Avatar of KrystalKleo


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4 mos ago
Current Happy Independence Day to all my American brothers and sisters. Please celebrate responsibly.
4 mos ago
Happy Canada Day to all my brothers and sisters. Today, we celebrate!
5 mos ago
Posts will be delayed once more. Moving yet again. Landlord decided to sell . Will be in new place on the 5th. I am SOOO sorry.
6 mos ago
I am so sorry for the delay in posts. Been dealing with a 4 day migraine. Will do my best to get to them tomorrow.
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6 mos ago
Guess whose net is back, baby! That's tight, Krystal is back in the house!


Hello Everyone. I am a 36-year-old girl with a heart for dramatic role-plays.

KrystalGamez#0980 - Discord. Have a headset and mic too! No webcam

Most Recent Posts

The sun was setting over the raider base. It was one of the bigger ones known in the area and tended to be quite successful in their raids. Tonight was not unlike the others. Caps and supplies stocked up, innocent lives lost for defending the good guys. Zara had seen it all and had chilled her heart. There was no stopping the Diamond Backs once they had their sights on you. Unfortunately, those whom hated the raiders did not differentiate between willing members and unwilling staff.

Zara knew she had but one choice. She needed to leave, though she had no clue where to go or how to get there without dying. There was nothing for her to take with her so it was just a matter of patience. Waiting until the freshly fed and drunkard men toppled over to their night long slumber.

The fires began to burn out, one by one. Basking the base in nothing but moonlight. Zara figured this was as good as time as any. Their leader was asleep in bed with his latest spawn incubator, the night shift guards were thin in posts due to the partying.

She tiptoed around people and the tamed wolves kept as pets and guard dogs. She pushed hard on the wooden door that gave the impression of security. Lightly biting her lip, she leaned against the wall and walked as carefully as she could. Pausing only a moment when one guard passed overhead. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears as she held her breath. Escape was certain death as any servant could spill about the Diamond Backs weaknesses.

Feeling the coast being clear, she took off running towards the ruins, wanting to hide as quickly as she could. She didn't bother looking back, which was a downfall she had. A couple of the guards saw her book it, ringing out the alarm. It was only moments before she had half a dozen men after her.

'Fuck me.' She thought to herself as she attempted to duck and dodge the arrows whizzing past her head. Glancing up, she saw the overhang of a fallen floor of a building. The wooden beams and joists visible within. She jumped with all her might and managed to snag one of the rebars within the structure. Grunts and groans gave her away as she pulled herself up to the second floor and hopefully out of the eyeline of those chasing.

Ducking low beams and jumping over holes in the floors, she ran her way through what used to be a nice hotel. What she didn't see or expect was the sleeping form on the bedroll. She ended up by tripping right over Isaac, crying out in shock and smacking her head off the wall he was by. Raiders voices below as they called out to each other that one heard her cry.
Zara Singh

Age: 21 years old

Appearance: Zara is 5'2 tall with a slender, almost malnourished frame at 98lbs. Her eyes were a vivid emerald green, hinting a brown around the iris, shoulder length light brunette hair, and naturally ruby red lips. Her outfit begins fairly simple, with a tattered white tank top, that seemed to cascade over her body instead of being form fitting. Her pants were torn black jeans she had managed to snag out of a raid's haul. She was intending to gain more but it was easier said then done, when her job didnt require much protection. On her feet were some dirty old timberlands.

Background: Having been born to the Wasteland by a fairly young mother herself, Zara knew nothing else but the evils the world provided. The old world was just stories that sounded more strange than reality.
Her father was unknown to her as he had been a passing raider at the time of her conception.
Unable to feed, clothe, and keep the child safe, her mother had passed her off to a farmer and his wife. That was where she had learnt the basics of life, of what the Wasteland needed to survive.

At the age of 8 though, the Diamond Backs raiders had gone through the small farming village to gather supplies, women and servant's. The leader either had a soft spot for young Zara or had some malicious intentions as he staked claim to her. She was to be his slave until the day he found her of no use.

Awesome thank you!
Yay house work almost caught up! Cat room is left then laundry!
*dances *
Whoop whoop, that's the sound of the police. Whoop whoop.
Adele - Rolling In The Deep - Anthem for anyone able to walk away from narcissistic abuse.
LA di di da
My boyfriend's an ex and he's gonna be in trouble *sings*
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