Emily Johnson
“You can do anything, but not everything.”-
David allen
|Name|Emily Harper Johnson
Emily has had the nickname for as long as she can remember. She likes it as it sounds soft, warm and affectionate. She doesn't like just anyone calling her by her nickname though, preferring it only to be used among the company of friends.
|Birth Date|February 24th, 1997
|Sexually Active|Yes. However, she also places hope on finding the 'right' one eventually.
|Relationship Status|Actively Looking
|Role|Team Member
|Team Color|Team Green
|In Depth Appearance|A radiant and exuberant individual, Emily stands at 5'5". Posessing a heart-shaped face with a button nose and a set of beautiful almond shaped eyes. Her eyes, which are by far her most striking feature are a gorgeous shade of icy blue and her thin lips, which accentuates her small mouth a healthy pink. Her ivory complexion is fair, with subtle golden undertones. Emily's hair is a shade of honey blonde, straight and extends out to chest level. It can usually be seen in a braided ponytail or worn let down in its natural state. Her cheeks are round and produces a pair of dimples at the edges of her mouth when she smiles, brightening up her visage. Her body is slender and athletic. What Emily lacks in height, she makes up for in her radiant appearance.
|Clothing Style|Emily can often be seen in tank tops and t-shirts. She prefers earthy colours, like dark green and brown, with the occasional greys. For the lower half of her body, she wears a pair of cargo pants as her preferred attire. For her feet, a pair of sport shoes are usually worn.
|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|Emily does not have any scars or tattoos, but her ears are pierced.
|Likes & Dislikes|✔Pranks/Pranking people
✔Keeping people happy
✔Classical Music
✔Cheesy Romance
✔Making Friends/Maintaining Friendships
✘Letting people down
✘Fake people
Listening to Classical Music
Eye squinting(especially while thinking)
Moving head along to the rhythm of music
|Fears|☠Snakes & Spiders
☠Dying in general
☠Not finding the 'one'
|Personality|♦ Appeaser ♦ Idealistic ♦ Exuberant ♦ Loyal ♦
With an equally radiant personality to match her exuberant appearance, Emily is an energetic and adventurous individual that is also competitive and passioniate for what she loves and believes in. She always seek to strive for her best, and improving what she already knows. Warm and friendly, Emily is very much a people person and generally gets along well with people due to her pleasant disposition. Headstrong and determined, once she sets her mind on something, she will do her best to achieve or complete it. Highly excitable, she tends to get excited over the smallest of things, however she is also highly disciplined and has a great sense of self-control and knows her priorities. As much as she enjoys fooling around, she always puts work first.
She sticks to the unwritten rules that she sets for herself and abides by them at all times. A highly emotional person, her feelings tend to overpower her at times, which may impair and cloud her judgement. She has a rather extensive sense of humour and tends to laugh at most jokes, making a couple of her own along the way. A big fan of pranks and pranking people, she is always on the lookout for more pranks on the internet. Optimistic and idealistic, she is a firm believer of hope and positivity. However, she also does have her moments where she can be rather cynical. More of a follower than a leader, her leadership skills are sorely lacking, but her loyalty is absolute once earned, which makes her a great follower.
When it comes to romance, Emily is by no means an expert in the field. She does more than her fair share of flirting among the guys she interacts with. A sucker for romance, she is a big fan of the whole love and affection thing between a couple and will go all out for the person she loves and considers her other half. Confidence can sometimes be an issue for her as she begin to doubt her competence and abilities. Prone to being stubborn and obstinate, she often insists on doing things her way even though she knows that it may not be the fastest or most efficient way. She always seeks company, and likes it most when not alone.
|Place of Origin|Born in Sydney, Australia and immigrated to Los Angeles, California when she was eight.
|History|Born into an influential and affluent family, Emily lived in Piper Point, one of the wealthiest suburbs in Sydney, Australia. Emily enjoyed most of her childhood, especially the parts in Australia. She had plenty of friends at school and was well-liked, and as the only child, she had all the love her parents could give. Her parents were posh and intelligent people.Both her parents were bankers, which brought alot of wealth into the family's income. The one thing they lacked was a child of their own.
Dozens of tries later, Emily was finally concieved. Incredibly supportive of their only child's interest, they fully supported Emily interest in gymnastics by not forcing her to do things she was interested in. Practising gymnastics from a young age, she was selected to be in the school gymnastic team. They were not always present, busy and occupied with work, and she often went to competitions alone. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she had everything she desired, and could want nothing more as she grew up. Toys, friends, hobbies, she had them all. Except for one thing. Her parents gave her as much affection as they could, but seeing as they were usually home late at night, she rarely got to interact with them before bed time.
Shortly after her eighth birthday, her parents recieved a promotion to head the American branch of the bank. They came home early one night which highly surprised the young Emily. Conveying the news to her, her life came tumbling down as they announced that they would be immigrating over to the United States, losing her friends, her position in the school team and plenty others.
The Johnson family moved over to their new permanent residence in Beverly Hills, a mansion overlooking the city of Los Angeles that her parents had managed to secure through the help of their friends in the state. It took a couple of years before Emily really considered herself settled in, here in America. She had a new group of friends and was had only recently joined the school's gymnastics team. Intending of meeting new people and making new friends, Emily signed herself up for Camp Liberty, with the permission of her parents. Hopefully, she would meet someone important to her life here. Hopefully.
|Extra|Emily usually puts on a fragance that smells like Lilac and Gooseberries. It is not overly strong but is distinct enough to know and recognise. It is generally a scent associated with her. Her favourite thing in Summer is hanging out at the beach with her friends.
|Theme Song|