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Location: Girl's Restroom -> Back to Class

Interacting with: @McHaggis Jay @Undine Alice @Kimono Moon

All but Gerard seemed to have an reaction her joke. That was kinda a blessing in disguise as it wasn't exactly a good joke to begin with. She sucked at telling jokes, perhaps she should just keep her lame jokes to herself next time. Olivia watched as Alice went forth surprisingly like a leader, while she stretched up grabbing on the the floating girl's right hand with her left. Alice then started rising up as well, like a balloon in a sky. What a peculiar situation! There were now going to be two floating girls in the girl's restroom!

Fortunately, Jay joined in as well, fully utilising his lankiness to aid the situation. Gripping the first girl's other hand, he pulled her down, bringing both of them down at the same time. If you thought the drama ended there, you were wrong. The first floating girl who she remembered was called Moon knocked into Jay, sending them both tumbling down onto the floor with a loud 'thud'. The girl had landed face first, her face barely inches away from Jay. Olivia didn't know about the rest of the eyes in the restroom, but her eyes were fully focused on the pair.

What happened next took her entirely by surprise. She KISSED him! Right there on the restroom floor. Right now. Where everyone could possibly be looking at them. She didn't seem to care. Although she wasn't even involved in that intimate moment, a tinge of redness that was gradually increasing by the minute had appeared on Olivia's visage. Even, when the girl's lips left Jay's, she just got redder and redder. Any redder and she'll look like a tomato.

The girl, Moon then said it was a French thing. Ohmygod. She didn't really know much about the French, but do they all kiss like that? Olivia was already starting to zone out from all the blushing, the scene giving her a warmness in her heart. It was only then that she realised that the girl was actually talking to her this time. She wanted her not to tell anyone about what happened here today. Something about confused and exposure.

Olivia didn't know if Moon was embarrassed about the kiss being exposed or what. Her mind being fully occupied at the moment by the kiss, she had totally forgotten about the floating incident that had happened earlier. She replied. "Er...yeeaah of course! I won't saaay.. anything. I saw nothing." It was a horrible lie, but she didn't exactly know what else to say right now. She just said what came to her.

Moon then asked what about what was to happen next, and to which Alice jokingly quipped about wanting special powers as well. Although she did not say another word, not trusting herself to speak right now, Olivia secretly agreed with Alice. She wished she had special powers as well. Alice then suggested that they went back to class, after all they had all been gone for a while now. That was a great idea.

She need a convenient exit from this situation and this seemed like a good one. "I'm heading back to class." And with that, the blushing blonde was gone. She had to find a way to reduce the blushing before she headed back to class. Maybe taking deep breaths and taking about disgusting things would help.
I added a trivia section to mine as well.
I finally made my first post!

I also changed my colour as I noticed that they already were two other people using red. :)

Location: Home -> Lincoln Memorial High

Interacting with: @McHaggis Jay @Undine Alice @kimono Moon

Sunday, September 13 2015

The solar eclipse last night was definitely something to behold. An interesting phenomenon considering the fact that a solar eclipse does not usually occur during the night. It had been all over Facebook and Twitter and that was how it had grabbed her attention. Olivia wasn’t exactly an expert on astronomy, but she was interested in the subject, and coupled with her innate curiosity for most things, she had went out into the garden at the front of the house gazing at the sight. It reminded her of that TV show called heroes where normal ordinary people gained powers after a solar eclipse. She powered on her PC once she got back to her room, searching for possible answers to the strange sighting, but could nothing substantial. Eventually, the blonde fell asleep at her desk, her head resting on her arms that was placed haphazardly on the wooden table, cluttered with open science books and encyclopedias.

Monday, September 14 2015

Her alarm cock failed to ring the next morning, but her body clock roused her anyway. She discovered that she had fallen asleep at her desk instead of her bed. What was I doing? Oh yeah, the Solar Eclipse last night. She tried to get up but found herself unsteady from the lack of enough sleep last night. Asn she moved, she promptly tripped herself on the leg of the chair and fell onto her bedroom floor with a loud 'thud'. What a painful start to the morning. She clutched her foot in agony before several knocks startled her from her misery.

Tne knocks on the door was accompanied by her mother as she entered. “Olivia! What are you doing on the floor! Breakfast is ready. Come on down and eat it while it’s hot, you’re due for school soon.” Groaning, she said “Coming, mom.” After washing up and finishing with her morning preparations, she selected an orange sundress from her wardrobe, combined with a peach jacket as her outfit for the day. That should be good enough, after all the memorial was tomorrow, and she already had a black outfit reserved for it.

The delicious aroma of French toast and bacon greeted her as she arrived at the dining table. Greeting her parents before wolfing down her breakfast, she placed her plate in the sink before biding her mother farewell. Her father worked at the radio station that happens to be on the way to her high school, so normal practice was to take a lift from him if they were leaving at the same time. After arriving at school, she kissed her father good-bye and headed into school. The first period was Home Economics and Olivia fairly enjoyed that class. Alicia’s mother was the teacher in charge. Halfway through class, she decided that she needed a toilet break, and started to head towards the girl’s restroom.

As she was about to enter, she could hear a commotion inside. Curiosity activated! Pushing the door open, she saw quite the group of people inside. The most peculiar sight was the girl she knew as Moon floating in the air like a balloon heading for the ceiling. Some of the other girls, whom she also knew, were trying to help her down. She didn’t even want to know why Jay was in the girl’s restroom, as the floating French girl was more of a concern, or rather curiosity. Speaking out, she exclaimed. “The Moon is in the sky. I repeat, The Moon is in the sky!” Olivia then giggled at her own joke before blushing in embarrassment at her horribly lame joke.

She blamed her father for that. His fondness for lame jokes must have rubbed off on her.
Okay, for those of you not aware, I have been appointed as the third GM of this roleplay? You know what that means?

Kneel down to me, I am your goddess!

I kid.

Oh holy co-GMness, I bow down to thee!

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Ashton 'Ash' Bryant

Ash is really chill, a relaxed and laid-back guy who does not seem like he is on an adrenaline rush like most guys seem to be in these days, yet he always manages to get things done, somehow. His charming and charismatic personality makes it easier to talk to him, easing her nervousness and occasional social awkwardness. She likes him and thinks him to be a great guy. It definitely helps that he is easy on the eyes as well. She thinks she may have a crush on him, but she isn't exactly sure.

Scout Presley

Another laid-back individual, Scout is one who lurks in the surroundings, observing and seeing everything. She is known to be rather rebellious and Olivia secretly loves her antics although she doesn't really voice it out. She thinks that the girl is often misunderstood and she can see a special quality in her that makes her want to continue being besties. Heck yeah!

Nina Jelen

Known to be a rather quiet one as well, that struck a chord with Olivia, and the two soon became fast friends. In several occasions, she has seen Nina let off several barbed insults at others. A fellow lover of gymnastics, Olivia frequents the cafe that Nina works at for a nice cup of chocolate, both iced or hot.

Gerard West

Gerard is a real lazy bum, this one. However, he is witty and sharp-tongued and an equally curious individual. Fellow cocoa lover, and enemy of boredom he somehow manages to catch-up on his studies while still retaining his lazy self. She consider it quite an amazing feat. Also a star-gazer. He likes stars. A good friend. One day they should maybe go and satiate their curiosities together.

Jay Hunter-Darling

Jay is pretty much the stereotypical rebel character. She sometimes wonder if he is that's his natural self or his just putting up a front and pretending to be somebody else. She says that as she had witnessed that Jay is actually a happy-go-lucky and fun loving geek. He lovess video games, obviously. He's a nice guy that's for certain. His pink hair is kinda cute too.

Alice Malone

Alice is really similar to Olivia in quite a number of ways. They're both bright and cheerful, with that tell-tale sparkle in their eyes and equally energetic to boot. She is shy as well, though noticeably more reserved than Olivia. They're both kinda spacey. So similar they could very well be sisters.

Petyr Jelen

Nina's brother. Just like his sister, he is a really peaceful and quiet person as well. She don't really know much about him though, they've never really hung out or really talked all that much.

Richard King

Ah, Richard King, aka 'The King'. Olivia don't know what to think of King, really. The hatred he gets seems to be justified, yet she seems to think that there isn't something else there as well. As if, he is just intentionally putting up a front, wanting to be misunderstood. She doesn't believe that he is the jerk he makes himself out to be.

Jade Taylor

Jade is.. rather free-spirited. Okay, maybe more than that. She seems to be very liberal with her morals and her provocative and revealing dressing reflects them well. The girl's pretty though, there's no denying that. She knows that though and doesn't hesitate to use it to her advantage. Olivia doesn't like how she behaves, but its her life.

Malcom 'Mal' Okada

Mal is really tall. Really. She feel like such a hobbit next to him. He also plays the saxophone really well! How cool is that?! He also has a great poker face. A really amazingly great one. Oliva should maybe see if he can teach her how to do that. Yeah, maybe she should.

Alicia Smith

For some reason, Olivia gets along really well with Alicia. Maybe its that energy and playfulness that they both share. Alicia loves music and video games too, two of which belong of Olivia's list of interests as well. She works together with Nina at the cafe Olivia frequents. A loving friend.

Tessa Grey

Olivia don't really know much about Tessa. All she knows about the red-haired girl is that she once had a sister who fell victim to the serial killer that plagued the town not too long ago. It must have been such a difficult experience to lose someone so dear to you. She hope she won't need to experience that ever.

Everett Wilcox

Everett doesn't exactly have much in common with Olivia. Most of his likes are her dislikes, and more likely than not, their paths would not cross. He's a fighter, while she's not that big on violence.

Immanuelle 'Moon' Dutoit

Olivia knows Moon as the French girl. Her accent is definitely recognizable and rather melodious to the ears. She seems to love everything horror though, just one of the things Olivia does not fancy. She scares easily, and horror is definitely not for her.

Francis 'Cole' Coleman

The stereotypical bad boy. Most people in Verona knows about him. He's a survivor and a fighter. Heard that his father's in jail and his mother went missing. He's a really intense person. Could there be something other than violence in him?

Grant Jackson Wells

My gawd! That's amazing!
You really have a talent with this, don't you?
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I think we should move on..or we'll get stuck here. :\

What about mine?
Do I get one as well?

They look reallly good!!
I just copied because I assumed that to be the right thing to do. :P
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