Avatar of King Kindred


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We back!?
Raven ignored Black Adam's taunts and focused on keeping her Soul Self projection shield up. It was weakening and if it hadn't been for Supergirl's intervention he would've broken through. She could sense that Static was doing better than before down below and while her mind was focusing on the vault area she received Psimon's telepathic message.

When Nightwing asked if they were retreating she too sent a message through everyone's minds saying, "No, they have a Pla---" her message was cut short by their enemy's psychic attack. In an instant her soul-self vanished from view and returned to her. She placed her hands on her head trying to shield her from the attack, but it was stronger than anything she had ever encountered. She couldn't see it, but she could sense him as he descended down below. "Static... be careful." She said before finally losing consciousness after all of tonight's exertion.

Static was charging towards Mammoth with both of his fists electrically charged ready to go hand to hand with the behemoth. Fortunately for Mammoth that moment never came as he and the rest of the HIVE disappeared. "What the hell? What is going on? And what exactly is in there?" He turned his attention to the vault and was considering retrieving whatever was inside himself so the villains couldn't get their hands on it. They went through so much trouble for it already, he doubted they'd just give up so easily.

But before he could act on this thought he felt the psychic attack in his mind. "Not again." He fought on hard trying to prevent himself from falling unconscious. When he got to the vault floor the presence became too much and Static fell to his knees trying to force himself to stay upright and think. He saw a green armor wearing alien morph into members of the Justice League. A Martian? What was a Martian doing here and working for the Reach? More importantly, the Reach were back?

Static aimed his right hand at him sparking his fist to life with an immense struggle. He had to stop him, he had to. He sent his blast just as the Martian Beetle sent out the final psychic attack causing him to miss his mark before falling unconscious.

When they regrouped with the Justice League later Static couldn't help but feel like things were going to get a helluva lot crazier and fast.

When Dick suggested that they work together again his eyes widened at the thought. A team of heroes he could relate to. He loved that idea. And the League may need them with all of these villains coming together to plan something.

"I like the name Titans, but we've got to drop the Teen. We handled ourselves like the giant heroes that started all of this today."

Raven was quiet through all of this, not too happy about how everything went down. She knew Batman was going to investigate how the villains knew about the Reach being here before they did and how long they've been back. That or he'd send this new team to do it.
I'll be posting today.
I'm gonna wait to see if anyone wants to help Raven with Black Adam before posting again.
Raven's soul-self winced when it smacked Supergirl away. Black Adam was so good at using them against each other. They were used to working with other heroes, but they weren't exactly used to working together. They at least knocked the Reverse Flash out of the fight. They may have been down two Kryptonians, but Black Adam was now on his own. When he dove for Raven, her soul-self reacted immediately and placed her hand around her as a protective cocoon while she dealt with Black Adam personally. She couldn't stand cowards. Especially a coward that would pick on children.

Raven's fury manifested as shadowy tendrils emitting from her soul self to wrap around his wrists and ankles to hold him in place. Even if she succeeded in grabbing him at all her Soul-Self would emit an eldritch blast from its eyes directly at him.

Dammit. Me and my big mouth. Virgil would've thought if he could hear anything over those damn laughing bells. Psimon had trapped him in some kind of nightmare illusion of what used to be his favorite game show. Once he was out of this he was gonna kick his ass. Focus, Virg. Escape now. Revenge later.

"Sorry, Steve, but I'm leaving. The other team can have the money." Virgil closed his eyes and focused on the bioelectrical rhythms of his brain. They were off, a clear sign that he was in fact in an illusion. He did some readjustments to his brainwaves and botta bing botta boom he's out of there. The world around him started to shatter like glass before he found himself falling into darkness. He could see a light below him and found himself landing in a church back in Dakota City and instead of his costume he was wearing a choir robe. "Of course there'd be layers."

The choir around him began to sing loudly while the pastor hooted and hollered while the congregation started to shout and run around excessively. The more the choir sang, the less sense everyone had. "Yeah, no. I gotta get out of here." He closed his eyes and repeated the process from before. Shattering this reality and dropping down to the next and final one. He could feel it.

This time he appeared on the stage of Wild N'Out in the middle of Wild Style. Virgil was momentarily distracted by the Wild N'Out girls for a moment until he snapped back to reality. Well, almost. DJ DWreck kept ringing the bell at the worst lines and he couldn't take it anymore and after all of this he was starting to think Psimon was racist.

Instead of simply just breaking the illusion Static decided to give some payback with Psimon's own medicine. When he broke free of the final illusion Static sent feedback putting Psimon in an illusion of his own. He would fall to the floor and start seizing just like Static was earlier, but inside his mind Psimon would be reliving the events and games of the Squid Games.

Static stood up, annoyed and angry. Fortunately the three idiots were still focused on trying to break in so they didn't even notice how the tables had turned yet. He took Psimon's advice from earlier and attacked them without words sending a blast of electricity to Shimmer's back to knock her out and a blast to Gizmo's tech to make him useless here.

You assumed correctly. And Static's gonna have some serious nightmares after this.
Virgil couldn't believe this day was happening. He was going to meet all of the Leaguers and all under one roof. This was like Comic Con, but if all the heroes were real. He was also going to meet the other heroes around his age that he didn't get to meet last summer. His excitement turned into immediate disappointment once he and Black Lightning approached the Gala entrance. He saw all of the fancy celebrities and guests and he wondered how long it'd take him to head home from here. "I'm sorry, J. I can't go in there. I'll mingle with everyone after it's over."

"What's wrong?" Jefferson asked, visibly confused as he turned to face Virgil.

"Look at them! They're all snobs. I don't fit in around those kinds of people and I can't hold my mouth back either."

"You don't have to. You're only here to meet the other heroes and provide security. Not mingle with any pompous celebrities. That, unfortunately is my job."

"I feel for you, J. I really do. Hold on."

Virgil noticed a girl around his age standing by herself in a corner. She looked like she didn't want to be here either and from the way she was dressed he was guessing she was part of the special security detail. "I'll catch up with you later."

Virgil ran off towards her and before he even got close she looked up and stared right at him. It was kind of freaky. It almost felt like she was staring into his soul. He was definitely right about her being special. When he approached her he gave her a warm smile before speaking and introducing himself. "Not a fan of fancy parties or fancy people either, huh? I'm V---Static. I'm here with Black Lightning."

"There's too much noise. Too many thoughts and emotions. But I don't get that from you. I just hear, well, static. I'm Raven. I came with Batman."

"Batman and his flying animal theme. I didn't know he was training up a new partner."

"He's not. I... I just help him sometimes."

"Oh. Well, since neither of us really wants to go inside, you wanna hit the roof and watch the perimeter?"

Raven shrugged with a nod and the two disappeared into the darkness. Static made sure to let her know how awesome that was the entire time.

When things kicked off Static wanted to jump in and help the others without hesitation, but Raven stopped him. "There are more coming. No one knows about us yet. We can't waste that, by charging in."

Static gritted his teeth and held his place. He couldn't believe it. Metallo, Black Adam, THE REVERSE FLASH, some creepy sorcerer dude who could summon giant scorpions, and HIVE? What were they all doing here? What was so important in the Hall of Justice that you needed these guys to retrieve it? These were heavy hitters you expected to take on the Justice League, not a bunch of teenagers. The people in danger. They may have been elitist snobs, but they were still people he swore to protect. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something.

Raven's eyes widened as she felt emotion from Static for the first time tonight. He really wanted to help and protect people. She placed a hand on his shoulder and waved the other hand behind them. A door of darkness appeared. "Go. You'll cut off the four inside. I'll help the others finish things up. We'll join you later."

"Thank you, Raven." Electricity sparked through his eyes and fists as he was determined to put a shock to some systems. He ran into the darkness and appeared down below.

Raven turned back towards the battle and started thinking over what she could do. The spellcaster they called Klarion seemed to be handled for the time being and Metallo was out of commission. Kid Flash was fighting the Reverse Flash at speeds she couldn't keep up with and Black Adam was giving the Kryptonians a run for their money. Whatever she did she had to make it count. Then it hit her. She entered a meditative position and began concentrating and focusing on her soul self. "Azarath. Metrion. Zenthos!" Her soul self projected from her body, but it was physical and massive. She appeared as an evergrowing giant and stepped on the ground below causing it to tremble, shake, and break apart just from the size alone. She hoped this would be enough to stop the Reverse Flash in his tracks and lower Klarion's concentration, but she wasn't done yet. She then immediately reached up to smack Black Adam away with the palm of her giant soul hand.

Meanwhile Static stepped out of Raven's dark portal and cut off the HIVE crew before they got the chance to see him. "You guys are a bit far from your nest. You with the brain. You're Psimon, right? I've heard of you. I was never really good at Simon Says. I don't like being told what to do. My teachers all said I had a problem with authority." As soon as he said that he sent a blast of electricity straight for his exposed brain. He wasn't really worried about the other three. He just knew he had to take him out first.

I'll fix them up later and do all the fancy colors and fonts, but I wanted to get these out while I had the motivation.

@CaptainManbeard Let me know if there's any problems with Raven staying with the BatFamily prior to this.

I've read everything in the interest check and IC and already know how I plan on having my characters enter as well as explain where they've been the entire part of the battle. Matter of fact, while I await for approval I'll go ahead and pre-write that post.

||Location: Sol System
||Time: Unknown

Her laugh was beautiful and Harrison was happy to know that she was still capable of laughter after being locked away and experimented on for so long. He caught himself smiling at her once the laughter faded and the conversation continued.

"Honestly? It wasn't that hard of a decision. I didn't have much left for me back home, I couldn't stand how they held you captive, and like you said earlier they probably wouldn't have let me escape with my life otherwise. But you're welcome and thank you, you kinda saved my life as well."

His attention turned to the yellow warning that interrupted their conversation. That seemed to be a bad sign no matter where you were in the universe. He followed her to the engine room and scanned the ship as they moved along. He gave himself a mental tour of the ship since he'd likely be here for a while. As far as he knew they didn't have the money for a new ship and even if they did this one held sentimental value to her.

He shook his head at the sight of the damages. He wasn't surprised that they didn't handle the ship with care or even accomplished anything.

"They had fifty-three years with this ship and couldn't even be bothered to put her back the way they found her. I'm sorry for all they've done to you since you ended up on Earth. But this Kuiper Belt. Anything I should know or expect when we get there?"
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