Avatar of King Kindred


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Web of Life and Destiny Time Unknown

Anansi stared at the large web in front of him. A hint of sadness present on the god's face immediately snuffed out by anger as another universe went dark. Another Spider-Totem dead. It was happening at a more rapid rate lately. Sometimes at the same time. His enemy had friends now and they were splitting up. This wasn't good. He walked over to a particular universe that he had been monitoring. One that he had been preparing to face this enemy. He wasn't sure if they were ready yet. Some had experience, others were still new. These universes that were dying had Spider-Totems who had been at the job for years. No. This wasn't the time to doubt. He chose them for a reason. He trusted them to do what was required of them. Maybe one more test was necessary. One that would bring them all together.

The god rubbed his chin in thought and snapped his fingers as inspiration struck. He smiled to himself almost forgetting the gravity of the situation.

"Oh, this will be fun."

Times Square, New York City, NY December 24th 2023, 8:33 PM

A reddish blue portal appeared in the air above Times Square. The people celebrating on the streets looked up at the weird spectacle and took out their phones to record it. They couldn't tell if this was a Stark Display or some incoming threat. Ever since heroes became prominent in the State villains and otherworldly threats continued to cause chaos. Either way it was another day in New York. If it was a problem some hero or specifically some Spider-themed hero would handle it before it got too bad. They were about as an invasive of a species as real spiders.

After the portal had been opened a minute a large web launched out of it and attached to a skyscraper below it. As if the web were some kind of grappling hook it pulled whatever was on the other end out of the portal. When it landed on the building people could see a rather large creature with six legs, a human torso, two arms, and an almost apelike face. It was approximately as big as King Kong and carried a staff just as large. It looked like something from an old movie.

Despite the familiar feeling to it the masses couldn't help but panic trying to evacuate from the area. This felt way too real to be some 3-Dimensional projection.
<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

No sweat, this time of year tends to bring unexpected busy spikes

Thank you for understanding.

Here's the discord link so you all can pop-in. I'm about to get started on the IC post.

Hey, everyone! I'm sorry, today and this weekend unexpectedly got busy. But I'm free tomorrow so we'll get started then.
I'll get one up this weekend.
I'm also excited! I'm looking forward to seeing how Oliver, a pretty isolated spider-person, ends up interacting with everyone else.

As for a potential discord, I could take it or leave it either way. It'd probably be convenient to talk there, but is by no means something I feel we need.

Same. It's going to be interesting to see the different dynamics as they all end up gathering and working together.

And I feel the same, but wanted to see what the consensus before we started.
Same. I've been really looking forward to playing an experienced Caty. Also, do you guys want a discord?
I'll be starting the IC on Monday to give people more time to get their characters in. I know there's a still a few more wanting to join or have already posted in the interest check.
The OOC is up!! If you've already submitted your CS's you have been approved and can go ahead and place them in the character section.


All right, let’s take it from the top, one more time…

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What do you look like?
(Description is preferable, picture is acceptable. Both is even better. Costumes if you have them)

What's your story? What was it like before and after becoming a Spider-Totem?
(Lay your backstories on me, guys. Good, bad, Uncle Ben moments, etc. Your character will have been bitten at any point within the past 5 years after a young Spider-Duo appeared on the scene. Also note that 5 years of your life has essentially been rewritten to add pain and misery where there wasn't any after being bitten. You don't have to disclose your original history now. Just keep that in mind for later.)

Powers and Tech
(Let's see what kind of Spider you are. What sets you apart from your fellow heroes?)

Do you believe in aliens?
(Also self-explanatory)

What are your goals for the future?
(These can be your goals as a newly-minted superhero, or mundane goals like going to college and paying the bills. Hey, Spider-Manning doesn’t pay the bills; everyone’s gotta have an ambition, right?)

You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?

How much technology do you use on a daily basis?

What do you like?
(Hobbies, talents, interests, things you like and are good at.)

What do you dislike?
(Fears, food you hate, things you consider not-good or bad.)

Do you think true evil exists?
(Heavy question, eh? Just answer honestly. No pressure.)

What’s your favorite color?
(Self-explanatory; also a place to put your text color if you have one.)

Favorite song?
(What song defines your character?)

Anything else to add?
(Miscellaneous. Anything that wasn’t covered upstairs, or anything you think is worth mentioning.)

What are your thoughts on these people?
(Relations. List each character by name, in their respective color, and your character’s current thoughts on them. Most characters should be aware of each other at least a little. To what extent is up to you.)

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