Avatar of LadyRunic


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5 yrs ago
Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
5 yrs ago
Replies will be coming out in a few days. Been down sick.
5 yrs ago
"Fly you fools!"
6 yrs ago
To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
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6 yrs ago
Sorry if replies are a bit slow. Dealing with a headache.


Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Still looking for potentials.
A reply will be coming tomorrow.
I prefer PMs rather than clog up the post count, and while I do find both ideas interesting. I'm not currently looking for Star Wars.
@The Whacko @Penny Loved the series. Honestly, that's more there to give an idea of what is possible. I wouldn't have a clue where to start a Rp with that!
Zatana watched 'Sacred Order's Cleric of the Dead', a very interesting name, as the woman left the battlements. There was something there that bothered the dark elf, and she was sorely tempted to follow the woman to uncover if a simple rest was all the woman was after. If she had not been set on seeing the Prince back to the safety of the keep, Zatana probably would have followed Drana. Tired or not, that was information she could pass onto her grandfather and use to get into Balthazar's good graces. The lack of trust from the old wizard was entirely understandable from a professional viewpoint, though it was incredibly irritating to her sensibilities of wanting to do her job well. The clashing orders of keeping the Prince alive, gathering information and then following any other orders she was given was a thankless task. One that Zatana would succeed in and complete to the utmost of her ability and achieve the outcome desired. It was merely a question of whose outcome it would be.

The city itself was recovering from the first of the siege's waves. A tide of enemies that would come and go and crash against the walls until they receded for good or the walls buckled to their onslaught. A thing of beauty when it was read about and terror to behold. Her thoughts were puzzling over the poetry of war and mysteries that she had yet to solve when Prince Leonidas spoke, his tone joking. While he might not have expected a reply, he was given one. "Of course, Your Highness. I shall inform him of your injuries, including the gash to the shoulder and the stab wound to your forearm. Along with diverting your protection to covering a orc with a heavy weapon and thus leaving yourself exposed." The dark eyes locked onto Leonidas as the drow gave a polite smile that befitted the crueler of her race. It was horribly rude of her, Zatana knew, to speak thus to the Prince but she was sorely tempted to take his hammer and beat it into his skull that she was his protector. Yes, she would be whatever was needed at the time, but his safety was of the highest consideration in all of her instructions. If she had to countermand orders to be assured of it? So be it. "Unless, you would rather-?"

The trade square had been given over a party, and Zatana had perched in the shadows and listened in amusement when the Prince and Balthazar wore the Duke down into hosting a celebration for the men. It was needed, the dark elf admitted, but it was not a place for one of her kind. Bergkoff's residents did not care for the drow and when they were full of drink and a siege sat on their doorstep? They would have swords and sharp opinions close at hand. Her presence would only cause problems, and Zatana was loath to sit on a roof and listen to the festivities. Surrounded by so many soldiers, what harm could the Prince come to? Her mind filled with possibilities and Zatana couldn't but grimace at what her imagination could drag up from the depths. Having remained in the war room, Zatana had attempted to allow herself to doze while listening to the absent chatter. A simple trick of catching cat naps here and there to keep yourself reasonably rested in a warzone. Her weapons cleaned and checked for when she next would have to hurry off to intercept some form of trouble. If there was any trouble, the news would reach the war room and Zatana relatively quickly. The center, the brain, of an operation was exactly where the rogue wanted to be. One dark eye opened as she surveyed the room as she shifted restlessly. This fight was not over and the enemy was still out there.
Zatana studied the battlefield below the wall from her perch. The swaths of the dead were pilled high as the dunes along the Dread Coast, tossed by the tide of battle. Soon soldiers would go below and sort the living from the dead. The enemy and friend. One would be giving a proper burial, the other? A pyre was likely. The dark elf sighed and tried to ignore the reek of burnt troll. They smelled foul in life, in death it wasn't much better. Zatana was of the opinion that burnt troll smelled worst of all. Turning back the wall, content that Manald was within the safety of allies she studied the strange woman with Acrius. A very light woman, she looked to have been marred by the fighting.

They were all marred by fighting, Zatana amended to herself. She was hardly unscathed and Acrius looked in dire need of a rest. Though from the title Acrius gave her, the woman was a cleric. A welcomed thing in this bloody mess. Stepping from the merlon, the dark elf moved to a less conspicuous position where she had a full range of the battlements and could easily move to cover Prince Leonidas if it was needed. 'Merely because the battle is won, does not mean my guard should be let down. Was I an assassin I would wait until the enemy was assured of his victory and then strike.' She was an assassin, a spy. It was her job to think like an enemy and thus keep the Crown Prince of the Empire of Man alive and well. Two crotchety old men would rip her to pieces if she failed after all. Stringing her bow, Zatana put the weapon back it its place and checked her knives. Loosening them in their sheathes in case she needed to intervene. Though, as she studied the healer, it appeared the young woman looked tired and thus less of a threat. Of course, it was best to never assume anything other than everything was a lie.

Zatana spared a quick glance towards their fleeing foes. She wanted to go after them, strike the head of the snake from the body. Her own fight, however, had ended that thought. There was no point in sending a tired assassin to assassinate and thus make a mess of things. She already had her minute by jumping off the wall. There was no need to further stain her reputation by getting herself thrown into a goblin's stew pot.
@Martian Here's the first draft. I know it's a bit long and if anything is confusing or you see anything that contradicting let me know! I enjoyed writing it.

@Martian Hello! Have room for another person?
Hey, do you guys perhaps have room for one more? I'm interested in reviving an old character of mine, a daughter of Hades.
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