Cassie knew that Johnny was by her side, and Justin seemed to follow as well, so she felt safe. Not that she needed any protecting of any sort. As they walked close to the man, she saw something, almost out of the corner of her eyes. Fae sight was sometimes odd, but it helped Cassie in many cases.
The man in front of them had some sort of magic, but she soon got distracted by the poor woman on the beach. She raised her hand to her mouth for a moment, her mouth silently open. She moved to step behind Justin, but soon stepped to his side and looked at the man.
As he spoke, she could tell that he was telling the truth, for now. She would let Justin, Johnny and Light know in private, but there were still a few nagging questions, like: "What is a private reporter doing at the scene of a crime before the police get here? That does seem suspicious."
She frowned a bit, as he did have a point. They had just shown up at the same point, but they had a good reason for that. The house had brought them there, most likely because of the murder, but the man in front of them could also be the reason why. She listened to Justin as he spoke and shot daggers at him with her look. Bella? Could he have chosen any stupider name for her? "Yes, I'm Agent Bella Marsters."
As 'Oswald' spoke, Cassie knew he was lying for the first time. Oswald was not his name, but she wasn't going to call him out on that at the moment.
"You know what they say Ambrose, no rest for the Wicked. I guess we're working now."