I was originally going to do a King Bee character, but I couldn't think of a good idea, so I decided to try for the other Prep slot. Hopefully it goes all according to plan. 

I was originally going to do a King Bee character, but I couldn't think of a good idea, so I decided to try for the other Prep slot. Hopefully it goes all according to plan.
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
King Bee doesn't seem to suit you anyway. Totally not your style.
"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you."
-HAL 9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke
(Also Daisy Bell by Harry Dacre)
Name:Sterling Errol Rochester
Birth Date:March 10th, 1997
Sexuality:Heterosexual (but do u trust me ;D no, but really he's not. He just says he is *cough*)
Relationship Status:Single
Role:King Bee
In Depth Appearance:Tall. Imposing. About 6'2" if one really wanted an accurate depiction of his height. Genes do an astounding thing when one's mother is an actress and their father is among the better—much better—looking directors in the Hollywood business. And the way Sterling holds himself, it's to remind people just where he got those genes from (and those jeans, because they're Valentino. Don't forget). Honestly, it didn't take long for Sterling to fill out, with his sunburst, freckled cheek bones prominent on his face and lips sculpted to fit perfectly under that pointed, defined nose. Take about a man specifically designed to knock anyone's socks off.
Well, looks for a guy like him is kind of a requirement. Not a lot of places he can go without being recognized as a Rochester child. That's kinda difficult, like intensely difficult. Sterling, of all people, tends to stand out with his filled out figure, and imposing height (how's the weather up there Valentino?). And, for a guy, Sterling likes to dress up nice and he has the absolute budget for it too. Though spoiled in that regard, Sterling's earned a lot of what he's got with an unbelievable diet, hard work, and quite the determination. His father's skin and bones and his mother's was kinda born with a high metabolism. He, on the other hand, couldn't have been chubbier as a little kid and, going from middle school (and thus, puberty) to high school, cute little freckled menace turned into beefcake stud. Huh, guess that's how puberty works for some people. Genes. Damn them.
A salacious wink and a charming smile, that's all the kind of power he needs.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities
- Has categories, sub-categories, and sub-sub-categories for most everything he possessions (super meticulous and particular)
- He won't drink anything without a straw.
- Tugs at his ears when he's nervous.
- Doesn't like his shoulders touched; he'll get incredibly nervous and uncomfortable.
- Rubs his nose when he's deep in thought.
- Loves to bike
- Tells no one of his stamp or coin collection.
- Reads Shakespeare extensively
- Jogs
- Warm clothes (sweaters, coats, scarves, etc.)
- Cats (has two; Hal and David; also has the Neko Atsume game on his phone)
- The occasional solitude; being at home alone
- Simple, easy conversations
- Disorganization
- People touching his things
- People touching him without prior consent
- Change (and like money change)
- Ice Cream (lactose intolerant)
- Not knowing what he wants to do with his life; being stuck the way he is, in the place he's in
- Disapproval from his parents; he's highly dependent on them.
- Disapproval from his peers; like his parents, he's highly dependent on outside opinion.
Personality:♦ Compassionate ♦ Unwavering ♦ Clever ♦ Ignorant/Naive ♦A sheep with a crown knows not a wall from a picket fence, nor rising steeples from pastures and fields. And yet they sit on a throne made of hay and wear glasses not meant for them, heavy in denial and ignorance. For fear of judgment, loss, time wasted, the king refuses an audience not specifically tailored to the exact increments; more sheep to follow the black lamb. And, most of all, scared for the wolf at the end of the tunnel.
Things, so far, have been simple and Sterling likes simple. It makes his life simple and, so far, worrying about the various things in life haven't yet caught up to him. For a man, living in bliss, ignorance be damned. It's quiet on the horizon and he attributes that to the pleasant morning, yet knows what the year ahead truly has in store for him. That scares Sterling, to the point where naivety seems to be the only option. Honestly, fake it til you make it works for the short term and that's all he wants, just a few more months of not having to deal with what the future has planned. Because once high school ends? What happens to the man who sat on his throne all those years?
What if these years are the best that he had coming?
And in that, Sterling sets himself. Yet, he's grown ever more cunning in the ways he keeps his order, something he's learned to do in years of weaving through kid after kid and teacher after teacher. People have something they want, it's just a matter of satisfying that until their wants are his wants and his needs are there's to fulfill. Now it's just a matter of preoccupying everyone while he picks up the pieces of himself to rearrange into something he's happy to be.
Change, wow, change is hard. He's had to learn that over the years and most of it isn't change, but putting on another layer. And another layer. And another. And being nothing but adamant that the face you're showing is yours and not something you made on a whim, or out of obligation. Because obligation is something very evident in children. Kids require a natural order of things, a hierarchy that dates back several centuries. They need a purpose, something that matters now to take their mind off of the future ahead. That's what matters until the illusion breaks and—
lo, on the horizon, dawn breaks.
History:Father and mother expect a lot of a boy raised in silk and finery. Expect a child to grow to exact specifications and, perhaps that remains the reason why Sterling become so hard strung in his ways. Of course, that's, in all matters, makes sense in the long run. Genes gave him a head start, the push in the right direction Sterling always needed as a child. From there, life became eventful, full of various wants and desires given and spoiled.
But the biggest reward, emphasized by his father, was earned, not received. The shiniest light at the end of the tunnel drove a nearly ceaseless determination into the boy at a very young age. Until, finally, Sterling molded and shaped himself into the man he currently is today. Driven hard by a father who only knew the praise of his fellow peers and audience, Sterling craved that appeal most of all. Oh, boy, getting to see his father on the stage, winning best film, receiving Oscars for directing blockbuster hits. And suddenly, Sterling wanted that and his father made certain it was within his grasp, but not enough to where he wouldn't have to jump for it. That drove Sterling to seek approval in more than just that, in more than just his father and mother, but others, as well. And thus, that meant more to prove and standards to appeal to.
Ultimately, Sterling didn't quite hit the ground running, it took stumbling and righting his direction before people caught on. Next big thing maybe? An intelligent, strong, handsome young man that soaked in the attention. Yet, he'd reached a little too far a little too soon, finding out quickly that covering all the bases at the age of 10 didn't quite make one a master of it all. Thus came his brain and his desperation. Intellect over young minds, knowing what buttons to push, knowing how to manipulate a person correctly, in his high school years, that skill meant everything. And, though Sterling didn't always pass with flying colours, nor did he find himself the best at sports like some of his peers, Sterling had a knack for knowing people. For a kid looking to find his way to the top, that meant just about everything. And with money, style, clothes to back up his silver tongue, well, who could resist that charm?
In the end, Sterling worked for his throne in less conventional manners. Or, well, maybe it was pretty conventional. How else is someone supposed to get to the top without driving is shtick hard until someone believed he was the real deal. And, looking back, maybe he should have focused on something more practical in the long run. Unfortunately, Sterling has very deep regrets for how he chose to spend his high school career. Instead of looking toward the future, he set himself too deeply ingrained in the present and the people around him, people he'll likley never see outside of these damnable halls, anyway. That's the unfortunate circumstance and, sadly for Sterling, he's stuck in it.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Most sports
- National Honors Society
Extra:Sterling is lactose intolerant and allergic to dogs!
Anything Else:I don't really have a favorite song for 2016 ;( But Florence + The Machine's new album How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful has been on repeat for the last month. Heh.
<Snipped quote by HalfOfLancelot>
What's this? Lance doing a straight character!? IMPOSSIBRU!!!!!!!
<Snipped quote by Symphoni>
Contrary to the kind of characters I have in The Mundane rp, I have actually pulled off a King/Queen Bee-type of character. To be honest, any writer can do a king/queen be-type character. Hell, just as many can pull it off. I think, when it comes down to it, is if they would be able to get into the mind of that kind of character? I can definitely do it. I simply gather my intelligence on such a character(AKA watch teen dramas and study the King/Queen Bee characters) and mimic them in how they act and all that jazz.
That being said, you are right on the point that it doesn't really suit me. When it comes down to it, my types of characters I like to play are either the following three: The free/wild spirits(Jenny Humphery from Gossip Girl), total assholes(my character Harvey from Olympus Academy), or the shy/reserved types(Jay from OA, Grant from Mundane, me from me).
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
I get you. I get you, nagger. :P
<Snipped quote by Symphoni>
Contrary to the kind of characters I have in The Mundane rp, I have actually pulled off a King/Queen Bee-type of character. To be honest, any writer can do a king/queen be-type character. Hell, just as many can pull it off. I think, when it comes down to it, is if they would be able to get into the mind of that kind of character? I can definitely do it. I simply gather my intelligence on such a character(AKA watch teen dramas and study the King/Queen Bee characters) and mimic them in how they act and all that jazz.
That being said, you are right on the point that it doesn't really suit me. When it comes down to it, my types of characters I like to play are either the following three: The free/wild spirits(Jenny Humphery from Gossip Girl), total assholes(my character Harvey from Olympus Academy), or the shy/reserved types(Jay from OA, Grant from Mundane, me from me).
<Snipped quote by HalfOfLancelot>
I recognize a few people here already! :D
might still add some more, but let me know what you think
More than one app for King Bee o.O
might still add some more, but let me know what you think
More than one app for King Bee o.O
<Snipped quote by Wintergrey>
Yeah, the roles are not first come, first serve. Sorry.
<Snipped quote by Wintergrey>
aaa i didn't see you were working on one until a few minutes after i finished mine. D;
i think his character type is kinda flexible, so if you really want king bee i'll happily change him to a jock or prince? ;o