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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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Adrian kept silent while listening to Nessa. He didn’t know how to react because very few times in his life has anyone offered him genuine help. All he did was nod while finishing his food. “Well everyone rest up I can keep watch. And Chance I suggest you eat. We need everyone at their strongest for this rescue. If you don’t want food, there is blood is in one of Haki’s satchel.” With that last statement, he disappears from view to patrol the surrounding area.

“Interesting, your people seem to be power by the sun which I’ve ever heard of. Does that mean you get weaker in the darkness? If I summon a sun does that mean you will get stronger? I guess I will have to test that out later. Either way, I’m pretty sure the vampier is taking notice of our link so for now I will have to cut it,” ]Haki said then cut the line. He turned his attention to making plans to help out Adrian and the others. There were a few ways he could twist his pacifism rule to allow him to fight but if he went too far he might be punished for it. The goodies Gia, the mother of Druid, could see his intentions and send a storm to strike him down.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't a druid," Haki mumbled.

The next morning, Adrian returned to camp from one last patrol. He spent a portion of the night enchanting new rings for Chance and Nessa while also crafting runes that are imbued with his magic. He hoped to use them to separate the poachers by teleporting them away from each other.

“I hope this works.”
Here is my Character!

“Interesting. Very well I am sorry that I questioned you,” Adrian said after seeing Nessa little display. Adrian than walked over to the griffins to grab a box of sandwiches that Haki had made for the road. “Since we have some time before sunrise we should rest up. Here are some sandwiches Haki made before we departed. They’re cold but a lot better than anything we could probably make."

Adrian took one from the box and handed the rest to the others. “Um I know I’m not the best at communicating but thank you for helping me. Haki means a lot to me and you guys helping is more than I can ask from complete strangers. It is much appreciated. This might be rude but why are you helping us? I mean you don't know anything about me or Haki so why even help us?”

“Since I have don’t have much to do other than not dying. I have a few questions for you. First, what are you? How are you able to change form like that? Is it hard to maintain a new form and was the small creature before even your real form?” Haki asked excitedly. He had been curious about Nessa and Ra but never found the time to ask. Now that he had some time to kill, he wanted to know more.
I am interested if y'all will have me ^ w ^
Feel free to control the poachers however you like. I have no set personality or abilities for them so feel free to come up with your own. I also only have a name for Kullvar so name the others however you like.

Also poor Chance.
Kullvar spun around baring his teeth. He was confused about the strange voice but quickly dismissed it and turned away. He thought it was in his head and decided not to tell the other because they would tease him for being paranoid.

Haki heard little paws following him and smiled knowing that it was Ra. He could hear the little creature though through his magic and manage to make a telepathic line to him. “Hello there little guy. are you my knight in shining armor?” Haki asked sarcastically, “either way you shouldn’t be here it’s not safe.”

“I cannot teach you magic in a day. I am not Haki. so we will have to rely on your vampire abilities instead. The Warbeasts are probably the most dangerous out of their group so our best bet is to separate them. And I hate to say this but we will have to let Haki get hurt or at least more injured than he is because if he is threatened the forest will respond which will hopefully give us a fighting chance,” Adrian said. He knew the risk of his plans but they had little choice. Haki’s connection to the forest was their strongest option seeing that they are in a forest.

“Now Nessa what is your experience with combat because you don't seem like a warrior,” Adrian said bluntly.
Haki watched as his friends made it to safety. He wasn’t too worried about his situation, knowing that his friends can rescue him. It was simply a matter of time.

“Pathetic,” the vampire said, “no matter. They’ll come back for this one where we can catch the rest of them. Speaking of our prisoner. How is he?”

“Bleeding out but he’ll survive. Druids are very hard to kill but Kullvar should stop digging into his stomach we don’t want to a scar” the wolf Warbeast said.

“Yeah yeah,” Kullvar said as he slowly pulled his claws out of Haki’s side. He then kicked the other side to force Haki to stand, “get up we need to move.”

The group of poachers then started walking, leaving Haki to follow them with his injuries. If it was anyone else, they would’ve died from blood loss, but after a moment the wounds started to close. He was glad that he was a Druid, but his healing powers did nothing for the pain. His inside was on fire. His head pounding. He didn’t know how much more punishment he could take from his captures.

Adrian collapsed onto the ground and lean against the tree. He felt like he failed for not getting Haki out of trouble. Since they were little, Haki was always the only one bail him out of trouble, but now it was his turn he failed.

After watching Chance’s tantrum, Adrian got off the ground and walked off. Atari followed him as he made his way to a nearby river. He needed some quiet to think about their next move. Haki was still in the range of his senses, but he didn’t know for long. They were outnumbered to fight the poachers in a fair fight. He didn’t see a way out and got increasingly frustrated.

Sighing in defeat, he returned to the other. He handed Nessa a ring and said, “can you tell remind the boy about the ring. I-I don’t see how we can rescue Haki so any input will help.”
“Aw, cute the little vampire has some bite to him,” One of the Warbeast said.

“Don’t you—“ Haki stopped and screamed when the Warbeast sank his claws into his side. Blood poured pored from the gash as his claws dug into the ground. The Warbeast didn’t stop and cottoned to dig deeper into Haki’s flesh drawing out more blood all with a sadistic smile on his face.

Adrian disappeared from the scene before a large tree flew through the air knocking the vampire away from the group. Diana and Atari took the opportunity to grab Nessa and Chance before taking to the air. Adrian then rushed to grab Haki but was cut off by the Warbeast. He stood at a standstill with their attackers but reluctantly fled.

After a moment, he appeared on the back of Atari and guided them to the ground after flying for a distance. He slowly got off the griffin and walked to a nearby tree. His hand curled into a fist as he punched the tree hard enough to draw blood.

Haki watched as his friends escape. He was glad that they manage to escape and knew that Adrian would come back for him.

“Pathetic,” the vampire said, “Kullvar how is our prisoner?”

“Bleeding out but he’ll survive. Our druids are very to kill,” Kullvar, a large white wolf with battle scars all over his body, looked in Haki’s direction with a glint of remorse in his eyes.

“Well, either way. They’ll come back for our prisoner where we can catch all of them. Come let us return to camp,” the vampire said then started to walk. The Warbeast forced Haki onto his feet and to follow the vampire.
“Warbeasts,” Haki said with a worried expression.

Haki got up and quickly put out the fire and dispel the fairy lights. Momenta later Adrian appeared and looked at Haki with a blank expression which means that the situation isn’t good.

“Two Warbeast, three humans,” Adrian said than took a glance at Chance, “and a vampire. Red eyes, pale skin, strange aura, similar to the boy. You need to get out of here. We can't fight them. Get in the air and I’ll draw them away.” Adrian turned to leave but got immediately tackled by a strange-looking man. He wore a long back robe with a pattern that resemble roses. He had blood-red eyes, two long fangs, and long pointy ears.

“My my what a prize I’ve stumbled upon. So the rumors are true three more things for me to collect,” the man said. He slowly looked at everyone until his eyes landed on Chance. He licked his lips and moved towards the haft vampire.

Haki tried to move and grab Chance but was quickly pinned down by some large force. He looked to find two large wolf Warbeast pinning him down. “Hello brother, what are you doing so far from home?” the Warbeast said.

“Diana, Atari take…,” Haki tried to yell but a quick punch to the stomach knocked the air out of his lungs. He coiled in pain but did his best to hide the pain. In response to his stress, the forest started to become restless. The wind began to flow. Trees rocked back and forth. The sky a dark gray.
“Impressive yourself miss Nessa,” Haki said.

Haki finished unpacking the supplies for dinner just in time for Adrian to return with a bundle of wood. He set up a makeshift campfire then let Haki got started on dinner. Adrian was never a good cook, he could cook to survive but anything beyond that was out of his skill set. Letting Haki do his thing, Adrian turned to his maps and notebook where he kept all their information. He sat down at a nearby tree and turns to his maps. They were almost haft a day off course and he feared that the man would disappear without a trace. For now, thanks to his informant and some enchanted paper, the man was still sited within the city.

“So what does everyone want for dinner, I just plan on making stew but is there anything anyone is craving,” Haki asked the group.

Adrian shook his head and returned to his work. Haki then turned to the other and waited for their answers. He then suddenly remembered about Chance and got out a glass vile of a red liquid. “Chance I have some blood if you need it. It's human blood but I also have other kinds if you prefer something else,” Haki said showing the haft vampire the vial of blood.

“Oh I also have something for…,” Haki was interrupted by echoing howls of wolves. Haki growled in the direction of the sound and turned to Adrian who already went to scout.

“Everyone brace yourself I don’t think those were normal howls,” Haki said.
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