Avatar of KillamriX88


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1 yr ago
Current *Cthulu will remember this*
2 yrs ago
If you're buying "health food bars" make sure you check the sugar content. A little natural sugar is normal, but it ain't heathy if it has 20g added sugar.
2 yrs ago
Being a small pepper.
2 yrs ago
Just shout to the heavens "UWOH SEGGS" and wait for divine inspiration. Or your family's disapproval. Whichever gets there first.
1 like
2 yrs ago
I love when I shovel myself out, drive through a snowstorm to get to work on time... and then my boss calls me 5 minutes after when I was supposed to arrive that he's not coming in and to go home...


Facts about me:
1. I like writing.
2. I like cats.
3. I like RWBY. (#Yangbestgril)
4. I am 30+ years old... (I lost count...)
5. I have graduated college.
6. I'm trying to get better at drawing.
7. I'm a dude.
8. I eat far too much cheese.
9. I watched a Markiplier video once. Now I have a crippling Taki addiction. Don't send help, just more Takis.
10. I have two dogs and they're cuter than yours.
11. For some reason I have three motorcycles.

Various, relevant links:

Most Recent Posts

@Exit Hijacking El Dogo's question to ask: when the RP starts, who will be controlling these NPCs? I'd guess us, but I don't want to assume one way or the other and get too carried away with my devious plotting.

As an addendum to that, since this is the first RP I've been in with a mandatory NPC which makes me a little squirrely about the topic, can we have like minor "faceless" NPCs in our posts. For example, ya boi goes to work and I have his boss yell at him...?

Apologies if this is already actually explained somewhere and I missed it.
@canaryrose Canary rn:


I personally appreciate the idea of an older character to shake things up! My unsolicited and next to weightless opinion is that so far his "who are you" section tells us a good bit about what he does and how he thinks, but yet not a terrible amount about who he actually is. Maybe wait for the actual GM to chime in before I accidentally steer you wrong, though... Just my initial impression.

Basically what I'm saying is that it reads like one of his soap box speeches that a person could go up to, but that person wouldn't really know much about the guy beyond that, and I'd imagine for CS purposes we might want to dig at least a little deeper.

Also, Exit, I realize in my boredom I've been getting very chatty. Feel free to tell me to shut up... >_>;

Suddenly, from no fire to lots of fire. I had to think for a minute, but I find the idea of an upper class character who isn't a "corpo" type quite intriguing. Instead, a sports celebrity. I really like the whole guilty pleasure angle with how they view bending as well. Not a rebel or sympathizer, but not a hardcore conformist either, and yet still (seemingly?) firmly in one camp over the other. She's got a nice amount of nuance from what I can see so far. Definitely a pleasant surprise I'd say.

Also it was getting a bit lopsided in the gender department... XD
Ah, I see, we've finally acquired-


Kicks Yuan into a trunk and locks it.

Ahem. As I was saying. Firebender acquired. It's all coming together. And, as is appropriate, he's a rich, suave looking bastard. Gotta love it.
Oooh, now the squad is filling out!

We got a potential badass, medic, and tech guy to go with my useless cinnamon roll! Just need to find a firebender. Also cool to note that we've got people to rep for every zone. All three rings and the outside!

Speaking of which, I made a few more tweaks and named the pet shop as well as giving ya boi some actual clothes. I hear nudity is still frowned on even after an extra 100 years.
F*k, I was hoping to edit in one more question, but how much detail do you want for the NPC?
OK, good to know. Basically I wanted the glassbending to play a role... but then realized I didn't think I could ever tone it down to the point where it was a full part of his abilities from the beginning, so I decided to make the mentor and have them do most of the work. Also, the main persona almost doesn't know how to earthbend, and the alternate (blue) persona gets all the teaching in secret while "Yuan" is "asleep." But the main persona is in control like 80%~ of the time and the alt doesn't get to come out every time he goes to sleep, so the training he gets is rather limited, as I attempted to make clear in the sheet. But now that I'm thinking about it more, glassbending or no, no one said the mentor has to be a master or anything XD . Just has to be better than him.

In any case, you've made it abundantly clear how lacking our characters' skills should be at the beginning so I'm doing my best to stick to that and won't try to pull a fast one mid-rp or anything. Hopefully that assuages any concerns and we can see how things look when the sheet is closer to 100%.

Anyway, now that I know I was on the right track I'll flesh out the mentor. Didn't want to waste the effort if I had it wrong.

OK I'm not gonna call this quite done yet, but I wanna make sure I'm heading in the right direction before I commit fully to the idea/go all out.

Also I do I have a question:
Please provide information on one NPC related to your character in the sheet.

Does this mean literally family? Just anyone that is involved with our character? Or do you perhaps mean one of those characters listed on the character tab? I'm assuming the second option there, but I wanna make sure before I go any farther.

OK, I think it is done now.
I just love the idea of reshaping the terrain and Toph was my favorite character. To me, earth is just more interesting than spewing globs of "insert element here".

Well that's not entirely fair. Every element can do something cool, but earth just takes it for me in this case.

So yeah it's just me picking my favorite and figuring out what I'll do with that as I go.
Neat. Well while I'm here super early... I'm just gonna say earth bending is my favorite so hopefully that doesn't clash with anyone else! Though I'll be surprised if we're all naturally inclined to a different element each.

Be hilarious if we were though. At that point we might as well call it fate. XD
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