Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetWanderer
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SunsetWanderer woke moralist

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Main Hall - Outside Meeting Room
Interacting With: Alex Novak @reiko

Alex returned to an empty Blue cabin. Slightly disappointed that Caspy wasn't there so she could apologize for what happened at the dining hall, she quickly took in the room. Noting that her best friend's luggage was open and rummaged through, she took a seat on his bunk before looking into his suitcase. Unknowingly, the girl smiled gently at the contents she saw: romance novels and cookbooks, meticulously folded casual clothes with a few suit assets. Pulling out her phone to check the time, Alex noticed it was almost half past eleven. Caspy must have came back to the cabin to gather items and get ready for the leader meeting happening at noon. That was why his pack was half messy.

Frowning, Alex began to go through his belongings. She was hoping that she would be able to catch him before the meeting. However, she knew that if he wasn't here at this time it meant that he had already left for the meeting, wanting to be extra punctual to start with a good first impression. Finally finding the thing she was searching for, Alex decided that she might be able to catch up with him. The Main Hall wasn't too far. Hearing the overhead announcement, Alex quickly left the cabin, heading in the direction of the meeting. Once the hall came into view, she noticed a familiar figure slightly fidgeting, standing outside of the hall.

Increasing her speed, Alex ran up to Caspy, calling out his name. Once he had turned around, she engulfed him in a tight embrace, humming in distress.

"..alright, Casper. Just go in, nod an' smile to what everybody says, be agreeable..then politely put forwa-"

Having been awkwardly pacing outside the meeting room while going over his 'action plan' for the meeting he would soon enter, Casper found his train of thought abruptly interrupted by the familiar voice. Rather taken by surprise, Casper only managed to squeak out a "Hi!" before being taken into her arms. Welcoming the hug, and a much needed distraction from the upcoming meeting, he wrapped his own arms around her, laying one across her waist and another her upper-back.

Casper kept quiet at first, and his initial hopes that Alex was simply coming to him to pleasantly say 'hello' were soon dashed. He'd seen her like this before, and it often meant something was up. Only, this time, he wasn't entirely sure what could be wrong, and so instead remained silent in the hopes she'd spill it out to him. The silence continued for a few seconds, however, and Casper finally spoke up. After all, something was upsetting his best friend, which in turn meant that something was upsetting him, and he was determined to resolve it. Pulling his head back to offer a warm smile accompanied with a reassuring squeeze, he gently asked, "..Alex? I would ask if everything's okay, but..I think I know the answer. What's up?" Asking the question, he had soon forgotten about the meeting he was due to attend entirely, now being completely focused on whatever it was that was rather obviously upsetting Alex.

Green eyes met worried brown before averting their gaze to the side. Alex rested her her hands on Caspy's shoulders as he asked her about what was bugging her, making her guilt worse. Pouting, she exhaled heavily, only relinquishing her silence once she felt Caspy's hands give her sides a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry," she stated sincerely, which was actually a difficult task for the girl with anyone else. "I shouldn't have left you in the dining hall like that. That was pretty messed up of me," she trailed off toward the end. Remembering one of the reasons she traveled the Sahara Desert to go meet her best friend, Alex removed her arms from around Caspy and pulled out a chocolate bar from her back pocket. "And to prove to you how bad I felt, I got you this," she said, handing him the candy.

Casper held his gentle smile and affectionately caressed her back throughout her 'confession', hoping to give what reassurance he could without words. When she did finally finish apologising, he opened his mouth to speak, though instead cocked his head to the side in silence as he observed the chocolate bar in her hands. Dropping his arms from around her to take the bar, he inspected the candy in his hands, and after a moments of silence, Casper allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips. "My favourite chocolate. You didn't happen to find this in my bag, did you? ...and some of it has been eaten!" Turning his attention back to Alex, he looked down at her fondly while adopting a slightly more serious, albeit reassuring, tone. "Alex. You don't need to apologise. Richard is your friend, and you can be with him whenever you like."

Acting mock offended, Alex placed a hand on her chest. "What? No. I took it from someone. See? That's how much I wanted to show I was sorry: I stole for you." At Caspy's exclaim, the girl merely shrugged before whining, "I wanted some..." However, the brunette frowned once her best friend had brought the topic back to serious matters. He was so good to her; his dislike for Richard was so much greater than hers for either Leah or Lil and he was understanding of her friendship with the blonde yet she couldn't even sit with him because a few of his friends slightly irritated her. Shaking her head as if to rid the unpleasant wave of guilt and solemn thoughts, Alex avoided the conversation with a, "Let's not talk about that right now." After taking back the chocolate bar, Alex held Caspy's arms and placed them around her; she liked being in his embrace. Unmoved by the close proximity between the two, the girl broke off a piece of the chocolate before holding it to the boy's lips. "Here," she gently offered with a small smile.

Tilting his head with a soft smirk, Casper happily obliged Alex by opening his mouth slightly. After she placed the piece of chocolate onto his lips, Casper gave a slight nod of thanks. Allowing the chocolate to melt in his mouth, he spoke quietly as to avoid fully opening his mouth (speaking with your mouth full was the height of bad manners, after all) "I sure know good chocolate, huh. I don't blame you for being unable to resist taking some yourself, and besides. Sharing is caring!"

Rolling her eyes at his cheesy response, the girl brought her fingers away from his lips, noticing a slight smear of chocolate. Sucking her fingers clean, she looked up at him. "So, do you forgive me?" Pausing for a brief moment to think over his reply, Casper eventually began to speak, "..psch, I don't think you even needed to--" Cutting himself off mid-sentence, Casper figured now wasn't the time to debate whether the apology was needed in the first place, and instead bit the inside of his lip, smirking. "Yes. I forgive you."

Smiling at his answer, Alex brought her arms to rest behind Caspy's neck once more before batting her eyelashes up at him and flashing him a flirty smile. "You still love me?" Casper wasted little time in answering the next question, however, and opted to go for one of the cheesier lines in his romantic vocabulary. "Of course I love you! Now and always." After his response, she pressed herself against him and hugged him tightly before taking on a more serious tone. "Good, because I don't know what I'd do without you." As she held him, green eyes drifted to the side where the entrance to the Main Hall was. She should probably let him go soon. Exhaling, Alex pulled back and brought one of her hands up to Caspy's cheek, offering him a genuine smile. "Good luck in there. Don't overthink everything; remember you're doing the right thing and some of these other 'leaders' don't deserve their spot because they don't know what they're doing. Remember to relax your mind from time to time and just think about something else for a moment and breath. It'll get better as you go along. You're going to be amazing," she assured as she ran her fingers through his hair. Running her hand down his shirt a few times to smooth out his clothes, she commented, "Oh, yeah. I also have a surprise for you when you come back to the cabin." Wishing him luck one last time, she bent up to kiss his cheek before waving to him as he left to enter the hall.

Location: Main Hall - Meeting Room
Interacting With
Chase Jackson @McHaggis Stacey Hampton @HushedWhispers Lillan Ashbourne @Wintergrey Any other leaders

Making his way into the meeting room punctually, Casper thought he noticed Stacey pull some kind of face, though when he looked back at her, she was already looking in another direction. Figuring it was simply a result of 'nervous imagination', Casper walked around the table to take a seat opposite from Stacey. "Wait - did she not wave at me? She waved in my direction, right? She probably just missed me. Right?" Aware of the fact he was letting his worries take hold over him, Casper took a deep breath, assuring himself that he was simply making such things up in his head, and soon distracted himself with the introductions alongside the other Team Leaders. "..so, I'm Casper. Leader of the Blue Team, and, well. That's about it for introductions, huh!"

Soon after the leaders had completed their short, individual introductions alongside the camp counsellors, Stacey rose to her feet. She began passing around copies of her ideas, though curiously, threw hers toward Casper. "..that almost hit me! Okay--..you're far away, Casper, you're on the opposite side of the table! She probably just had to throw it because she didn't want to walk all the way around! That's a normal thing!" Trying his hardest to convince himself that he was not a target of hers, Casper remembered the advice Alex had offered him earlier, "..relax your mind from time to time and just think about something else for a moment.." This, however, soon led Casper to recount their entire encounter in his head. "Was she flirting with me? Like - the chocolate thing. She chose to put it on my lips, and she did move my arms around her, and she kissed me again! ..but, no. It's platonic. It has to be! ..I'm just getting my hopes up--..although, maybe if I tell her how I feel-, no, no. Don't be stupid, Casper. You want to keep the friendship, not ruin it! ...but then again, she is so amazing. Imagine if you were actually with her, Casper..."

When he finally snapped out of his daydream, Casper realised that Stacey had all but finished her little speech, and Chase was now adding her own thoughts. Using Chase's own discussion as an opportunity to read over the list in front of him, Casper gave it a brief run over before standing, himself, after Chase was finished. Stacey stood. Why shouldn't he? "So, I was thinking, shouldn't we just put it to the vote around the camp, as it usually is? Maybe if we offer a few films from each genre, and then they vote as per usual! I don't think...we need to, like..decide a genre for the camp. I mean--..I'll be the first to admit, I think Camp Rock and the Jonas Brothers are starting to grow on me...it's only been a few years!" Allowing himself to laugh somewhat, Casper soon realised his joke had fallen flat, and his laugh trailed off into an awkward silence "..a-a-a..anyway." Casper threw his attention down to the list on the table, skimming it over once more, though he also took the time to compose himself as best he could after his failed attempt at comedy. With his cheeks flushing red, it wasn't hard to see the boy was in hot water. "Paintball." He thought to himself. "There's no way I'm letting Richard anywhere near me with a paintball gun."

"About the paintball idea...I think, maybe. It's a bit..violent? I mean, we don't come here to get beaten and bruised! Maybe sticking with foam darts, or something akin to that is better? I think we'd all be thankful for it in the days after the paintball." Pausing for a moment, he nodded his head quickly, deciding to move on from the disagreements he had. "I think the talent show is a great idea, though. For sure! ...and for the party, maybe we should do, like, a hollywood-esque theme. You know, during the time of the glitz and glamour, when all the films were black and white, and being a celebrity was just the best! ...or, I kind of like the masquerade idea, honestly!"

Not entirely sure where to go after his last comments, Casper went to sit down, before stopping himself and promptly rising to stand once more. "Oh, and. Well, I know it's not really related, but I just wanted to say...I know Team Blue has a 'reputation' around the Camp, and I know it's not the nicest of reputations. I just. Well, I just want to let you all know, that this year Team Blue isn't going to be playing to that reputation. No hosting secret parties, no taking competitions beyond a friendly rivalry...and no more using the nickname 'Royal Blues'. I think, most of all, this should be about friendly competition...and the colour of our teams shouldn't define who we are, or who we can associate with." With that said, Casper let a heavy breath of relief, giving a slight nod to signify he had finished speaking, before sitting once more.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Main Hall
Interacting With: Low @tigerchuffs | Katsuya Bogdani @aladdin_sane

To be completely honest, Oliver didn't really understand how Katsuya's mind worked. The girl spoke quickly and passionately, her mouth moving as if it were on speed, and Ollie could only sit and watch and listen in amazement as this girl just went off. She listened as intently as she could to Kat's refrain, nodding ever so often while stealing at glance at Low. At some points she would lean in slowly to take another bite of her now mushy, sickeningly sweet pancakes, but her eyes remained glue to Kat's frame behind her specs. Eventually, silence filled up the group, and Ollie sucked in a soft, tired sigh before smiling lightly.

Quickly enough, Kat's attention turned to Elowen. She continued on with her speeches, stringing together colorful phrases to form beautiful images with words and thoughts and life. It was an interesting magic Katsuya possessed, much different from the bizarre light that emanated from Low. Her's was much more similar to a fever dream than a drug-like high, a wavering plane of existence that shifted in color and appearance with ever word she uttered. From where Ollie stood she could only experience this world, not feel it like she assumed Kat could, and around and around the words and world swirled. Colors that she couldn't even image formed from melding letters, life blossomed from stories that lay hidden beneath a wary tongue, and Ollie could only sit back in awe as this person sitting before her strung together things that seemed implausible into something that felt completely unnatural.

And god damn was Ollie all for it.

By the end of her second tangent Oliver was completely lost in her own mind. Though her face was devoid of emotion and her gaze was completely hidden behind her gleaming glasses those close would notice her entirely sleepy presence. Then the silence returned, and she sprang up with a slight start, laughing a fragmented, robotic laugh before standing. Her fingers wrapped around the edged of her now empty plate, and after drifting noiselessly over to the trash can and back she peaked an eyebrow at Kat, who once again was stirring oceans with her constant talking. Ollie leaned forward slightly at the mention of the "blue yonder", then leaned back to tap her chin thoughtfully at the idea of taking a stroll.

"You know, that's actually a lovely idea..." She drifted over to Low's side, then stepped calmly towards Kat's, and repeated this process a few times before sitting back down at her original spot. "We could walk around the lake perhaps, and take a nap on the moss beds... And perhaps we'll see the glow of the bonfire over the water when night falls and the stars will gleam so beautifully above.... Yes that would be lovely." She spoke gently, mostly to herself, then turned her gaze expectantly towards the others, barely registering the fact that time had slowly passed around them, and that the dining hall had started to clear as the afternoon light began to fill the room.

Location: Camp Grounds to Blue Cabin
Interacting With: Stacey Hampton (text) @HushedWhispers

Richard had slipped away from the group some time ago, feeling a little blue that he had no possible way of following through with his spying plan, So, instead of being where he believed he truly belong, King wandered the familiar camp grounds. The gravel of the man-made trails slipped in and out of his flip-flops, burning into the soles of his feet and leaving behind the nostalgic feeling of pain he had experienced ever summer since his pre-teen-hood. This place, this camp, it was just... Too good. For him. Looking back to his school year and general not-summer times, King found himself constantly thinking of the people and places left alone here during the winter and spring and autumn. He would wonder what it would be like for this place to be completely quiet and empty, and trace the cabins and trees curdely into his school notebook as his mind would wander and wander about this wonderful place.

Wow, when did you get so sentimental, Richard?

He pouted at the familiar voice of his father that filled his head momentarily. Nah, no need to think about them now, he had bigger things to worry about. This summer was his last after all, he had to strive to be as big and as bad as he could be this year. Parties ever other night, no, every night! Perhaps even sneaking in some booze would be fun, though it would be a hassle to keep hidden with all the kids around. He quickened his pace with excitement, barely registering his entrance into the blue cabin.

After a few more moments of energetic thinking, he sighed, sucking in a deep breath and exhaling gently. He then straightened and glanced around the room quickly, taking note of who probably laid claim where. Bunks for Fawn and Alex. Beds for him and Leah. Seemed pretty okay for him. Though... He wouldn't have a chance to really unpack and settle in due to his stuff still being shoved in his car. King thought for a moment about heading back out into the afternoon heat, and then he turned and collapsed onto his bed. The old mattress squeaked with his added weight, and a hefty breath escaped his lungs as his back fell against the springy surface. Again, nostalgia washed over him, and not wanting to get misty-eyed he pulled out his phone and glanced through his messages.

Upon seeing Stacy's naame again, a sudden lurch in his heart and head made him frown. He was curious, about what was happening and what was being discussed. It should be him at that meeting, not Fawn. Stupid Fawn. Caspy Caspy Caspy Fawn. Screw the friendly ghost, stealing his damn spot. Rage turned King's face red, and he clenched and unclenched his fist a few times before typing in a new message to Stace.

To: Stace ❀
yo girly i would love it if you sent over the deets of the meeting when your done. Gotta prepare myself for what's to come ya know? :))

He glanced over the message a few times, then shrugged and sent it out. After that, his phone dropped down onto his chest and he let an arm drape over his eyes. This summer was either going to be legendary or ordinary. And there was no way he was going to let it be ordinary without a fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lil Ashbourne

Location: Arriving
Interacting With: Cas@SunsetWanderer

Lil couldn't help, but laugh at the expression that crossed Cas's face. It was priceless. Giggling, she realized it might be seen as rude and tried to cover up her laugh by throwing her hands across her mouth. Cas scooted over for her, seemingly happy to see her. She was certainly happy to see him. Throwing one arm around him, she quickly giving him a hug before taking her seat. Sitting down her legs subconsciously moved next to his, before quickly pulling back. Not with this one Lil, she reminded herself. She couldn't hurt him too...

They sat in the cafeteria for a while. Lil only got up once to get herself some food. Pancakes. She could have sung a song she was so happy stuff them in her tiny mouth. When she was finally full she said goodbye to Cas and Luca. She needed to prepare for the leader's meeting. Or not. Probably not. Who actually prepared for those things? They were so boring.

Walking back and forth in her cabin, Lil questioned why she had even came back. There was nothing for her to do there. There was no one for her to talk to. Fidgeting she twisted her hair in her fingers and rapidly tapped them against her thigh. Anyone watching her would have clearly seen how she was stressing out. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear the thoughts racing through it, she finally decided it was time to get to the meeting. Anything, even the dreaded walking, was better than sitting on her ass like a loner.

Walking down the path to the Main Hall, Lil made slow progress. Her legs were too damn short to get anywhere on time. Cursing at them, she kicked at the ground accidently stubbing her toe. "Really! Really?" Exasperated she trudged on, pain throbbing in her big toe. Before she got to the Main Hall Lil saw two people standing in front of the door. They were close, hugging and flirting. Not wanting to interrupt anything, she stood back waiting for them to finish. It wasn't until then that she realized it was Cas. Hugging Alex. Ouch. She had really liked Cas, but it seemed like her didn't feel the same about her.

Lil felt a pain in her chest, just above her stomach. It was the feeling she got when she was feeling alone. It was a terrible feeling. "Of course I love you! Now and always." Her ears caught the few words uttered by Cas. The feeling in her chest deepened. Sadness filled her. Averting her eyes, to prevent seeing something else that would hurt her, she waited until the door to the Main Hall slammed. Knowing that Cas wouldn't have seen her watching them, she walked up slowly as if she'd just arrived.

Walking into the room, Lil stood there awkwardly for a minute. She was never awkward, but she didn't know where to sit. Usually she would have sat next to Cas, but now... Keeping her eyes to the ground she sat one seat down from him. The meeting started and of course Stacey couldn't keep her ideas contained. Introductions started. She let out a short quiet, "Lil." raising her hand in a brief gesture. Lil watched quietly, for once, as Stacey tromped around. It seemed like she was being unusually loud and especially mean towards Cas. She wanted to say something, but couldn't really. Stacey was her one of her best friends, even if she did like King more than Cas.

Spacing out through most of the conversations, she didn't perk up until Cas started talking. It wasn't too surprising when he downvoted the paintball idea. He never had been into violent things. She wasn't too into getting paint on her clothes, but the thought of getting to shoot some people was very appealing to her. King would certainly have his name on some of the pellets. Maybe some other people too-

Her thoughts were interrupted as Cas continued talking. Now it was about the Blue Team. Finally he was standing up for what he believed in. Lil couldn't help the adoration she felt for him. He had always been so subservient to others ideas, but it seemed like becoming team leader had changed him. At this point she didn't know whether she liked that or not. "Well, I just want to let you all know, that this year Team Blue isn't going to be playing to that reputation. No hosting secret parties, no taking competitions beyond a friendly rivalry." Lil very much doubted what he said would hold true. As much as Cas had changed, he still couldn't stand up to King, though she wanted him to so badly. As for secret parties, she was already planning several herself. Green team wasn't going to change at all, unlike the blues. Not that she could say anything though. Camp counselors and all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Team Green Cabin
Interacting With: Lil Ashbourne @Wintergrey

It was almost lunchtime when a white 2015 Volkswagen Beetle entered the relatively full parking lot. Emily was late, though not a fault of hers. A communication mix-up had resulted in her not being informed that she was confirmed for for Camp Liberty's summer camp programme. She rushed towards the forested grove where Camp Liberty was situated at. This would be her first time in the camp and she hoped that the people there would be friendly and inviting. She was hoping to make new friends and to make the most of the boring summers she usually had for the last few years. All-in-all, she was looking to have a great time here.

Driving from Los Angeles to the outskirts of California, Emily had finally arrived at the pine forests where the summer camp was situated at. Turning off the engines and slipping the car keys into the front pocket of her cargo pants, she opened the driver's side of the door to the lovely sound of birds chirping and the leaves of the trees swaying in the wind as a breeze gently cruised by. The feeling she experienced then was one that was incredibly inviting, the pine trees lightly swaying in the wind as though extending a welcome to Camp Liberty itself.

The fresh air was crisp and refreshing and reinvigorated her after spending all the time in the recycled air of her car. Dressed in a olive green tank top matched by her khaki cargo pants, Emily opened the back seat of the Beetle, and retrieved a brown backpack, which she slung onto her shoulders before removing another black hand carry bag.

Walking towards the Main Hall where the camp administrative offices were, Emily opened the doors introducing herself to anyone and everyone present. "Hi! I'm Emily, I'm new to Camp Liberty and totally excited to be here!" The blonde's tone was incredibly chipper and her exuberant nature couldn't wait for itself to be let known. A woman came out from one of the offices inside introducing herself to Emily. "Hey there, I'm Meridith Collins, camp counsellor, and the previous head of Team Green. Welcome to Camp Liberty! I hope you enjoy and have a fulfilling stay here!" "Hi Meridith! I'm sure I will! I'm absolutely looking forward to it!" "Excellent! Now if you would follow me, I'll lead you to Team Green's cabin, where you will be available to pick anyone of bunks not yet occupied." When Emily reached the cabin belonging to Team Green, Meridith left her on her own, leaving the blonde to pick out one of the lower bunks not yet occupied.

She left her bags onto the bed and started to unzip her bags, unpacking them as she went along. Emily was not one to use plenty of cosmetics, so she didn't bring much. Removing her extra fresh clothes and hanging them into a closet, she then placed the cosmetics and toiletries she had brought into an section of one of the powder rooms.

Emily then unpacked the rest of her stuff and prepared for lunch or whatever would happen next. Meridith had given her the leader of Team Green, Lilian Ashbourne, and asked her to contact her if she needed anything. Emily thought that she would just sent her a welcome message. To say that she was excitable to be here was a gross understatement.

To: Lil. Ashbourne
From: Emily J.

Hi there! I'm Emily, and I'm your newest member of Team Green!
I look forward to spending an enjoyable summer here with the rest of the green team as well as everyone in Camp Liberty.
I'm just got here, and I'm unpacking in the cabin. See you soon!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tigerchuffs
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tigerchuffs Bitey, a little fighty.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

LocationAround, then to sleep!
Interacting With... Ollie @Liriia and Katsuya @aladdin_sane, Stacey and Sebastian @HushedWhispers

After breakfast, the leaders meeting had commenced. It wasn't anything spectacular, she thought, to be in charge of a group. There had been a nice long walk in the summer air. Ollie, Katsuya and Low rounded the lake, listening to the hum of insects in the steadily heating weather. She had pulled her hair away from her neck with a tie in a bun without much care. Otherwise, her plaid top stayed, her jeans were rolled up to mid-ankle to show off glow-in-the-dark pale legs and the hint of socks in black flats.

She kept her spectacle-wearing friend a breath away, occasionally, unintentionally bumping hips together while they walked. Katsuya on the other hand was not allowed as close. That was the advantage of being friends for three years, give or take a handful of weeks, days and time spent together. They only had the summer and then it was back to school. And then... college.

Her phone sent a secondary vibrate to remind her that she'd received texts a half an hour ago. Likely right after lunch when Stacey had time to reply. Unsurprisingly she took her time to reply, mulling over all of the options. Low only had so much energy, and she was quite tired from that long drive. It was almost, almost time for a nap. But she'd send them a quick text and sit on a bench, Ollie and Katsuya were welcome to join her – again, to remind the ever-growing camp group, the recovering addict wasn't much of a talker.

Honestly, even texting was a bit much:

To: Stacey H.
From: Low G

Mhm, it's nice that you're back too.

And a second to Stacey as well, since she liked to segment her responses to different things:


To: Sebastian R.
From: Low G

I'm sitting with Ollie and Katsuya, I'm tired.

Again, she broke up the text:

I'm 100% set on napping soon.

And then she turned to the two gray team members, smiling, gently voicing her need for rest, ”I think it's time to sleep... Come for me near dinner time? And with that, the taller girl stood and shook her plaid top, airing it. Soon she'd been in an over-sized sleeping shirt and tucked under cool cabin covers. Then, Low left and reached the cabin, rubbing black makeup onto her hand again while wiping an eye. The young woman shrugged past the light door and pushed her things along the wall of her bed, not bothering to shove them off and crawled on, cradling a pillow. Nap time!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zeke Rios

Location: Grey Cabin then Main Hall - Meeting Room
Interacting With:
Stacey Hampton @HushedWhispers, Casper Fawn @SunsetWanderer, Lilian Ashbourne @Wintergrey, Chase Jackson @McHaggis, Alec Nichols @HaleyTheRandom

Zeke was alone in the cabin, leaning over the desk with his hands on each of the edges holding him up. He was staring down at a whiteboard he had removed from the wall about an hour earlier. On the white board were three separate lists. The first was his own list of tasks for the day listed in chronological order and color-coded by importance. It was the first day of camp so nearly everything on the list was written in the black that meant they were everyday routine things like meals or the green of "suggested" activities. The laid back nature of the camp meant those would be the two main colors of that list all summer. One item on that list did stand out. Written in red over an attempt to write in black and partially erase it to make gray was the team leader meeting he had to attend in a few minutes.

He still wasn't entirely sure why we was Team Leader, but somebody had to do it. It wasn't as big a deal among Team Grey as, say, Team Blue. No matter what they said, half of the team would just do what they wanted anyway. Still, something in him believed he could so something good with the position. The second was his updated list of ideas on what to do with his team. At the top in yellow capital letters was the obvious course of action. Something like that was much easier said than done though. The third and shortest list was of course things to bring up at the meeting. There wasn't much to it except ideas suggested to him by other members of his team, or ideas thought up to appeal to one particular interest or another.

He was currently beating himself up over the complete lack of ideas he had for the meeting coming up in a few minutes. His stomach growled, a reminder that he had force himself to skip breakfast in order to work on that third list. Despite that, he hadn't managed to expand the list all morning. It occurred to him just then that going to breakfast and talking to some teammates about it would have been actually been smarter. If no one else surely Sable and Katsuya would have plenty to say. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he pulled away from the desk and stood. He managed to stopped a stream of curses before they started. Getting mad at himself for doing something as a result of getting mad at himself was not the best way to start the summer. He took a breath as his phone vibrated on the desk. He picked up the phone and couldn't help but laugh.

To: Zeke
From: Danny

Fell out of a tree. Guess I have to go see the nurse... ;)

His step-brother had come along to Camp Liberty last year and the eleven year old boy had probably broken the record for most nurse visits in a summer. There was no doubt 95% of those visits were excuses to ogle Cynthia. It was a few seconds later that Rashad's voice could be heard calling the team ladder's to a meeting. With a sigh, Zeke looked over the board once more, his eyes drawn to the yellow words at the top of list two. He quickly copied the list for meeting points on a scrap of paper and stuffed it in the pocket of his shorts. He pulled on a light grey button up shirt, carefully rolling up the sleeves as he did so. With a quick look in the mirror to adjust his hair, he was out the door.

Zeke was one of the last to enter the room, seating himself quietly at his seat. While Stacey and Rashad fought for control of the floor, Jaz, the counselor for his team gave him a huge grin and waved mouthing "hi." He returned a small smile and waved back. At Rashad's prompting introduced himself. "I'm Ezekiel. Grey team leader." He then watched as Stacey once again wrestled the discussion away from Rashad. He leaned forward, his elbow on the table and his hand on his chin. With his other hand he pulled his coin out of his pocket and began walking it across his knuckles as Stacey spoke. While disrupting the flow of the meeting wasn't the best way to have the meeting, he did like her list. The list itself that is. It was clear she had put some thought into it. It was some of the items on the list he was less sure of. Between the horror movie night and the more intense capture the flag it was definitely something more geared towards her team. It made sense, he supposed. The best way to get her team involved would be to get them interested. He couldn't say he disagreed with her points though. Camp Rock was awful, and the talent show and theme party sounded like things everyone would enjoy.

Chase seemed to agree with him, though from the way she spoke she didn't sound sure. She tossed a few ideas into the ring, but again she was uncertain. Then Casper who spoke up. Of course Team Blue would want to keep everything the same. It was in their best interests to keep the same environment that had led to their past wins. And yet they had one of the least competitive of their group as leader. Despite his opposition opposition to Stacey's idea he made some good alternatives, Zeke had to admit. His fear of paintball was pretty weak though. It did sound like fun. The party theme didn't make much difference to Zeke personally. He figured people would enjoy one as much as another so long as there was a theme.

Overall this meeting, was going as expected. That was until Casper stood once more and launched into a small speech about Team Blue changing their behavior and reputation. Now that would be a change to see. It was good to hear that someone among that group felt they needed to change. But Zeke had his doubts. Had Casper even discussed this with his team yet? "I don't know, Casper. I don't think most of your team respects you enough to-" The look from Jaz and the other counselors made him cut off his sentence as he realized too late that was not something to have said out loud. Especially in front of the other team leaders. Especially coming from the quiet kid. Fuck.

Zeke's mouth snapped shut, and he turned his face down to stare at the coin dancing across his knuckles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 3 days ago

Alec Nichols

Location:Main Hall-Meeting Room.
Interacting With:Stacey Hampton @HushedWhispers, Casper Fawn @SunsetWanderer, Lilian Ashbourne @Wintergrey, Chase Jackson @McHaggis and Zeke Rios @Prints Avoid

The truth, he walked into the room late. Everyone was already sitting here and there, so, Alexander decided on a seat next to the Blue teams leader, Casper. Like the ghost? Was he friendly too? He stopped the thought. No reason to start making people hate him in advance. Sure, people loved him, but, he admitted to being a jerk when it came to commentary. The topic seemed to be the events, then again, that was the best way to start the meeting. "I'm Alec," he said "Team Leader for Pink and that jazz."

Sitting there and thinking over the rest of the events that everyone was discussing, Alec would glance at his own clipboard. "Paintball is alright, though I agree that we didn't come here to get all bruised up. But, Nerf-wars would just take forever. I mean, you'd have to pause and let everyone reload and foam bullets would be in the woods for years to come. A movie night would be awesome." Pausing for a moment he would then continue. "Chase, no offense doll, but Shakespeare is something that you would find at a school, one of those things that we came here to get away from. Though, I think perhaps we could take a vote on it. I mean, if we get enough support, then I'll be all up for helping organize it. Oh, and the talent show, two thumbs up on that one. I'd like to propose the idea of a fully authorized swim party sometime?"

It was at this moment that Casper stood up and gave the speech on his plans to Change Team Blue. Alec simply nodded his head and gave a quick glance towards Zeke. One that was confused as opposed to the ones from the other Team Leaders that caused Zeke to stop talking. He cleared his throat."Actually, I agree with you both. Casper, Team Blue does need to change and reform, but have you talked it over with the members? I have no doubt that they respect you, as you are a stand-up guy from what I've heard, but without their approval, you're team may just fall apart."

Alexander then sat back in his seat. Hopefully he had offended no one, but it was best to be honest when it came to things like these. After all, that was the purpose in having Team Leaders, a role and responsibility that the boy took very seriously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

Location: Meeting Room then to the Bonfire
Interacting With: The Team Leaders: @Undine | @McHaggis | @WinterGrey | @HaleyTheRandom | @Prints Avoid | King via text @Liriia | Low G. via text @tigerchuffs
Stacey's smile turned a little when Chase spoke and didn't like the idea of her horror movie night. Stacey liked Chase, honestly but at this moment, she wasn't too fond of her. She cleared her throat then leaned up still looking toward her with a somewhat half smile. The ideas she read off of her phone sounded like Malcolm's, which caused her exhaled heavily and do a little hair flip. She then thought that Masquerade Night could be fun though but knowing it was Malcolm's idea, she wouldn't be too happy with it. 'Shakespeare production? Yuckfest.' She thought though made a face in disbelief. She waited until Chase was done before commenting, of course. "I like the idea of Masquerade Night since I love that scene from Phantom of the Opera but Shakespeare? Eh, yeah, I like the, well my, talent show idea better." She finished speaking with her signature smile then flashed it towards Chase then towards Rashad, who thanked Chase for sharing her ideas as everyone's eyes went to the next person that was speaking. It was Casper. Of course, she looked absolutely disgusted at him.

As Casper was speaking she played with her phone though still listening for when it was her time to attack, or speak kindly since that's what she had to do in front of Rashad. Her phone vibrated in her hands, which caused her to gasp slightly and saw that it was a text from Richard. He wasn't attending the meeting, which made her sad. She really wanted to see a Richard versus Casper showdown so that everyone can see that Casper is so not right the right person to lead Team Blue. She was just about to text Richard back but Casper had stopped talking. 'Thank God.' She thought while looking at him and making another face towards him. Casper ideas were boring as she wanted to say that aloud she just didn't say anything at all. Instead, she texted Richard back.

To: β™₯Kingβ™₯
From: Stace β™₯

Okay. I'll text you the deets shortly, hon. ;)

She sent the message and it seemed like all eyes were on her to respond to Casper as she just waved her hand dismissively, shaking her head. She didn't even bother as she looked down at her phone, receiving two texts from Low. That girl and her separate texts. She pulled out her phone again and texted her back.

To: Low G.
From: Stacey H.

I'll see you at the bonfire, yes?

She sent the message as it still seemed like eyes were on her. Maybe people felt she was a little disrespectful for not responding towards Casper but he didn't really matter in her eyes, honestly. He was a weakling and so were his ideas. She bit her bottom lip a bit and then Zeke spoke. She blew a bit of air through her parted lips but he didn't speak for long. 'Damn it, Zeke.' Again, she felt stares on her. She lowered her head to look down at her phone again. But thankfully Alex spoke up and of course, he disagreed with the paintball idea as well. 'Weak little boys.' She thought about Casper and Alex as it seemed as if they were afraid to break a nail or two. She shook her head then stood up.

"I thank everyone for expressing your interest towards my ideas as I hope that this year's camp experience be a fantastic one. Even though, paint balling it out of the picture, maybe we should do the neurosem darts." She chuckled slightly then cleared her throat before looking at Rashad. "So, meeting adjourned?" She bit her bottom lip as Rashad nodded his head. "Hey, hey, don't forget about the bonfire tonight." He added before everyone walked out of the meeting hall. Stacey basically pushed her way to be first person to leave. She pulled out her phone and shot another text towards King.

To: β™₯Kingβ™₯
From: Stace β™₯

Too many deets to text. LOL. See you at the bonfire?

She sent the message towards then walked out of the main hall and back towards the Red Cabin so that she could get ready for the bonfire. She showered and brushed her teeth and everything then placed on a blouse, which exposed her right shoulder then a pair of shorts that went well over her thighs. She knew that she had to dress accordingly since it was going to be a bit hot out. She also adorned herself with a wristwatch and a necklace then reviewed over herself in the mirror.

The nightly skies were rolling in without warning as she heard the screech of feedback then heard Rashad announcing for everyone to proceed onward towards the Liberty grounds for the bonfire. She was excited as it showed through her smile and facial expression. Stacey walked out of the cabin, alone and proceeded towards the Liberty grounds. Of course, the fire was already lit and the counselors were already there in place. They had chips and dip, hamburgers, hot dogs, graham crackers, marshmallows and pieces of chocolate - Along with sodas and bottles of water. She made her way over towards the music area and saw that Rashad was the deejay. She reviewed over his set list and groaned. "I swear if you play this High School Musical junk, I'll set the grounds on fire." She placed his set list back down then walked off, not even hearing his response. She took her cell phone out of her back pocket and shot Leah a text.

To: Leah W.
From: Stacey H.

Are you too wrapped up in Christian's arms to come to the bonfire? LOL.

She then went over to the refreshment area and grabbed herself a hamburger along with a few chips and a bottled water then walked over and sat down on one of the logs present, sighing to herself a bit while doing a little bit of thinking. She wondered if anyone was going to come up and pull her away from her thoughts. Something she really needed right about now.

Location: Lake Liberty then to the Bonfire
Interacting With: Leah Willoughby @GoddessSophia

Hearing Leah explain everything towards him about the camp made him feel a bit relieved. It was good to have a source such as her that will tell you everything you needed to know. He chuckled a bit though then made a face when she said that she's been having a rough time with her life. Christian felt a little bad for bringing it up then shook his head. "No, no." He commented. "You will not bother me. What's up?" He asked towards her while resting his hand upon her back in a comforting manner.

Christian listened to her talk and would do nothing but shake his head whenever she was done. "If it helps, I'll sit here and watch the sunset with you." He flashed a beaming, charming smile towards her then reached for her hand, which he grasped a bit then looked out as the sun began to set. "Sure is pretty, isn't it?" The orange and pinkish color of the sky made an beautiful array over the lake.

As the time went by, Christian jumped at the sound of the feedback then listened to the announcement. He stood up after letting go of her hand then he'd help her up to her feet. "I guess we'll have to go for a swim another night." Christian chuckled lightly as he'd grab her hand again and move his head in the direction towards the bonfire. "Come on." He'd lead them the way, as if he really knew where he was going.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Lake Liberty, on The Way to the Camp Fire
Interacting With: Christian Burns and Stacey Hampton@HushedWhispers

Leah glanced at Christian one more time, as he spoke. She smiled a bit as she felt his comforting gesture against her back. She took a few deep breaths before she started to speak-talking to Christian about her parent's divorce who had been married for 26 years prior to her father cheating with his secretary at work. As she spoke...Leah looked a bit uncomfortable as the subject had been still somewhat fresh...and painful for her to talk about. ".......Mum moved back to England, and I just don't seem to get on with my dad anymore. I'd rather spend time with my brothers or hang out with Sebastian and my other friends, than trying to stay home and put up with everything. It's been very messy...sometimes it feels like mum, never even wanted custody of any of us. She just moved so quickly..." Leah concluded about her parents divorce with a sigh.

But she didn't stop voicing her troubles there; the conversation moved onto her boyfriend Tristan. And how he was not very supportive, angry, distant and not like himself. It was like Tristan was a different person and didn't treat her right. She knew that...but she also knew she had been in denial for a while about it until now. "So...now you know, who I've been avoiding a few moments ago." she breathed out with a deep sigh. "How do you tell someone, it's over on the phone? That seems...impersonal...and he's so angry as it is....I...." she trailed off shaking her head. Leah didn't finish the sentence, she didn't expect Chris to have all the answers. But it felt nice to have someone listen to her, and for her to get it off of her chest. Biting her lip, Leah glanced at the lake for a few more moments; watching the light shimmer and dance across the beautiful water. "I am sorry...for dumping it all on you. I guess, I just needed to get a lot off of my chest. But at the same time, I wish I could just forget everything, that's been going on. You know?" Feeling him reach for her hand-Leah squeezed his hand gently in gratitude and leaned her head against his arm briefly as they watched the sun-set.

It seemed like the hours passed by, when she was in his company. "Thank you..and yes. It's beautiful. I always loved watching the sunset." she commented. She was grateful for his company, listening and comforting words and gestures. The sound of the announcement made her a bit jumpy...Leah didn't know where the time had gone. As Christian stood up-Leah had gotten up with his help and she smiled at him gently with a slight giggle. "I suppose so." she said, as she watched him trying to lead the way. She shook her head smiling. "Do you even know, where you're going?" Leah smiled, a little teasingly. It was sweet that Christian was trying to lead the way. But if he didn't know where it was, then this would be fun. Nonetheless, she followed him as she switched her phone back on in case her friends were trying to reach her.

As they walked-Leah noticed the text from Stacey which caused her cheeks to turn bright rouge. It seemed like the pair had found their way with Christ's direction. But Leah was stunned by the next, which caused her to bump into Chris...landing on top of him as they fell over to the floor. "Oh...My...I am sorry. I am a bit of a Klu...." she trailed off as she noticed the familiar shoes and clothing which belonged to Stacey. That caused her to blush even more. Dear God...how much of that did she see? What a way to embarrass herself first day in front of her Best Friend. "Please, tell me you just didn't see that." she looked at Stacey with a flustered smile. As if she was hoping she would forget...and she would not get teased about it with Christian.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Green Cabin -> Welcome Campfire
Interacting with: Stacey @HushedWhispers Leah & Christian @GoddessSophia@HushedWhispers

The sound of a loudspeaker echoed through the camp grounds. Emily woke up with a start. Drats, she had fallen asleep. She hadn't meant to do that. All she wanted was to take a quick break on her bed...Looking out through the cabin windows, the sunlight had all but gone. Night was rolling in now. Double drats. At least she was done with all her unpacking hours ago. Emily got up and sat on her bed, one of the lower bunks that hadn't been occupied yet. It was rather comfy, she thought. The mattress was soft, and the pillow fluffy.

She guessed that her worries of not bringing her own pillow along was unfounded. The next thing she knew, she was asleep. Too tired or too comfy? Perhaps a bit of both. Picking up the crumpled program sheet that she was lying on, she saw that the next item up was the Welcome Campfire.

That would be a great opportunity for her to mix around and get to know some of her fellow campers, after-all she had came here with the intention to meet new people and make new friends. Emily ran to the toilet with the intention of getting a shower to freshen herself up before heading out to the campfire. When she was done, dressed in a fresh set of clothes, a navy green t-shirt with a pair of brown cargo pants. She neatly adjusted her hair, tying it into a simple ponytail before leaving the cabin.

Moving towards the Liberty grounds where the Welcome Campfire would be taking place, she could already delicious aroma of grilled meat in the air. Yum. Emily then saw the orange glow of the fire and was pleased that she had almost arrived at her destination. Getting lost on her first day was not something she wanted to be remembered for at all. That would definitely make for a poor first impression.

As Emily arrived at her destination, she was what appeared to be a obstruction on the path. As she got closer, she realised that it was just a couple lying on the floor, blocking the path. She had no idea what they were doing on the floor but guessed it to be something of the more intimate nature. Steamy already? Alright, why not.

Not wanting to disturb the pair, Emily blurted out "Excuse me" as she deftly navigated herself around the couple before making her way towards the refreshment area, getting herself a deliciously looking hamburger before looking for a place to sit. Glancing around, she saw one of the logs that already had a girl on it, having her way with some chips. Scampering over to the girl, Emily made her way beside her before sitting down on her left. She wasted no time."Hi there! I'm new to Camp Liberty. It's my first night here. This is all rather awesome! I'm Emily."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 3 days ago

Alec Nichols

Location: Pink Team Cabin and then the Welcoming Bonfire.
Interacting With:Emily @Symphoni and Stacey, Leah and Christian.@HushedWhispers

Well, that was fun, Alec thought to himself as Rashad reminded them all of the bonfire. So Shakespeare was out of the question, and deep down he was exceptionally glad about the fact. However, masquerade was still in the equation, and well, the boy was a bit split on the matter. Masquerades typically ment suits and fancy dresses, along with masks, all things that he was 95% sure that almost no one had packed. Oh well, who cared. The welcoming bonfire was just in a few short hours and that was always something to look forward to.

Filling the few hours in which there was nothing to do, Alexander would visit his team's cabin and get his unpacked, doing the process of settling in. Closet here, bunk there, just the same set up in all of the cabins that had been there for as long as he could remember. Glancing at the time on his phone, he would realize that it was now time for the bonfire. Walking across the camp grounds, Alec would see the couple of people on the ground, and, with a closer look, he would recognize Leah. Oh my. Not able to resist, he would call out to her in a goofy manner. "Get it Leah!" Stupid and boyish he had to admit, but, he had liked to goof around at times. Besides, he only knew Leah through Stacey anyways.

Spotting Stacey on a log by a girl he did not know, Alec would stop for a moment to get himself a bag of chips before walking over and sitting on the log to the right of them. "Stacey," he said with a curt nod, then turned to the blonde haired girl. "Nice to meet you Emily. I'm Alec, the Pink Team's leader. Any idea what team you're on yet?"

Yeah, that was fine. The basics was always a good place to start he supposed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by reiko


Member Seen 7 days ago

Alexandria Novak

Location: Blue Cabin
Interacting With: Richard King - @Liriia

Sighing heavily as she watched Luca walk away, Alex opened the cabin door before entering and leaning against it to close it. "He is so my Prince Charming," she quietly commented to herself. Quickly being pulled out from her rose colored world by another's presence in the room, the girl spotted Richard laying down on his bed. Seeing the tall boy stir, she realized she might have accidentally closed the door a bit louder than she intended. Whoops. "Hey," she casually greeted the sleepy boy on her way to the bathroom. Her encounter with the wilderness had mused up her hair and clothes and she needed to take care of it immediately.

King flinched slightly at the sound of someone entering the room, and he lazily lifted his arm up to glance about the cabin. He blinked once at Alex, then straightened himself up into a sitting position. His eyes caught her face quickly, and a soft smirk curled across his lips. Looks like Allycat has a crush~ King shifted on the bed slightly, running a hand through his hair as Alex passed by with a single greeting and vanished into the bathroom. Leaning forward slightly, King let out a loud sigh and tapped his chin, a rather cruel thought filling his mind. If his assumptions were correct that Alex had her eyes on Fawn, well, then he had a lovely little toy to waggle in front of his enemy's face. King chuckled quietly to himself, eyes gazing at the bathroom Alex wandered into,

"Heeeey, Allycat?" King's eyebrows furrowed, a devious light glaring in his eyes, "do you, well, have anyone you like?" Sure, he could assume, but it was always safe to confirm his thoughts to be true.

Only having managed to turn on the light, Alex opened the door to the bathroom once again as she heard Richard's question. Her bathroom was lined up so that the mirror reflected him in it just right. Keeping her back to the boy, the girl made eye contact through the mirror, lifting an eyebrow. That was a weird question. Smirking, she internally rolled her eyes, thinking that the blonde was merely flirting with her again like he did so often with, well, just about anyone worth paying a second glance at. "Besides you?" she teased in a flirtatious tone. Pushing some hair behind her shoulder, she glanced at Richard through the mirror once more before asking in a suggestive manner, "Do you ever sometimes just look at us and realize we'd be one hot power couple?"

Richard withheld a disappointed pout, opting to instead lean forward and smirk at her obviously suggestive question. His eyes twirled across the room briefly, finally settling his gaze back on the bathroom door. He pretended to ponder the thought heavily, tapping his chin while his eyebrows furrowed expressively before lifting a finger to the sky and speaking,

"All the time, babe." Before he could continue you on, however, his eyes caught sight of something on the back of Alex's shorts. HIs eyebrows raised curiously, and he gave an awkward cough before asking, quite innocently, "hey, Alleycat, what's on the back of your shorts? Did you sit on chocolate or something?"

Scrunching her nose and making cute faces in the mirror as a response to Richard's affirmation, Alex turned the knob on the water to start wiping off the small beads of sweat on the back of her neck. However, she was halted once the blonde spoke again. Man, Richard is full of weird questions today. What does he mean-- Wait, what?! Foregoing answering her friend in favor of panicking, Alex had never turned that quickly in her life. Paying no mind to the awkward position of craning her neck and hips toward each other, the girl saw what Richard was talking about. There was smears of brown on her right back pocket from the chocolate bar she had stored there. It had probably gotten melted and smushed while she was on her way back to the cabin. And there were a few blades of grass stuck to her bottom; she looked like a cow pasture.

"No!" she cried loudly before letting out an anguished cry. Ugh, why did she have to wear cream shorts today? "Oh my god, what the hell?" Alex freaked as she pulled out the destroyed candy bar, the melting chocolate dirtying her hands as well. Throwing it away, she ran her hands through the water before frantically drying them, grabbing the towel on her way out to retrieve a new pair of pants. "Do you think he saw?" she exasperatedly asked Richard as she picked out a pair of dark jeans this time. "It's bad enough I fell on top of him but now this? That's probably why he doesn't want to sit with me at the campfire tonight!" Running back to the bathroom, the distressed girl cried, "I hate my life!"

Her sudden cries of distress sent King backwards in shock, his head hitting the bed's frame with a loud thud. He took a moment to shove his head into his lap, hands stroking the slowly forming bump on the back of his skull while Alex frantically ran about the room. The pain of his new bruise filled his mind momentarily, his friend's loud cries drowned out by the swirling memories of his home life. Familiar screams filled his mind, blinding him from the panicking nature of Alex, but then the world around him seemed to fill with color again, and the man's voice that consumed him became the light one that belonged to Alexandria. That's right, he wasn't at home, he wasn't being yelled out. He was going to calm down Alex, yeah. He was gonna enjoy his summer if it killed him.

And God knows it might.

King glanced up as Alex began crying about 'him' seeing the stain, laughing curiously as a stray finger scratched at his cheek slowly. She was obviously talking about Fawn, right? Or... Maybe his assumption was wrong. Well, now was a good as time as any to start drilling her with some questions.

"Who saw, Allycat?" He leaned forward on his knees, his hands curling into fists, "who doesn't want to go to the campfire? Want me to beat them up for you?

Oblivious to Richard's internal distress and protective offer, Alex answered with a, "Luca!" before shutting the door again. Pulling the stopper and switching the water to warm, she began unbuttoning and unzipping her shorts. Once they were off, she placed them in the filling sink, hoping her shorts weren't permanently ruined. Looking up into the mirror, Alex furrowed her eyebrows. Jesus, she looked worse than she had thought; it was the worst day ever. Changing into her jeans, she took her hairbrush and turned off the water, allowing her shorts to soak. Exiting the restroom, she began brushing her hair as she approached Richard. Heaving loudly, she flopped down onto his bed beside him. "I'm so embarrassed," the brunette whined before putting her brush down on the stand next to the bed and covering her face with her hands. "And don't enjoy this," she let out, muffled.

Luca? Well, that was kind of... Unexpected. Failing to hide his look or disappointment he relaxed his postured and waited quietly as Alex fiddled around in the bathroom. So, she was crushing on Casper's friend? King pondered if he could still use that to his advantage, and when no clever thoughts managed to pop into his head he sighed loudly and flopped back onto the bed. Ah well, he'd find another way to beat Fawn down mentally. Maybe doing some random pranks would ware the kid down quickly. As King continued to formulate plans within his own mind, Alex exited the bathroom with a clean pair of jeans on and flopped down next to him. He instantly squeezed his arm under her back and pulled her into a half-embrace, his eyes still glued to the ceiling blindly. Richard's thoughts faded though as Alex began to whine, and he quickly pulled her into a tight bear hug,

"I'm not gonna let you go until you stop feeling sad!" He threatened playfully, squeezing her as tightly as he could without hurting her.

Being taken by surprise at the sensation of falling, Alex pulled her hands away and came face to face with the handsome blonde. Giving him a genuine smile, it was moments like these that the brunette remembered why she was friends with Richard. Despite the heated arguments that occurred more than they'd like to admit, the two shared a connection of chemistry and understanding. Giggling at the sweetness of his words, she replied with, "Okay, okay! I'm not sad anymore, see?" Batting her eyelashes for good measure, she placed a hand on the boy's face, gently stroking her thumb across his cheek. Thanking him with a quick peck to his cheek, she sat up with a small groan. Yeah, she was not physically fit.

Taking her brush, she headed back to the bathroom, pausing to ask Richard, "Hey, I have to do a few things. Is it cool if I play music or did you want to take a nap and I'd use headphones?"

He hummed peacefully as she stroked his face, and grinned cheerfully as she gave him a peck on the cheek before escaping from his hold. Useful or not, Alex was a good friend. She was someone you could cling to and cuddle without there being any repercussions. He'd never see her as anything but someone to go to for, or help, and that was okay. They were definitely better of as friends. As Alex wandered over back towards the bathroom, she asked him about music, and not feeling very sleepy anymore he shrugged and said,

"I'm not tired, so blast that shit as loud as you can girl!"

Fondly rolling her eyes at the blonde, Alex's mind envisioned a fun idea. "Dude, we should have a party sometime soon. I know you always love yourself a good time and you throw some of the best parties. You always know who to invite," the girl suggested before flashing a full blown, excited smile toward her friend. Raising her eyebrows and nodding her head, she laughed before entering the restroom and closing the door. Twenty minutes later of redoing her makeup and hair, Alex came out from the bathroom with a playlist of the current Top 40 playing on her phone.

Making her way over to Caspy's bed, she opened his luggage and unknowingly smiled at the organized stacks of clothes. Well this would make it easy. There were a few items that were unfolded during her earlier search but she would refold them. Taking half a stack, she moved over to her best friend's closet (which was next to hers, obviously) and began placing the clothes in the dresser, hanging his few packed suits. Internally laughing at the absurdity of wearing suits at a summer camp, Alex felt fondness for Caspy at the thought. He always did love his more dapper clothes. I wonder when he'll hit withdrawal.

Casually talking with Richard as she finished up the task, she put away her best friend's suitcase in a corner neatly like he would have liked before sitting next to the blonde again. Scrolling through her phone as she listened to the boy, she checked her social media which followed a few people she knew and celebrities. "Oh, Ari, I told you you should have chose Mac Miller," she commented as she read about Ariana Grande's comments on her recent breakup with Big Sean.

Flopping backwards and laying on Richard's stretched out stomach, she looked to the side and up at him. "Ugh, I wish I could be like Ari. She's so pretty and cute and can sing. I'm so jealous. Do you think Ariana's pretty?" she asked the boy. Right after he gave his reply, one of the celebrity's songs came on (which wasn't too surprising since Alex's phone was loaded with them), making the brunette sit up. "Dude, we should duet this song together. You want to be Mac Miller?"

"If it's a party you want, it is a party we shall have!" KIng stretched from his position on his bed, laughing brightly at the thought of another camp-time fling. He had thought about throwing one deep in the night, after the bonfire, but it may be a bit too early for that. Maybe another day, when everyone was more comfortable with each other once again and the counselors weren't sprawled around looking for shing-dings to bust. As his mind drifted off with plans of partying and winning, his eyes traveled across Alex's small frame again. She was stood of Casper's bed, staring down at the mess adoringly, and a half-smile cocked at his lips.

perhaps this party could shed some light on a few things too, huh?

King tapped his finger against his thigh as music filled the cabin, his mind whirring silently, and a devious grin splattered against his face. This summer, this last summer of his', was going to be fucking amazing. King could already see his life splaying before him, his dreams and ambitions glaring brightly against the swirling background of his no-longer-adolescent mind. Casper could be defeated easily, Blue Team could win once again, he could hold him close to his body and tell him all his worries. Or... King could fade away in the hustle and bustle of life, falling out of touch with his friends after being sent off to some academy in England. Everything could go so wrong or so right this summer... How scary. He absentmindedly rubbed his upper arm, which was covered by his half-rolled up sweatshirt, and winced as the bruises burned under his touch. He only managed to pull himself from his mind at Alex's question for a duet, and in an instant he brightened again and nodded enthusiastically.

"Sounds like a fucking plan, dude! Let's rock out!"

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheFourthIV
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jamie Wolfe

Location: Red Cabin to the Welcome Campfire
Interacting With: Alec @HaleyTheRandom, Emily @Symphoni, and Stacey@HushedWhispers

Music could dully be heard from one of the shower stalls in the Red cabin. Jamie had plugged his phone into a speaker he had brought and was playing songs from his phone. The room was steamy from the hot water being sprayed from the shower head and James stood in the middle of it all. Water cascaded of his body as he leaned against a wall and half-heartedly scrubbed himself. The young man was deep in thought as the app Pandora blasted songs to help him escape from reality. What James was doing couldn't really be considered thinking, his mind was more of a torrent of thoughts and images. There was no order, just bundles of memories and emotions. His ex, school, his future, and what the summer would hold all weighed heavily on his mind.

Decided he had spent enough time doing nothing, Jamie shut off his shower and dried off, not forgetting to shut off the music. Wolfe dressed himself in a black tank top, dark grey joggers, and since his hair was wet from the shower he hid it under a backwards SnapBack. Before leaving he reached into one of his bags and retrieved a bottle of alcohol, he opened it and took a few swigs. After securing the cap to the bottle he returned it to his bag and sauntered out of the cabin.

Honestly, Jamie had no idea where he was going but since it was getting dark he walked towards where the bright light of a fire seemed to be emanating from. He was surprised by how well they put the bonfire together. There was food, music, and of course, the fire. There was already a few kids there already and there was a limited amount of logs to sit on so James was glad he showed up when he did. He decided to take a seat next to a group of three. One guy had a bag of chips and was talking to a blond girl while his team leader watched. "Do you guys mind if I sit here?" James asked. "I'm new if you can't tell," he said light-heartedly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

Location: Bonfire
Interacting With: | Leah Willoughby-@GoddessSophia | Emily Johnson-@Symphoni | Alec Nichols-@HaleyTheRandom | Jaime Wolf-@TheFourthIV

Stacey's eyes saw Christian and Leah in the distance, making their way over towards her. She raised her hand up and waved just in case they couldn't see her through the flames. As they neared towards her, they tripped and Leah landed on top of Chris. Of course, being the Stacey that she is, she chuckled then called out. "Not where everyone can see! Get a room!" She chuckled again then eyed them as they collected themselves and made their way over towards her.

"I didn't see a thing." She bit her bottom lip with a wink towards Christian. "Hey, Leah, I am so sorry. Are you alright?" He asked a bit frantically. Hearing Alec's remark, he scowled over towards him. "At least she's getting some action around here unlike you." Christian snapped back while turning to Leah with a smile. "I'm going to get some food. Want anything?" Christian asked towards Leah, waiting to hear a response.

Their eyes trailed over towards a newcomer by the name of Emily as Stacey spoke. "Hey there, Emily. Welcome to Camp Liberty!" She said with a beaming smile. "So, what team are you on? Please say red." She giggled a bit before looking at Alec as he spoke her name. "Alec." She spoke his name with complete disgust then rolled his eyes while standing before Jaime with a smile. "Of course you can sit here, teammate." She smiled while patting him on the back. "Has anybody seen Sebastian?"

"You rang?" Sebastian sneaked up behind everyone and laughed while sitting next to Emily. "And who is this fair haired beauty?" He extended his hand out towards her with a soft smile. "I'm Sebastian and you are?" Being his usual goofy self for when she was going to reach for his hand, he'll pull it away from her and speak. "Psych!"
Sebastian would then laugh before dispersing from the group and going over to fix him a plate.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Camp Fire
Interacting With: Christian Burns, Stacey Hampton, Sebastian Reyes @HushedWhispers, Alec Nichols @HaleyTheRandom, Jamie Wolfe @TheFourthIV, Emily Johnson@Symphoni, Low G@tigerchuffs

Leah heard Stacey's remark about getting a room, and her cheeks flushed hot pink. Biting her lip, Leah felt a bit flustered. God, why did Stace have to be so embarrassing at times? As she and Chris managed to get up, from the ground-Leah heard Alec. With a sigh, she just shook her head at him "Really? That's really immature Alec...." she frowned at him slightly. They weren't really close friends, but Leah did know him, but his immaturity at times, got on her nerves. Hearing Christian, she just smiled softly at him and she nodded. "I am good, I think. No broken bones." She joked with a slight giggle..."I am sorry, I had a bit of clumsy moment. Sure...a Burger and a drink would be great. Thanks." Leah told him softly, smiling. A soft blush was forming on her cheeks. It was sweet of him to offer to get her some food. She brushed the leaves and dirt from her jeans, and plucked out a few leaves from her hair as well.

Walking over to the Logs, saving a spot for Christian, she was going to answer Stacey's question about Sebastian. But he had sneaked up behind her, which caused her to giggle. She shook her head smiling "Did you read Stacey's mind or something?" she teased, before she leaned over to Stacey whispering "Did, you really have to send that text?" she muttered, softly so only Stacey could hear. Gosh, she hoped she wouldn't embarrass herself a lot more, than she already did in the last few moments.

Leah then smiled over towards the new girl Emily and Jamie who had joined everyone so far by the logs, overhearing the new girls name. "Welcome to the Camp, I am Leah." she also gave her an apologetic look for earlier, since Emily had to step over her and Christian a few moments ago. She then glanced over at Jamie with a soft smile "Hey, how's your first day going so far? she asked him softly. Leah had met him during registration; she had been meaning to catch up with him slightly and see how he was coping with being new around here, but she hadn't really gotten to it until now.

As she glanced at her phone, she noticed a text from Low. She rose a slight eyebrow at the emicon, but just smile. Low and her strange texts. At least, it meant that she was. She hoped that Elowen, was alright. The girl was somewhat troubled, although Leah didn't fully know the extent of her issues....just some basics. But the two girls did get on, rather well. Leah started to text her back.

To: Low G
From: Leah
'Hey, Low. I am sorry for the late text....I am glad to see you're back. Are you coming to the Camp Fire? I hope you're doing okay.'

After sending her friend a text, Leah set her phone back in her pocket and she breathed in the fresh air around them. The smell of the camp fire, made her smile as it brought back a lot of memories over the last 6 years.
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