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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: Strawberry Fields -> The Arena
Skills: N/A

Stella was super excited when Kristin told her that she could get right into the field after she was settled in. Yes, so many things were scary to her, but being right back in the dirt felt natural. Her whole life she had spent in one greenhouse or another it seemed, either at the school or at home. She knew that her fathers would love to see the strawberry field, even if she knew that they couldn't enter the camp. That had become clear to her when she had heard about only three adults at that point, or at least she thought she had seen three adults. The gods were considered adults right? Two gods, and one centaur.

She did take a handful of strawberries that looked just perfect at that point, and she gently bundled them into her hand. She took a bite of one and it was... divine. There was truly no other word for it. She did wave good bye to the campers and Satrys as they walked off to the arena.

She did affirm to Marygold that once she was settled she'd love to come back to the fields, letting her know she was listening even if she had stopped speaking for the moment. She looked around the arena a bit at that point and paused. "Learning to fight might not be a bad idea, since I would rather not repeat what happened on the way in here. Though thankfully it turns out my big half sister was able to help me out." Stella nearly beamed as she looked at Marygold as she said that. "Also I do want to learn how to use the knife I got. Is knife fighting a technique we can learn here?"

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Lara smiled and blushed a little when Amora waved her over and she sat down next to her. "Hey Arnora, hey Runa, hey Nadia. So any of you have any idea of what's going on today?" She slid in close and then sighed a bit as she went to get herself some food, but she wasn't feeling very hungry. She took a danish and gently prodded at it with her fork at that point. She wasn't feeling too well about all the news, and everything that was happened. Even when someone offered her mead she passed at that point. She didn't feeling like drinking and celebrating at the moment.

She looked up as Baldur spoke, and frowned at that. She had known that something was wrong, but she didn't imagine that it was this bad. No one was coming back, and it seemed that everything violent would be put on hold. She sighed a bit at that point as she poked more and more at the danish, feeling herself getting sicker at every word. There had to be something really wrong for the hotel not to work the way it was meant to. "So, um... maybe it might be a good idea to stick together into groups for a bit then? Just in case?"

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Astrid frowned as she heard that Helgi was dead, and not only that but other Einherjar were not resurrecting at the end of the day as they should be. She did look up as Baldur spoke and informed them of what was going on. So that was why she had been summoned, to help keep the peace at the hotel and keep everyone from killing one another. She mentally sighed at that as she went to serve up another Einherjar that had summoned her over. She poured the mug full of mead before moving on and wandering over to the Thane's table.

"Excuse me, Hi there, um I don't really ant to bother you but I did wish to ask how long abouts do you think you'll need the Valkyries here to keep the peace? I'm only asking because I do have a life still... outside of the hotel." She didn't want to sound like she was complaining, but she couldn't just hold up in the hotel for weeks, or even months as it would take for them to figure out what was going on. They didn't even know what the main issue was, or what had caused it. She did over hear that some people were considering maybe hunting down the suspicious person themselves, and she was wondering if that might be a good plan.

Location: Divine Cabins - Demeter's Cabin -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

"Okay, I'll see you later Eve, thank you so much!" Stella smiled as she gently waved to her older half-sister as she watched her head out. She then smiled a bit as Kristin and the others went to head to the strawberry fields. She did make sure that her things were tucked away aside from the few things she had tucked into her pockets. She happily followed the older kids out to the fields, and when she saw them she brightened up considerably. The sight and smell of fresh strawberries during the dead of winter made her perk up and she almost ran ahead at that point.

She saw all the people there, the satyrs and other campers and was informed that many of those kids out there working were most likely her siblings as well. She couldn't believe it! She had gone from knowing that she had one half-sibling to quite a few. She was nearly vibrating by that point as she wanted to take off into the fields and dig her hands right into the dirt at that point. Forget the shower! She wanted to get right in there, back with the plants.

"Oh! I'm overwhelmed! But in the best way! How can I work in the fields like all the time? I mean I'll do other things too, but I just... those strawberries look beautiful! Ohhhh please tell me I can start working in them soon?" She looked up at the older campers, looking about ready to burst out of her own skin.

Location: Divine Cabins - Demeter's Cabin
Skills: N/A

Stella was feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything that was going on, but it was in the best way. They were saying they could go to the strawberry field after she dropped off all her stuff, and she was thrilled at that. Even more so when she walked into the Demeter Cabin. The carpet looked and smelled like grass, and the whole thing was supported by one big tree in the middle of the cabin. She let out a happy squeak as she dashed in and looked around. She wanted to kick off her shoes and just run around the cabin and let herself absorb all the plants that were there.

"Sorry! I um... just got really excited." She finally spoke when she realized that Eva, the head counselor of her new cabin spoke to her. She followed her to the empty bunk and then she gently tugged open the trunk at the end of the bed. She went to fish two things out of her bag, both of which had been gifts to her from her mother she had been told. She tucked the seed packet into her pocket as well as the dagger. She strapped that to her waist and then tugged her shirt back over it. She then tossed her bag into the trunk and then closed it with a small click.

"Alright thank you so much! Can we see the Strawberry fields now?" She grinned happily at that and then giggled a bit. She did also want a shower, but the field was almost calling to her. She knew it wasn't truly calling to her, but it almost felt like that some days.

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Astrid was worried when she had received the summons to head to Hotel Valhalla so suddenly, and not just from Lord Odin. So she had gathered up her bag, come up with some excuse as to why she'd be busy for the day and headed down the way to the hotel. She opened the door, and then headed inside and felt the familiar smells of the Feast Hall of the Slain slink up her nose and fill her with those familiar smells. This was her home, and she knew that deep in her bones, more so than anything else in the world. However, she did notice the air was not one of the usual festivities, that there was some kind of gloom in the air.

She went to sit with the other Valkyries, and leaned over to whisper to one of her fellow Valkyries. "So, do any of you know what is going on? I know that this is a big deal... especially considering whom I'm seeing over at the big table." She noticed that Baldur was still at the hotel, which did worry her. She wasn't sure what to do aside from wait, and pray that it was nothing too major that was going on. However, she was soon too distracted by being told to go serve the fallen, and soon she was out dispensing mead and food among the fallen.

Lara was worried, as given that everyone was worried as well. Helgi had been murdered, and then all the other Einherjar that had died in the battles and other things hadn't come back either. That was what was worrying more than anything else in the whole hotel, since it meant that no one could go around killing one another willie nillie. All war games, training, and just even the general fighting was off the table at that point. She sighed as she tugged on her skirt and smoothed it out, as well as the blouse that she had picked out for the day. Since there was no training, she figured she could wear what she usually did.

She got into the elevator, which was crowded at that point. Everyone was flooding into the hall, to hear what the Thanes and Gods had to say about what was going on. She spotted Baldur at the table, but it wasn't hard to. He was always so bright. When she noticed him she looked around the room, hoping to spot Runa. In the last few months she had gotten to know the girl and they had become quite friendly. They did one another's hair, and chatted about tulips. It was also pretty nice to have someone that also appreciate those flowers with her. She did wave to anyone else she noticed as she went to go sit down anywhere she could.

Location: Niflheim -> Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim -> Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Astrid quickly told her mount to take off once all thee of them were astride him. She picked up the reigns and gave a click of her mouth, and her faithful steed took off into the air, and she urged him on as fast as he could go with the three of them. Thankfully it seemed that it was going to be a peaceful trip back to the Hotel, which was a kindness after everything they had gone through. She could tell that the blonde, Lara, was thankful that they were no longer on the boat or near the water. That woman had seemed to be quite fearful of it. Maybe she had drowned?

Lara was indeed thankful that they were no longer near the deep water that she feared so much. The sooner they were out of Niflheim, the better. She was holding onto whomever she could at that point, closing her eyes a bit as they flew. It was not really a sensation she was use to as well, but it was better than being near that water. So dark, so deep.

Astrid landed her horse at that point and then dismounted. She gently stroked his side and mane and then looked at him softly. "You did very well today boy, you can go to wherever you may go and enjoy a treat. I will see you again soon, I am sure. Thank you again." She stroked his mane until both Lara and Arnora dismounted, and once they did, he took off into the sky. She really had no idea where he went when he wasn't there with her. She sighed a bit and then looked to the other two. "I should report in to the other Valkyries and Lord Odin. Thank you again for all your assistance." She nodded her head at them both and then took off.

Lara nodded in thanks to Astrid and then looked at Arnora at that point, and then to the others. "So, how was your quest? Ours was a bit... of a mess." She sighed at that as she was sure that the others could clearly see that Elizabeth was no longer with them. It did seem that the other three had come back with... wait that had to be him. Who else could be shining so brightly in their Hotel, and he was whom the others had been tasked with getting. "Seem yours went well."

Location: The Dining Hall -> Divine Cabins/ Camp
Skills: N/A

"Cabin 4 then, that's mom's cabin? Cool. I can't wait to see it and the other cabins! Everything here is going to be exciting and new!" Stella tugged on the straps of her backpack at that point as she dusted herself off. She was pretty sure she hadn't spilled crumbs all over herself, but with good sourdough toast once could never be too sure. She did smile when Jason said they would be joining them on the tour. So she would have three older campers there with her, taking her on their tour of the camp. She was so sure that everything would go well on the tour.

As they headed towards the cabins, she caught sight and smell off the strawberry fields. They smelled delicious, and she couldn't wait to get out and help with then. She knew that she was going to have a fun time helping with those. She looked over at her cabin and nearly squealed in delight. It was a beautiful building, with greenhouse roof and gardens on it. She already felt like she was halfway home at that point, and her grin only got brighter at that.

"That is so cool! I can drop my things off inside you said? Where can I put them? Any free bunk or are bunks and sleeping places assigned?" While she was waiting for the answer to that question she looked over to the tents and nodded. So that was where that Roman girl that had been a bit rude to Marygold earlier would be. She had a feeling she wouldn't want to head over there that often, to be honest.

Location: Niflheim
Skills: Summoning her Horse

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

"Alright then, I'll stay here." Lara smiled at that as she looked at Arnora and then sat down around the fire with them and then nibbled on her food at that point. "I'm doing alright, just a bit worried about what will happen to Elizabeth now." She sighed more as she nibbled on some of the dried meat she had gotten for herself out of her bag. She got lost in her thoughts for a bit. She didn't move until Astrid stood up and brushed herself off and spoke.

"Yeah, I'm warm. I'm going to go outside first and summon my horse while you put out the fire. I doubt it would do any real damage here, but safety first." Astrid smiled a bit at that as she picked up her bag and then dug around for her whistle. She soon felt the familiar feel of the whistle in her hand at that point. She gently lifted the whistle to her lips, and then took in a deep breath and then blew. To most, it wouldn't sound like anything had come out of the whistle, but to her mount, her winged horse, he would hear it and he would come flying to her aid.

Lara gently looked at Arnora and blushed a bit at that point, and then gently got up and went to help put out the little fire. It wouldn't take too much at that point, as she dumped some now melted water onto the fire, and then she quickly kicked apart their little fire pit. She picked up her bag after that and made sure she was fully bundled up again at that point and sighed a bit at that. "You ready to head back to the Hotel then?" She offered her hand to Arnora and smiled a bit softly at that point.

Astrid was waiting and then she smiled as could hear the familiar beating of wings off in the distance as it got closer and closer to them. She finally saw her horse as he landed in front of her and she walked over and nuzzled him lovingly. "Hey there boy, were you worried about me? I'm sorry I had to go off so quickly without you." She spoke lowly to him as she gently rubbed his muzzle. "You up for taking my self and two others back to the Hotel? I hope so, as they lost their boat and their ride out of here." She smiled as he seemed to nod. "Good boy."

Location: The Dining Hall
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled a bit at everyone's words and reassurances. She could still talk to her fathers it seemed, even if it wasn't over phone. She just hoped that they wouldn't freak out when she called them in a pretty supernatural way. She decided to see how they would react to the call first before she let them know about her mother, and how she was part godly from her. She finished her slice of toast and then asked for another stack of sourdough and took it over to the brazier. She thought it would be rude to offer her mother half eaten toast and bacon, so a fresh stack would do. She gently tipped it into the brazier and thanked her mother for giving birth to her as well as for helping her get to camp safe.

Once she was done, she turned to Marygold and Kristin, as it seemed that Janelle was parting from them and she wasn't sure if Jason would continue to tag along with them now that his sister had parted from them. "I think I'll take the tour first, find out where I'm sleeping before I talk to my dads. I should take a shower or something, as I don't think taking a quick dip in a river counts as getting clean." She knew it didn't really count, as she hadn't had time to scrub up. She had tried to wash her hair, but then some other creature had chased her and her satyr guide from the river.

She picked up her ragged backpack and then smiled up to Kristin. "Ready when you are!"

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Lara nodded as she handed out the last bits of dry clothing over to Astrid, as well as blankets to all three of them. She then went to fish out some food at that point as she knew she really had the only good source of it. She knew it wasn't too much, mostly energy bars, dried meat, some cheese and a few other things, but she laid it out as a spread for all of them. It wasn't much, but it would put food in their bellies as they thought of what to do next.

Astrid thanked Lara, and blushed and turned around as she went to change out of her wet clothing. She knew that neither of them would see anything but she still hated changing in front of others. She left on her unmentionables, as she still needed them, and thankfully they weren't too wet... at least not wet enough for her to mind. She tugged on the extra shirt and skirts, and then moved close to the fire and held her hands out in front of herself.

"I do agree, we need to figure out another way to get out of these caves. I can do a bit of scouting while you two eat and warm up. I'm not too cold, and thankfully, I'm not that hungry. I did have a small snack on the boat earlier." Lara paused as she thought of which way she could head in the caves to find them another way out. She was really the only one in the state to go scouting at that point while the other two warmed up. She couldn't stand the thought of losing someone else on their quest. They had lost Elizabeth, and that thought made her shudder a bit.

"Yes, once we're out in the open I can summon my mount, and he can take the three of us to wherever we need to go. I'm guessing back to the hotel, yes?" Astrid gently poked at the fire with a stick at that point, to keep it going. She wanted something warm to drink, but she wasn't sure anyone had brought a pot or kettle at that point. She didn't usually bring cooking implements with her, which seemed silly in hindsight. Since when had any mission she gone on with the Einherjar gone well?
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