- The Bowery, Gotham
A man paced himself towards his car, holding a grocery bag like it's something dear to him. Then again, food was pretty scarce in The Bowery, arguably the most messed up part of Gotham. His appearance was that of a middle-aged man, probably around his mid-40s, with graying hair on the side and black bags under his eyes. He looked both sides before boarding his car, placing the grocery bag on the front seat. He closed the door and made himself comfortable, inspecting his hair in the car's rearview mirror. Took him long enough, but he finally noticed the shadowy figure on the back seat. He was startled, but the cold barrel of a gun on the back of his head kept him composed.
"Don't. Move!" Derrick commanded, ruffling the man's hair with his Five-Seven.
"W-Who..How did you enter?", the man stumbled on his words.
"Magic." Derrick replied, his reverberating voice deprived of emotion. It made a nice addition to his fear factor.
"Wait a minute.. I know you.""Of course you do, numbnuts." Derrick removed his mask, allowing the man to get a better look at him. His voice was reverted to the normal, human-sounding tone.
"It's me.""Derrick?", the man queried in surprise while looking at the rearview mirror.
"I thought you were locked up."Derrick threw a folded cable on the front seat, as it unfurled on the grocery bag. The man glanced at it but was careful to not make any sudden movements. He didn't want to provoke an aggressive response from his assailant.
"What is that?""Wire rope. It was part of my suit, but it just recently snapped. I need you to fix it or find a replacement for it - your choice." Derrick calmly replied while scouting the outside environment. He could handle felons. He was more worried about a GCPD patrol, as unlikely as that was.
"That's gonna cost me money, D. I may need a considerable fee for m-""How about I let you live? Is that a good enough fee for you?!" The gun pressed harder on the man's head, causing him to squeal and close his eyes out of fear. Derrick's tone got uncharacteristically aggressive for a moment, but even then it was more like tranquil fury. He barely raised his voice.
"Okay, okay, Jesus! You know, you could have made this request without all these theatrics." The man's voiced cracked while he exclaimed.
"I don't know about that, Victor. I heard you expanded your business. That you have no more time for old friends." Derrick smiled, putting on his mask.
"I'll be at your workshop early tomorrow. If you don't make this happen by then, we'll have a problem. Understood?"The man, Victor, swallowed, the look on his face priceless. He was so scared at that point you could cut his fear with a knife. He tried to regain his composure and respond to Derrick's demand, but all he could come up with was a faint, whimpering
"OK." The gun was removed from his head, the door popped open and without uttering a word, Spider disappeared into the night. Victor sighed, then his head dropped down on the steering wheel. He never thought an encounter with an old regular would leave him so visibly shaken.