Ok, so I dont know a huge amount about RWBY to be honest but I'm starting to watch it with my friend who has explained the key moments in season 1 and 2 to me. Would it be alright for me to apply with him helping me to understand things that are mentioned that I might not get? I get it if you'd rather have me leave, it's fine if you do.
I'll have a makeshift app up soon in any case.
Welcome, Mr. Pink! That should be fine. Please let us know if you don't understand anything or if you need any help. Conversely, we'll keep an eye to make sure your info and posts align with the RWBY world. I don't foresee any issues.
A few questions.
Are they still students of Beacon, specifically? Or would others have been snatched into this position as well? Are they considered the 'elites' of their grade, or are there still other students that are stronger than them, just not drugged up on Grimm DNA? Is this RP going to be primarily srs bsns, or will there still be SoL silliness to be had? Are there any specific rulings when it comes to combat, such as only one attack per post?
And how much of this RP would be grounded in realism the first place? Would, for example, a little ten year old girl be able to fire off a sniper rifle without it getting blown out of her hands from recoil, because lolanime?
Yes, you are all students. You will not be elites, per say, but you will have an edge because of your Grimm DNA. It's safe to assume some exemplary students are stronger than you in some senses. The experimentation is secret; as Vrad said, "you are expected to play school." The RP will have a dark tone but there will be downtime with silliness and SoL if desired.
The RP will be as "grounded in realism" as the show. So, yes, as you'd put it, it will be primarily "lolanime." Feel free to ask us specifically if you're about to do something so ridiculous you have to be concerned with the world's realism.
Man, everyone wanting to form connections! That's great to see.