I'm just not seeing how the Rangers survive longer than a week.
Right though?
I'm just not seeing how the Rangers survive longer than a week.
Ten years ago Galatec, a multi-galactic corporation and superpower, arrived under the banner of peace and trade. The united government of New Earth established treaties and trade agreements which allowed Galatec access to the planet's resources, and in exchange they would provided goods and services to the good people of New Earth. What nobody saw coming was a corporate takeover of the most hostile variety. The products provided by Galatec were designed to make humans complacent, obedient, servants and sheep to their alien benefactors. When the time came, Galatec took over with no resistance, and now the entire population exists as slave labor to expand the corrupt company's resources and profit margin.
6) Special training is allowed for certain slaves that show above and beyond loyalty and work ethic