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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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“As long as you stay in your human form there should be nothing to worry about. The venue for the fight is small and if we were discovered, they are nothing more then humans. Disposing of them should be easy. What we need to worry about is their supplier. They are an unknown variable, and that’s dangerous,” Alister said. His face void of emotion.

“But if you’re afraid old man. I can always do this alone,” He said with a grin. “I won’t tell anyone if the big bad dragon is scared of a few humans.”

He took every precaution to make sure their safety, but something was off. Everything told him that he overlooked something, but he couldn’t put a finger on it. “Well if everything goes according to plan there should be nothing to worry about.
“Don't worry I can hold my liquor. Thank you,” Alister said. He took the bottles and headed to the stables. He didn't know what he was expecting but he was still surprised that it was an actual stable. He didn't really care as he’s slept in worst conditions.

“Here’s a bottle for you,” Alister said setting the alcohol on the table. He then grabbed his bag and pulled out another syringe. He gave a long sigh before injecting himself once again. A wave of dizziness washed over him much worse from last time. He stuttered almost falling but caught himself just in time as the dizziness passed.

“I’ve got us tickets to see ‘a once in a lifetime exotic fight between earth’s most dangerous creature’. Not my words. This will allow us to check out if my lead is correct or a false alarm,” Alister said as he chewed on a large piece of the pie. After he was done he moved on to the many different kinds of cookies be brought.

“Any questions,” Alister asked.
“Can I have a bottle of whatever your strongest is,” Alister said. Alcohol had no effect on him, but he wished that it did. He liked the taste, but that’s about all it did for him. The moment the substance entered his bloodstream, it will immediately be metabolized, essentially wiping it from his system. This is useful against poison and other harmful substances, but on the down downside was that he couldn't get drunk.

“Yeah food and rest sounds really nice right now. Also got a few some-more information on our case,” Alister said plugging the flash drive into his computer. The flash drive had one file label ‘NULL’ and when he opened it, an animated video of a cat started playing. He let out a loud sigh and slam the laptop shut.

“Make that two bottle please,” Alister said. The file was unscripted by one of the best hacker he knew. He dreaded working through it, but it was essential to their mission. This was protocol, but he wished it wasn’t since it made more work for him.
“Nice to meet you, Rebecca,” Alister said as he shook her hand. He was about to head for their room when a familiar presence showed up outside.

“Here old man you can take the food to our room I need to grab something from my bike,” Alister said handing over the food to Drake. He didn't give him a chance to respond before he walked outside. The cool night breeze hit him sending shivers down his spine. For a moment, he stood there admiring the night sky. He then walked over to his bike which was parked next to a black car that wasn't there when he came.

“What happened Vanessa,” Alister asked as he pretended to look for his laptop.

“Complication. Here is the last of the information I got before I discovered. Korgen is missing as well as Micheal. Just a heads up they are dangerous. The one behind this,” Vanessa said handing Alister another flash drive. “I’m going to go radio silence for a while so don't look for me.”

She closed her window then drove off. He stood there for a moment watching the car as it traveled down the road disappearing into the darkness. He sighed then grabbed his laptop and headed back to the hotel. His hand clench on to the little flash drive in his pocket. Worry flooded his mind once again, not knowing who they were up against.
Alister blushed slightly at the question and kept silence. He didn’t want to admit that he had a bad sense of direction, but he deep down he knew it was the truth. Alister walked inside, getting a wave of warmth and comfort. He didn't notice how tired he was until he was inside and his face reflected that. His eyes were droopy with bags under them.

“Well, I hope you’re hungry because I brought us some food. You better like fried chicken and baked goods,” Alister said holding up the three bags of food he bought at the dinner. One bag was chicken the other two was filled to the brim with different kind of baked goods.

“So where is our room?” Alister asked. The entire day’s stress and tiredness dawned on his when he thought of sleep. He wanted to crash and hibernate, but there was still work to be done. Sleep wasn’t an option just yet.
Alister watched in utter fascination as Drake shifted. Once the transformation was complete, he pulled out a camera from his bag and took a few pictures. “Well, you don’t see that every day.”

Leaving the camera dangling around his neck, he got on his bike. “See you in town old man.”

He checked his mirror, shifted gear, then accelerated down the road. The surrounding scenery turned into mere blur as he continued to pick up speed. Adrenalin rushed through his veins as the wind pound against him, rocking the bike in an almost rhythmic pattern. He loved the feeling of the wind against him, the strange silence caused by the air, and the rush of energy that surges through his veins. There isn’t anything quite like it anywhere in the world.

The forest quickly faded away, reveling lush meadow overlooked by a large cliff. “Rose take over,” Alister said letting go of the handle. The bike balanced its self, reaching a constant speed. Alister grabbed his camera and took pictures of the surrounding area. Once he was satisfied, he returned to the bike and continued down the road.

It didn’t take long for him to reach the city, trees turned into buildings, grass to concrete. Driving down the road, Alister sensed a familiar soul and made a pit stop. He casually walked into a small dinner and headed to the front counter. He ordered some food then sat down at a nearby table. Once he was seated, a woman walked past him dropping a small flash-drive into his bag, then disappeared. Alister received hi food then headed back to the road

He imagined the worst when his informant went missing, but his worry was all for nothing. She was a master at her trade, one truly adept at espionage.

“Wait, where’s the hotel?” he said, noticing that he was lost. It took him nearly haft an hour before he finally what he was looking for. He parked his bike and took a minute to breathe. ”Stupid hotel.”
“Isn’t too big my ass,” Alister whispered under his breath.

He watched as the small marvel played out in front of him. The very ground and plants glistened a mysterious blue hue. Alister stood there at awed for a moment before bringing himself back to reality. He was impressed but didn’t mention or showed any sign of it.

“Y-yeah.” Alister moved along the trail gazing at how everything glowed, like a child at a candy store. He always had a fascination about the mysterious and magical side of the world. His magic was limited and the Ancient Ones rarely show their power, unless absolutely necessary. A part of him wanted to ask questions and study the little phenomena but he kept his composure and moved along the glowing path.

Forgetting about Drake, Alister made it to the main road, still amazed by the trail. The road was quiet and empty, just how he liked it. Looking around, Alister found a motorbike parked Little ways away. It was an old black Yamaha VMAX with a few modifications. As he got closer, the machine roared to life and drove itself to him.

“Hey girl,” Alister greeted with a smile.

The bike roared in response. “Crap, how is the old man going to——”

Alister checked his stopwatch once again and sigh. Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out a syringe labeled BLS-GN-004. He stared at the injection for a second before taking a deep breath and injecting himself with the substance. A wave of dizziness washed over him but quickly passed. “Well, as long as you’re useful in a battle I don't care how old you are.”

“As for the werebeast. My source told me that she is 29-year-old weretiger recently seen in an underground fighting ring for exotic animals, a disgusting little place,” Alister said. They might be his enemy but he still has sympathy, unlike many of his kin. If it was anyone else they might find this type of entertainment enjoyable.

“So old man do you know the way to the main road? Because I barely manage I get here without getting lost,” he lied. It took him the entire day just to find the location after hours of aimless walking. If it wasn’t for the bird and a nice bear he would’ve never find his way here.

“Really afraid? How dangerous can an old dragon be? I thought every old man knew each other or something,” Alistair said with a little smirk. He sheathed his blade and retracted the blood forming a small red bracelet that looked like rubies. He didn’t like the lack of security the werebeast had, it was nothing compared to the secrecy of the vampire lords. He was basically kidnaped just to be informed of the mission.

“Well if you’re up to it old man, I have a few leads to go off of. One of the missing werebeast was spotted in a nearby town which should be our first priority. There are also some rumors of a group of hunters that are hunting vampires. And a few other leads but those two are the most promising nearby.” Alister used the blood as a second hand and picked up his bag. He pulled out an old stopwatch to check the time before looking up at Drake.

“We don’t have much time before nightfall and I rather not sleep in some cave in the middle of nowhere. So shall we go old man?” Alister asked. He turned to leave when the little bird returned and perched on his shoulder one again. He smiled then looked back at Drake to see if he was coming.

“A drop of blood burn in the glory of the sun. And you’re spot on, but I wouldn't have said it out loud,” Alister kept his voice monotone and his expression blank. His hand rested on his blade, ready to strike if necessary. The werebeast had an aura that he has never felt before which was unsettling.

“You need to leave little Birdy,” Alister said but the bird wouldn't budge. “Please?” After a moment of staring, she flew off into the trees leaving the two alone.

“So other vampires came to you and claim to be me?” Alister dropped his bag and held out his hand. His eyes flashed red before blood exploded from his bag. Strands of crimson liquid surround his arms forming gauntlet like armor.

“Only a selected few know about this meeting so either we have a security breach or you’re not who you say you are Drake Blade.” Alister drew his blade and took a battle stance. Blood coated his sword forming a thin layer of deadly poison. He knew there was corruption in the hierarchy, but never did he imagine that it went this deep.

"unless you explain your self Drake Blade, I will kill you."
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