Avatar of Kiwiwiwi
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 98 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Kiwiwiwi 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Britons never never never shall be slaves
8 yrs ago
Rule Britannia, britannia rule the waves.
8 yrs ago
Anyone know about the banana technique?


I'm actually an old boy, I forgot my password, lol, but it's better my old account is forgotten... I don't want to talk about it...

Most Recent Posts

Sorry guys, I had a life for a few days, I'll do something tonight
Complete,y forgot the about this, wow
Is everyone at the bar yet?
Great, finish it up then put it in the char tab

@Lurking Shadow
Should be fine, put it in the char tab
Sheidinhal Ulidilei, streets of Artis, Praelium

Sheid licked his salty lips, the smell of the dead was still in the air, he opened his mouth to speak
"WE ARE ROYAL ENVOYS EN ROUTE TO THE CAPITAL OF PRAELIUM, WE BEAR LETTERS FROM THE HIGH KING HIMSELF!" Interrupted one of the Saldoman Knights, he wore a helmet which echoed his words throughout the street, Sheid tossed him an annoyed look and approached Holden. He pulled to a stop a few meters away and scratched the back of his head.
"we saw the encounter with the dead so we came to investigate, It appears we were not needed... what my friend there said was true, I am an envoy of high king Ordo Dramaghas and I bring messages directly from him., Sheid pulled from his pouch a letter and seal, his "seal of aproval".

unknown, rooftops of Artis port, Praelium

She stood and stared, hood down below her eyes, a dagger in hand, behind her many others, all hooded, all deadly, they dropped down and encircled the street whilst hidden.
"Die.", they began their attack.
It is possible to make your character not knowing of his/her history, anything is fine as long as it fits in with the story
@luna558@StormHeart@Infamous Empath@Warborn123@GranmotherPandi@Kessir Tarkin
Kain brought himself up, the relative silence within bar was interrupted by a snarky woman with a metal arm and leg, he snarled at her, and the man she was talking to as well. Soon the room was filled with noise, many had come to be accepted into the crew, Kain rose and pulled his hand to his mouth, muttered something, then approached the group.
"I am Captain Eugene Kain, better known as the Headhunter, and I want to make one thing clear... we aren't pirates." he said in a low voice, he mouthed the word yet before revealing the crest of the Britannian privateer. "this is our ticket to anything, we have certain rights in Britannian space, more so than the royal fleet." he slammed the crest down on the table, with a few quick movements he pulled from his jacket more crests, "each of you will take one of these, it may damn well save your life.", he chucked those on the table and returned his hand to his jacket, from it he pulled a letter, old, a red wax seal can be seen keeping it secure, Kain held it up so the soon to be new crew could see. "this is a letter of marque, it will be the source of our income, does anyone know how?

Name: Eugene Kain "headhunter"

Race: augmented human, enhanced memory, targeting servos and a metal endoskeleton

Age: 58

Gender: male

Job: Captain

Personality: He is what you would expect that old captain to be like, a sea hardy man with a built body and a hard personality, smoking a pipe and talking like an old pirate, minus the "talking like an old pirate" part he is pretty much that, he keeps to himself and makes it known to everyone that he is not one to share his past with any "comrades" or "friends".

short bio: he doesn't have much of a past, only being known as a space faring pirate turned privateer, serving the Holy Britannian Empire he makes a living doing errands for the king and queen as well as the knights of the round table on the many planets of the Empire, since his last errand he has lost almost all of his crew and looks to planet Lancelot prime for new members.
Wow, I missed a lot... when were we setting our own theme songs? Never mind, I'll have something up once everyone has posted, I'll also try to get my character up...
Alright, those who are done with their characters can put them in the character tab, mix and mingle in the bar for now while I get the current plot ready
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