No offense intended. But there's a sweet spot on the sliding scale of realism, and most of the interest checks I usually see skew too far to the realism end for me.
8 yrs ago
Can't describe how quickly I go from excited to sad when a mecha premise turns out to be realism wankery.
Way too short a post for a month in between, but I thought it was more important to get one done ASAP than try and get back into my groove first.
Can't say how sorry I am that it took so long but I am definitely still here. My semester's accelerated due to the pandemic so I got walloped by about a month worth of compressed work and exams, and I still have two weeks to go. But I've mostly got my feet under me again so I won't be falling off the radar again any time soon.
The contacts closed the distance like lightning and the ground rumbled like thunder. The clouds thrown up represented thousands of years of undisturbed dirt, thrown skyward by something moving up just as much as forward. Earth parted like water in before it, and within a few moments the sensors overhead were throwing metallic readings. The dust was too thick for visual penetration and the air too confused for thermals but the data definitely pointed to something metallic; and big.
<<Pilots,>> The COO’s voice crackled with command on the line, her first intervention since they launched. <<The shuttle is withdrawing from this zone. Keep it covered until it leaves effective combat range. As of this second I am confirming a Case Siberia, and your RoE changes with it. Don’t start anything if you can help it but you are not, I repeat not, expected to let them take the first shot. If they look nasty you are cleared to engage.>>
Far above her frown deepened, because she was hearing the chatter from the bridge unlike her pilots below. Communications started picking up something strange as soon as the plumes appeared, and she was feeling very much like they’d dug up something they shouldn’t have. If the UN wanted to bitch about her putting the trigger for interstellar war in the hands of the units on the ground they shouldn’t have given her that call.
<<Explorer One I’m reiterating that you are to get your asses out of there. Right now, Dr. Harding, you can take readings while you leave.>>
The science team was buckled in, for the most part, but Dr. Harding pushed her way to the cockpit to watch the instruments. The pilot relaying their status to Pandora might have protested to anyone else… but the doctor was going to do what she wanted. And what she wanted was to man the sensors. Withdrawal may have been a necessity but the shuttle had been outfitted with the best scientific sensors on the market and it would be a long while until they were out of sensor range. She could watch, listen, and record anything that might be important; with how quickly things were taking a turn it might be very important later on.
<<Explorer One requesting a babysitter until we leave the zone, if someone wants to play meat shie->>
Whatever he was going to say trailed off abruptly as the contacts breached the surface. The Orbitals scouting them out got a good look first but no one could miss them. Not at that scale. The two were half again, maybe closer to twice in some cases, as tall as an Orbital with arms too long and hands too big. It made them look top heavy, an impression their hunched posture reinforced. Their feet matched their hands with long, digitous digits that ended in points to better distribute their mass over the loose surface. The mechanoids (for their surface was undeniably metallic) were smooth and seamless, lacking even the limited part separation visible on the alien Orbital. Smooth, curving spines of an unidentifiable crystal crested over either shoulder and as they took another step seemed to top the machines’ digits as well. Their heads had broad, flat ‘faces’ with green optics that stretched back over too little neck to end between their spines. A long tail of sinuous metal rested in the ground behind them.
And the humans had plenty of time to look; they simply stopped moving upon reaching the surface. They neither shifted nor made a sound in the hushed silence, only waited with unerring patience as they drank in the scene before them. Their optics seemed to settle at first on the alien Orbital, but then passed between every construct before them. The field seemed almost to have been split between them as their heads moved in opposite directions with perfect synchronicity to rest briefly on Orbital in their ‘zone’...
Then stop and snap to the same point in unison as the sight of Gypsy Soul.
The now oppressive silence shattered when their ‘mouths’ opened with a sound like splintering metal, issuing forth a harsh, mechanical chattering that seemed to come over the comms as much as resonate through the armor of their machines. And as one entity they fired a pair of long disused energy weapons sending bolts of sickly golden light lancing through their air towards Gypsy Alexandros’ Orbital.
Not that the others were forgotten; one of the mechanoids turned at once towards Volana and advanced again with unnatural speed seeming more to use its hands and feet to stabilize flight induced by means unknown than to run.
At Volana’s feet the alien machine’s surviving optic flared to life and issued what could only be called a rasping, desperate screech from eons passed. Long dead joints scraped and ground as servos tried and failed to fire, a macabre spasm of life from a machine long still.
Joke aside, I'm in enough of a lull that I can get a post done this weekend. I should hopefully not be too busy over the next two weeks, but my accelerated semester is wrapping up between now and the 24th for in person work. So it may be a little touch and go until after the 24th.
Really sorry for going radio silent folks. Definitely still here, and working up the next post. School got a little hectic for a couple weeks there. Probably not tomorrow night, but before the weekend!
Description:A little above average height with a fit, limber build and long, long hair. The last is the first thing anyone will notice considering her tendency to dye it whatever color strikes her, most recently a deep purple. It hangs down past Rivka’s back and she keeps it neat and styled despite how much maintenance it takes her. Her skin, despite their necessary emigration, reflects her northern ancestry; a pale starting point that is hard to miss regardless of any given month's tanning. Despite her vibrant hair her attire skews towards the darker, more muted end of the color spectrum; blacks, maroons, navies, and such. Rivka has a dark jacket she wears as soon as the air is cold enough and even sometimes in stubborn defiance of the heat.
It’s uncommon to see Rivka in her own time without a firearm case or an instrument, both belonging to pastimes that she greatly enjoys.
Personality: Stoic and resolute, with a contrasting penchant for the arts and a disposition that borders on lazy. A mix that seems at once abrasive and contradictory becomes much more understandable if you persevere past her standoffish exterior. The decline of humanity to a handful of cities is a tragedy, one to be endured, but not to be endured without release; art is a way to process the world, to bolster the spirit, and to defy the monsters that would burden humanity. Music is her own preference, but she enjoys the expression found in all the arts. But the world is a harsh place too, and competitive shooting gives her another outlet. One that makes her much, much harder to take out than the average danger manages.
Endure, she says, but never in silence.. To suffer in silence is to suffer alone, and that path is simply a longer road to madness. To speak of your experience is to be a beacon of strength for others, and what is an Ars Magi but a beacon of strength?
But that doesn’t mean she can’t take a break, either. Nothing recharges the soul like a day off with some close friends. If she can manage to make any.
Background: The Sokolovs, many years back, hailed from the northern reaches of the continent. When the Sanctums were established they traveled south, taking their name, language, and many of their customs with them. It was a hard journey after the First Void, and a harder life adjusting to their new home. But they were Russian, when there still was such a place, and they endured. They left behind anything they could not carry, they sold much of what they could, and in the end they clung only to the clothes on the back and their instruments. To leave them behind would have been to surrender, and that was unthinkable. They arrived in Baeterrae penniless and took generations to claw their way to the meagre finances they now possess. But they had their talent and their experience and in their art they found solace. Music kept them sane, and volunteering their services to defend the fledgling city kept them sheltered and fed.
That has been their lot since, and the life to which Rivka was born. She mastered her art, she worked the jobs that she could find, and on her own volition she took up sport shooting. A skill that at once made her more capable and gave her a chance to pad the family coffers with prize money. And she got very, very good at it. The art of a rifle proved just as natural to her touch as an instrument, and she loved it. It was an empowering thing to excel at and her admittedly pessimistic demeanor tilted, just a little, towards hope.
And when she found out that she had the potential to be an Ars Magi she didn’t hesitate to apply. It was a chance to provide hope that she could never match on her own.
Gladius: A semiautomatic, over-under double barreled magitech rifle with flip up leaf sights and a detachable bayonet. A gleaming, ornate weapon in blued steel with red-hued opalescent inlay.
Parma:A stylized uniform with a royal purple shoulder cape on her right. A pair of shooting glasses with lenses like opals appear over her eyes, and the highlights in her hair take on a similar hue. These points, and the inlay of her Gladius, begin to fluoresce faintly red when using her Elementum.
Elementum: Fire
Elementum Abilities: Fire, combustion, and general heat are aspects of the Elementum at Rivka’s disposal. She can fire or control flame, heat objects, and generate some lift with these flames. In time she might learn some degree of flight with them. More directly she can channel her Elementum through her Gladius, firing rounds equivalent to truly incredible HE or HEAP shots depending on whether precision or sheer force is more important. She can also superheat its bayonet, be it attached or in her hand, to cleave and pierce much more easily. The lenses of her Parma help protect her eyes from the light produced by the extreme ends of her Elementum.
Elegance. If one was pressed to produce but a single world to describe Vanna, elegance might be their best bet. Vanna’s every move exudes confidence and nobility, and indeed her tall stature and brilliant silver hair definitely makes for a striking figure. But the honor of her most captivating feature likely extends to Vanna’s eyes. An oft muted shade of red, her eyes are usually mistaken for a more mundane light amber, but in her rare moments of passion and emotion they’ll take on a blazing sanguine luster.
As for clothing, there is a casual sense of wealth in Vanna’s wardrobe. While not one to flaunt fancy gems and meticulous embroidery, there’s no doubt that even Vanna’s casual clothing is high class. Dark tops with floral patterns on the sleeves, royal purple skirts fading to white; there will always be nobility in what Vanna chooses to wear. After all, Vanna understands better than anyone that she must never bring shame upon her family name, and the first step is making sure to dress the part.
Personality: Defeat is a foreign concept to the young lady of the Diana family. Sooner may swine take to the sky before Vanna bows down to a challenge. Victory is sacrosanct to the lady, and she will always work hard to achieve her goals. That is after all the duty bestowed upon her through her family line. This self assuredness has granted Vanna a confidence many have mistaken for arrogance. But the simple fact of the matter is that Vanna can’t afford to lose, because losing would mean betraying the expectations that have been placed upon her. Thus at all times Vanna has complete confidence in her abilities, and it matters not if others fail to keep up. She’s perfectly content to achieve victory all on her lonesome.
This degree of self assuredness has often led others to view her as aloof, and indeed Vanna rarely makes time for others outside of what is strictly necessary. Many have mistaken Vanna’s lack of caring as a sort of smugness or at worse disdain for others, but truthfully Vanna just doesn’t see the point in wasting time or energy on wasteful and weak people. It’s not that she hates others, she just doesn’t care, her duty to protect them all remains unchanged either way.
At all times Vanna makes sure to remain polite and respectful to others, while remaining deeply focused and driven towards achieving her goals. Away from the prying eyes of others Vanna may spend hours working towards improving herself. A perfectionist to the end, Vanna holds herself to a higher standard than anyone else. It is only when backed into a corner that deeper emotions can come flowing forward. In those moments, there is brimming intensity belaying a sense of utter joy as Vanna finds a way to yet again emerge victorious.
For after all: Vanna can never lose.
Background: Since the night of the First Void the Diana family has always stood steadfast. Ardent defenders against all incursions from the Void; little has changed for the family over the years. Now and forever they are humanity’s front line. Few know this better than Diana Khay Vanna, V to her friends, Lady Vanna to most others. As the second daughter of the Diana family this legacy has been etched into Vanna’s very being. From a young age Vanna has been cognizant of the cross she must bear.
Thus while she may have been born into a life of luxury in truth it was never a leisurely lifestyle for the young girl. Etiquette, politics, history, and of course practical lessons in combat have all been drilled into Vanna over the years. Simply put Vanna knows she has a role to fill, a duty to her family, and she’s always strived to put 200% into reaching that pinnacle. She was taught to be the epitome of a Duodecim Lady and that is the summit she always seeks to maintain.
Outside of constant lessons, Vanna hasn’t experienced much of what life has to offer. Sure she’ll take breaks in the forest behind her country manor, or visit the greater city of Potentia with her younger siblings, but these short reprieves can hardly be considered anything else. That said, as surprising as it may be, many of Vanna’s dearest memories stem from traveling with her father or elder brothers to the outskirts of Potentia to inspect the city’s defenses against the Void.
Vanna has always appreciated her responsibility as a daughter of the Diana family, and getting to take a small part in her family’s legacy never fails to bring an unmatched sense of fulfilment. Her recent enrollment into Nova Lux, where she will train to truly shoulder the duties of her family, has brought a new feeling of excitement to the young girl.
Of course she’ll never allow such excitement to exude outwards. After all, a lady must keep her wits about her at all times.
The Magical
Armgaus Name: The Victorious Crimson Garnet
Gladius:Asi - By all accounts a rather simple gladius, Vanna’s weapon of choice is a basic "hand-and-a-half" sword in servitude to the people. A simple cross guard hilt, a basic leather wrapping on the grip, Asi is a fairly straightforward weapon. The intoxicating scarlet garnet inlaid in the pommel and the dazzling silver blade that seems to reflect moonlight at all times are the main features that would clue one into the true magical nature of the gladius.
Perhaps a sign of her constant acceptance of her duty, but little about Vanna’s appearance changes when transformed. Her eyes glow a brighter shade of red, her silver hair appears to gain even more luminance, but ultimately that’s about all there is in terms of an outward change in appearance. And outside of a shimmering, long, red and purple shoulder cape, her magical armor is surprisingly simple. Most definitely still noble and high class, but far from the ostentatious armor one might otherwise suspect. Fitting for a weapon of the Duodecim.
Elementum: Aether
Elementum Abilities: Being an ever present element, Vanna’s control over Aether upon first transforming is limited. But as time progresses Vanna begins to absorb more and more of her elementum therein illustrating the true powers behind the quintessence. At first this manifests as simple boosts to Vanna’s strength and speed gradually getting to a point of achieving basic levitation. As she absorbs more Aether Vanna gains the ability to project its power outwards, be it in the form of weak blasts of energy or small defensive shields. Aether can even be used to heal wounds once a suitable amount has been absorbed by Vanna. Ultimately Vanna’s strength manifests best in prolonged combat, and at the beginning she must rely on her own skills, not her elementum, to find victory.