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Will be out of town for the weekend, will be online when I can, will reply when I can. Back on Sunday.
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Will be out of town for the weekend, and won't be online. Replies will come on Sunday later in the day.
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*Blasts TNBC soundtrack and Spooky Scary Skeletons for the next month*
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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

"Old married couple?" Cassie had to raise her eyebrow at Light's comment. Was she referring to her and Justin? Her thoughts were confirmed when Light suggested that he had a thing for her, which made her laugh a bit. "Oh goodness no. He's just a flirt. Of course whom he flirts with changes like the rising and setting of the sun. Also, witch first, sometimes fortune teller second." She rolled her eyes a bit.

"Botched summoning huh? If you ever want to go home, I could try to find a way to reverse it, but it would take me some time to learn, and that is only if you really want to go back," Cassie addressed Light before stretching for a moment and then turning to walk away.

"Yeah, I suppose we can ask the house if we have a job, but for now..." Any thought Cassie had was interrupted by the coin jumping off the desk and landing on the map. "So much for decorating my room."

"It brought us here because we're needed here, or did you nap while Constantine was talking?" She sighed a bit as she walked out of the door and looked around. She had a bad feeling, since she could smell the ocean and there was a man there. "I suppose we should check and see what he's doing before he accidentally summons something, or wakes up an elder being." She sighed and headed down the beach a bit and waved. "Hello!"
Holy crap a post is up~ What is this~

And yes, as our lovely GM stated, she is busy with work.
Katalina Hargraves and Ash Marino

In the history of bad ideas, Kata was still sure that going to seek clues at the bottom of the very lake they had found her friend dead in last year topped the charts next to dropping bombs on Japan and dropping acid. However, Amy had steered both her and Ash this way, most likely because they both had water related powers. There was something that needed to be found here, and Katalina was hoping she could find it before she ran out of air.

She hadn’t really tried out this part of her power that much, as she was never really given time to practice making air bubbles for herself. She wasn’t that worried, because she was sure if it did fail her at a spectacular level Ash would help her. Though the lake was creeping her out. She knew that there weren’t fish in it, since it was isolated lake. However, that didn’t explain why the plants in it seemed to have this awful grey hue to them that Kata was sure wasn’t healthy for any plant. It was like the lake itself was having the life slowly draining out of it. “Like us.”

She was distracted from her thoughts by Ash putting out her palm flat, the sign for stop. Kata quirked her head over to Ash. ”What is it?” Ash, who now seemed to have gills on her neck, pointed down toward what looked like a mound of mud that had significant overgrowth on it. The plants there were black looking. What seemed to have caught Ash’s attention though was an old metal grate.

Ash started swimming faster toward it, she seemed to be more fish like the deeper into the water they got. She now had webbing between her fingers, and scaling on most of her exposed skin. Kata followed her towards the old metal grate and once the two of them had reached it she looked over at Ash and then back to the grate. She focused her powers, which was difficult while trying to maintain her air bubble, but the grate was soon nudge off by the water around it. ”Want to go first?” Ash nodded and swam into the tunnel. Just as Kata was about to follow her in Ash swam back out, and covered her eyes, then pointed in the hole.

”It’s dark in there huh?” Ash nodded, and then swam back into the hole, slower this time.”Guess we’re still going in.” Kata moved forward, manipulating her bubble a bit so that she could fit through the tunnel. It was long and dark, which made sense for being a tunnel underwater. Though she was starting to feel something she had not felt in some time, claustrophobia. Water was suppose to be her comfort, but this school had now made it her prison. If she lost focus for even a moment…

The two swam along, not even realizing they were going in an upward slope until they reached… ”Air!” Kata’s bubble dropped, merging back with the water around her body as her head bobbed in the water. She looked around, trying to figure out where the heck she and Ash were now. It looked like a cave, which seemed weird. Kata didn’t remember there being any mentions of caves anywhere on the school’s grounds before. Kata found her way to the shore and got out of the water. ”So, I think we might have found what Amy wanted us to find, but what do we do from here?”

“I don’t know” Ash spoke in a hushed tone, but not because she was whispering from what Kata could tell, but more that she was having issue breathing. After a moment Kata heard Ash take a deep breath of air. “Okay, that is better. I can’t see anything, can you? The odd thing is,” Ash paused. “I know exactly where the water is, when I am in it I feel it’s edges. But getting out I lose all of that.”

”Sadly, I can’t really see a lot here. There’s not a lot of light.” Kata sighed for a moment. ”I guess we’ll have to explore by feel.”

“Yeah, I nodded, but obviously you couldn’t see that.” Kata could hear Ash then moving out of the water, it sounded like she stumbled a few feet. “Okay webbing is cool and all in the water, sucks on the land.”

”I’ll make a note of that.” Kata put her right hand in front of her, and her left off to the side as she stumbled around the cave for a moment. She wasn’t sure what she was hoping to find until her hand slid along something with a cool familiar texture. The cold metal of a round doorknob. Odd, for a cave, but she’d take it. Out of some odd habit, her hand moved to open the door and turn on the light switch. Before she realized it, her left finger was hitting a switch, illuminating the cave.

“Light!” Ash shouted, and then was standing next to Kata at the door, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the sudden bright light. The pair of them looked into the newly discovered room to discover what looked like an almost exact replica of the headmistress’ office, but about 300 years older. Everything was made of wood, which looked like if they sneezed the wood would fall apart into piles. “Is this what Amy wanted us to find? Cause this is definitely not what I expected.”

”Well, this isn’t what I expected as well.” Kata had been in the headmistress’ office once, and to see something that looked it was still there but three hundred years older… ”How old is this place?” She shuddered involuntarily at the thought of this place having existed for over three hundred years. How many lives? How many Natalies? Then something caught her eyes. She reached down to just next to the desk and picked up an earring. A little simple sparrow, but Kata knew that well. ”Ash… she was here. Natalie was here!”

“What is this place?” Ash reached out to touch the earring, and then stopped herself, her hand dropping back down to her side. “We have to stop this place.”
Cassie rolled her eyes at Justin as he replied so sarcastically to everyone. "Pleasure meeting you both, Light and Johnny. I'm Cassie when I'm like this, and when I'm in costume, please call me Hecate. I'm what some may call a witch, or magician, but I prefer to call myself a woman of many talents."

She gently nudge Justin as he said he was the good looking side. "Sadly, this knuckle head and I have met before. There are not that many of us humans who stumble into the occult. Sometimes by accident, sometimes guided." She shrugged a bit at that and seemed to relax a bit as Justin and Constantine had their little exchange.

"Light, no offense, but how did you get here? I mean the Void is accessible from our realm yes, but it is rare that a creature from the Void chooses to make a home in this realm. I mean it takes either a serious mistake or serious intent to breech that veil." She paused for a moment, and it was obvious to everyone else that the gears were turning in the woman's head before she sighed and shrugged. "Well, either way, glad to meet you both, as I said before."

"Justin, this isn't a dating profile." She rolled her eyes again at his last comment.
Cassie followed Constantine with the rest of the team, looking around as they headed towards a familiar looking mansion. She had been there once before, but had left. The House of Mysteries.

She looked around and paused in front of Dr. Fate's helmet, as well as the spell books, but she knew better than to touch. Their hands would pass through the object.

"Well, sentient house, but its not malicious." Cassie said. "Trust me, that's better than some places I've been."

Cassie watched as Constantine showed them the map and the coin, and raised an eyebrow. "So, we're living here now? Good think I always travel light." She laughed a bit at that and looked at the map and paused. So, they would be taking care of threats as they came up across the world. Interesting. She guessed that she couldn't be bouncing around as much as she use to for some time, which was fine by her. "Mmm so, is this the time we get to know one another better?" She chuckled a bit at that.
Autocorrect? *shrugs*

Alright, works for me. I will have my post up in a bit!
Autocorrect? *shrugs*

Alright, works for me. I will have my post up in a bit!
@SirSqueakalot91 Just two questions before I post:

Did you mean Dr. Fates helmet?

How did they get from the bar to the forest?
Cassie looked at both the void being and the ghost, as they both asked what they were doing there. "In answer to your question and to make a very long story short, my mentor told me to be here, as someone I had recently become acquainted with had been captured. This man over here." She gently gestured at Justin. "I have found that when my mentor reaches out to talk to me and tell me something, or to go do something to do it. I really hate fortune telling." She rubbed her brow a bit and then looked over at Constantine as he spoke.

"Technically, not a gypsy. Also they don't like that term. Also, still human." She rolled her eyes at Constantine, and went to lean against Justin a bit.

She let out a sigh as Constantine spoke and raised an eyebrow. She was thinking about what Constantine was offering and realized that she had been puppeted into this. She was going to have a long talk with Madam X later. She then started laughing for a moment, and then looked over at John.

"I get the feeling I never had the option to say no. I'm in." She said and looked at the void creature and the ghost. "I do hope you'll both consider it."
Hecate dispatched her demon rather quickly, and in the moment she looked around the room. The specter had taken out a demon using some kind of energy blast, a trick she'd have to ask him about later. The other... creature had latched on to the dog demon, and she paused. It was definitely something from another realm, maybe from the Void. She wasn't sure, and now was not the moment to have an interview with their two new friends. Well, less friends and more accomplices in dispatching demons.

Once almost all of them were gone, aside from the boss, Hecate dispelled her sword and shield. She was about to dispel herself when she heard Dark Passenger say he wasn't going to go away. She rolled her eyes and saw that Constantine was about to cast a spell. She held up her hand and walked over to Dark Passenger and set her hand on his shoulder. "If you behave now, I'll buy you drinks later. Justin can't sustain you right now."

She looked over at the specter and the Void creature and waved her hand. Her costume melted away, and Cassie was standing there, next to Justin. "Hello."

As Constantine spoke, she reached into her wallet and handed ten dollars to Constantine. "I'm going to murder Madame... She told me you were gonna need this. A bet? Really?" She sighed and pulled up a chair and plopped into it and rubbed her brows. "So, may I ask what you two are doing here?" She looked over at the Specter the Void creature.
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