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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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Alister got worried when Drake didn’t respond, but he continued to work on the console knowing Drake can take care of himself. He downloaded the files down to his laptop any other information he could find before joining Valeria. They search through the files which were all about the compound and how to operate the equipment. That was until the very end where they found receipts for the Werebeast. Valeria quickly shoved the file into Alister’s bag and got up.

“We don’t have much time, the next set of patrols are coming soon,” Valeria said. She headed to the main door and stood guard for the next patrol as Alister went and find drake.

He followed Drake’s present and found him down a dark corridor. “Old man. We don’t have much time left. Did you find anything?” Alister asked.

Valeria could sense the human and knew they were no threat. She noticed Andrew slowed down, but she continue walking as if nothing happened. “You ambush them. I’ll act as bait,” Valeria said.

She then teleported to the clearing and pulled out a stool from seemly nowhere. She sat down with her leg crossed and waited for the humans. The last thing she wanted was for Andrew to kill. He was still and child and she didn’t want his hand to be stained by blood.

“Hello boys,” she called out as human appeared from the forest. They all pointed their weapons at her making her rolled her eyes. “Oh point a gun at me if it helps you relax.”

She then stood up making them all jump back. With a blink of her eyes, she appeared in front of the closet hunter and kissed him. A few of their eyes went dark as she weaved her spell them. “Now kill your friends for me,” She said with a devilish smile on her face.

The kiss was a distraction that hid her spell. She didn’t need to touch them for her to cast her curse. She only needed to look into their eyes and they are hers. With an unamused look, she returned to her stool and watch as they started killing each other. “Oh boys leave one or two of them alive for me,” she said.
Vanessa ignores drake’s comment and started looking thought the console. Alister did the same and joined in in the effort. It didn't take long until they found some relevant information. “Look at this. It’s a list of all the fighters and when their fighting,” Alister called out to Drake.

“Good I’ll check out some of the other files,” Vanessa said gesturing to some filing cabinet. She started going through the file hoping to find their suppler.

“Oh an ambush I like it,” Valeria said. She was excited to do some fighting especially if it were a couple of vampire hunter. She wouldn’t let anyone who could harm Alister live not that he couldn’t take care of himself.
What sort of information should they find? I was thinking maybe a list of all the fighter and a schedule. Also maybe their supplier?
“Right,” Alister said.

“Come on let's go before the next round of guards come,” Vanessa said. She grabbed a vial from her pocket which held a small lighting storm. She opened the vile causing all the light to flicker. After checking the hallway, signaled everyone to follow. She headed down the hall and through the door at the end which led to a set of stairs that went on for a while.

“The second floor isn’t well guarded since it’s so deep in the compound. Take out everyone you see but don’t make to much noise,” Vanessa said before heading up the stairs. Once she reached the floor above she broke through and attacked the two guards that guarded the door. She slit their throat and left them to bleed out on the floor as she searched for a key card.

Vanessa grabbed the man’s key card then headed down the hall. It was a long series of individual lab each equipped with vats of chemicals and processing unit. At the end of the hall was a room that looked like a control center. Vanessa creaked the door opened then three a small vile inside. It exploded filling the room with poison killing everyone. The cloud of poison quickly dispersed leaving a field of bodies behind.

“Pannout look for anything that might be of value. The guards will notice the cameras soon, so move fast,” Vanessa said.

“Oh, what a gentleman you are,” Valeria said. She took his hand then headed down the path. She was getting excited about the mission. She rarely has anything to do since Alister was always busy and Vanessa is never around.
Alister took a deep breath then turned to metal hatch. He grabbed the side and forced it open breaking through any locks it had. The hatch opened up to a set of stairs the lead into a large dark tunnel. After taking a deep breath, Alister headed down with Vanessa carefully following behind him. The tunnel was dark and completely barren. There’s wasn’t a single guard or personnel which matched his Intel.

“At the end of the runway, there should be a door that leads into the boiler from. From there are various places of interest we should investigate. If we are to find out anything it would be in the lab which is a floor above. If not then holding cell but it’s highly guarded. With one man down and their endless supply Phektox I don’t think we can take them on,” Vanessa explained.

Guilt plagued Alister as it was his fault that this wasn’t going to be as successful as they wanted. Alister nodded then moved down the tunnel. Once he reached the door he stood to the side with Vanessa and her potion on the other. He nodded then opened the door. Vanessa rushed inside and surveyed the area.

“Clear,” Vanessa whispered, “Where to Weredragon? since these are your people I’ll leave the decision up to you.”

Alister nodded in agreement. “We can try to reach them or gather more intel. It’s your call.”

“She’s your sister she’ll listen to you if you stand your ground. And if you need help I’ll stand with you,” Valeria said with a smile. Even though she despised the Weredragon family was more important. She’s grown to like Andrew so she could look past her hatred.

“Before that, we have a mission to get done,” Valeria said, “shall we get going?”
Valeria Vale
Ask and I will kill you
She is a short Asian looking woman with long black hair. Her eyes are a pale pink that can be mistaken for white. On her hands, are a set of ten rings each enchanted for a purpose. Her usual clothing is shorts, crop top with some sort of jacket, but she has a large array of different outfit.

Vanessa Vale
Not Telling
She is a short Asian looking woman with long black hair that is often braided into a ponytail. Her eyes are a pale blue that looks like sapphire's in sunlight. She usual ware is a military bottom with a black tank top. She has various potions and elixirs with her at all time and with a huge amout of knives.

Vanessa was already out of sight when Drake started talking. She heard what he said but chose to ignore him and kept walking. She didn't like the Weredragon and had no intention of talking. Nothing he said would sway her in any way.

“Sure I'm a kid in your eyes, which just proves how much of an old man you are,” Alister said smiling. He then walked away and caught up to Vanessa. She glanced up at Alister before speeding up. She effortlessly jumped from trees to trees barely making a sound. Alister took to a sprint but couldn’t match her speed or agility. Before long, they made it to the cliffside and hidden by some rocks was a large metal hatch.

“Now, Alister promise me you won't use your power. Your bloodlust is getting stronger and our pact won't hold if you completely lose control. So promise me,” Vanessa said. Alister hesitated for a moment then nodded. He didn't want to cause any more problem and he didn't want to risk hurting Drake. The thought gave him shivers and turned his stomach.

“Everyone ready?” Alister asked. Vanessa nodded. Alister then turned to look for Drake.

Valeria waved back at Iye as they left. Once they were out of hearing distant Valeria turned to look at Andrew. “It’s bad to lie to someone you care about. It never ends well,” Valeria said.

“You know. Some words ripen with time while other tens to rot and wither,” Valeria quoted, “someone very dear to my heart said that and it’s very true. It will only make her madder if you keep it from her so why don’t you tell her?”
Alister nodded in agreement to Drake’s comment. “You got that right, but luckily she isn’t that impulsive anymore. She’s more like a bloodthirsty grandmother, too lazy to actually kill anyone,” Alister said with a laugh.

“I HEARD THAT!” Vanessa screamed. The entire forestry seemed to rumble with her voice. Birds few from their perch and animal ran in fear. Alister did the same and hid behind Drake, not that it would help him. Vanessa and especially Valeria hated being old for many reasons. He remembered getting yelled at, till his ears bled when he was little for calling them old and he still has nightmares about it. He knew they wouldn’t do anything to him but they were terrifying when they got mad.

“You are lucky that you’re hurt or else I’ll give you an ear full. Now let’s go” Vanessa said. Alister laugh nervously and carefully watched her every movement encase he needed to run. She sighed then started towards the cliffside. Alister followed keeping a large distance from her.

“You heard the lady,” Alister said to Drake.

“Mules? I think you mean lunch,” Valeria said licking her lips. She laughed then turned to leave the village. “It was nice to meet you Iye we should sit down for a pot of tea sometime. I would love to hear more story about Andrew.”

“Don’t act all strong in front of me lizard,” Vanessa said. She took a looked at the wound then pulled out various multi-colored potions from her pocket. One by one she applied them to the wound and with each one, the wound closed itself until it was fully healed. Once she was done she walked over to Alister and handed him a vile of blood and a syringe.

“You know what to do,” Vanessa said. She then turned back to look at Drake with narrowed eyes. “Oh really? I’m not afraid of a rabid and injured Plasma Dragon. I mean taking out a dragon isn’t even that hard. I knew this trader name Krushiva who sold me a counter fit amulet and all I have to say is that his blue scales made for a great coat. Now I shut up and let's go.”

Alister turned slightly pale at the thought of Vanessa fight Drake. He hadn’t realized how much he cared for him until the thought crossed his mind. “Vanessa please don’t,” Alister said. She only glared at him then started walking towards the cliff.

“Oh really? Sounds like someone in know. They always find them self in the worst of situations am I right?” Valeria said. She couldn’t count how many time she had to get Alister out of trouble. “Well, they are just kids. We were all like that once.”
“What an inefficient way to use a potion,” Vanessa stated. Alister glared at Vanessa before hurrying over to Drake. “Are you sure you can keep going?”

Vanessa rolled her eyes then grabbed Alister by the ear and pulled him to her level. “Really? Really? Are YOU can keep going? Because last time I’ve checked you lost more blood then you can handle, your body is still readjusting, and even if you tried, I dought you can use your powers right now. Have I taught you nothing you brainless muscle head? So are you sure you can keep going? And if you don’t answer me right now I will tare your fucking ear off!” Vanessa yelled.

“Y—Yes,” Alister winced in pain as Vanessa twisted his ear harder, “I—I can keep going.” She released his ear causing Al to jump a decent distance away. He was afraid that she would actually tare his ear off and he wasn't going to be able to stop her. She was the only person in the world that he was afraid of and she found it amusing

“Fine do whatever. I don’t care, but I’m coming with you and Al you are not allowed to fight because I can’t patch you up. So Weredragon get you ass over here so I can get a look at that wound,” she ordered. Alister looked at Drake with pleading eyes knowing what she was capable of.

“Oh god, he must be a hand full," Valeria said. She found it funny how most children are the same, always causing trouble and doing stupid things. Her face changed when Iye mentioned the Weredragon. She didn't like how Alister was getting attached and it annoyed her.

"So what's the story with Andrew and Drake. He seemed awfully attached to the Weredragon," Valeria asked.
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