Avatar of King Kindred


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Denise was in the kitchen secretly listening in on the conversation. Clones? That want to kill her kids? She was glad that this young clone of Danny was on their side. Including Caty that was at least three on their side. She just hoped Caty was okay out there all alone. With how withdrawn she's been lately she was concerned. Maybe it was time for Denise to come out of retirement.

"There's no way you can guarantee that. Clone or not, you're not immortal. You don't even have powers. There's no way I can always protect you. I've never been able to protect you. I..." Caty felt herself beginning to break down. No matter what Liz was saying about how she doesn't blame her, that doesn't matter. Caty's not ready to forgive herself. She should've known better. She was smarter than that. More calculated than that. How could she have killed Liz!?

Liz removed her hands from Caty's and placed her right hand on her cheek, wiping away her tear. The other hand she pointed behind her and in the darkness of the alley it started to faintly glow green. "My sweet, hero... You don't have to protect me anymore. I can do that myself." A blast of energy released from her left hand killing a spider that had been observing them.

Caty turned around to see the dark stained ground where the spider used to be. She then noticed a faint glow in Liz's left hand. "What did you just do?"

Liz sighed. They were out of time. "I was telling the truth when I said I wasn't here to fight you. I just didn't tell you the full truth. I thought we had a little more time. But there are others. Not other me's, other you's. I just killed one of their trackers."

Caty stepped back trying to process all of this. A clone of her girlfriend was one thing, but clones of her? Why would someone clone her? Where did they even get the DNA? The thought sent a shiver down her spine causing her to wriggle in place. She shook that thought out of her head. One of them was tracking either her or Liz. Just why couldn't she have some holiday without some freak messing with her? She just couldn't take it anymore! Caty let out a SCREAM louder than the one she let out when she first got bit.

Some pedestrians passing by heard the scream, but once they looked inside the alley they'd see nothing. Caty and Liz were gone.

Meanwhile they were on the roof continuing their conversation. "Seriously?" Liz asked.

"There are psycho clones, no offense---"

"None taken."

"Of me trying to kill me."

"Well, only one wants to kill you. The other just wants to prove she's better."

"You're going to tell me everything." Caty said with a face that said she had absolutely no time for bullshit.

"I can't tell you everything, but what I can tell you is that they're not supposed to attack you before Christmas. Sort of like a Krampus gift to you. We've only been released to get a feel of the battleground. Except we each kind of do our own thing. There's a clone of Danny at your house now."

Caty's eyes widened. She was about to leap off the building when Liz grabbed her wrist. "What're you doing? I have to save them!" She couldn't believe how strong her grip was.

Liz shook her head. "They're fine. She's not going to hurt them."

Caty raised her eyebrow. "She?"

"Yeah. A cute little button named Dani. An error in the cloning process. She's younger and a girl. But she's not who you need to worry about and they'll be able to handle whatever comes their way. You need to worry about your clones." Liz let go of Caty's wrist and let her fully come back to the conversation. "One's not so bad. Actually... she's kind of this hot goth version of you. Totally uninhibited. She's meant to replace you as Caty and Spider-Woman."

Caty was perplexed. For one, her girlfriend or girlfriend's clone was obviously crushing on her clone. This was all so much to take in that she didn't even know how to feel about that. "And the other one?"

"She's a mute version of you. Precise and lethal. Essentially you if you trained to be a spider ninja assassin."

"Oh great. I'm going to die on Christmas." Caty said fully coming to term with her fate.

Cousin? Dani? Denise paused to think to herself. She didn't know about any cousins named Danielle, but the resemblance was too uncanny. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she decided it was safest to play along with it. If this little girl was an enemy she didn't want her to feel like she was cornered. But if she were to be honest she didn't feel like a threat and even if she was she knew Danny would be able to handle anything she were. She placed a finger to her chin before lifting it up into the air. "Oh, yes! Now, I remember. Your uncle and your dad weren't very close, but he did tell me about his brother having a daughter named Danielle. His family loved their naming schemes. When Catherine came out and surprised us your father wanted to name her Danielle, but I thought it'd be too confusing for you two when everyone started calling you Danny."

She walked closer to the two and turned to see what they were watching. It was "Elf". She smiled warmly as she turned to Dani. "Of course, Dani. You're family and it's Christmas. I'm sure Caty would love to meet you when she gets home."

Caty unclenched her fist. A clone? Seriously, what the fuck? "This can't be happening to me."

Liz looked at her with a confused expression. "Wow. That's... not really the reaction I thought you'd have."

"Someone created you to torture me. What? We're supposed to fight? I'm supposed to kill you again and prove to whoever did this that I'm the monster they believe I am?" It took everything in Caty not to just collapse to the floor in that alley and just give up on everything, life included.

Liz approached her slowly and wrapped Caty's hand in hers. "Stop it. I'm not here to fight you. This is a gift for both of us. I'm sorry you went through what you did. I don't blame you for what happened. You tried to save me. You don't have to lose yourself over me anymore. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere ever again."

The day was saved! Or so they thought. The heroes believed they were weakening the giant beast by getting rid of its rather versatile weapon. What they hadn't seemed to realize was that the Spider-Monkey never used the staff to attack them despite the overwhelming advantage he would have had, had he did. He only used it to defend against their attacks, but Araltus was right. This Spider-Monkey was strong, but most importantly it was a spider. Rage filled the uncaged beast as his staff was now used to decorate a building, but that wasn't enough for these heroes. They had to keep attacking him. He felt a familiar sting, but this time in the hand that had been electrified earlier. He roared out in anger, frustration and annoyance and turned away from the group as if he were going to climb back up the building he once rested on. Instead he released a wave of webs from his rear's spinnerets trapping Spider-Woman, the Arachnid, and Weaver in their own medicine, allowing them to feel what the criminals they used webs on went through while they waited for the police. It was not a pleasant or comfortable feeling.

The Spider-Monkey spun back around and shot two webs, one from each of his wrists, towards two cars abandoned on the street. He continued to spin and launched both cars with calculated precision at his remaining enemies. One minivan was flying towards Spider-Man and Araltus while a sedan was heading towards Argyros.

Caty Davis, the Spider-Woman, and Otto Octavius, the Arachnid, In a Sticky Situation

Spider-Woman and the Arachnid found themselves trapped alongside Weaver. These webs were stronger than the ones they created. These were natural, but still structurally more sound than what the spiders of this world created. But this confirmed something they had already known.

"He's really a spider." The Arachnid said.

Spider-Woman rolled her eyes, the mask of her suit doing the same. "Thanks for stating the obvious."

"No, he's a spider." The Arachnid repeated.

"Repeating it doesn't clarify anything." She said almost annoyed at this point.

The Arachnid sighed. "If this were a test you'd fail. You control spiders."

"I don't control spiders." Spider-Woman corrected. "I talk to them and they listen."

"You said don't and not can't."

"I've never done it. Controlling is taking away free will."

"If you don't control him he'll take away our free will to live. You can at the very least talk to him."

"I don't even know if I can. Look at him! He's not even a full spider."

"You better try or your brother's going to get flattened and oh, Araltus too." He said the latter teasingly just in case their mutual friend heard him. Otto wasn't truly as concerned with their fates as he was letting on. He may have been trapped, but he had his own plan in motion at the very moment. They were almost there. He just had to survive a little longer.
Caty was out Christmas shopping. She had been going really hard on patrolling lately and have been a pretty massive jerk to her family lately, especially her mom. They didn't fight or anything. She was just rarely there for her. She lost her husband, the love of her life. If anyone understood how she was feeling right now, it was her mom. But she felt bad, because she couldn't tell her mom about everything. That she killed both her dad's killer and her girlfriend? That she was this superpowered freak that could speak to spiders and climb walls and punch hard? She'd probably think she was some kind of monster. That's what she was starting to feel lately. She was hoping buying these gifts would alleviate her of that feeling. They always said giving was better than receiving.

Jumper nuzzled against her neck tickling her. A small giggle escaped her lips. "Stop it." She said with a slight smile. She looked up and opened her eyes, but what she saw when she opened them made her eyes open cartoonishly wider. "Liz!?" There she was standing across the street, smiling at her. No, she had to be imagining this. Caty wiped her eyes to make sure she was awake and wasn't just seeing things. When her eyes readjusted she saw that Liz wasn't where she just was. No one was. Was she that sleep deprived? She looked around and up the road a bit and saw Liz again. She was just further down the street, walking backwards as if she were calling her to come get her. This wasn't right. Liz was dead. She saw her die. She held her in her arms. She... Tears started to fall from Caty's eyes as she the feelings from that horrid night flooded back into her mind and heart.

This actually saddened Liz. She dropped her face solemnly and turned to face an alley. She looked back up and nodded in the direction of the alley and walked into it. It was clear that the two needed to talk. She reached the end of the alley and waited for Caty there.

Caty rushed across the street and ran into the alley to find Liz at the end of it. She couldn't believe it. It really was her, but how? She knew this was a world of superheroes, gods, and aliens, but dead people coming back to life? If dead people could come back to life why couldn't her dad? She needed him. All of this was so hard without him. None of this made sense. That couldn't be Liz. "You have five seconds to tell me who you are before I make you wish you chose another face to wear to torment me with."

Liz had the same saddened expression from earlier. "I'm sure you took up my five seconds, Caty. But I'm sorry. I didn't think it'd hurt like this. I am Elizabeth Allan. Well, sorta. Same me, but a new body."

Caty was confused. She clenched her fist in frustration and confusion. "How?"

"Come on, webhead. Don't tell me you let your big beautiful brain become vacant in my absence. I'm a clone."

Denise walked into the house with some Christmas gifts herself. She knew this year had been really hard on her kids. From losing their father, Caty's girlfriend, and their best friend's dad. It was all a lot for any normal teenager to process or shoulder. But her twins weren't normal teenagers. She discovered it back in California, but her kids were Spider-Man and Spider-Woman. She couldn't be more proud of them, but she was honestly more worried for them than anything. She knew they could physically handle whatever the world threw at them, but she was seeing firsthand the toll this life was taking on Caty. Her daughter was a ghost of a shell of her former self. Only did things because she had to. Not out of any personal feelings towards them. Like she had become a robot outside of her life as Spider-Woman. That's why she hasn't been pushing back so hard with either of them. She understood what grief did to people, especially those who felt they shouldered the weight of the world. If it got too bad she'd step in, but she had seen some improvement lately even if it was just a little.

"Danny, I'm home! I'm going to put some things away!" She knew that he had a movie night planned with his boyfriend, but figured it was over by now. Despite this she still heard the sound of the TV playing. Maybe Danny just felt like continuing the Christmas marathon. Maybe Caty was home. She put the presents away in her closet and returned downstairs and walked into the living room to see Danny watching a movie with a young girl about twelve years old and for some reason she looked exactly as he did at that age. "Um, Danny? Who's your friend?"
Things hadn't been the same for Gwen Stacy since Halloween night. Her world shattered. All she had was her dad and in one night she lost him and her best friend. The domino of which led to her losing her other best friends. All she had left was her uncle who she wasn't really close to and Harry. Harry at least understood what she was going through. His dad was almost killed the same night by the same lunatic. She couldn't understand why all of this was happening. She took a week off from school and spent it locked in her room crying.

Miles Warren never expected to be anyone's guardian. Especially not of a teenager going through the death of her father. She was never really close to his niece, but he did care for her. She was what was left of his sister and he hated seeing her like this. It hurt him to see her like this, because it was like he was watching his own sister. He decided something. He couldn't bring his own sister back, but he could bring back those that his niece lost. He had done some research into cloning in the past, but never got the approval for such experimentations and when he tried before to bring his sister back it was shut down. He then had to transfer to ESU. He put the plan in motion before the funeral. There wasn't much of his brother-in-law left. If they hadn't already called in an ambulance and fire truck he would've been ashes by the time the fire went out. But there was enough of him to get some damaged tissue. No one noticed anything, because of the damages and it was a closed casket funeral. He also wanted to know more about this Spider-Woman and Hobgoblin. Why they were so strong. He found samples of their DNA as well as Liz's at the Manhattan Bridge. It was a bloody fight. He also hacked into cameras on the bridge to get footage of the incident before erasing it from the main database. He didn't want them going after Spider-Woman for murder. He had other plans for her.

Through an interview with J Jonah Jameson he found out that Hobgoblin believed Gwen was Spider-Woman. He shut down that rumor immediately proving that she was at home during the fateful fight and had only left the house for the funeral since that night. But added that whoever this Spider-Woman was, was nothing more than a masked criminal who killed one of New York's greatest captains and destroyed his niece's life in one night. J Jonah Jameson agreed and that night became known as The Bloody Halloween. Most didn't agree with the sentiments and analysis of that night, but there was a split with the older generations.

Miles became a recluse himself after that interview and began his experiments. He analyzed the DNA he found at the scene and was able to identify the samples. Their DNA was extraordinary. He laughed. He had never seen anything like it. But he could do better. Not only with his clones, but with himself as well. Combining the DNA of Hobgoblin and Spider-Woman with a chemical compound of his own he created an elixir that would enhance his natural body, but give him a Mr. Hyde-esque transformation that would enhance him even more turning him into the ultimate predator with a brilliant mind. He used this new power to spy on Spider-Woman and Spider-Man to learn more about them, who they were, what they could do and for Spider-Man get his DNA.

He found out exactly who they were when Danny Davis came to talk to Gwen. Miles was in another room, but with his newly enhanced abilities he was able to hear that he and his sister were the Spider-Heroes. Now it made sense why the psycho thought his niece was Spider-Woman. He was close, but way off the mark. Now he understood it more. Why this Spider-Woman had been taking things so hard. Why she had become so brutal in her adventures. She lost a lot that night too. He had an idea. There was no way that his niece would forgive her best friends even if he brought back her dad and Liz. This city didn't deserve someone so incompetent that they'd kill the person they were trying to save. He'd clone her and her brother and have their clones kill and replace them. One night when they were both out patrolling he snuck into their home and acquired Danny's DNA to complete his experiments.

It took him a week before Christmas to finally finish. The first clone he awakened was Captain George Stacy. He looked perfect and talked perfectly as well. His memories were in tact, but as soon as he stepped out of the tank he destabilized. Miles cursed it all to Hell. He knew there was a chance that his DNA was too damaged and unstable to create a proper clone, but the others were just fine. Well, all except one. A mutant one. Stronger than the others, but not stable. That one would be on ice until he could perfect it. But the others were ready.

"Santa won't be coming for you this year, Spider-Twins, and even Krampus fears the WRATH OF THE JACKAL!"
The next month was brutal for Caty. She wasn't herself after the funerals of Captain Stacy and Elizabeth Allan. She didn't know who she was anymore. She lost two of the most important people in her life in such a short span. She already felt like there was a hole in her heart when her dad died, but when she killed Liz it felt like someone ripped that hole wider until there was nothing left. It was a miracle she was still alive. But her will and drive to protect and punish kept her alive. After the funeral she contacted Tony Stark and decided to meet him at the Avengers Tower as Spider-Woman. She didn't feel like Caty anymore. Tony recognized this in her when she pulled her mask back to drink some water he provided her. He could see that she was losing herself into her darkness. He recognized that look, because it was the same one that he saw when he looked at the bottom of a glass. He wanted to offer her support, guidance, and a mentor. The Caty inside her was screaming for her to say yes, but she couldn't hear her. She declined his offer and asked for tech to upgrade her web-shooters. He offered to work on them with her instead. She decided there was no harm in it and they worked together in silence. That moment in silence was what she needed. Tony knew that and didn't force more out of her.

Unfortunately that moment wasn't enough to make her feel better or start to reform her torn heart. She desperately wished she did, but nothing could help. So she went searching for the next best thing. Someone to punch. Spider-Woman began making a name for herself in the underground. The worst of the worst, the people that profited off of the misfortunes of others were on her hit list and she was on theirs. She wished she could beat up Norman Osborn, but unfortunately she couldn't. As far as she knew Hobgoblin was a raving lunatic and there was no evidence of wrongdoings on Norman's part. But she couldn't deny the fact that a lot of strange things were happening at Oscorp. First the bio-engineered spiders, Doc Connors and his lizard serum, and Hobgoblin and whatever gave him his powers. What was next, supercharged electric eels? Regardless, she couldn't act and ruin Harry's life when they're not hiding what they're doing. She just hoped Danny was okay there. Maybe he was doing some investigating of his own. She honestly didn't know what he's been up to. She hasn't really talked to him or been home much since Halloween. She didn't like being home. It just reminded her of everything she lost. Everything that Caty lost and Caty didn't exist anymore. She was only at school to take tests and they sent her work home with Danny. She did it all, but it meant nothing to her. She just didn't want her mom bothered with it all. She officially quit the Cheerleading team. She only joined it because of Liz. She couldn't talk to Gwen either. She felt so guilty about everything. She tried to apologize to Gwen at the funeral, but messed up when she told her that Hobgoblin thought she was her. She blamed Caty for her dad's death. If only she knew that she felt the same way. But she let her yell at her, slap her, hit her chest, and vent out in anyway that she felt was necessary. Caty deserved it. She was right. She gave her, her space.

Spider-Woman really had no one. She was alone. She couldn't even go to Liz's parents house, not inside. She left them flowers at their door every morning, but she couldn't see them. She couldn't talk to them. She couldn't lie to their faces so it was easier to love them from a distance. Karolina reached out to her after she heard what happened on the news. In fact, the whole group chat messaged her with condolences and said they'd be there for her if she ever needed anything. She told them she appreciated them all and abruptly went ghost. She knew Nico would understand and Gert could handle it and Molly was spamming her with memes whenever she got ahold of Gert's phone and signed each one. If Spider-Woman were to be honest those memes were the only thing keeping her sane. It reminded her there was still light and good in the world. She felt bad for ghosting Karolina though. She really appreciated her support, but she felt guilty. Karolina was nice and attractive and she did not want to think of anyone like that, not so soon after Liz's death. Caty didn't even exist anymore so her dating life didn't either. It died with Liz.

The month moved in a blur. Spider-Woman barely slept and only ate to keep up with her increased calorie intake. She didn't eat for the joy of food anymore. She operated solely for the mission at this point and that included this Thanksgiving at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This was a huge event and she learned lately that whackos loved attacking New York on holidays. First a Norse god brings a bunch of blue giants on her and Danny's birthday. That may not have been a widely recognized holiday, but if Liz was correct they were the targets. Then Hobgoblin on Halloween. There's no way no one was going to try and ruin this holiday for her as well. She felt targeted and she was not going to bring that home. She decided to watch the parade afloat one of the floats. If anyone was going to attack this was the perfect time. This year the floats included members of the Avengers and she was atop Captain Marvel whose float was positioned as if she were flying across the city. Of course there was nothing for her and Spider-Man yet. Though she felt like she didn't deserve one at all. She was no hero. Just someone with powers playing vigilante.

Her Spidey-Sense temporarily pulled her out of the hole her depression was digging. "I hate being right. Who is it now?" She looked around and couldn't hear or see anything. The ringing was getting even more intense like the danger was getting clo---. Something rushed past her peripheral and the next thing she heard was a large POP, then the hissing of air. She felt herself sinking into Captain Marvel's back. That wasn't good. She could hear the sound of screams below. She dove off Captain Marvel to speed past her and ran underneath the falling float. She then released an abundance of webs in rapid succession to create a giant web that kept the float from falling even more. She then shot strings of web at the buildings to her left and right before attaching them to the giant web holding Captain Marvel up. The crowd cheered and thanked her and she was honestly getting overwhelmed.

The good mood was interrupted by the person who caused the danger in the first place. "You think you won, Spider-Woman? You feel like the hero? This city will know the menace that you are." Said a man in a green suit and feathered mechanical wings announcing his presence.

Spider-Woman was absently dumbfounded. She knew she saw something out of the corner of her eye, but she didn't think it was a flying turkey. "Oh, you read the Daily Bugle? I didn't know turkeys could read. But seriously, dude. A turkey costume debut on Thanksgiving?"

The green turkey was furious. "I'm not a turkey. I am the VULTURE! Inventor of the Underworld and Spider-Woman's assassin!"

Spider-Woman was more annoyed than anything at this point. But she needed to get this clown away from people. "A reading and inventing turkey. Man, what are they feeding you on that farm? Wait, are turkeys raised on farms? I don't know, I'm a city girl through and through."

"You!!!" The Vulture said, his pale face turning red with fury. He extended his wings and pushed back propelling himself forward towards Spider-Woman.

Criminals were all the same. Gullible idiots. Spider-Woman let the Vulture grab her and carry her away into the sky. She waved to to the people below. "Don't worry, I'm okay! I'm just leading him to the oven. This turkey's a little too fresh." When they were some distance away the Vulture through her into a building. She braced for her landing and gracefully landed on the glass. Her old ballet teacher would be so proud. She pushed off the glass pulling some of it with her fingers before bringing her arm around to punch the Vulture in the face. He feinted a punch in return, but shot her with one of his feathers. It grazed her and she fell from the sky. She held her side with one hand and shot a web at a building with the other. She sighed with relief, but that relief was gone instantly when she felt her Spidey-Sense again. She looked up to see the Vulture slicing her web through a flyby. She cursed and started falling again. "Not this time." She let go of her web and released another one at the Vulture's stomach. It attached and he began pulling her through the city as if he were a bull at a rodeo trying to get her off.

When the Vulture looked down and saw Spider-Woman still holding strong she removed the hand from her side and shot another web, this time at his forehead. As soon as it attached she pulled it forward with enough force to bring him crashing to the ground. They were close to the ground when he was finally able to cut both webs with his wings. Spider-Woman landed on the ground and watched as the Vulture was about to take flight again to recuperate. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked shooting two webs at his wing harness and yanking it off. She tossed it away from him and caught him as he fell.

"Don't think you've won, Spider-Woman! My genius can't be---." He was cut off by a web to the mouth from Spider-Woman. She dropped him on the ground and webbed him up.

"I think I just created a new Thanksgiving Dish. Turkey Stuffed Web. But don't worry, maybe the President will pardon you since it's still early." Spider-Woman said with a smile under her mask. Punching goons was okay, but she stopped another costumed weirdo today. One that wasn't able to hurt anyone, because she was there to protect them. Something was beginning to form inside the empty hole in her chest again.
Danny was right. This was the worst Halloween ever. She singlehandedly destroyed two families. Captain Stacy was dead because some lunatic thought she was Gwen and that same lunatic killed her girlfriend, was hunting her girlfriend, because she took pictures of her. She really wasn't sure there was a way to bounce back from this. She wouldn't blame Gwen if she hated her for this. She didn't even know if she could even look Liz's parents in the face.

She was about to respond to Danny when she looked up and noticed the Allans walk in. Caty immediately burst into tears and ran up to them. They embraced her as she cried in their arms. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't save her! It's all my fault." They caught the attention of others in the waiting room and Liz's mom began to soothe her.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything."

But that wasn't true. She could have done something and what she did actually got Liz killed. But their words still comforted her despite her knowing the truth.
Caty had accepted Danny's hug. They stayed there until they heard sirens in the distance at which point Caty told Danny that they needed to get out of there. She dialed Liz's parents and told them that Liz was on the way to the hospital. She swung Liz over to the hospital. She landed right next to the entrance and carried Liz the rest of the way. She held her bridal style, thoughts lingering in her mind how they'd never be able to see the day they got married. She really didn't know what to do.

They entered the hospital and she screamed out, "I need help!" The staff got to her and Liz immediately, but it didn't matter how long they took. She was already dead and it was all her fault. Everything leading to this moment was all her fault.

She waited with Danny for Liz's parents. She was glad he was here with her. At least he understood how she was feeling. At least partly. She decided to stay in her costume. It was Halloween and she needed it on in order to explain to Liz's parents what happened.
Once Caty and Liz noticed that Danny was actually having a great time with a cute redhead they decided they didn't have to stay for the rest of the party. They saw their friends, danced, and enjoyed each other's company. Neither of them were truly the partying type anymore. Caty felt like she had so much responsibility and was getting antsy.

She decided she wanted to walk Liz home before going on patrol. Things seemed eerily quiet on their way home. They were completely oblivious to all of the chaos currently going down in the city and to the fact that they had targets on their back. They wouldn't be oblivious for long.

Caty felt the intense sensation of her Spider-Sense again. She looked around, but couldn't see anything. She let go of Liz's hand and pushed her to the side while pulling her mask down. She heard an almost silent whirring behind her and turned to see a costumed Goblin riding some kind of death glider. He grabbed Liz and started to fly off.

Spider-Woman shot a web at his glider trying to keep him in place, but he turned around and sliced the webs with blades coming from his glider. "Uh, uh, uh. Not so fast, Spider-Woman! If you want Ms. Allan alive meet me at the Manhattan Bridge for a Halloween Showdown! And don't even think about asking your boyfriend Harry the Spider for help." He then flew off towards the bridge leaving her both confused and distraught.

"Boyfriend? Harry the Spider? He thinks I'm Gwen and Harry's Spider-Man?" She didn't stay long to think about it and swung after the two. This guy seemed to be after her, but didn't even know who she was and he knew who Liz was. She didn't know who he was or what he wanted, but there was no way she was going to lose Liz. Not after she lost her dad.

Spider-Woman arrived at the Manhattan Bridge and noticed Liz atop one of the suspension towers. She tried to rescue her, but was immediately knocked out of the sky by the Hobgoblin. "Not so fast, Spider-Woman. Beat me and she lives. Lose and you both die."

Spider-Woman didn't have time for this clown's games. She webbed him down from off his glider and started relentlessly assaulting him. She was glad that she got back into the dojo. Her movements were more fluid and precise and she landed more hits than he avoided. The opposite was true for her, but when he did land a hit she realized just how strong he was. He was as strong as her. So she didn't have to hold back at all.

Round two between them became more intense. Frustrated from his inability to make decisive blows he jumped back on his glider and launched two pumpkin bombs at her. She shot a web at them both and launched them back towards him. He avoided the first, but the second pushed him and his glider back. He was mostly unscathed and it caused him to laugh. "You have to do better than this or poor Elizabeth will end up like your father."

Even the eyes of her costume widened at the masked freak's words. He wasn't talking about her father. He was talking about Gwen's... Captain Stacy was dead and it was all her fault. This guy wanted to hurt her. "Who are you? What did I ever do to you?"

"Nothing personal between us. Blame your boyfriend's father. He destroyed my life so now I'm doing the same to his son. Though to be fair on a completely different scale. But as for who I am? You may call me Hobgoblin!"

"A stupid name for an even stupider man! I'm not Gwen Stacy and I'm not dating Harry! I'm dating---actually, nevermind. You don't need to know that. But you do need to know that I'm going to kick your ass." Spider-Woman said more pissed off and determined than before. She wasn't going to let this man get away with murder or take anymore innocent lives.

The two charged at each other. Hobgoblin extended the blades once again trying to impale her, but Spider-Woman jumped onto his glider and the two started boxing with nowhere to run. The chaos of the glider fight cause them to fly up towards the top of the suspension tower where Liz was. Hobgoblin feeling furious over the fact that he couldn't beat Spider-Woman despite how hard he attacked her decided it was time to play dirty.

Hobgoblin brought the two of them over to Liz and grabbed Spider-Woman's neck so she couldn't stop his plan. With his other hand he reached down and grabbed Liz by the neck. "You may claim not to be Miss Stacy, but it doesn't matter anymore. You pissed me off so now I'm going to make sure you feel even more guilty tonight."

"Please! Don't! She has nothing to do with this!" She tried to break free from his grip, but the more she struggled the tighter his grip got.

Liz looked at Caty beyond the mask with tears in her eyes. "It's okay... I love you. Don't let him win. Don't let any of them win."

Spider-Woman struggled desperately to break free. She had to save Liz. She couldn't lose her. She watched as Hobgoblin released his grip around Liz's neck causing her to fall to the ground. Right after he dropped Spider-Woman as well and hovered above to watch the show.

Spider-Woman had to act quick. She shot a web at the top of the suspension tower and once it was attached she looked down at Liz and shot a web towards her leg. She stopped her right before she could hit the ground, but Spider-Woman heard a sudden snap. She connected the two webs and climbed down towards Liz. She ripped her down from the web and checked to see if she was okay. She wasn't. She wouldn't wake up.

"Liz... Liz, wake up. Don't do this to me! I need you. I can't do this without you. I already lost my dad. I can't lose you, too." But she did. Liz was dead. She knew it and Hobgoblin knew it and it was all her fault. What good was she as a hero if she couldn't save the ones closest to her?

Hobgoblin hovered down to gloat. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I BROKE THE SPIDER! I WON! I WO---"

What he won was Spider-Woman's unrighteous fury. All she could see right now was read. She tried so hard to do things the right way, but sometimes criminals were just evil and irredeemable. She didn't care that Norman destroyed his life. That was no excuse to kill innocent people. But him? He wasn't innocent and she was a witness to that fact.

She placed Liz gently on the ground in the middle of his gloating and turned to web his glider. She yanked it with enough force to send it and him flying into the side of the bridge causing the glider to explode into pieces and a few of his bombs went off in the impact.

Unfortunately for them both he was still alive. Seriously injured, but still alive. That was fine for her. She wasn't done with him yet. She rushed towards him and started beating his face in. She wanted the pain to stop. Hers or his, it didn't matter. Before she could finish what she intended to do she heard the sound of a rocket's engine behind her. The sound stopped before the sound of heavy metal hitting the ground followed after. "I think he's had enough, kid."

Spider-Woman turned around to see Tony Stark, no Iron Man right there on the bridge with her. Under normal circumstances she would've been fangirling, but this wasn't normal circumstances. She dropped Hobgoblin on the bridge and looked back at him. He was completely unconscious. Had she actually gone through with her last punch, he would've been dead. She then turned back to Iron Man. "He... he killed my girlfriend and my best friend's dad, because he thought she was me. This is all of my fault. I have to make it right. Why should he get to live?"

"I asked myself that very question. Once for myself and once for my enemy. A man named Obadiah Stane worked for my father and I. But he wanted more. He wanted the company so he secretly had my father killed. Unfortunately for him, I'm better in every way and the rightful heir so the company went to me. He didn't like that so he tried to kill me as well. Tried to blow me up with one of my own weapons and when that didn't work he had me kidnapped by terrorists. I built my first armor in that cave because I realized what the weapons my company and I made had been doing. Destroying and taking lives. Almost took my own, but didn't. So I asked myself, 'Why do I get to live and not all of the people I killed with my weapons?'. I came to the conclusion that I survived so I could make up for every life that I took."

His words resonated a lot with Caty. That was exactly how she felt and exactly why she worked so hard following the night she killed a man.

Iron Man continued. "I freed myself with my new armor and resolve and eventually confronted Stane with the evidence. He then revealed to me that he was behind my father's death. I wanted to kill him so desperately, but my girlfriend stopped me. She reminded me why I decided to keep the armor on after I freed myself. To protect lives. Not take them, not anymore. They may not deserve to live, but they don't deserve to have the power to kill the good inside us as well."

"Thank you, Iron Man." Caty said finally. "You really don't know how much I needed to hear this."

"No problem, kid. And call me, Tony. I see me in you so I guess this time I just had the right words to say." Tony walked over to Hobgoblin and picked him up before pulling a business card out of who knows where. It had the Avengers logo on it with the name 'Tony "Iron Man" Stark written in the center with his phone number underneath. He handed the card to Spider-Woman. "Call or come by the Tower anytime. Mask or no mask. I already know who you are, Miss Davis. In the meantime I'm taking this one to SHIELD. I'm sorry for your loss. Don't drown in the darkness. Have someone you can talk to." He gave her a nod before flying off with Hobgoblin still unconscious dangling in his arm.

Caty walked back over to Liz and just cradled her in her arms. She couldn't believe she was gone.
The Hobgoblin crashed through the window of the Daily Bugle's editor's office. Fortunately most of the employees had gone home for the night. J Jonah Jameson hadn't. He fell to his desk from the force and picked himself back up after he saw a shadow hovering over him. Then he saw the weirdest looking thing standing on a glider in his office. There was barely enough space for that.

"I'm looking for the one that takes pictures of Spider-Woman." The Hobgoblin snarled.

Jameson fixed his tie and said, "I don't know who you're talking about."

"Liz Allan," he replied. "It says it right there in your papers."

"Oh, that kid. I don't deal with interns. Can't tell you anything about her if I wanted to and frankly I'd never want to. Get out of my office." Jameson said confidently and unafraid.

The Hobgoblin rushed forward and grabbed him by the neck and gave him a gentle squeeze. He didn't want to kill him after all. "You're lucky I need you alive to tell the story of my glory. The Rise of the Hobgoblin and the Fall of Spider-Woman and Spider-Man!!"

In that moment blue and red lights flashed outside and a helicopter beamed a light through the broken window.

Down below Captain Stacy got on the MegaPhone. "Costumed freak! It may be Halloween, but destruction of property, attempted murder, and false imprisonment are still very much against the law. Come out with your hands up and your... He's on a what? Okay. And your glider down!"

"Attempted murder?" The Hobgoblin asked, confused. "I must rectify that." He dropped Jameson and headed out the window and down below to the police officers. "You provided me a wonderful opportunity Dear Captain! I get to kill you and the last thing you'll know is that it's your daughter's fault because she's Spider-Woman!"

Captain Stacy and the other police opened their eyes and mouths wide with shock. Captain Stacy's daughter was Spider-Woman? That wasn't possible. This distraction was enough for Hobgoblin to pull three pumpkin bombs and launching them at the police officers. He watched them erupt in orange-green flames. He laughed maniacally while it happened and turned to face the Helicopter. He pulled another pumpkin bomb out, but before he could throw it the Helicopter took off.

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