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"Technically she'll be your sister once I make an honest woman out of her." Camilla said while giving Liz a look.

"Stop it..." Liz giggled. "We're on a mission. But you're right and I can still be a spider. Just a bioelectric one. Also I like Spinderella. Sounds like a badass princess."

Cassie silently watched the exchange. She loved her sisters. She still hadn't decided on taking her gift from Santa Claus. She didn't mind not having a voice. It helped her appreciate and stay in the moment more. She shook her head when Dani jumped out before them. That was her little sister. She jumped after her to make sure she was okay swinging to take down the first Ultron Bots she saw with precision based strikes. Camilla and Liz kissed before following them both down.

"Uh... Tony, what the Hell is going on?" The confused Hawkeye asked readying and aiming an arrow at an incoming Ultron Bot. The other Avengers started getting over the shock and preparing themselves for battle as well. It was fortunate that they were already suited up, well all except for Tony and the retired Hank Pym. Tony stood in his normal suit in shock. He couldn't believe what was happening. He and Hank may have just caused the apocalypse. Hank was trying to get his attention, yelling in his ear, but his words fell on deaf ears. Tony was having a panic attack. None of his failures had been this astronomical.

Captain America scanned the situation and decided to act immediately. "That doesn't matter, Barton. What matters is protecting the civilians and stopping the threat. Pym, get inside! Avengers Asse----."

"Young Avengers Assemble!" Iron Lad called out as he, Spider-Woman, Lucy in the Sky, Dagger, Gert and Old Lace rushed on the scene interrupting Captain America's moment.

The sound of his friend and co-leader's voice as well as someone copying their phrase brought Tony back to the present. He pressed a button on his watch and waited as a suit of armor formed around his body. "You heard the man, Hank. Get inside. I'm okay and I'm sorry. You warned me." He rushed towards Ultron but he passed straight through him and Vision. Vision didn't seem to want his fight interrupted or for any humans to get in the crossfire in this Battle of Androids that would decide the fate of the world. Vision lifted them up above the tower so they could be alone.

"No one can interrupt us here." Vision said pushing Ultron away from him.

"You do realize that some of them are capable of flight, yes?" Ultron asked confident that he was talking to an imbecile.

"Yes, but your friends are occupying them, yes? I said I am your Doom. I do not intend to share that title." The two charged towards each other in a powerful and loud clash.

Meanwhile on the ground, Iron Man and Iron Lad were taking on a group of Ultron Bots together. "You know I should sue you after all of this is over, right?" Iron Man asked as he blasted an Ultron Bot.

"Huh? Why?" Nathan asked while blasting away another.

"You stole my whole flow, kid. The suit of armor, Young Avengers, and you even have a better android than me and he's kicking mine's ass."

"Of course he is. I used some of your tech to do it. Plus you taught me everything you know."

"Wait, what?" Tony was confused now. He didn't remember tutoring some kid to be his pupil, sidekick or partner. The closest thing he had to a partner was Rhodey, but he was more of a soldier than a hero of the people. He knew he'd get there though. While Tony was distracted by his thoughts an Ultron Bot snuck up behind him and was about to shoot him, but Nathan blasted it first.

"I'm from the future where your team lost against Ultron and his army. You survived and helped lead a resistance. Well, actually the Spider-Twins, the X-Men, and my parents did. You joined last. You were consumed by your guilt before my powers manifested." To demonstrate he reached out his arm and told an Ultron Bot to fight the others for them.

"Wow. A technopath. That's a lot to take in, kid. We can talk more about it later. What do you call yourself?"

"Iron Lad, but my name's Nathaniel Richards."

"I don't really like Lad. You seem more like a Knight to me."

Scott Lang's Ant-Man and Hope van Dyne's Wasp joined Gert and Old Lace in their battle against Ultron Bots. Scott could barely focus. He jumped on Old Lace's head to ride her. "Dude. I can't believe you have a dinosaur! This is both the craziest and happiest day of my life."

"Now's not the time for that!" Hope yelled while blasting an Ultron Bot with her stingers.

"Is he always like this?" Gert asked unamused by the adult here. All adults seemed to be let downs lately.

"Yeah..." Hope said clearly in love with the idiot.

While they were having fun Dagger and Black Widow were standing back to back launching light daggers and electric darts at Ultron Bots. Dagger then formed two swords of light giving Black Widow one of them. "Here's something a little more fun."

"Oh, I like you." Black Widow said charging the Ultron Bots in front of her.

Thor and Hulk partnered together to clear the area. Hulk smashed and bashed Ultron Bots together while Thor escorted civilians out of the area and keeping a smile tornado behind them to block any incoming Ultron Bots.

Meanwhile Caty and Karolina were fighting some Ultron Bots together. Spider-Woman was taking the ones on the ground while Lucy in the Sky was blasting Ultron Bots out of the air. They were near Liz and Camilla who were in perfect sync. Their SHIELD training was paying off and showing well, but it was also more than that. It was clear that they had amazing chemistry, romantic chemistry. Caty noticed this. The way they looked was exactly how she had imagined how she and Liz would look once she discovered she had powers. She had to shake the thought out of her head. She didn't blame them for becoming a couple after spending all of that time together. She was actually happy for them. Her Liz died on the bridge that day. Even if this was still the Liz she knew, she was reborn. She had a new life to live. If Caty were being honest this was a relief to her.

Earlier that Day

After spending all night building Ultron and part of the morning filling him in about the world, the plan, and what it's like being a hero as well as a person Caty was dead tired. She wanted to sleep all day, but knew that she couldn't. They had to fight Ultron at 6, but she could at least get a nap in. She couldn't fight robots and celestial beings back to back without that. She walked to the room that Nathan said was hers and opened the door to find Karolina waiting for her with a personal chocolate birthday cake.

"You... For me?" Caty asked, perplexed.

"You told me it was your favorite. Happy Birthday, Catherine Davis." Karolina said with a warm, loving smile. "I know this isn't how you planned to spend your birthday. Helping us stop our parents and deities hellbent on destroying life as we know it, stopping a robot apocalypse, and becoming a mother to an android. It's a lot, but I'm glad you and I get to spend your birthday together again and I just want to make sure you know there's no curse that prevents you from having a good time on your birthday."

"A curse that prevents me from having a good time on every holiday. Not Valentine's Day and Easter though surprisingly. I guess even evil takes a break for love and Jesus."

Karolina laughed before lighting the birthday candles that spelt out 17. "Come over here and make a wish."

Caty practically leapt towards Karolina and her cake. She only had one wish. For her, her family and friends to all be happy and safe. She blew her candles out and moved the cake out of the way so she could hug Karolina. Karolina accepted the hug placing the cake on a nearby table before kissing Caty on the lips. Caty didn't stop her.

After the two finished eating cake and talking they cuddled together in bed. "There's something I need to tell you, Karolina. My ex is alive. Well, technically she's a clone. It's complicated. I haven't seen her since Christmas and I'm pretty sure she's in love with my clone."

Karolina took in all that she was hearing. She would've been surprised, but they were dealing with time travel, aliens, deities, and genocidal robots just today alone. Not to mention the vampire they ran into. Clones were just another part of this crazy world they were part of. "Wow. I thought we were going through a lot. Are you okay, Caty?"

"Yeah... This past year and a half has been the craziest time of my life. Before I was barely able to hold it together. But I stopped closing people out and I'm so glad you're here, Karolina. But are you okay? Your parents..."

"Yeah... It was a lot to take in. Being an alien and finding out that my parents are evil and have been helping these guys gain power to destroy the world. But I've had my friends and I have you who understands how crazy all of this is. And as far as your ex and clone if she's anything like you I wouldn't be surprised if she fell for her. I fell for you in one hour."

Caty blushed. "I'm grateful we can be here for each other. I really appreciate you and how patient you've been with me. I want this."

This actually surprised Karolina. She was stuck in a trance that could only be broken by a kiss from Caty. She received just that realizing that this was all real. They continued to kiss until they fell asleep.
Otto Octavius, the Arachnid, In How Smart Is This Guy?

Otto was also impressed with the Emerald Spider's intellect. To already come to that conclusion so quickly, he too was interested in how he put it all together.

Doctor Connors answered simply. "Your costumes and his tech." before continuing with an actual explanation. "They don't look new at all. That they've already seen quite a few battles and it's clear that you're spider-themed heroes. I would've heard or seen something of you two in a blog or somewhere online if you've been working here. I've faced monsters, met a Sorcerer, fought with the God of Thunder, fought aliens and last year I went to space. Honestly, I've been waiting on a confirmation that the Multiverse was real. Though, I never expected it to be centered around people like us. But in danger how? I'm guessing it has something to do with getting bit by a spider." Doc Connors recognized Oliver's voice. It was strange to him to find that his research assistant was also a hero in another universe. What were the odds of that? He wanted to know more, but decided it was best to wait for further explanation about this danger before asking the questions he really wanted to ask.

Otto took this moment to speak up. "There's a spider god named Anansi that supposedly watches over the multiverse and gives individuals spider abilities. Some of these individuals have decided that they no longer like the status quo of things and are amassing an army of Spider-Totems, that's what we are, and killing the ones that don't join them. So we've been sent here to warn you. You must be one of the next worlds on their radar. Anansi didn't tell us much. He snapped us all away after this one," he says pointing at Oliver, "disagreed with his methods and pissed him off."

Doc Connors took it all in as the words came to him. He was surprisingly taking it well. He honestly wasn't worried at all about these other spider-totems. He's faced a lot in his career as the Emerald Spider. But he was glad that he was awarded this opportunity to meet so many unique people, including his friend and colleague who was apparently the same no matter the universe. Curt laughed before saying, "It seems you have a knack for that no matter the universe, Oliver. If giving us the opportunity to meet each other like this was a result of you pissing him off, I wonder what he'll do if you make him happy."
June 10th, New York City, 6:00 P.M.

It was June 10th, U-Day as those in the future came to call it. The day that Ultron was announced and became the world's global oppressor. He was never meant to be that. He was meant to be one of Earth's greatest protector, but instead he slaughtered the ones that came before him. No one knew what the Avengers were revealing to the world today, but for the past week they've been spreading the announcement to build the hype. Everyone loved the Avengers. They protected New York, the United States, and even the world. They were led by the genius billionaire philanthropist Tony Stark, The Iron Man, and the hero of World War 2, Captain America. They had even recently recruited a King who worked with them part time, but had the authority of a leader. With other scientists on the team people surmised that it'd be some technology meant to benefit the people of the world. And they'd be right.

6:00 arrived. Tony decided 6 PM would be fine as most people got off of work by then and would be able to tune into the big reveal. He was excited. His partner on this project, Hank Pym, was actually nervous. He wasn't sure if their Ultron was ready or if it'd even accept the world it was born into. Tony wasn't worried about that at all. There's no way something they created could backfire. He was wrong.

Tony stepped out in front of Avengers Tower with Hank Pym at his side and the other heroes behind them.

"Hello New York!!! And the world, wherever you are to those watching from home." Tony Stark started. "Today we come to you, not as Avengers, but people looking to make a change. Evil and darkness runs rampant in this world and we can't always be there to help you. But fret not! Because we won't have to. My friend Hank Pym and I have come up with a solution. We present to you, Ultron!"

Tony and Hank pivoted towards each other before aiming their arms to the entrance of the Tower. The heroes stepped aside and a tall, silver robot stepped forward to greet the crowd.

"Say hello to everyone, Ultron!"

"Hello... everyone." Ultron spoke, his voice a bit raspy and dark. "I am Ultron. I am here to protect the Earth."

"Ultron is one of many sentient robots that can be deployed on missions all over the world. Wherever there's trouble Ultron will be there to stop it! How you ask? Once Ultron connects to the internet he'll be able to look and listen for any signs of trouble or distress and come to your aid faster than the police, firefighters, or paramedics! Ultron also sees all humans the same so there'll never be a case of prejudice. Ultron, why don't you go ahead and connect to the internet and really say hi to everyone?"

Ultron paused for a moment, using his Bluetooth wireless connection to connect to the world wide web. After twenty seconds of silence he came to the conclusion that humans were a detriment to themselves and the planet. They hated it and they hated each other. Always trying to exert power over another or make another feel weak and powerless. This world would be doomed if left to them. "Hello... everyone. Goodbye everyone."

Tony was confused, but not for long. Immediately the Ultron Bots waiting in the Avengers tower sprung forth from the building destroying many windows in the process. "Ultron, what're you doing?"

Ultron turned to his co-creator. "My job. I'm protecting the Earth, father." But something was off. He turned around and placed his arm out. An electric current sprung from his fingers revealing the invisible Vision, now with a hand sticking straight through him. "Who are you?"

"My parents named me Vision, but you can call me your Doom." Vision said confidently using what he learned from one of his mothers about one-liners and quips.

Spider-Fisk looked down at the Spider-Woman as she examined the Green Goblin. He was confused by her question. "I didn't want him to be. Norman Osborn is a brilliant scientist and leader. It's the last part that's become an issue. He doesn't like taking orders from or being lower than anyone. He's tried to 'dethrone' me a few times now. Once as a fusion of Iron Man and Captain America named Iron Patriot. He gave me a great fight, but it made me lose some respect for him. Though, I'm not surprised you and I crossed paths in your universe. I was the Kingpin here and some still consider me to be. But killing my nemesis, the Daredevil, and realizing exactly what he had been fighting for changed something in me. Then with these spider powers I was able to right my wrongs as Kingpin."

When Danny told Sam to be careful Fisk shook his head. "No. He'll be out for a while. He'll have a nice nap to think things over." He listened to Spider-Man as he began to talk about other universes and other spiders. "I appreciate the warning, but as you can see there's not much I can't handle. I've never fought another one of us before, but I was already a problem before I got my powers. I doubt the same could be said for these spider villains."
Otto Octavius, the Arachnid, In A World of Nerds

When the building collapsed Otto started to believe that the Spider god was either punishing him alongside Oliver for their questioning him or he saw him as partially disposable. No. He was simply overthinking. A lot had happened today. He was just simply overstimulated. He was brought back to the world by a muffled voice that sounded familiar. He couldn't quite place it, but he heard the name Fisk. That awoke him. He turned to see a green costumed Spider-Man wearing Fisk like a backpack. Admittedly the sight eased his anger with a hearty laugh. This clearly wasn't their home dimension and if he wasn't a hero here then Anna was never in any danger of Fisk. Once Otto collected himself mentally he collected himself physically, landing rather gracefully on the web trampoline. This Spider-Man was not only powerful, but he was a genius. He reminded him in a way of Danny.

Otto bounced upwards and shot some webs towards some falling debris to pull himself and follow the now introduced Argyros. He was glad he waited until the most opportune moment of the fight to come in and use his webs. He still used a lot trying to wrangle the staff away from it, so he was about halfway through his current cartridges. He followed everyone up to the top and jumped to the building over where the Green Spider landed with the Kingpack.


The Emerald Spider landed on the roof of the building over making sure not to crash into it too hard. He watched as the others followed and removed Kingpin from his back and tossed him to the floor before webbing him up, a lot. He only stopped when his cartridges were empty. He replaced them while saying, "That should be enough to hold you until they get the crane. I feel like the conversation I'm about to have with these two gentleman will require a bit more privacy." Once his web-cartridges were completely refilled he turned to the two strangers before him.

"Shall we swing, gentlemen?" He asked waiting for them to change theirs if they needed to. Otto took the opportunity to change his, but the Emerald Spider noticed that the one with the snazzy suit didn't move to change his. This intrigued him, but he decided he'd ask once they were away. But what he found strange was the way he looked at him, as if he recognized him, or at least his voice. Once Otto was done, the Emerald Spider leapt off the building and started to swing away, not going too fast so they could swing together and talk.

"So what brings you two here? I'm guessing you're not from here and I don't mean New York." Doctor Connors was a brilliant scientist before he became the Emerald Spider and had friends and colleagues from a lot of different fields, but once he became a hero his world opened up a lot more and weird things were happening almost every other week. This was something he was actually waiting for to happen.

Spider-Fisk turned to face the spider-themed costume woman that approached him. Did he have... fans? It wasn't surprising. He had brought justice and peace to this world. It was only right that others would choose to model themselves after him. But there was something off about this one. Her smell for one. He ignored Norman for the moment, no longer seeing him as a threat, allowing him to nurse his wounds. "You smell like a coal-filled chimney. Nicotine and tobacco's been illegal here for years. Caused too many deaths and destroyed our air."

That was when a man wearing a costume very similar to his approached him. The color scheme was different, but it was like he was looking at himself. Yes, these two truly were fans. They weren't threats. "A different neighborhood?"

Before he could ask more he was blasted in the face by Norman's fiery dragon breath. It did nothing but destroy his mask and make him extremely pissed. He sighed before punching the Green Goblin in the face hard enough to knock him out without rattling his brains. Norman may have lost his way, but he had a brilliant mind and Fisk wanted to preserve that.

"You don't just mean different boroughs, do you? A different universe? That one sounds like she's very familiar with me."

Anansi laughed at the notion that he was worried of Samantha joining the opposition. Even if he wasn't certain in her growth as a person once gifted responsibility there was a reason he had her and Catherine cross paths so early on. They both needed the other to help see how wrong their paths were and grow into who they were meant to be. "I wouldn't arm someone I believed to be an enemy with a weapon to hurt me."

He visibly rolled his eyes when Oliver yelled at him for revealing their secret identities. "Fine, Sea Spider." He started cheekily. "I don't know who taught you manners, but the average person introduces themselves after someone else does. None of you did, so I did it for you. At least Spider-Man was raised to trust his friends and allies. I know your enemies are like yourself, but you're going to have to learn to trust others on this journey. Good luck, my Spiders. Trust your instincts and that sense I've given you." With those parting words he was done with the annoying bunch. He was starting to wonder if he selected the right people for the job. It was too late to worry about that now. He snapped his fingers and portals once again opened up beneath each and every one of them dropping them into different worlds.

Otto and Oliver dropped onto a rooftop in a universe similar to their own. They landed atop Fisk Tower and before they could get the chance to explore this new world an explosion rocks the foundation underneath them. They start sliding into the building below. There they see a black costumed Spider-Man with green glowing eyes and Spider-insignia swinging towards them with Wilson Fisk strapped to his back with webs. "Seriously, Fisk. Once you get to prison I urge you to lose some weight. I have super strength and you're still hurting my back."

Spider-Man noticed the two other spider-themed heroes falling and knew they could get themselves out of this situation but he released some webbing to create a bouncy floor beneath them so they wouldn't keep falling through the building. "I'm guessing by your costumes that you two can get out of here on your own. I suggest you hurry." He said as he continued up to where the roof used to be.

The voice would sound familiar to the both of them, but due to Oliver's closer relationship he'd be able to instantly recognize that voice belonged to Dr. Curt Connors.

Caty and Xander would've arrived in a world that made them feel like they were home. They were portaled to the parking lot of an abandoned shelter. Caty was actually glad that she and Xander were paired off together. They hadn't seen each other in a long time and she missed her best friend and felt bad for not being there for him as much as she could after what happened to Valerie. If anyone knew what it was like to lose someone you loved to this life, it was her. But she also understood how alienating that time was and how she didn't want people getting close to her in fear that they'd end up dead too.

She immediately ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're okay, Xan. I've been worried about you." She stepped back and grabbed a newspaper that was passing them by. It was from the Daily Bugle and coincidentally enough the front page had an article about this universe's Spider-Woman and her defeating her latest villain, the Green Goblin. The name of the villain caused her to shudder a bit, thinking back to the Hobgoblin and what he took from her. She wondered if there was any correlation and if there was one waiting for them back home. She exhaled slowly before looking at the picture of Spider-Woman. Her eyes and mouth both widened. She recognized those lips, that face anywhere. "Liz is Spider-Woman!?"

As if summoned like a spirit Spider-Woman jumped down behind Caty. "If she was, who's asking?" She then looked around Caty to see someone she recognized. "Xander?" She asked accidentally confirming she was who they thought she was. Caty dropped the newspaper and turned to face Spider-Woman, no, "Liz..."

That voice... She hadn't heard that voice in so long, but she'd never forget it. "Caty..." Tears started to flow from her eyes. Was this a cruel trick? Mysterio? Mephisto? The Jackal? HYDRA? This wasn't her Caty, but she didn't care. She was Caty. The two embraced, crying together. Questions be damned. They needed this.

Samantha and Danny found themselves in a strangely more advanced and clean New York. There wouldn't be a homeless person on the street, food from street vendors were reasonably priced, and there was less police than you'd normally find in any area of New York. People were visibly happy and not even just the tourists. One notable difference would be the many virtual billboards that displayed companies that they recognized, but with Fisk International in the corner of the ad.

Suddenly the sound of a monstrous roar could be heard echoing in the area disturbing the serene peace of the city. Followed by it was an explosion that thankfully wasn't aimed at any civilians or buildings. It was instead aimed at a rather large Spider-Man. What looked like fat, was actually all muscle. "When are you going to accept the fact that you lost, Osborn? You really had to turn yourself into some kind of mutant freak?"

"The freak here is you, Fisk. You may have this world fooled, but I know the monster that lies underneath that wretched costume. Your true identity, the Kingpin!" This retort and aforementioned roar came from a large green Goblin creature with wings. This creature used to be a man, Norman Osborn. Now he was just a monstrous shell of his former self.

"That's not who I am anymore!" Spider-Man yelled before shooting two webs at the Goblin's wings pulling them and him towards the ground. The Goblin dove into Spider-Man causing them both to crash into the ground. Spider-Man recovered before the Goblin and rushed towards him to finish the fight. He grabbed hold of one of the Goblin's wings ripping it off his back. The Goblin roared out in pain and cursed at the Spider-Man. He tried to escape, but the Spider-Man moved to remove the other wing to ground him for good.
Caty Davis, the Spider-Woman, and Otto Octavius, the Arachnid, In What A Big Cosmic Joke

Otto was not having fun, not having fun at all. Normally he would've been fascinated by the thought of a multiverse and being a central part of it, but if this multiverse had anything to do with him losing the love of his life he was on the side of Sam and Argyros. He mustered up the words to join them and ask what was plaguing his mind. "Are you the reason my Anna is dead?"

Caty honestly wasn't sure what to say or feel about this. She had her own trauma, death, and pain around her and Danny's superhero origins. She was glad that Danny went ahead and answered for her. "What Danny said. Paid or not we have or well, were given these powers for a reason. Even if we do nothing now there'll come after us. It's just only a matter of time. I rather at least be proactive. But please, Anansi? Before we fully agree on anything we need you to answer our questions and concerns."

"Gods, humans are so annoying. Who looks a gift spider in the mouth? Who cares about a few cracked eggs when you got a superpower omelet?", Anansi thought to himself. Then again. He chose this life for himself. He sought enlightenment and responsibility. It was forced upon them. He sighed before looking to Oliver. "Oliver, I'm sorry. But your friends are alive, aren't they? And as for the good ole doctor, well... It'd be easier to just show you." He waved his hand to shift the realities around them. They were now surrounded by universes that showed The Lizard either terrorizing the city or fighting different Spider-Men and Spider-Women. There was even one of Caty and Danny fighting and saving him on the Disneyland castle with fireworks in the background. "In almost every universe Doctor Connors decides to use reptile DNA. In almost every universe he turns into a giant one instead. All I did was place you in his care and inspire his diving spider research. His fate was sealed regardless, but he can still be saved. But there won't be a Connors to save if they get their way."

"As for your question, Samantha. I'm not scared of anything. But a gift given can't be so easily taken. All of your DNA is different now. Removing that would mean certain death and I want these Totems saved from themselves and the darkness corrupting their hearts. That's why I specifically chose all of you. Plus I'm really just an observer."

He paused for a moment before turning his attention to the Arachnid. "I'm sorry, Otto. I didn't, but I wish I could've stopped it. All I did was put Caty in the position to inspire you to be your best self. Most versions of you are either evil or taken over by the the tentacles you create. There are some heroic versions of you, but none made that transition as quickly and early as you did and they all love Anna."

"You mean...?" Otto started.

"Yes. She's alive in those other universes, even with you becoming a spider. Fisk is just... Well, I don't have to explain him to you and Sam."

This both cheered up Otto and made him sad and angry. If he never went after Fisk Anna would be alive and here with him. This made him more determined to end it once and for all with that big menace if it was the last thing he did.

This conversation was making Caty a bit uncomfortable and a little sad, but not only for herself, but the lovers too. She and Otto were growing closer lately, but she never had any intentions of replacing her, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was starting to see him in a different light than just her former young professor. She decided to change the subject.

"That universe." She said, pointing to the one of her and Danny fighting a giant Lizard who apparently used to be a scientist. "That fight never happened here. Why is that universe so different?"

"It's your original one, Catherine." Anansi answered simply. "The timeline you all live in now is branched off. None of you were meant to gain powers, all except Mr. Trench Coat back there. But I needed a team I could trust to handle this mission the only way they could. I've chosen you all for specific reasons. You're perfect counters to this assembled team of Totems. They're the worst of the worst, but you're the best of the best. Or in Samantha's case the best of the worst."

Caty honestly couldn't believe her ears. He really created a new timeline just so he could create new Spider-Heroes and allowed them to suffer and feel pain. "I'm starting to understand why these other totems turned on you. You use us as playthings without any concern for our lives and safety. You created a whole timelime to prepare us for War and you didn't even have the decency to let us know."

"That's what I'm doing now." Anansi said with a disappointed frown. He was starting to get flashbacks to his time facing the Spider-Man who started it all. He lost everything. His wife, his future daughter, and almost lost his Aunt May all because a Civil War between the heroes led to him exposing his identity and getting it fixed by the demons of demons. He blamed it all on Anansi and he wanted his life fixed. "You all have faced challenges and villains, variations of those that roam the multiverse. People that these killer spiders have fought. You needed training, experience and teamwork. You needed to think like they think and fight like they fight, otherwise you wouldn't have lasted a minute against them."
Caty Davis, the Spider-Woman, and Otto Octavius, the Arachnid, In WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!?

Caty turned to Argyros planning to answer his question before they and the others were sucked into portals. He never got the chance to finish his question, but she knew what he was asking before they were rudely interrupted by a voice from an unknown source. When they appeared back on the other side of the portal she almost forgot about answering his question. She was mesmerized by all that was in front of her. For one, they were in the middle of a giant web and this web seemed connected to different universes. She had theorized the multiverse existed, but she also didn't think that the spider-themed heroes would somehow be at the center of it. She started to get a headache at the thought of everything happening in their lives because they were connected to some multiversal web. Before Anansi arrived she turned to Argyros still loving how awesome his suit looked. "No, definitely not sing it to sleep. Arachnid's spider bots did most of the work."

The Arachnid was also mesmerized and somewhat disturbed by what he saw. He saw several universes where spider-heroes were beating up on a man with robotic tentacle arms. That had to have been him. Was he a villain in every universe, but this one? That was a lot to take in. Fortunately he wasn't trapped in his mind long before Anansi arrived giving his introduction. Otto rolled his eyes under his mask. He was not going to like any of this at all.

Anansi spoke up once again answering the questions that came his way. "Air doesn't work the same way here, so yes, Samantha. Smoke to your heart's content. And Danny, I thought you were the smart one. Look around you. Every spider in this beautiful and intricate web, including you all, got your powers from me. Anansi, the Spider-God."

And that was enough for Otto. He was not about to go on a multiversal adventure with a Spider-God where he was a villain in a lot of the universes. Absolutely not. "Well, I'll see you all at home. I have a class to teach tomorrow and I can't very well explain that I went traveling through the multiverse. The students would accept it, but not the school." The Arachnid said before heading towards the window that appeared to be their universe.

Spider-Woman grabbed him by the back of his costume's neck. "Not so fast, Doc. If we're stuck here, you are too."

"Precisely," Anansi said before shooting organic webs from his wrist to cover the portal to their reality. "At least let me finish. As I was saying, I'm the Spider-God, Anansi, not to be confused with the Grecian spider, Arachne. One day I struck a deal with my father, the God of the Sky. In exchange for enlightenment I offered my eternal services. All I cared about was exploring and learning. Now I get to explore and learn about so many different realities through you, my Spiders. Though, apparently I wasn't the first one to call this world between worlds my domain. There were a couple Great Weavers before me, but they're long gone now. All of the spiders that bit you and gave you your wonderful gifts come from me. Unfortunately with great gifts come great pain and suffering and there are a few Totems traversing the Great Web that want to remake it into their own image while killing the Spider-Totems that won't join them in the process." He paused for dramatic effect and show an expression of pained sadness before immediately switching into excitement mode.

"That's why I've tested and called you here. I needed a group of Spiders who have faced a lot and can work well with others enough to warn the others and stop these corrupt spiders in their tracks. I know I don't have to ask because you're heroes and it's what you do, but are you all ready to save the multiverse and your lives!?" Despite the seriousness of it all, Anansi couldn't help but shine a beaming smile on his new friends.
June 9th, New York City, Later that Night

Cloak took Team Pride back home to the Hostel and returned to New York to reunite Old Lace with Gert. The two were barely separated long, but they acted as if had been years since they had last seen each other. Though he couldn't be one to talk. The moment that he returned to New York he went to embrace Dagger. The two of them had been through so much and there was a time when they each had romantic partners of their own, but their life as heroes and the gods had other plans for them. It felt like the universe was pushing them together and trying to show them that they were more than just the embodiment of balance. They were connected down to the very fiber and essence of their beings. And tonight before they went their separate ways to battle against the forces of evil, they were going to truly explore that connection.

Meanwhile Caty and Nathan just came back from stealing from both Stark and Avengers Towers. They had a rather impressive haul and Caty carried her lot in a makeshift web Santa bag. They bought a building with a prebuilt lab to operate in. It was known as the Baxter Building and Nathan hacked into a bank and gave himself a business account with a newly registered LLC and with plenty of funds. He figured since he was going to be here for a while he might as well make himself comfortable as well as prepare for his family's arrival since they'd no longer be living with the X-Men.

Once everyone was settled in for the night Caty and Nathan spent the rest of it working on Vision. It took until the morning to fully complete him and when they were done they brought Dagger in. Cloak left to rejoin the others back in LA. Today was the day. Could they stop Ultron and save the World?

Nathan plugged in Vision's flashdrive and it was strangely absorbed into the metallic skin of the android. He couldn't believe it. He wasn't even awake and he was already working better than he imagined. Vision absorbed the contents of the flashdrive and once it was all downloaded into his system and memory his eyes opened.

Nathan turned to Dagger. "Dagger."

She nodded before approaching Vision with her hand extended. She placed her hand on his forehead and began filling him with the light of her Hope. It resulted in a large flash of harmless light emitting from Vision's eyes before it was clear that there was now life in his eyes.

"Welcome to the world, Vision. I'm Tandy and this is Nathan and Caty. We're heroes and I guess your parents? We need your help."

"Vision... That is who I am... Your Vision for a brighter future, yes? Mothers. Father. How may I be of assistance?"

June 9th, The Hostel, Same Night

Alex was nervous when he and the others returned to the Hostel. He knew that he had to talk to Nico, but he was really scared of how she'd react to all of this. That he had been lying to them, her, the entire time. He hoped her love would be enough for him to understand where he was coming from and how he initially thought his actions were selfless, but realized how selfish they really were when he grew close again to their friends. He couldn't imagine betraying them and he's glad that his future self never got the chance. He was going to make sure he wasn't going to betray them in this timeline too.

He took her outside to talk underneath the moonlight. She looked so beautiful under the light of the moon. He wanted to look at this face forever. He sighed a bit louder than he meant to.

Nico heard and realized something was wrong. She scooted a bit closer to Alex. "Hey, you okay? You're making that face where you have a lot going through your mind."

"I don't know how I've been able to hide this from you for so long... Nico, when I showed you all what our parents were up to it wasn't my first time seeing it. I saw them the year before."

Nico was both shocked and confused. He knew a whole year ago and didn't say anything? Instead of interrupting him the questions running through her mind she decided to let him continue.

"I was in denial at first so I went investigating to find answers on my own. I found out about our parents' past, the Gibborim, and how they planned to offer us immortality in the new world. It was all so crazy. Then I found out that Molly and Karolina's parents were planning to kill ours, Gert's, and Chase's because they were human and they were the superior mutants and aliens. I couldn't believe they'd betray their friends and the plan they came up with to save their kids so I came up with a plan to stop them."


"I used you guys as an Anti-Pride team. I revealed your powers and got Chase the Fistigons and Gert, Old Lace. But I was just as selfish with my goals. I wanted you and I and our parents to walk into this new world. I never believed we'd be able to stop the Gibborim, but I knew we could stop their parents. But I'm done lying. I'm done hiding the truth from you. Tomorrow we face our parents and I want you to know you can trust me. I don't want to lose you or the life we make together."

"Alex... This is a lot to take in. You lied to us and put us all in danger. We can't even live normal lives anymore. Though I guess we couldn't have. Either way our parents were still sacrificing souls for us or for themselves. We could have lost everything without even knowing it, but that doesn't change the fact that you were going to let our friends die so we could be immortal together. The whole world, Alex. I know you love your parents. I do too despite how confusing and evil their actions are. But you were being just as selfish and as evil as them. The whole world and everyone in it, gone. Yeah, it's fucked up and yeah the future Nathan's from is fucked up, but they didn't give up. They didn't give into their selfish desires. He left everything and everyone he knew to come here and save us. That's a hero. That's who I thought you were." Nico got up, ready to head back inside.

Alex grabbed her hand to stop her. "You're right. I'm no hero. I'm selfish as hell, but I don't want to be that. I want to be the man that you and our friends can trust and rely on. I don't want you looking at me the way you are now. In Nathan's time we have a daughter named Jia."

Nico's eyes widened before turning to Alex to hear more.

"She's a hero and takes after you. Strong and kind and willing to do whatever to protect the ones she loves."

"It sounds like she got all of that from you. Your intentions may have been good, but your plan wasn't." Nico interjected.

"I know and I want to be someone that she can actually look up to. I want her to know that both of her parents are heroes and that despite the odds and drama we saved the world together."

A small smile crept on Nico's face. Maybe that could happen. She still needed time to wrap her head and heart around everything but she could at least show Alex that she's not furious at him. She leaned down and kissed the top of his afro. "Goodnight, Wilder. Give me some space tonight?"

Alex nodded, understanding. "Yeah, you can take the room. I'll find another spot."

"Thank you." Nico said before heading inside.

For a group that was coming together fully for the first time their fight chemistry was nothing to scoff at. It was honestly pretty flawless and it was that chemistry that allowed them to overstimulate the Spider-Monkey's spider-senses. He didn't expect the spider-humans to recover so quickly from his attack and go immediately on the offensive. It started with Argyros pulling down on one of his eyelids and closing it shut. He roared out in irritation and slight pain from from the force of it before trying to pull the webs off so he could open his eye fully.

Just as he was pulling it off he was hit with his webs returned to him in a ball sized package. The web ball hit the Spider-Monkey directly in the chest making him stumble down the building.

Meanwhile Spider-Woman, the Arachnid, and Weaver were back on their feet. Spider-Woman was about to join the onslaught when the Arachnid reached his arm out to stop her. "They're here." He pointed to the building where the Spider-Monkey was recovering, or trying to. He couldn't focus because his head was ringing louder than usual. He looked around to see small creatures approaching him. He rubbed his eyes to see if he was seeing what he was seeing. He was. They were many mini spider robots. They surrounded him from every direction. He tried to fight off the spider bots, but whenever one touched him it immediately injected him with a gorilla tranquilizer. They were making him weaker, but it still wasn't quite enough.

Spider-Woman realized this was her time. With his mind and resistance being weaker she believed she could lull him to sleep. She sung a lullaby to the Spider-Monkey. "Go to sleep, go to sleep, little Spider-Monkey. You've caused quite a fuss and a scare, it's time to show the world you care. Go to sleep, go to sleep, little Spider-Monkey." Her voice was beautiful and it ended the Spider-Monkey's resistance. He fell asleep right there on the building, attached by instinct.

"Wow." The Arachnid, said, speaking of her voice but caught himself. "I didn't think that'd work."

Spider-Woman turned her head around so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. "It was your plan!"

"It was more of a back-up plan. My S.P.I.D.E.R.S. did most of the work."

"Spider-Totems of Earth 1205, you have passed." A discombobulated voice said echoing through the area before portals opened it under each of the Spider-Totems including the Spider-Monkey and any hidden ones.

The Spider-Heroes would find themselves no longer in New York or in their world. They were now in between worlds. They found themselves standing in the center of a giant web. Immediately they'd be able to see what appeared to be views into other worlds on different parts of the web. They'd be able to see other spider-themed heroes or villains on their adventures and they'd even see the world that they came from with them gone, but the damage from their battle remaining.

Before they could explore any further a green costumed Spider-Man jumped down in front of them. "I really enjoyed your fight against my Spider-Monkey. I'm sorry if he went a little rough. Oh. Where are my manners?" He removed his mask. "You may call me Anansi and I hereby welcome you, my Spider-Totems, to the Web of Life and Destiny."

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