@King Kindred@Chev@PPQ Purple@IceHeart
Tabaga, as it turned out her name was, decided to calm down and didn't seem to plan on taking advantage of Velona's offer... which was fine by her, because after watching her nearly snap Yaksha's neck, she wasn't sure she wanted to be alone with the woman. She was well aware saiyans could be brutal, but this one was just a hair too unpredictable and far stronger than what she was used to.
So instead, she simply took a step back and nodded in acknowledgement once introductions were out of the way. There would not, however, be any time to try and make sense of things. It seemed she had made herself the object of attention for at least some of those present.
"No, I-" She stuttered at Titanius's bluntly stated question. "It's... cultural." It sounded so strange to say it out loud. Or rather, it sounded wrong. Blinding oneself culturally? She'd been around enough to know that something being cultural didn't make it good or sensible. Simply putting it that way wouldn't quite get the full story across -- rather they'd no doubt think her people were stupid.
Then again, considering what had become of them...
They hadn't set events into motion, but they'd certainly sealed their own fate.
She took a breath to calm herself once more, "My kind used to be very aggressive. We found covering our eyes to help with that." She kept it short and simple for now. She could explain more later if they wanted her to, but she wasn't really in the mood to say more than that for now.
Meanwhile, the Kai's interrogation of Tabaga had continued and reached a conclusion: Tabaga's universe still remained. It was also suggested that hers was the only one of all of them. An intrusive thought sprouted at this revelation.
"What makes her so lucky?"
A slight tightening of Velona's lips was the only indication that anything had really crossed her mind at that moment. She felt guilty right away. It was clear enough that, universe or not, Tabaga wasn't much luckier than the rest of them. She'd had her share of suffering all the same. It didn't mean she had anything to really return to.
And now they were being assigned missions. Were they to just... obey this Kai? Then again, what else was there for them to do? If she wanted answers, this was probably her best bet.
So be it, then.
"Very well..." She uttered quietly. After that, attention shifted to revitalizing the pink one who didn't have horns and had nearly melted her face off. She... wasn't thrilled with the idea, but Maize had already proven herself capable of keeping her in check, so... if this being was another one of them, plucked from a universe on the verge of annihilation, then hopefully she'd proved to be an ally if she could stay calm.
She lifted a hand, and a few reddish sparks danced across her fingers. It seemed that she still had a half-respectable reservoir of energy. Aside from the one incident, she hadn't been put under much strain since awakening, so she wasn't feeling exhausted. To say she was feeling perky, however, would have been pushing it. A lot. "I can help as well, if you're worried, Mia." Finally had that name squared away. "No need for you to be exhausted if she lashes out again."
The last thing Mia needed was to be dead on her feet in the strange being was still angry. Then someone's face might actually be melted. And, quite frankly, Velona had the feeling her energy would be better off in Maize's hands...