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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: The Arena
Skills: N/A

Stella was thankful that the fire had gotten back in control before it could do any harm, and before she could really freak out fully. She did offer Marygold a small smile as she tried to reassure her that it was fine, and that she didn't life fire either. It did make sense to her, that her fellow sibling had never liked fire unless it was super controlled like it had been. She did chuckle a bit as Marygold said that she wished she had known who had manipulated it, and that she would tell her off. That did make her feel a bit better at that point and some of the color returned to her cheeks at that point.

"Thank you Marygold. I've never really liked fires either, not even little candles sometimes. Maybe it was spirits, or something." She willed herself to relax a bit at that point and then she stretched her fingers. She hadn't realized that she had been clenching her fingers so tightly at that point, and she flexed them a bit. She didn't want to ruin the day that she had been having at that point, and she was sure that she had questions for Marygold, but she could ask her them later. She could tell the mood of the campfire had shifted due to the out of controlness of the fire, but maybe not just because of that.

Location: Hotel Valhalla - The Elevator Area
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - The Elevator Area
Skills: N/A

Lara had been expecting a rather awful scolding from the God, after disobeying and then lying to him as well, but she had been surprised when Baldur hugged his daughter and then told them that they were permitted to continue the investigation as long as they came to him or any of those in power if something went wrong. She only realized she had tensed up when she let out a sigh of relief and her body relaxed at that point. "Thank you Lord Baldur, we will make sure to do that." She offered him a smile and a slight bow at that point. She was also thankful that Baldur had not asked them to promise or take an oath, as she was sure that would have taken a bit out of her to bind them all to that word.

"Thank you Lord Baldur. I will keep your words in mind as we continue to investigate." Astrid offered her own bow to the god, and then offered a small smile. She was very glad that he had given them permission to continue as she had thought that when they had been caught she would have gotten in serious trouble. Enough trouble to even get her tossed out of the Hotel, she had thought. She could not bare that thought if she was honest with herself. She loved being a Valkyrie, and she loved having a higher purpose than just to simply live and go to school.

Lara watched as Dalisy walked over to the elevator and nodded, letting her do so. She knew that she was still not Dalisy's favorite person, so she decided not to assist her. She looked back to the rest of the group before speaking. "I think I might go investigate the office again, now that our mysterious assailant has shown themselves. Just in case they left anything behind. Anyone want to come with me?" In the back of her mind she knew that it was probably a very bad idea to split the group up a bit, but she did want to check out where that assailant had been hiding, to see if there were any clues.

Astrid walked over to Dalisy and nodded to her. "If you don't mind, I would like to join you. I already have our mystery person once, so maybe I can assist in catching them when you find some lead." She had faith that Dalisy would be able to find something, given that she had already spotted something her father had not noticed before.

Location: The Arena
Skills: N/A

Stella had been thankful for the tour she had been given that day, and had even enjoyed a rather nice dinner. She had been surprised that they could even do tonkatsu, but she had needed a lovely taste of home after the long week she had had before. She did make sure to offer some up to her mother, thanking her for her blessing, and for giving her such an amazing other family. She had followed Marygold to the arena, where they had set up a bonfire, and sat down next to her. She waved over to Kristin when she came over and she happily took the piece of paper with the camp schedule on it.

"Hello again! I'm finding everything well, thank you so much. And thank you for the schedule." Stella grinned a bit at that as she relaxed a bit more at that point. She did notice the fire get a bit out of control for a moment, and she did pale a bit at that and she bodily turned away from the fire and tugged her hood up over her head until she was sure that it was under control. Ever since she had been a little girl she had hated fires, and well this was one of her worst fears.

"Is it safe? Is it over?" She whimpered out from under her hood, waiting for the confirmation that it was under control again.

Location: Hotel Valhalla - The Elevator Area
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - The Elevator Area
Skills: N/A

Lara froze for a moment at that point as she heard Baldur again, and then she looked up at him and then started fidgeting with her necklace a bit. She was glad that Dalisy had spoken up, then the same with Nadia and Arnora. She wasn't sure what to say but she did figure it was best to let the others speak. "It is true, we wished to help and get to the bottom of what is going on. We knew that others might try to hurt one another and that the sooner things get resolved, the sooner we do not have to worry about other accidentally killing one another permanently."

"It is as Dalisy says, we were investigate the office when an invisible person attacked, injuring Arnora with an arrow. I did manage to injure them, but we lost them in the elevator. We were hoping that if we looked inside that we might see which button they pressed, so we could guess which floor they were on." Astrid only added that tidbit once she was sure that they were okay with telling Baldur about what they had been doing.

"I am sorry that we caused such a scene but we hadn't expected anyone invisible to be in there." Lara sighed a bit as she fidgeted with the ring on her necklace chain. They had been caught, way too fast, and she didn't really want to lie to the god so much. Once she had spoken, she mostly hung back with the others, not wanting the god to direct his possible wrath at her.

"I do apologize as well, but I wanted to help because I know that it will be only a matter of time before someone else attacks one another. I offered my help to this group because I know several of them personally, and I do not wish to see any of them vanish." Astrid looked over at Baldur and waited to see what would happen next.

Location: Arts and Craft Cabin
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, my dads are super nice, and I love them both so much. You said I can contact them later, correct? I think I will." Stella smiled a bit at that as she relaxed and looked at the little arts and craft cabin. Her mind was already buzzing with a few different ideas of things she could make and that she might even try to send back to her dads later. She was glad that everyone was seeming to react to her well, she knew she could be talkative and too curious, but so far no one had shut down her questions, or even told her to calm down.

"Oh, I would love to go over to the stables and look at the horses then! As for my schedule, I will be happy to get one from Chiron. And really? I can come over during free time? Awesome, I would love that!" Stella seemed to beam a bit more at that point as she was looking forward to seeing the horses and the pegasai. She couldn't believe that that this was still all real, and soon she would be seeing flying horses. So she turned around and let Kristin, Marygold and Jason lead the way once again at that point. Her day was only improving at that point, from being attacked to now having met more of her half-siblings and finding out about her mother.

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's Office -> The Elevator Area
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - The Elevator Area
Skills: N/A

"It was no problem, Nadia. Are you doing alright, Arnora?" Lara did smile a bit at that point as Arnora assured her that she was alright. She stood up and brushed herself off a bit at that point, not even caring at that point that her shirt was now in ruins. She did look around to see that everyone had left the office and headed to the elevator area, and if she had to guess, that was because that was where the assailant had gone. She had been more concerned for her friend, and that had been her concern. She did head over to the elevator area, noticing the stares the others were getting.

Astrid went to retrieve her spear at that point, and then looked at the others. [color=#EDDA74]"Nothing to see, and I wasn't trying to attack anyone. Target practice gone wrong." Astrid lied with ease at that point and then turned to the others and looked at Dalisy. "You're welcome, I got lucky and I know it. However, that does mean that we've injured whomever that is a bit, and well, that might work to our advantage. I'm sorry we can not see which floor they went to." She frowned a bit more at that point and then shrunk her spear down and tucked it away.

"Well, we have a suspect it seems, even if we don't know who they are... but they'll be freshly injured just after Baldur told us not to attack one another. Whether or not anyone else follows that, will remain to be seen." Lara sighed a bit as she looked around the hall and frowned more. So far their clues pointed towards either Loki himself, or an agent of Loki, and that wasn't boding well for them.

"I guess the question is, what do we do now? We could try to look around the office a bit more, and hope that that invisible person didn't have a partner." Astrid sighed a bit at that point as she looked around. She did pause as she looked at the elevator again and walked over to the panel and hit the button. Maybe there would still be some blood inside the elevator when it returned. That was the only hope she could have at that point.

Location: The Climbing Wall -> Arts and Craft Cabin
Skills: N/A

Stella waved good bye to the other two preteens, as they seemed to be involved in their own thing with the goddess. She also waved good bye to her older sister, but she silently hoped that the Goddess would catch back up with them eventually, but it seemed that the other two had a problem on their hands. It was still Stella's first day and thankfully she didn't seem to have much in the way of problems, so far. But it did seem that being a demi-god meant that trouble would find you no matter what. She did turn her attention back to the older demi-gods as they explained that the Pegasus stables was somewhere they could go next, and she did chuckle a bit at Marygold's story.

"Oh, yeah, I've done arts and crafts before. I use to go to a summer camp when I was younger, and well, my otou-san does Ikebana and so I sometimes help him with that. It's a rather interesting art form, and that's how my otou-san met dad, through flowers. It's really cute if I say so myself. Though does Ikebana qualify as arts and crafts?" Stella looked around at that and blushed a bit as she realized she had gone off a bit about flowers. Well, it did make sense that she would go off about flowers considering who her mother was now. "So can you head over here whenever you want? I guess I should have asked if there is a schedule."

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: First Aid

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's office -> The Elevator Area
Skills: Spear

Lara let out a bit of an involuntary cry at that point as she saw the arrow hit Arnora in the shoulder, and then watched as Arnora fell to the ground. She knelt down next to her and she moved to help Nadia with the healing. In her panic, she did almost forget all her training as a nurse for a moment, as this was her friend. Someone she cared deeply for, and it had been a while. However, she did take a moment to collect herself and she started to help Nadia with Arnora.

"Intruder!" Astrid grasped at her spear and went to toss it at the figure, though it was after she made the first throw that she realized that she was throwing at an invisible target, so the spear hit the wooden floor of the hotel, leaving a dent into the already banged up floor. She hefted herself forward and snatched up her spear as she looked around, trying to see if there was any way that she could target the invisible foe that they were following.

She made a second toss at the direction of a sound, and once again the spear missed and left another gouge into the wooden floor. Astrid mentally cursed at that and then dashed forward to snatch up her spear once more. She then looked around and noticed that Dalisy had focused in on the elevator area. She knew Dalisy had some kind of special sense, having just seen it in use in the office. Astrid narrowed her eyes, and aimed for the third time. She did a mental prayer to both of her patron gods as she threw the spear for a third time. This time she watched as the spear seemed to sink into a figure, and she grinned to herself. Third time really was the charm it seemed.

Back in the office, Lara was tearing apart part of her shirt at that point to make strips of bandages if Nadia needed them. She really did not like what was happening, between seeing Loki's symbol, as well as the invisible figure that had just attacked Arnora. She also was wondering where the figure had been hiding before they had attacked Arnora. They had fired an arrow in a small environment, which was odd. They either had been desperate or very skilled.

Location: The Climbing Wall
Skills: N/A

Stella did smile a bit as two kids around her age, or so she guessed, walked up and she waved to them both. "Heya, as Kristin said, I'm Stella. Nice to meetcha." Stella looked between them both and paused as she realized that between all of them, no one had told her the name of those two, so she just looked awkward for a moment. She did hear the boy address Persephone as step-mom so she gathered that he was a son of Hades. She turned to look to Marygold and Kristin again as they spoke and she smiled a bit as they did inform her that while this was a special camp it did have most of the things a normal summer camp had. She had been to a summer camp a few years ago, and all she really remembered of it was that there were horses and arts and crafts.

"I'd like to see the arts and crafts cabin when everyone else is ready to head that way, but I think Miss Persephone still wanted to do the tour with us, so should we wait? Also I had another question. You said this place had most of the like traditional summer camp things, right? Does that mean there are horses here? Can I see them if we do?" Her eyes went a bit wide at the idea of being able to ride horses again.

She did look over to the other two kids again, and then shuffled a bit. She wanted to ask them their names but they were a little busy, so she waited to hear back from the teens.

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Inside Helgi's office
Skills: N/A

Lara was thankful that whatever Runa had done had worked, and when Nadia said it was charmspeak it made sense to her. "Thank you Runa." She offered the other woman a small smile as they headed into the office and started to look around at the room. She knew that Dalisy would probably see more than they could with her vision, so she mostly looked around to see if there was anything too obvious that it wouldn't make sense for Dalisy to focus in on it. That was when she saw it, that symbol, and she felt the color drain from her face. She walked over to the desk and inspected it more and frowned when her suspicions were confirmed.

"Well done Runa, thank you so much." Astrid smiled as she looked over at Runa, and followed them into the office and looked around. There was much out of place, but that did make sense, as this was an active murder investigation scene. She did pause when Dalisy told them not to walk around, so she froze behind the rest of the group. She felt like she was a bit useless at that point, as her skills were better put when it came to combat and sensing those that were about to die around them. There was death hanging over this room, or at least that was how it felt to her.

"Guys, I have a bad feeling about all this, especially since it looks like this might be due to Loki's influence. Not sure if it is him directly, or one of his tricks but, he's left a mark." Lara gestured to the corner of the desk where the symbol was carved into it. She didn't dare touch it, who knew what kind of magic was radiating from that one little symbol. Loki's infamy was well known to everyone there, and his magic was not to be messed with.

Astrid frowned as Lara pointed out the symbol of the corner of the desk, and she scrunched up her nose. "Well if it is him, that might explain why Helgi and everyone else isn't coming back. Though it could be someone framing him... I don't know. Though, it would be easy to pin the blame on him." Astrid knew that Loki was an obvious first choice, especially with his symbol right there. However, she didn't want to form a conclusion just yet.
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