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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: The Dining Hall
Skills: N/A

Stella laughed a bit at Marygold's comment at that point, and then she looked at Jason and Janelle as they spoke. She laughed a bit more between bites of her breakfast and sips of her cocoa. The warm food felt so good, especially after being on the run that entire week. It was suppose to start as a bus trip but it had turning into running into camp at the end. The stories were amusing her, and the mental image of Janelle waving around her broken cane and attacking monsters did cheer her up quite a bit.

Once Marygold spoke again she blinked, and then she sighed as she heard what Kristin added. "So, technology a bad idea for calling then? I guess I'll try an Iris message then... but should I tell them who mom was? If they don't know? Or is that a bad idea?" She looked around the table, gauging their responses. She did look over towards the yelling and frowned a bit at that. It seemed that there will still bullies here too.

"I'm almost done, then I can get that tour, right?" Stella smiled at that as she took the last sips of her cocoa and then nibbled on the last bits of her toast.

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"The caves would be a nice idea... we can build a fire int here and warm up and figure out the next part. We've stopped the ship for now." Astrid spoke as clearly as she could while her teeth were chattering away due to the cold that was seeping into her body. She could feel her clothing begin to freeze and lock up at that point as they walked towards the caves together. There was not too much they could do for Elizabeth at that point, they would have to leave her body. She gently dragged herself towards the cave, and then once inside, she shivered harder at that point.

Lara nodded at that as she moved into the cave and then started to build the fire. She had been out of the water and she knew that Arnora would be fine, but Astrid was not looking so great at that point. She pulled some fire starter stuff out of her bag, mostly her lighter and some kindling at that point. She started moving things around and then after a bit she had set up a little fire pit and was working on the fire for the three of them.

"Thank you." Astrid moved close to the fire at that point and shivered a bit at that point as she went to warm up at that point. She could feel herself warming up and her clothing was defrosting at that point as well. She did have some supplies in her bag, but she wasn't sure if she still had it at that point. She checked her back and let out a soft sigh as she found it, but it was half frozen to her back. She would have to finish warming up before she could get to her bag.

"I might have some blankets and clean clothing in my bag if you're interested, either of you. Also some food... I mean we had snacks earlier but... we might want an actual meal." Lara sighed as she went to dig through her bag to pull out some dry clothing and blankets for them. They would be in there for a while it seemed. "So, what is our next move now? We've stopped the ship for now, but it seems that they will break it out eventually. I guess we also have to wonder how the other group is doing. If they made it to their goal or not."

Location: The Dining Hall
Skills: N/A

"So it's normal for you to be chased into the camp by monsters? I'm glad that it is not just me then." She laughed at that as she sipped her cocoa and then smiled. Somehow it was just like her father's cocoa, down to the subtle hints of cinnamon. She set the cup down and then went to take a bite of her food and sighed a bit. "A running joke huh? Alright then but it seems that people are pretty dumb about the concept of wheat and sickle." She relaxed more at that and then took another sip of her cocoa and then paused as she looked at the siblings, and then to Marygold.

"So, have you met our mother before? I know she left a few things for me that I got." Stella took another bite of the toasted sourdough. She smiled as that wonderful tang spread on her tongue and then down her throat. "So, once I finish we'll go on the rest of the tour and I'll get to see where I'll be sleeping then? I should also try calling my dads... they might know... or they might want to know about my mother. Or at least that I made it here. Can I tell them that?" She dove back into her food and sighed a bit as she ate.

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Lara let out a little cry as the tiny boat was sent flying, so she curled up by some instinct, and that seemed to save her thankfully. She landed hard against the hard ice, and she let out another cry as she felt her skin being gashed open, and she knew she would have bruises where she landed. However, she was alive as opposed to... "Elizabeth... No... I'm sorry..." She could tell the other girl was long gone by the time she had propped herself up a bit. The big piece of wood sticking out of her chest made sure of that for sure. They had now lost another companion it seemed, and this time for good.

Astrid hauled herself out of the water and started shaking immediately. Her blessings from Odin and Freya did offer her some comfort, she wouldn't die so easily, but the cold seeping into her clothing, into her bones would send her into some state of shock. She forced herself to shake for a moment before collecting herself and then stood up and looked at the scene before her. She frowned when she saw Elizabeth there, the wood jutting out of her chest. "I am sorry... we will make sure that your loss is not in vain." She looked over at Arnora, whom was helping Lara.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, sore, but fine. We need to get out of here... Thanks for the help." Lara took Arnora's hand and stood at that point, wincing as she put some pressure on her ankle. She could tell it was bruised, but thankfully that seemed to be the extent of it, just bruising. "Where are we going to go?" She focused, and when she did, the pendent was back around her neck, and she had her spear again. She was thankful for that little enchantment on it.

"Anywhere warm. We need to warm up, and you need some medical aid. We all do." Astrid looked around with her one good eye and sighed. "We need to get going now, before those giants decide to come after us." She wrapped her arm around Lara, from the other side Arnora was on and then helped her up and went to take off towards somewhere warm.

Location: The Dining Hall
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled up at the three slightly older teens and then looked at the plate before her before her attention was drawn elsewhere by someone yelling that she was a commie. She looked up and saw the wheat stalk and sickle. "That's not the Communist symbol, that's wheat and a sickle... wait..." She smiled when Kristin told her that meant her mother was Demeter, and her smile grew just even wider when she told her that Mary was her half sister!

"That's awesome! I've always wanted siblings! And Demeter is my mother? That explains the plants... I've always connected with them better than people sometimes." The young redhead looked nothing but ecstatic about being a child of the goddess of the harvest. "Oh, Mary was part of the group that helped me when I arrived. There was a manticore and Mary was so cool and killed it! I mean there as this other girl there, some Roman girl I was told. But that's awesome! We're sisters!" Her bubbly enthusiasm was just beaming from every little bit of her at that moment.

"Oh yeah, I should eat." She chuckled at that and then looked at the plate. "I would like... sourdough toast, buttered please, with a fried egg and bacon please? And to drink... hot cocoa... with cinnamon." Her favorite treat, which her Otou-san usually made for her on those foggy and cold mornings in San Francisco.

Location: Niflheim
Skills: Spear Attack, swimming, helping Arnora

Location: Niflheim
Skills: Spear Attack

Lara saw the ice thickening around the boat more and she grinned as it did seem that Arnora was doing it. They continued to row to the shore, when disaster struck. A giant got too close and caused water to wash over them, and the cloak was pulled off of them. She gasped at that as the cloak floated to the bottom of the boat, exposing the three of them to the giant. She could tell that the giant was happy to see them, but seeing that giant lick her lips worried her. She tugged her pendent off and her spear extended in her hands as she got ready to attack.

Astrid had felt the cloak fall off of them and she went to gather it up when she realized that the giant had caught wind of them at that point. She pulled out her own spear and tried to size up the giant and aim before she tossed it. The spear landed firmly into his shoulder, causing the giant to let out a cry of pain. "No sense in hiding now... they will soon all be upon us, so we need to get back to shore and then run!"

"Agreed but we need to get Arnora!" Lara lobbied her own spear and thankfully she had some good aim, as it lodged itself into one the giant's eyes, and it let out a roar of rage. Lara grinned at that as the giant was now at least half blind until she got her spear back, or even longer at that point. She wasn't sure if she had permanently blinded the giant, but at that moment they did have more pressing issues. The giant was still coming towards them, and the cries of rage were soon to call other to stop them.

"I'll help Arnora!" Astrid saw Arnora on a sheet of ice, looking a bit worn out, and she shed her bag and then dove into the water and went to swim to Arnora's aid, and to help her out from the cold water. She gently looped her arm around Arnora and went to help her swim to the shore. She could feel the cold penetrating her clothing, the cold permeating her skin and freezing her a bit. However she wouldn't focus on that, as the goal was to get their companion back to the shore with them.

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Big House
Skills: N/A

Stella looked at Jason and Janelle and blinked a bit as they spoke. Growing up in San Francisco she had heard a lot of different accents but theirs was unique and sometimes a little hard to decipher in her mind. She got that they were siblings, same mom, different god dads. She was wondering how often that happened and was about to ask that before her stomach gave a loud growl once again reminding her that she had skipped breakfast to run away from the manticore. "I figured ask just in case. I dunno if the food is available all the time. Better to ask than get there and find that I missed breakfast."

Stella took Kristin's hand and smiled up at the taller teenager as they walked together in that little group. She did notice two strange things as they walked. One, it was warmer than when she had arrived, and she didn't think she would feel like that going outside from a warm building. The second thing was a car, in the middle of the camp, far away from anywhere any normal person would park a car, and it was a convertible with the roof down to boot. So, that was strange, and she wanted to ask about it.

However the questions were answered when Kristin told her that the tall blond that seemed to radiate warmth was Apollo. "Wait? The Apollo? The sun god? He's here? Why is he here? What is he doing in the dining hall? Is that common? Do gods come down a lot to visit us? Is that his car? Is that is why it got so much hotter? I mean that doesn't make sense since the sun is up there, and he's also here? How does that even work?"

Location: Niflheim
Skills: Using Swan Cloak

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Astrid watched as Arnora slipped under the water and then sighed as she nibbled on her snack at that point. She saw the giant as well and paused as she saw them sniffing around. The cloak would keep them safe as long as they were under it, but it was worrisome that they were getting close, so she put her food down and away, as that did seem to be the safe course of action at that point. They didn't want to be caught, and they didn't want the giants to wreak their little boat as they were a ways from shore, and the water was freezing. The only person that could survive it was already under the water.

Lara kept herself from letting out a cry as she saw the giants in the water, seeing them sink into the deep dark liquid and nearly vanish themselves into it. She turned to see the ice creeping over the boat and that got the attention of the giants for sure, which did calm her down a bit. However as they got closer to the ship she realized they would probably find Arnora. She needed to calculate the risk at that point, whether capturing the attention of the giants was a good idea as there was only three of them now.

Astrid noticed the ship icing up as well and she gently maneuvered the boat they were in away from where the giants were attacking the ice. She hoped it was thick enough that the giants would have a hard time with it, but she knew it was a matter of time before more of them joined the two in the ice. She pulled out her spear, and then gestured towards the shore. The least they could do was buy Arnora more time.

Lara silently nodded and went to help steer the boat back towards the shore, getting the idea of what they were going to do. They would be the bait for the giants, while Arnora continued to ice over the boat, and they be stuck. The main goal was keeping that boat from going anywhere, and that what was mattered to them for the moment.

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Big House
Skills: N/A

Stella looked at Kristin and then to Jason and Janelle, then back to Kristin. "Your mom is Athena? That's pretty cool. She's like wise right? Does that mean you're wise? What does it mean to be wise? Like, I keep being told that you get wiser as you get older but is that true? Also who's their parent then? Are they twins or siblings? They look similar. Does that mean they have the same godly parent? I mean that's pretty cool if so. Does that mean that I might have siblings too? I've always been an only child so I don't know what having siblings is like. Also food would be nice, as I have been running for a while."

As usual, Stella's curiosity made another stream of questions roll out of her mouth before she truly knew what she was saying and she could tell that everyone was looking at her again. "Sorry. I'm always asking a ton of questions and I can't help it." She sighed a bit at that as she looked at the three of them and then to Chiron again. "Is it okay for me to go with them to get food? I really am hungry and I don't think I had breakfast? Did I have breakfast... no I didn't. We started running the moment the satry with me woke me up. He was nice. Is he going to be okay?"

Location: Niflheim
Skills: Using Swan Cloak

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Astrid took a hold of the paddle and started to gentle paddle the boat a bit. She went slow, as Arnora had suggested, to make it look like it was drifting from shore. Thankfully her cloak was still wrapped around the four of them, as they were huddled together in the boat. She quietly paddled at that point as she looked at Arnora and then simply nodded at what she said. She knew that if Arnora didn't come back they needed to get going, and complete the quest, and save the world.

Lara looked at Arnora and sighed a bit at her words. "I do understand... but can I at least wish you the best of luck before you go?" She smiled and then before Arnora slipped into the water, she wished her luck and then watched as the other woman slipped under the surface of the dark cold water. She sighed at that and took over the paddle Arnora had been holding as they were trying to keep from drifting too far away from where Arnora had gone under the water.

Astrid sighed a bit and as they waited, she pulled out some snacks from her bag and offered them around before she nibbled on one. She needed the energy at that point, and also she needed a small distracting from the fact that she was in Niflheim still, and the group that she had arrived with was also gone. She wasn't sure if Odin would be happy to hear that when she returned by that was the risk they always took when they left the Hotel.

Lara took a small snack and nibbled on it as she needed the distraction as well. She was worried about Arnora, and she also was still trying to keep herself from freaking out too badly that they were on deep water. She had made sure to not look over and into the dark water that surrounded the boat, threatening to swallow them whole. She was counting herself lucky that Arnora had volunteered to go in it, as Astrid wasn't sure she could have done it herself.
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