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In CLOSED. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Altered Tundra is one of them, I'm pretty sure!
Lucie Keller

Location: Bus -> Party
Interacting with: Nat @HushedWhispers, Benji @Raxacoricofallapatorius , Connor @Universorum, Eva via text, and more @Aewin Everyone @ the Party

The bus was starting to empty as the seats gradually became vacant as her fellow team mates and crew were dropped off at their destinations of choice. It sucked being one of the last, and night had began to fall. Lucie had been glad to receive all the return messages from her friends, and was especially excited that she was still able attend Nat's party despite not having the time to put together an outfit. She was sure that she was going to be severely undressed compared to everyone else at the party, and that would be a complete bummer. On the bright side, at least she could still attend. She was glad to know that Benji had enjoyed his gift and that was all that mattered. Nat's birthday present was something special all together. She had went hunting for it among the streets and shops of Stuttgart, and finally managed to find what she knows the older girl will enjoy. It was definitely something unique and within Momma Nat's interests. Lucie quickly typed out the following replies to her friends.

To: Momma Nat
Oh that's fantastic! Thanks so much Momma! It's almost my turn now, so I should be arriving shortly. Can't wait to see you all!

To: Benji
I'm glad you enjoyed the gift! You don't know what trouble I went through to get that! It's a limited edition set! Yes, I'm coming to the party as Nat has made an exception for me to come without proper outfit as I'm coming straight from the airport.

To: EvaButiful
Thanks, and Yes! I'm coming! I'm almost there. See you soon!

It was finally her turn, and Lucie alighted from the bus, retrieving her luggage from the coach's storage compartment, dragging it along with her as she began to make her approach into the party's venue. Soon enough, she made her entrance known as she came into sight of the rest of her friends with an excited cry as her eyes fell upon the sight of all the people she knew here at the party. "HI EVEERYONE! I'M HERE!!! It's so good to see you all again!!" The exuberant girl gave everyone an excited wave coupled with a beaming smile.

Looking around at everyone else, she felt incredibly under-dressed in her Team USA tracksuit when compared to everyone's stunning outfits. Leaving her luggage at the side, Lucie shook that thought away as she retrieved a rather large squarish-looking package wrapped in brown wrapping paper from its interior before bouncing over to the birthday girl, locating her as if she had sonar. Finally locating the Momma herself, Lucie greeted and wished her, "Hi Nat! Happy Birthday! I hope you like my gift!" before thrusting the gift into her hands. When Nat opened the present, she would find a fully functional vintage camera that Lucie had bought from a shop selling vintage goodies in Germany. It took quite a bit of time for her to find it, but it was all worth it, if Nat loved it. She didn't had much time for shopping before they were due to return, so all she had time for were to get gifts for her special people, her crushes. Nat had an exception, because, well, it was her birthday.

After she was done with Nat, Lucie bounced off to the next person, Benji. She retrieved the gift she had for him, and walking up to him, she gave the gift to him with a warm smile. "Hi Benj, this is for you. I hope you enjoy it!" She then scooted off to the next person in her list, who was none other than the man himself, Bryant O'Connor, otherwise known as Hottie O'Connor. Knowing how much he loved his gum and candies, she had bought him an assorted pack of gums and German candies for his enjoying pleasure.

Walking over to him, Lucie then thrust the wrapped packaging into his hands. She had not mentioned anything to him earlier as she wanted to keep it a surprise."Hey Connor, this is for you. I hope you like it." It was then that Lucie blushed tomato red as she realised her mistake, but it was too late to do anything now. She had forgotten to remove the inner labeling that she had placed for her own recognition's sake. It read "For Hottie O'Connor."

Oh God.
I'll be getting my party post up soon!
<Snipped quote by Symphoni>

Isn't she... shipped with Benji?

Hah.. Well people were shipping Benji earlier as well..so :P
Need ships for Lucie too!..
HMMMM I'm determined to wring a decision out of you guys. Maybe the faceclaims will help decide things.

Thael, Alan Richman aka Thad Castle in Hunger Games.

Castor, Oscar Isaacs in Ex Machina

Meanwhile I'll keep working on my CS.

Holy sheet. Totally Thael.

How is this not on the list?! Unacceptable!

Onboard the Behemoth

Upon receiving the answer of her requested joke, it was to her amusement that the joke instead was Henri himself. Beatrice chuckled, as she waited for the ride that was supposed to pick them up for the journey to the mission location. Their ride came soon enough, a cacophony of loud whines and clanks of metal as the heavy steel gates began to open. Warning lights began to light and spin, signalling the fact that the gates were in operation. The massive machines came into view, the behemoth projecting an intimidating appearance and presence to those that were present. her. Beatrice didn't know about the rest, but this gigantic hulk of metal, bristling with guns was definitely intimidating to her.

The hatch of the vehicle opened with the whizz and hiss of hydraulics, and her fellow team mates began filling its interior. Once she had settled comfortably into a seat herself, Beatrice placed her helmet in her lap as she began looking through her pad, with the occasional finger swipe here and there. Here boredom was interrupted as the other blonde girl broke the silence of the cabin with an introduction and a question. She wanted to get to know her team mates and that was plenty fine with her. She would like to get to know them as well.

So the other blonde was called Evangeline, and she was one of the two Saboteurs. Beatrice took note of the girl's highly excitable self, and had to struggle to keep herself under control. If she were to get as excitable as the girl she now knew as Evangeline, the behemoth would explode with exuberance. And she doubt that the rest of them would be happy with such a scenario. Beatrice was preparing to introduce herself, but her attempt was interrupted by not one, but three guys. Too slow bitch. The first, introduced himself as Cidolphus and the dark-haired chap was to be their other Saboteur. So that was their two Saboteurs. Evangeline and Cidolphus.

Oh the next one, puzzled her. This guy was a real piece of work, he introduced himself as Olsen, and only Olsen. He sounded like a typical douche and acted like they were second-class citizens. What? Does he not have a first name or something? He even asked for them to feel free to give him any nicknames. The nerve. She nearly uttered 'How does Douche-bag sound?' but merely clenched her teeth to avoid doing so. The third guy was known as James and he was a Ravager, the same as her. Beatrice gave him a look, before facing towards the group lest she get interrupted once more. "I'm Beatrice Delacour, and you can simply call me 'Bea' for short. I'm a Ravager as well." She then gave a brief wave to everyone, but extending a smile as well to the other blondie.
My first post is up! :D
Lucie Keller

Location: Airport -> on route to apartments
Interacting with: Nat @Hushedwhispers Benji @Raxacoricofallapatorius Dom @Xtreme Sam @Denny Connor & Belle @Universorum Eva @Aewin Jeje @SgtEasy Kip @rougeLily Feliks @Turnaround Amy

It's been a while. Lucie said to herself as her plane touched down at San Francisco International Airport. She was so glad to be back in the states after being aboard for so long. She had been abroad training and competing for the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships that was held in Stuttgart, Germany and had only recently flown back with the rest of the team. Her room in the apartment in 1A had been vacant for some time, and she'd missed her friends terribly. As she arrived in the airport, the sense of familiarity coming back to her was great. She was home. Back in San Francisco. As she did not had international roaming activated on her phone, she had kept her phone off. Now back with mobile connectivity, she turned on her iPhone 5S and, unsurprisingly, there were no messages. She had told her friends and family not to call or send her any messages unless necessary as she would not have connectivity overseas.

What popped into mind was time. It was starting to get late. Nat's birthday was about to start, if it had already started. She would still have to make the journey back from the airport to the apartments to dump her luggage, not to mention that Nat would also have a party theme in mind. She was certainly not dressed fittingly to attend any form of party, in her white, blue and red track suit. She got into the bus arranged for the rest of the team and crew, that would take them to their respective drop off locations, and once the bus was on the road, her fingers quickly got to work, sending out a flurry of messages to her terribly missed friends. It was good to be home.

To: Momma Nat
I'm finally back in San Fran! Happy Birthday! I've got you gift as well from Germany too! I'm sure you'll like it. I doubt I'll have time to get an outfit together and still come before your party ends. Unless you want me to pop by without changing? What's the theme this time?

To: McBrofist ; Bellerina ; DomTheBomb ; McFood ; PartyMaster ; BestKip ; Hottie o'Connor; EvaButiful
Guess who's back?!!?

To: Benji ♥
Hi Benj! I'm finally back in San Fran. It's been a while and I've missed you. I've got you a gift as well. A gift set from Faber Castel for all your drawing needs!. Shh! Don't tell anyone else as I just got it for you.

Now the the competitions and championships were over, she would be able to have a break for a while, and have some time for herself and her friends. Chill and partying incoming~ Her flight had arrived in the early afternoon, and by the time they had cleared everything and gotten on the road, it was mid afternoon. Hopefully she would be able to attend the party. Not aware of the theme, she had nothing planned, so once she got home, it would be a mad scramble, unless Nat was fine with her showing up as she is. Probably not. Lucie wondered how everyone in the group was, and hoped they would be as happy to see her as she was them. The girl was absolutely giddy in excitement of meeting and spending time with everyone again. Yes, everyone, even with those that she wasn't normally close with.
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