it. Inside the tent they found a long table and at the head of that table a large Ork sat. He spoke Xianese, although little of it and with the thick tongued accent of the Dru. 'I Sonatdarok, Darok of Bubgruk. What would you ask of me?'
OOC Sorry I haven't been posting much lately but I was away from Monday to Friday this week.
"True. If you need, you could ask King Turak for aid," he spoke. "You just have to come up with some funny reason, and you get to see the sight of two fanatic armies tear itself apart."
"Although the undead have more skill in the rip and tear factor."
"As you wish so. How goes the war though," he asked. "I am not in the mood, to be killed by some fanatic. I have to put up with one already. Not in the mood to die to one."