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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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Alister curled up against the heat, relaxing a bit. The medicine and blood were working their way through his system calming his pain if only by a bit. Everything still hurt and his head still pounded against this skull but it was slowly subsiding. Even for a vampire, healing will take a while before he’s back at full strength. Soon enough he fell asleep once again but this time the pain was gone and his dreams weren’t haunted by nightmares.

It was around noon when Allister woke up. His vision was blurry and his head was still clouded. Looking around. he didn’t recognize where he was and started to panic but quickly remembered he was at the hotel. “Ugh how long was I out,” he said not asking anyone.
So your an aspiring novelist are you working on a book?
Oh I feel ya but you can’t really take a holiday when you run a business
Ahh Drake is adorable. Hmm I’ve notice we don’t actually talk. So how are you?
Valeria woke up in a panic and rushed out the door. In a cloud of smoke, she disappeared. Back at the hotel, the door to the stable flung open. A panic Valeria rushes over to Alister side inspecting him. She then grabbed the floating bottle and injected it into his arm. She braved herself and shoved her arm into his mouth letting him drink her blood. He rejected it at first but she forced it.

“You fucking idiot,” she pulled her hand out of his mouth letting her blood drip on the floor. With her other hand, she slapped him across the face which echoed throughout the room.

“I told you to take care of your self you fucking idiot. Do you want to make me worry? Do you know how many people care for you? How many depend on you? What would happen if no one was around? What then you just going to die. Why are you an idiot? Why do you do this to your self…why,” Valeria yelled but slowing becoming a mere whisper.

After a long silence, Valeria looked at Drake. “Please take care of him I…I…I need to go.” She disappeared without a trace leaving the three alone.

Alister could only watch as Valeria left having no strength to call out to her. His body was returning to normal but he felt worse than before. A lump formed in his throat and the silence only made it worse.
Oh no. Andrew. I feel bad for him.
His sleep was tormented by a pain that stemmed from his heart. Every time his heart beat, another wave of pain and dizzy wash over him. He knew this would happen when he fell asleep which was why he avoided it. Eventually, he awoke in a pool of his owns sweat. His entire body ached and his brain was pounding against his skull. Alister grabbed his bag searching for his medicine but couldn’t find it. He then remembered that it was still on the table but he had no strength to get it. “Damn this is what you get for not feeding,” Alister said haft delirious.

Drake was still asleep and he didn’t want to wake him so he kept quiet and ride it out. His body was burning up with a fever but he felt cold. He closed his eye and focused on Valeria hoping she answered.


“Dam their hot,” Valeria said drunk. She barely took a sip of the alcohol but she already felt drunk. Before long she passed out cold on the counter without listening to a single thing Andrew said.

“My apologies sir she will come too soon,” the bartender said to Andrew.
“So…Gray fall,” Alister mumbled, “Never mind. At least you’re alive. And I’ve done my fair share of killing so you have nothing to be ashamed of. I have more blood on my hand than you and they were all intentional. Let’s move on I rather not linger on this any longer.”

Alister turned off his computer and finished the last of the sweets before moving to his bed. “It's getting late we should get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”

He didn't bother changing and crashed on to his bed. His body felt cold but his blood was boiling. The entire day’s suddenly dawned on him filling him with tiredness. For the first time in a while, he fell asleep. Everything faded away into pain as he drifted off.

The bartender nodded and set what Andrew ordered in front of him. He then gave Valeria a small glass with a blood-red liquor at the bottom. “Enjoy.”

“So what do you got?”
“Hmm trust,” Alister lingered on the word for a moment before he turned to stare into Drake’s eyes. “I won't turn on you with my own free will. But since we’re on that topic …” Alister tussle though his bag and grab the bottle of BLS-GN-004. He hesitantly held the bottle in his hand and glance at Drake. Swallowing the lump that formed in his throat, he handed the bottle to drake.

That’s a blood lust suppressant. Every vampire has some amount of blood lust and it’s the reason we feed. Blood can quell our thirst for blood but some of the more powerful vampires require an artificial suppressant,” Alister hesitated for a moment but swallowed his pride, “Recently I’ve been building up a tolerance for it and I don’t know how long it will work. I can’t get a higher dose because I’m already at the limit. If I take something stronger I’ll die. So as long as I’m in control I won't betray you but I can’t promise that forever.”

Valeria eyed Andrew for a moment before grabbing his arm. In an instant, their surrounding melted away and was replaced by a medieval-looking tavern. The building was completely made of wood and lit by large magic-powered Chandlers. Giant wooden barrel formed the far wall and in front of it was a large counter where a man stood. He dressed in a black and white suit and seemed to be expecting them.

“Take a seat, and order anything you like,” Valeria said taking a seat at the counter. The entire tavern was empty except for the three of them.
“It’s not really your fault but just don’t test his patient because I’m pretty sure you can’t come back to life,” Valeria said. She stared out into the city then let out a long breath. “Since I have nothing to do right now I guess I'll help you. You have any leads on these ‘vampire’ hunters,” Valeria said air quoting the word Vampire.

“Actually it’s getting late so wanna grab a drink? My treat.” She gave him a cheerful smile but it looked fake to anyone who was paying attention.

Back at the Hotel Alister continue to gorge on the food while listening to Drake. “Well looks like we both have a Fae problem,” Alister said with a laugh. He was surprised by how similar they were which was strange to him since he was always the outsider. He would’ve never thought he would find anything similar to some beast.

“So what did you do to be put up for execution,” He asked.
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