<Snipped quote by Symphoni>
Contrary to the kind of characters I have in The Mundane rp, I have actually pulled off a King/Queen Bee-type of character. To be honest, any writer can do a king/queen be-type character. Hell, just as many can pull it off. I think, when it comes down to it, is if they would be able to get into the mind of that kind of character? I can definitely do it. I simply gather my intelligence on such a character(AKA watch teen dramas and study the King/Queen Bee characters) and mimic them in how they act and all that jazz.
That being said, you are right on the point that it doesn't really suit me. When it comes down to it, my types of characters I like to play are either the following three: The free/wild spirits(Jenny Humphery from Gossip Girl), total assholes(my character Harvey from Olympus Academy), or the shy/reserved types(Jay from OA, Grant from Mundane, me from me).

I get you. I get you, nagger. :P