Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Constantine walked with the team, going into the forest. "Boys and girls, welcome to your new home." He said, pointing to an old mansion. He opened the door, letting the group in.

The mansion held many different items, from Dr. Fate's helmet, to old looking spell books, and much more. Whenever someone tried to grab an item off the self, their hand would go right through the item.

"Sorry boys and gals. If you want something, you have to ask the house. If it's in a good mood, she'll give it to you." Constantine said.

"Great, a sentient house. Not creepy at all." Justin said.

Constantine took them to a map, and held up a coin. "The house will take you anywhere you want. But it's got a job of it's own. This coin will go on the map if there is something you lot need to look into. The house will then take you there." He told them. "Any questions?" He asked, looking around. "Also, there are plenty of rooms here, just be careful." He said. "You may get lost in the hallways. If that happens, just ask for help. The house might send you the right way. Or one of your teammates will hear you and come get you." He said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

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Cassie followed Constantine with the rest of the team, looking around as they headed towards a familiar looking mansion. She had been there once before, but had left. The House of Mysteries.

She looked around and paused in front of Dr. Fate's helmet, as well as the spell books, but she knew better than to touch. Their hands would pass through the object.

"Well, sentient house, but its not malicious." Cassie said. "Trust me, that's better than some places I've been."

Cassie watched as Constantine showed them the map and the coin, and raised an eyebrow. "So, we're living here now? Good think I always travel light." She laughed a bit at that and looked at the map and paused. So, they would be taking care of threats as they came up across the world. Interesting. She guessed that she couldn't be bouncing around as much as she use to for some time, which was fine by her. "Mmm so, is this the time we get to know one another better?" She chuckled a bit at that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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So, a walk out of the bar, into the nearby creepy forest, then coming up to a creepy house. Things were off to a good start! Even better, when it was explained that the house was alive due to magical shenanigans, Light couldn't help but make a joke. "So... We've been eaten by a sentient house. Not as bad as that trip to... what was it? Some really weird Eldridge place." she said, finishing with a half hearty half nervous laugh. "Well, as long as I'm getting food I have no objections."

As they moved around the house, a map system was explained. Apparently this magic map thingy is how the group was to get missions. For a magic house, it made sense. Not as pretty as a computer, but less prone to failing if Light wanted to browse the internet or whatnot. Once the group had finished their objectively short tour of the house, the warrior lady asked if everyone would explain themselves so as to have everyone learn about each other.

Light found a place to lean on and taking the initiative, said. "I'll ho first then I guess. I'm Light. From my eyes you can guess I'm from the Void. I love giving hugs, playing games, having fun, and I'm very open minded to trying new things." She started, ending with a wink.
"Just don't glue yourself to me for more than a few days. We don't want you fading into the Void, never to be seen again! I'm harmless beyond that though." She continued, giving a wide toothy smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Johnny was already starting to see just how wild that this new team that he decided to join was going to be. Out of the demon infested bar of a pan and into the living transdimensional house of the fire the specter hero thought to himself as he walked along with the tour. He had to admit he was pretty impress with the place, Johnny had seen his share of occult items in his decades of unlife but this place was defiantly something he had to take note of. The last time he had seen this large of a magical arsenal it was in the hands of a mad cult bent on releasing some demon lord, but that was neither here nor there.

It seemed that the tour was coming to a end and that the group was moving more onto a show and tell portion, Johnny couldn't help but smirk slightly at the thought that it didn't matter how much time went by the simple things always remained the same. The small void dweller went first and much to the ghost's liking she kept things simple, Johnny never had a thing for the theatrics that a lot of the otherworldly tended towards. Once she finished Johnny stepped forward, well floated forward. "Like I said back at the bar my names Johnny, Johnny Doe, but when on the job I go by Haunt. And as you may have guessed I'm dead, have been for awhile."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Wait? Your a ghost?" Justin asked, sarcastically with a smile. "I never would have guessed. I mean, it's not like you can float, turn invisible, or do any other ghost like things." He said, then stepped forward.

"I'm Justin. The human side of this messed up coin." He said, looking slightly at Cassie. "And the good looking side." He chuckled abit. "If I say a magical phrase, I turn into the being known as Dark Passenger. He is, well," he tried to think of the right word, "kind of a dick." He finally said.

"I could have told you that." Constantine said as he started pouring drinks.

"Bite me Hellblazer." Justin said and looked at the group. "Now, I'm more than happy to help with the team. But I have my own mission going on, and if I get a chance to work on my mission, I'm going to do that." He told them. "Also, I like holding hands, long walks on the beach, and romantic comedies." He told them with a slight smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

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Cassie rolled her eyes at Justin as he replied so sarcastically to everyone. "Pleasure meeting you both, Light and Johnny. I'm Cassie when I'm like this, and when I'm in costume, please call me Hecate. I'm what some may call a witch, or magician, but I prefer to call myself a woman of many talents."

She gently nudge Justin as he said he was the good looking side. "Sadly, this knuckle head and I have met before. There are not that many of us humans who stumble into the occult. Sometimes by accident, sometimes guided." She shrugged a bit at that and seemed to relax a bit as Justin and Constantine had their little exchange.

"Light, no offense, but how did you get here? I mean the Void is accessible from our realm yes, but it is rare that a creature from the Void chooses to make a home in this realm. I mean it takes either a serious mistake or serious intent to breech that veil." She paused for a moment, and it was obvious to everyone else that the gears were turning in the woman's head before she sighed and shrugged. "Well, either way, glad to meet you both, as I said before."

"Justin, this isn't a dating profile." She rolled her eyes again at his last comment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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"Neat. Anime girl, John Doe's ghost, and an old married couple. Add in the demonic fish lady dancer and we have all the things for some weird sitcom." Light said after the others finished their introductions. While the ghost was to the point, the others were at least a little more trusting to tell some things about themselves. Cassie was the inquisitive of the 3 it seemed though,a s she was the one that asked how Light got here in the first place. Beings from the Void tended not to enter worlds on their own unless there was some huge problem or they wanted to eat the world itself.

"Oh thats easy. Botched summon. Things aren't always super complex." Light said. Leaning on Cassie in a one armed hug, she continued "And wouldn't you wanna have some fun from time to time? Pretty sure Mr. Hyde over there has a thiiing for you!". Poking Cassie a bit on her cheeks, Light laughed as she let go of her and made her way over to a nearby table on which she sat. "So... What now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"Oh sarcasm, the truest form of humor. Quite the fiery one you are eh hot head?" Johnny said as a response to the young man's stellar description of his person. Johnny listened as the rest of their group gave their descriptions of themselves, like Johnny thought this was turning out to be quite the cast of characters. For the most part they seemed like a reliable group if a bit strange, but he wasn't the one to cast judgement on being different.

Johnny's attention was grabbed by Light's description as to why she came to this plane of existence, pure boredom can make people do crazy things it would seem. He also couldn't but chuckle at the imp's jab at the two young sweethearts and what looked like their ongoing lovers' feud. "I would assume we ask the house if there is anything we need to do, always good to get a job started yeah?" Johnny said to Light's question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Justin smiled at the comments, rolling his eyes. "Well, if you wanna learn more about Dark Passenger, you'll have to ask him. We are two different people, believe it or not." He said with a shrug. "What, you think I have a thing for the fortune teller?" He asked and laughed. "What makes you think I don't have a thing for void beings? Or ghost?" He asked, walking over to the map. The coin was spinning on the desk, so everything seemed to be okay, for now.

"Guess we can find our rooms. You guys go pick, I'll keep an eye on the," that's when the coin jumped off the desk, and landed on the map. They heard the house creek, and the forest they had been at was now replaced by the ocean, the smell of saltwater in the air. Justin looked at the crew, then walked to the door, opening it.

"Guys, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore." He said as he looked around. "This is odd. No towns, people, hell I barely see a road." He said and walked out of the house, looking around. "Why would we be brought here?" He muttered, then looked back at the house. "It's okay kids, daddy scared the monsters away." He called.

Up the beach abit, they could see the outline of a man. He would bend down to look at something, take a picture, and then it looked like he would write something down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

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"Old married couple?" Cassie had to raise her eyebrow at Light's comment. Was she referring to her and Justin? Her thoughts were confirmed when Light suggested that he had a thing for her, which made her laugh a bit. "Oh goodness no. He's just a flirt. Of course whom he flirts with changes like the rising and setting of the sun. Also, witch first, sometimes fortune teller second." She rolled her eyes a bit.

"Botched summoning huh? If you ever want to go home, I could try to find a way to reverse it, but it would take me some time to learn, and that is only if you really want to go back," Cassie addressed Light before stretching for a moment and then turning to walk away.

"Yeah, I suppose we can ask the house if we have a job, but for now..." Any thought Cassie had was interrupted by the coin jumping off the desk and landing on the map. "So much for decorating my room."

"It brought us here because we're needed here, or did you nap while Constantine was talking?" She sighed a bit as she walked out of the door and looked around. She had a bad feeling, since she could smell the ocean and there was a man there. "I suppose we should check and see what he's doing before he accidentally summons something, or wakes up an elder being." She sighed and headed down the beach a bit and waved. "Hello!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light wasn't so happy about Cassie offering help. She would return to the void under her own volition, not by anyone elses. But she figured Cassie didn't know any better and Light kept her mouth shut. At least until they were transported by the house to a beach with a guy standing a bit in the distance. Cassie offered to intercept him, so Light decided to lie in the sand and relax a bit.

"Well isn't this nice. If we're already on a vacation, I'll just take a nap in the sand. Wake me if there is any problems.' she said, closing her eyes as she relaxed with the great scenery. She wasn't too concerned with whatever that guy was doing, if he turned hostile, she'd deal with him. But it would be better for the others to handle the negotiations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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This magical house thing was starting to appeal more and more to Johnny. Just as Johnny suggested that the group should look for any problems that would acquire their attention the house seemed to bring them to just that. The dreary atmosphere of the forest was replaced by a tad bit more ominous one, at least how the specter saw it, set next to the sea. It also seemed that the place was void of any real activity save for one lone soul photographing something. The young female spellslinger seemed to be taking the head on this one and approached the man herself, probably for the best given that present company consisted of a dead man, someone with a demon living in his head, and a rather wacky void being. Rather not wanting to risk scaring off the man Johnny faded from visible view as he approached with Cassie, being close by to hear as well as intervene if need be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Justin followed Cassie, looking around as they walked up to the figure. He was a young man, probably in his early twenties, with short dark hair, and different colored eyes. His left eye was an amber colored, with his right eye being very dark colored.

Infront of him was the body of woman, in her bra and panties only, and her throat cut open. "What the hell!?!" Justin said, taking a step towards the body.

"Hey! Stop!" The man threw his hands up. "Do NOT step in this area. It is a crime scene!" The man said. "The cops will be here in a few minutes." He said and stood up looking at them. "I'm a private reporter, I discovered this crime, and phoned the police. I'm trying to get a few pictures for them before the wind or tide does anything to change the area." He said, looking at them.

"That seems a little, strange." Justin said looking at the man. "Who's to say you're not the cause of this?"

"That's cute coming from strange couple that happens to be on the beach when a woman has been killed." He said.

Justin raised an eyebrow and looked at Cassie, before looking back at the reporter. The sounds of police sirens could be heard, heading towards their area.

"Look, I'm not telling you what to do, but it would be best for you lot to either leave, or be ready to answer police questions."

"We don't have to worry." Justin said, holding up a blank card. "I'm Agent Ambrose, this is my partner Bella. We have our own questions." Justin said.

"Huh, abit young for FBI." The man said, then looked at them. "I'm Oswald That Endswald. And yes, I know how fake that sounds, my parents had a twisted sense of humor." Oswald said. "So what's the FBI doing here?"

"Believe it or not, we are here on vacation. I was looking forward to some time off." Justin said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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Cassie knew that Johnny was by her side, and Justin seemed to follow as well, so she felt safe. Not that she needed any protecting of any sort. As they walked close to the man, she saw something, almost out of the corner of her eyes. Fae sight was sometimes odd, but it helped Cassie in many cases.

The man in front of them had some sort of magic, but she soon got distracted by the poor woman on the beach. She raised her hand to her mouth for a moment, her mouth silently open. She moved to step behind Justin, but soon stepped to his side and looked at the man.

As he spoke, she could tell that he was telling the truth, for now. She would let Justin, Johnny and Light know in private, but there were still a few nagging questions, like: "What is a private reporter doing at the scene of a crime before the police get here? That does seem suspicious."

She frowned a bit, as he did have a point. They had just shown up at the same point, but they had a good reason for that. The house had brought them there, most likely because of the murder, but the man in front of them could also be the reason why. She listened to Justin as he spoke and shot daggers at him with her look. Bella? Could he have chosen any stupider name for her? "Yes, I'm Agent Bella Marsters."

As 'Oswald' spoke, Cassie knew he was lying for the first time. Oswald was not his name, but she wasn't going to call him out on that at the moment.

"You know what they say Ambrose, no rest for the Wicked. I guess we're working now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Reporters never really sat well with Johnny, namely because from his experience they could never seemed to be able to get the story straight, but this guy stirred some extra ire from the spiritual hero do to the fact that the guy seemed to be talking out of his ass, but only time could tell if Johnny's suspicions would pay off. But Johnny's general distain for the press was able to be suppressed given the fact that a young laid dead and violated right in front of him, and unfortunately from what he could tell she was adapting to a lack of a pulse as well as Johnny was. Johnny half listened to what the reporter had to say, something about the cops showing up soon and not wanting Cassie and Justin to disturb the scene, as he moved his invisible form towards the body for a closer look, another upside of being a ghost his one doesn't leave much of a trace on the physical plane. She had clearly seen better days, clothes gone and a clean cut right across her throat, all the signs of a rather brutal but mundane crime, but judging from the fact that the house brought the team here for a reason Johnny decided that there had to be more to this case than meets the eye. Given the situation Johnny was going to see if he could attempt to get more insight by seeing he could connect with the corpse, this was a bit of a iffy power of his seeing as it was never guaranteed to give him visions of the person's death and even if it did work chances are they would be quite blurred.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

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Oswald looked at the two agents. He wasn't sure if they were telling the truth or not, but when the cops pulled in, he couldn't really argue with them.

The cops took time to question the three of them, unaware of Johnny being there. Oswald willing gave his camera to the cops, and the cops seemed to buy the FBI story, especially after making a phone call and someone verifying their identities, much to their surprise.

Meanwhile, Johnny could see something out the corner of his eye. When he looked towards it, he saw the newly dead woman, looking at her body in confusion, before running off.

And last, Light was enjoying the sun, until her arm hit something buried into the sand. Upon digging it up, she found a bag, which had a coin inside it. The coin was old, with a skull on it, and what appeared to be fresh blood on it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

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Cassie was glad that whatever force was on their side helped make sure their story was verified, but she had a feeling the Hellblazer might have his hand in it, that or her own Mentor, or any one else in the magical community. However, no matter what power was on their side, they were now involved in this case, whether they liked it or not. What was worse was that they were now pretending to be Federal Agents and she had no idea how their protocols worked at all. Most of her life had been devoted to magic studies.

As thy were questioned, she answered honestly, that they had just stumbled upon the body. However, while they were talking, she was drawing runes in the sand, trying to see if she could get any read on the scene. Anything that could help the four of them figure out something, maybe even about the reason why they had been sent there. When spotted, she kicked her feet to hide what she had been doing, as she figured it would be odd for the police to be drawing rune in the sand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Things were going along well over with the inquisitor squad over there. Even when the cops came to investigage, the others did a good job dealing with the whole situation. Much like Light figured they would, not much reason to get anxious over such a mondane occurance. Flipping around in the sand, Light stumbled upon a bag with a bit of bloody gold in it. An old coin with a skull engraved on it. Thinking to herself, Light figured there was something off about this coin. Sure the blood was one thing to go by, but the real reason she was weary of it is she knew that good luck didn't come her way. And that thinking was justified as soon after examining the coin, a few crabs crawled out from where the bag was and clamped her on her side.

Getting up and running around, Light yelped with pain. She pulled off the crabs one by one with her free hand, kicking them back into the ocean afterwords. Looking at her now red side, she sais "Thats about right..." and sighed. Making ehr way to her cohorts, she held out the coin she found. Course she didn't give the police much mind. If they wanted to attack her, they'd be in for a nasty surprise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Johnny couldn't help but shake his head and smirk as he overheard his breathing companions handle the cops, it seemed that working with them wouldn't be that hard after all. He also noticed that the team's resident napper had managed to return to the land of the waking and came baring what could be a clue. But before Johnny could decide to go investigate that further he recognized a sight that was far too familiar to him, someone who wasn't exactly coming to terms with their own death. He wasted no time rushing after the woman, eventually teleporting in front of her to keep her from going further. He held up his hands in a calming manner before he spoke. "Easy there ma'am, it's all alright." He said in a rather comforting tone. "I know you have a lot of questions and I promise you that I will do everything in my power to answer them, but first I have to ask you a few okay." He said as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, Johnny probably being one of the few people that could still do that. "Can you tell me anything that you remember? You're name, where you live, the last thing you did? Anything at all can make all the difference ma'am."
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