Was he crazy, desperate, or just curious? Why did he decide to do this? Was it on a whim? He never trusted before...why would he trust a group of people he's never met? Tch...where he came from, he didn't trust the very people who trained him and sent him out on missions. He had every right to be. he was just property to them just like the other child soldiers he trained with. #27 or codename: Fix, was on his way to this...guild he learned about through the message he read. A message he ended up getting from another assassin he encountered, who was after the same target as he was after. part of him felt this was a test but he had to remember, he was no longer in that former organization but if it was a test, he felt he already passed it.
yes curiosity got the better of him but the true reason why #27 decided to check this guild out was because of freedom...new feeling he had since the organization he grew up in suffered a schism and the majority on the side he was on either was killed or escaped. Being used to organizational structure, he'd feel like home taking this opportunity to join this new group. Were they like his former comrades or were they incompetent? Well...he was going to find out.
#27 walked up to the compound to make his way in. He didn't know what to expect but he was on guard just in case. he just wanted to meet the one that sent the letter to get clarification about the duties of this guild and the way it's structured. He makes his way in....