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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Train Station Platform - Cafe
Skills: N/A

Stella nodded as they agreed that they should find a place to rest for the night, that wasn't the train and those hard seats. Stella stepped up last and put in her order for a sandwich, with no mayo and extra mustard, and an iced tea to drink. She didn't need coffee or soda, and honestly preferred a good cup of nice iced tea. She had to thank her otou-san for that, as he always made sure there was a fresh pitcher of iced tea in their house, when he wasn't making fresh hot tea from his own tea plants and flowers. Thinking about that made her heart ache for a moment, and she shook her head and then took a step back from the counter once she had presented the coupon for the food.

"So watch would be a good idea then?" It did seem that Jason was on board with that idea, even if Niah hadn't heard her the first time, or had heard her and hadn't acknowledged it. "And asking about the hotel after we eat sounds like a good idea. We do want to make sure we get a room together, right?" She offered them all a small smile as they waited for their food to be ready.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Train Station Platform - Cafe
Skills: N/A

"I think we still have those cards, if we want to sleep elsewhere... I'll admit sleeping on the train isn't appealing to me either. I'll even take sleeping on a hotel couch or something else for the night." Stella followed Jason and Niah to the cafe, keeping Arbor close and on the leash. Thankfully the mortals around them didn't seem interested in trying to pet the working puppy, so she didn't have to put up with that kind of fuss. She lined up with the other two and fished out one of those cheap paper menus the cafe had in a box near the front and looked it over.

"We should... do shifts or something right?" Stella had lowered her voice so that only the other two demi-gods could hear her. Thankfully the other mortals were chattering loudly about the strangeness of the bird attack, what they were going to order, or other things to hear what she was talking about. Even if they did pick up, it wasn't like they knew what she meant by shifts, right? "I mean, is that a good idea or should we all just try to sleep through the night?" She started curling the edge of the paper menu as she thought, her mind going miles a minute, having skipped past dinner already.

Location: The Train - Train Station Platform
Skills: N/A

Stella gently bent over to latch the leash back onto Arbor, hoping that the vest was still visible to the mortals, indicating her little pup was 'In Training' and that he was not to be bothered. She gently took the end of the leash in her hand and helped Arbor down from the seat at that point and pet the top of his head as they both stretched a bit more. She listened to both Jason and Niah as they spoke and nodded. It didn't seem like a good idea to split up, and she really was hungry at that point.

"The cafe sounds good. I don't want to go too far away even if the train isn't leaving till morning. I just hope that we can get something for Arbor as well." She smiled as she went to follow them both, stepping off the train and onto the platform. She relaxed a bit, and hoped that they could have a peaceful moment. However there as a bit of a nagging voice in the back of her mind, reminding her that while they had been lucky earlier, that didn't mean they were still going to be lucky.

Location: The Train - The Sleeping Compartment
Skills: N/A

For the last several hours Stella had mostly curled up with Arbor, petting him and relaxed a bit. Thankfully it seemed that the ride to the next 'major' stop was calm at that point, and they didn't have to worry about any monster attacks. She did eventually drift off into a sort of nap before the conductor poked his head into their compartment and presented them with the vouchers. "Thank you again, for all your help." She didn't really have anything to add when he asked if there was anything else they needed. She did look out the window to see it was night and stretched a bit.

"I guess the question is are we staying on the train or getting off? They said we'd have a lay over right?" Stella gently pet her puppy more, and sat there in thought. She was hungry as well, and she knew that her puppy probably wanted to eat as well, but she still had no idea if food or soil was the best thing to give him. She stood up and stretched a bit more, realizing that she really hadn't moved the entire time they had sat in the compartment.

Location: The Train - The Sleeping Compartment
Skills: N/A

Stella made sure to hold onto the leash until they got to the sleeping compartment, and once they were back there, she gently took off the leash and pet Arbor's head softly. She reassured him that he was a good boy and had done very well. She sat down and when he climbed into the seat next to her and offered her his paw she checked him over. She cleaned his own scratches and then bandaged them with some clean cloth she found in her bag. Sure, it wasn't the best patch job but it would do for the moment, and it was better than trying to let the mortals look him over.

She looked up at the TV when it had been turned on, and tilted her head a bit. It was nothing of interest, so she decided to just rest a bit. She was still hungry but there wasn't too much they could do about that at the moment. The dining compartment was closed while they cleaned it up and took inventory of what was left after the 'seagull' attack. Stella closed her eyes, and leaned back against the seat and sighed softly and pet her puppy softly. There was really nothing else to do but wait.

Location: The Train - Dining Car -> The Sleeping Compartment
Skills: N/A

Stella was thankful that the conductor bought her literal sob story, and she sniffled and dried her eyes with her hands a bit. He even promised them a refund on the food, which wouldn't solve the issue of their current hunger but it did meant they hadn't wasted their money. Yes, it hadn't technically been their money, but it didn't mean that they wanted to waste it on food that they hadn't even gotten to enjoy. There was still the mystery of why the harpies had attacked, if it wasn't about the food, but Stella swore up and down all she saw taken was the food, and nothing else, unless she had missed something.

She reached down and gently pet Arbor and looked at Niah as she said they should head back. It wasn't like staying in the messy dining car was going to make food magically appear for them, and it was a mess there still. She nodded and gently picked up the leash and went to lead Arbor back to their sleeping compartment, as it seemed that they might need to regroup a bit. Thankfully it seemed their compartment was fine, at least from the outside. She opened the door and went to head inside.

Location: The Train - Dining Car
Skills: N/A

"Well what else would they have taken from the train?" Stella was sure she didn't see anything else missing but food, even as Jason insisted they had to be after something else. Would there be something hidden in the food that they hadn't seen or the mortals didn't know about? What would the harpies be after? She was distracted by Arbor coming up and nuzzling her hand and whining a bit, as his meal had been interrupted, and they were still in the dining car. "I know boy, I'm sorry. We'll see about getting you some food." She pet his head softly and rubbed his ears a bit.

She looked up as the conductor came in and asked them if they were okay, and she decided to play it up a bit, as she was the youngest of the group. "Those mean birds ruined our meal, after we paid for it and everything and then scratched us up! And they hurt my poor service dog as well..." She sniffled a bit as she looked at the mortal, hoping that they could maybe get some free food or care out of their attack, or something. Thankfully the mortal seemed to believe that it was a random bird attack thanks to Niah's use of the Mist. Stella would make sure to thank her for that later.

Location: The Train - Dining Car
Skills: Looking Around

Stella was honestly surprised that the fight was over and the rest of the harpies were fleeing at that point. She noticed the last of them throw the hot dog at Niah and winced a bit at that. What a waste of a perfectly good hot dog. Maybe Arbor would enjoy it off the floor once he was done licking his wounds. She put her knife away and started to look around the dining car. She hadn't missed the part where the harpies had mentioned that they had gotten what they had come for and that was why they were leaving. She did make sure to check her own supplies, and everything seemed alright there.

The only thing she noticed that was missing was food. That seemed weird to her. "...Did they just break onto the train to steal food?" She tilted her head curiously at that, and got a confused look on her face. Why would a bunch of monsters do that. It seemed rather risky unless there was something she was missing. There was the other problem though, all those mortals had seen the three of them fighting, right? Was it time to go hide in their compartment till the next station?

Location: The Train - Dining Car
Skills: Knife attack and Pupper Attack

The dining car had become chaos in the blink of an eye, as the harpies seemed content to wreak havoc while the mortals fled in horror. Stella could care less what they were seeing, as she was more distracted by fighting with the harpies at the moment, as they seemed too happy to tear chunks out of the demi-gods and Stella's wolf. Stella hissed as the claws left some rather nasty looking marks over her arms, and she could feel the blood trickling down her arms. She frowned and took a swipe at the harpy that had attacked her, and managed to land a hit, but it didn't kill the monster.

Arbor let out a growl at another harpy and lept up and took a bite out of the harpy that had been bothering him, and Stella smiled softly at that, but once again, it didn't take out the monster. Stella backed up a bit before taking another swipe at the harpy that attacked her, and managed to land another good blow, and the monster dissolved into golden dust. Arbor also got another good attack, and the harpy he had been attacking also turned into dust. It seemed that two more were gone, but there were still plenty in the compartment.

Location: The Train - Dining Car
Skills: Knife attack and Pupper Attack

Stella barely had any time to try to enjoy her sandwich when the harpies burst in through the window and started to attack. She let out a cry as she saw her little puppy get swept up one one of those awful things. "ARBOR!" She went to attack the harpy that had her puppy, taking the knife out of her bag that she had gotten earlier. She lunged at the harpy but she missed and ended up flat across the booth seat she had just been sitting in and groaned softly at the feeling. She whimpered as she heard her little pup struggle and fight, until he managed to land a well placed bite, and got himself free.

"Attaboy!" Stella couldn't help but grin as she watched her puppy land on his feet and then lick himself clean of their grasp. He barked, as if to let her know that she was alright, and she nodded at that. She got back up and took an offensive position and then went to attack. She seemed to get lucky, as the one that had been holding her puppy was too distracted licking her own wounds, and so when Stella struck her in the chest, she struck true, killing the harpy, watching as she turned into golden dust, like the other monsters she had watched die before.
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