While heading back in, took a moment to realize that he let some information slip out that he didn't necessarily need to share. It was his disappointment in his childhood and the chance that this could be a father-son ransom situation that sort of made his mind go into left field. He felt a little silly speaking about one of his issues but what's done is done and he kept a straight face to not show he was a little embarrassed speaking about it the way he did.
Watching the girl zoom the fiery ball to where the two other females were, Dav got a better glimpse at them before his attention turned to Rainna when she introduced herself as well.
Rainna...that's what's up. Nice to meet you too. He said still with a serious face.
Guess we can look more into this matter later. Just let me know if you have discovered anything else... He told her. He gave the section of the dorm he was in and his room number.
And...if you just wanna chill...just holla...and that goes to you too, fire girl. He told them placing his hands in his pockets before looking at the fiery girl along with this other Asian female that she started to talk to.
This girl...she called herself Yunnie? She was a little noisy but hey...he's a little used to it because of his invisible roommate. Dav looked the girl up and down watching her change her costume before his eyes and raised an eyebrow. Interesting? Was this an illusion or did she just have the power to transmute materials or something? Whatever she did, it seemed useful. If she wanted to disguise herself, that would come in handy if she wanted to do some recon or something. Then his eyes went towards the black girl that was near her. He didn't quite recall ever seeing her but she's probably seen what went down as well with Yunnie. But what was her power and name. He'd probably get it later but for now, he was going to call it a night.
4 young and pretty ladies all possibly having witnessed the same thing. Dav was not really used to being with groups but he tolerated it and if push comes to shove, he's befriend them all. Since this conversation seemed to be towards the other girls, Dav felt it was his cue to take his leave and maybe he'd meet back with them later. he gave Rainna his dorm room number so she could contact him if she needed him and looked at the other girls.
Alright, I'll get with you girls later... He said giving a head nod to Rainna and the fire girl and then a slight head nod to Yunnie and walked pass the black girl with her while looking at her and making eye contact with her for a moment and gave her a nod as well before going down the hall.
After leaving the girls and walking some ways, Dav turned the corner and felt his foot slip a little.
The hell- He looked down to notice a small ice trail on the hall floor going another direction that was opposite of where Dav was going. Perhaps...there was another student that saw what went down? Whatever....this school already had something crazy going down and a few students seeing it. Hopefully their safe haven was not in danger. The hall that had the ice trail felt a little drafty making Dav tense up his arms a little to rub against his sides. After a moment of looking down that ice trail way, Dav decided to turn and head back to his room hoping and praying that his roommate was not in the room with some quill bodied girl or a girl the secretes slime all over the place. His roommate had weird tastes in women...