Sorry for my absence but my Thanksgiving weekend was busy! Had to bounce between family between my two sides so I was kinda stretched thin in places of no wifi. My character sheet, however, was finished over in places where I had wifi so thats a plus!

Faceclaim: Jeremy Baudion
{ “Love is the purest emotion, it can cause people to change and make people do unimaginable things. Sometimes it's so pure and selfless to the point of insanity, at other times it is a confusing on trifled with a myriad of thoughts." }
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[⚜] Name:
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[⚜] Description:
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[⚜] Weapons:
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Faceclaim: Jeremy Baudion
{ “Love is the purest emotion, it can cause people to change and make people do unimaginable things. Sometimes it's so pure and selfless to the point of insanity, at other times it is a confusing on trifled with a myriad of thoughts." }
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[⚜] Name:
Mihalis Arvantis
[⚜] Alias:
He is called a many number of things but a few have stuck around:
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[⚜] Age:
[⚜] Race:
[⚜] Height:
[⚜] Weight:
178 lbs
[⚜] Hair Color:
Chestnut Brown
[⚜] Eye Color:
Baby Blue
[⚜] Description:
Mihalis is a tall man who has soft short brown hair and calm pale blue eyes which light seems to make them glow to express a variety of emotions with just them. Having a close-cropped beared that he regularly keeps and a stubble across his upper lip on his smooth angular face. With a charming smile no doubt when multiplied complimented with his expressive eyes and facial features that is breathe taking. Along with having a slim muscular build, that is for from his athletic activities that keep him in shape despite not needing it. He is no doubt a good looking man that no one would argue, a fine fish in the sea if you ever saw one. Carrying around an air of silent charm that collect the unconscious attention of the room despite not doing much to gain it and is apparent when he talks or even moves.
[⚜] Personality:
Mihalis personality is a jumble of things that is always mashing itself together to fit into the keyhole that he stands in front of to gain entry. Shaping himself to fit what the other people expect and think of him, his personality is always changing from a group to group basis. It is what everyone does, but Alex just puts more thought into than most people would normally do. His personality is always shifting to fit the situation as best as it can, making him unpredictable in the center of the storm that is Alex himself. With many sides of Mihalis that is revealed but never all at the same time, just a piece here or there to reveal a part of himself. He always is in the possession of having a constant and ever-changing personality, the only remotely solid piece of his character which carries on is his charisma which he pools off in one way or another.
In the most open state that Mihalis could possibly get is being an outgoing person naturally who likes to talk to people. Being very social, he talks with a certain appeal to it and always responds appropriately with a charming laugh for a cracked joke or an infectious smile for something else. It gives him the appearance of a confident person and appealing but carries along its own kind of intimidating presence of someone superior than you which is obvious. Despite this, he can easily melt away the worries that harbors in anyone's thoughts and heart with ease as he is quite a flirtatious individual. Seducing is one of his ways of doing things along with it as a form of having dangerous entertainment for him, serving as a game for his boredom and method of escaping sticky situations as well. There is not doubt that he's quite the obnoxious and fun loving person, not to mention liking to engaging in uncomfortable situations with people. Despite this, his charismatic nature makes Mihalis generally a great guy to socialize with and have fun outing or night and is a person who isn't afraid to make advances if he feels like it. He is like a flower which is ephemeral to look at and intoxicating to smell but never destined to touched for its thorns unless it wraps itself around you.
In the most open state that Mihalis could possibly get is being an outgoing person naturally who likes to talk to people. Being very social, he talks with a certain appeal to it and always responds appropriately with a charming laugh for a cracked joke or an infectious smile for something else. It gives him the appearance of a confident person and appealing but carries along its own kind of intimidating presence of someone superior than you which is obvious. Despite this, he can easily melt away the worries that harbors in anyone's thoughts and heart with ease as he is quite a flirtatious individual. Seducing is one of his ways of doing things along with it as a form of having dangerous entertainment for him, serving as a game for his boredom and method of escaping sticky situations as well. There is not doubt that he's quite the obnoxious and fun loving person, not to mention liking to engaging in uncomfortable situations with people. Despite this, his charismatic nature makes Mihalis generally a great guy to socialize with and have fun outing or night and is a person who isn't afraid to make advances if he feels like it. He is like a flower which is ephemeral to look at and intoxicating to smell but never destined to touched for its thorns unless it wraps itself around you.
[⚜] Background:
Perhaps one of the most unique individuals to suddenly appear working in The Syndicate one day with a job in his hand one day. However he got it, that is a story to be never told or brought into light by either side willingly. It is a fact though that his position is reinforced by multiple statements from people in higher positions that protect him from most official prosecutions. With a real job as an interpreter for the organization that will mediate between the two sides of the conflict. It can only be assumed that he has to be a monster of some kind, but what could look like a human so convincingly? Nobody knows who Mihalis really is but nevertheless is a great person to be working with as he's enjoyable company even for the stoic. Surprisingly fluent in a number of languages between monsters which is really handy in the many cases that he is on. It only adds to the mystery of who he is.
With otherworldly beauty and an intriguing familiarity to the supernatural world, there are only question that add up on who Mihalis is. A creature who looks seemingly human for all purposes, why would they come here of all places? It certainly is a mystery why he came, perhaps it was for fun, maybe it was for safty or it may be a completely different purpose.
With otherworldly beauty and an intriguing familiarity to the supernatural world, there are only question that add up on who Mihalis is. A creature who looks seemingly human for all purposes, why would they come here of all places? It certainly is a mystery why he came, perhaps it was for fun, maybe it was for safty or it may be a completely different purpose.
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[⚜] Weapons:
Commissioned Gun - A more modern piece of equipment that comes from The Syndicate, it's a simple weapon that is lethal to unprotected humans but useless against most creatures of supernatural origins. However, it's better to carry something to protect himself with than nothing at all.
[⚜] Skills:
- Renaissance Man: Mihalis has been given more than enough time to harness the skill of many arts and crafts which he has given time to be more than proficient in. To play an instrument would be an easy feat as he could be a one-man band if he so wished for it. He could weave a blanket that would make any grandparent jealous of and children adore. There is almost nothing that Mihalis doesn't know about arts and craft which he hasn't already practiced with his own hands. While not a particularly noteworthy skill but it is a significant ability that Mihalis has developed over his lifetime of leisure. Having enough time in his various lifestyles to support the time needed to learn these various skills for the more privileged.
- Beauty and Form: While not normally a skill anyone would think of, it represent one's ability to shape their appearance to what they find appealing to themselves and others. By controlling factors such as their physical features like hair, body shape, clothing, and many other things, they can control how others perceive them. With Mihalis' skill, he is capable of changing himself to a nearly endless amount of styles that would make him almost an entirely different person. He with this amount of vanity can make himself achieve a point of beauty that would be undeniable as if he was a model.
- Persona and Will: The ability to manipulate one's personality to their own ends, comparable to being two-faced but more. The opposite of this would be completely blunt about one's thoughts and having no subtly about lying or denying it. With this skill harnessed over many lifetimes, he is able to shape his personality into something that fits his selected audience. A technique more suited to pleasing people, it highly effective considering Mihalis' beauty which both combined can create an intimidating presence from sheer character. He is like an actor placed into the real world, where he can reshape himself to play anything that is needed.
- Linguist: Through his travels, Mihalis has learned many languages and has taken the time to learn the most common of them. While initially learned for the added flair and uniqueness to his character, it proved useful when conversing with people of many nationalities. Especially handy when navigating the melting pots of America and Europe with many ethnicities which blended together in certain areas. Making it deceivingly funny with what is exchanged by people when they don't know that you speak their language. Capable of speak English, Latin, Spanish, French, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian which are a few more common languages that are spoken by people. With a lot of time in his hands, he's has picked up many languages under his belt which he is fluent with. In general, he is capable of having an advance conversation with someone as if he was a native. Usually this would be combined with his fluency with arts and craft but it's a notable skill to be mentioned.
[⚜] Powers:
- Supernatural Creation: Mihalis is a mythical creature born in the Age of Gods, where monsters ruled supreme along with magic-users coming close in comparable power. In this age, creatures were built to be sturdy to the threats that they faced but some creatures are simply built unequally better or worse than others. The race of Sirens and their origins are ambiguous but no doubt from this old and forgotten age. He as a creature from this long ago has a certain physiology comparable to strong supernatural creatures despite his petite form similar to a human, along with resistance to most magics of the modern age which simply do not compare what magic-users were capable back in the day, that doesn't mean he can be careless around either.
- Emphemeral Beauty: Mihalis has the appearance that is rare for even humans to have naturally and even if attempted to try and obtained would be mostly impossible. While his beauty is no doubt physically attractive but it is seemingly magical which goes the extra mile to attract the gaze of anyone in the room. It's a beauty that brings its own air of intimidation that can even make some people avert their eyes if he brings his attention to them. Nothing can seemingly ruin his appearance as even dirt and grime can be pulled off by him while working out the grimy look. Even if he is covered, his own body brings a tempting mystery that brings people to see what he is even if hidden. Its truly is the legendary beauty that a Siren holds, making it almost impossible to ignore.
- Spellbinding Song: Like all Sirens, Mihalis' voice has the ability to affect minds of other creatures who hears him. Simply talking will no doubt grab the attention of people around him as they find it hard to divert their eyes off him. When talking, his words can slowly enthrall them and slowly make them unable to resist his opinons, it can even extend to tempting them to following his commands. Working both actively to promote this behavior by gently stimulating pleasure in small addicting amounts to them if they follow his words. Trying to resist is like a building pressure which will inevitably crack under this magical ability, the key is to distance one self and drown out the sound. Should one be exposed for too long, they will have lost perhaps most of their self-control and essentially free-will as they will do anything to please him. Even supernatural creatures will be affecting by this ability at perhaps at a reduce rate depending on circumstances.
This is only the ability when simply used to talk, when channeled into a higher medium such as a song, its effects become much more potent than ever before. The ability becoming the legendary song of the siren which is enchants anyone who listens to it even for a few seconds before falling into a trance-like state. Only the strongest of people have immense willpower can resist or the magical protection strong enough to protect hem for such effects. It is almost impossible for them to try and resist the effects of the song without aid either magical of something else to block it out.
- Wings: Once upon a time, during a time when monsters dominated the world with the gods on their throne, the Sirens used to hold beautiful wings. However, when they lost the favor of the gods it was decided as a race that they would lose their wings. Thus through powerful magic, they lost their wings tragically and were stranded in many places far from each other without a means for travel. Even the use of the most powerful magic failed to restore these pieces of theirs which was permamently fragmented from their forms and crippled them. This condinition still continues to hold up even in this age and day as Mihalis is wingless despite time passing by him.
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