Avatar of Kiss Of Night
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: clintlori2000
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Kiss Of Night 11 yrs ago


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Victor had moved like the wind was fueling his steps. In a short matter of time he arrived at Vermont's house, the sun was just begging to kiss the tops of the houses as morning broke. When he finally took a good look at his destination he realized the door was open, but what really dropped his stomach was the blood under it.

As Victor's eyes scanned the whole door frame his heart skipped a beat and his breathe caught in his throat as he spotted the limp hand. "My Gods" he whispered softly to himself, what in the hell was he about to get himself into? He knew not but he still wanted to know what lay inside, what awaited him in this new bizarre situation, curiosity killed the cat or so they say...but they often forget...satisfaction brought it back.

~"A good mage knows no fear, for everything in life is explainable. A great mage knows when he's in over his head and proceeds with caution."~ Victor said to himself in his own head, here he was reminding himself of things he learned in prep-school, anything to cut down some of this fear running through his body. It helped somewhat, as his breathing slowed down and he put things into a logical perspective, "Someone has to do something now." With that final whisper to himself Victor charged one of his frost frag spells and went to the door, pushing it open softly if only to see what lie inside.
As soon as the man had turned away from him, Victor let out a soft breath. His heart pounded in his chest and his throat felt dry as his lungs clawed for air. This red eyed psychopath had let him live. But that didn't change the fact that Vale was about to go and do something violent.

Now Victor was met with a choice that a boy shouldn't be forced to make. He could go home and forget this had happened and deal with the consequences in the morning. Or he could quite sneakily make his way back to Vermont's and attempt to warn him.

But there was something bothering the young mage, Vale had spoken of a King and then of a woman, but...who could he possibly mean? However he had ended speaking with a dark revelation and suddenly Victor was questioning everything he had witnessed earlier. "Did you really think revival of the dead was possible?"

This creature spoke in nothing but riddles and while terrified and in shock, Victor was still so Very intrigued. As soon as Vale had disappeared Victor took one more look towards his house trying to decide what he should do.

He could go get his parents help? No that wouldn't work, convincing them he wasn't crazy would take to long. And even if he did, he knew not the abilities of his newfound problems and putting his mother in danger...or worse...No. He would have to do this alone.

He took one deep breath before taking a back alley hoping to avoid running back into the vampire and perhaps maybe get to Vermont's home first. Though he knew not what he planned to do when he got there.
Working on a post right now should be up sometime today.
So I want to post but I'm not sure what to do since I was waiting for Lilly to post.
Yeah sorry I have to walk to a friends house to get on the internet lol I am still here lol
Hey I am sorry for the spotty replies I have to walk down to a friends house to use their WiFi. I am still here :) we should be getting WiFi soon.
Victor kept his hand raised the spell twisting in his grip, his body was shivering softly now with fear and anticipation of what came next. But the man spoke instead of attacking, but his words were that of a madman...a madman that knew his name. Victor didn't speak the entire time the madman talked, instead he decided to take in what the man was saying, examining every piece of information as it came to him. This "Man" was a knight? Surely not, But then, he had said it. The man's name was Damien Valefor or Vale for short, But it was when he told Victor to have a look into his eyes that Victor took a brief moment to weigh his options,

1: he could cast his spell but at this range the shrapnel would likely kill him as well,

2: He could attempt a different spell that might bring someone to his aid but probably not in enough time to save him,

3: He could just do what was asked of him and believe that he wouldn't be harmed in the process.

Victor had again noticed the flash of purple, yet he still saw no savior or rescue so After his brief moment of silence Victor slowly let his spell fizzle out, his arm fall to his side and with distrust (and obvious curiosity) he brought his eyes up to meet the man's. "Show me God."
Victor was on guard ready for an attack that never came, the continued clattering and sounds made him sickeningly uneasy, yet he saw no one. However when he heard the shrill laughter his heart sank, this wasn't just some mugging, the deep twisting chills that ran up and down Victor's back assured him that his fears were quite warranted.

The moment Victor was touched on his shoulder, he spun to attack only to come face to face with something that dropped his heart into his stomach and suddenly Victor was frozen unable to attack and unable to run, he was simply frozen in place staring at the source of his terror. The man in front of him was pale like the silvery light of an autumn moon, but the thing that kept Victor's gaze were the man's crimson eyes brimming over with true madness and the sharpened fangs that rested waiting to strike. Victor swallowed and attempted to speak, "Why are you following me?..." Victor's voice trembled yet he dared not attack for he knew that if this creature was angered he himself would never make it home. "I will defend myself if I must..." The boys eyes spoke his bluff, he was overcome with fear, but yet still there was a feeling as if the boy was fascinated even now in the face of true fear.
@Gareth@Marcus XVI@MayLily915

The first of the humans to answer his command was a man who obviously didn't understand his disadvantage of Being at the end of Delbrix's bow, "Brave words...Brave or foolish...you reside in this forest then you fall under my jurisdiction...and I've no qualms about sending you to the afterlife...your human violence is disturbing the delicate balance of the fore-"

Delbrix might have said more but suddenly a silence washed over him as his fathers voice whispered in his ears protecting him from the horrid word that was spoken, His father said a single word as well, a warning to his son that he was in over his head, "Antharg." Delbrix's eyes went wide upon hearing this revelation, he watched as The Plague Lord's single word sent the others to their knees or if they were lucky, just made them feel quite sick. Delbrix's mind danced around the thought of using his father's power on his arrow but he knew that if he struck Antharg's Vessel there would be bloodshed.

After that horrible word was spoken and people were separating quickly, he heard a voice, a pleading voice that could only belong to one of his kind, "Please..." Delbrix's eyes turned to the one he had originally pegged as a rogue and then he realized she was one of his kind, albeit much younger than him, this mattered little for it had been many years since he had seen another of his kind, because when all others abandoned the northern forests and fled to the south Delbrix stayed behind to guard his fathers kingdom. Now it seemed fate had brought his next trial to his feet. As the She-Elf spoke he realized the situation and now one of the descendants of the ones who had stricken his father's land, slaughtered their people and laid waste to their kingdom was now escaping into the forest, Delbrix knew he needed to be quick but secretive so he spoke in the old elvish tongue hoping she knew their language, "{Grab What You Took And Follow Me! We Shall Give Chase!}" With that Delbrix took off into the forest disappearing into the trees as if he had never been there.
Victor felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as something clattered to his left, his gaze went to Mino's shop window thinking perhaps the alchemist was taking out his garbage for the evening. He was about to speak when he heard the same sound, but from the opposite side of the street.

Victor let out a breath and his palm came to life with the dim glow of one of the few battle spells the boy knew, it was his pride and joy, based off the simple frostbolt spell, his variation looked much like its predecessor, a spike of ice about the length of ones arm that could be fired at about the speed of an arrow, Victor had added a nasty surprise to this spell for when it hit it's target the spell would explode and send icy shrapnel into it's victim.

The spell could easily be blocked by any ward as it was still just a variation of a Magus-School level spell, but still it was likely to deter an attempted mugging which at this point Victor believed was about to happen as multiple sounds meant multiple attackers.

While obviously spooked Victor kept his pace walking as if he hadn't noticed the sounds, giving his attackers one more chance to turn back from their foolish venture. If they did attack he would hit them with his FrostBolt and if they were simple humans then they would die there in that dim street, however if they were Mage's Victor knew he was well in over his head. At the same pace he had started with Victor continued walking towards home.
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