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Character Name:
Sorie D'lithe




While not being a major force user, though she can use it just rarely does, she attacks her targets with words. More than anything, she could reverse con a con-artist if she really wanted to and that is no easy feat. Despite being a 'good guy' she constantly causes trouble for the Republic but not enough to get her hated. She laughs in the face of danger and plays aggressively with the cards that she is dealt. She does take a good amount of chances in combat but she does not like to risk the lives of her fleet.


Home System:

2 Victory 1-Class star destroyer
2 Acclimator Assult Carrier
The interest is real
The Sawl Confederacy

With Fall beginning to set in and crops being harvested, Sawl was going to enter a state where it had not really been in much before as their home was really not that cold. They did not get a lot of the problems that the Old World got in when fall began to set in, probably due to the fact that they were more down south than most nations. The army was still sitting with 4,000 people strong and the Dictator, Williams, knew that they would need many more men if they were to fully defend themselves.

More recruiters went out to to this time recruit ten thousand able bodied men so that Williams would be happier with how the military was going, it needed to be done. Williams knew that there would be many more eneimes out there as the ship that had been sent out had gotten maps to how the world was now. It had changed a lot from when Sawl had originally been founded so at least know they had a general idea where the nations were. No doubt that things would change in the near future, however.

Williams over looked the port to the capitol, Sawl, and watched as the ships docked and moved back out into see in order to patrol the waters that were in the bay. The third rates had gone on patrol once more as some secnd rates docked to take a good rest until they would be needed again. "Sir, it is a splendid day out. Why not go and socialize with your people?," his servant asked before he was silenced by a flick of the Dictator's hand. "I have much work to do if we are to be a major power in this world. Just think of how it will be if we could rival the Old World," Williams said with a smile. "In that case, I will leave you to it," the servant said before leaving, closing the door being him.

The Confederacy of Sawl was started up by multiple merchants who got fed up with their own governments for various reasons; taxes, respect, etc. The merchants banded together and set aside any hate that they may have had for one another, they wanted to make a place in their image where they didn't need to deal with that problem. They made landfall on the place they would call home and began to clear out the natives in the immediate area. A colony was set up and so was a port, allowing for more ships and trade. They began thriving. They had been expanding rapidly accommodate for heavy immigration, leading to the territory the have now.

In following years, Sawl went over a massive civil dispute and whether the country should be isolationist or not. The government at the the time said yay, a majority of the others did not want this though as they feared it would dwindle the economy. It wasn't until three years later, a two year civil war broke out over this. In the end the rebellion had succeeded and the the government had been eliminated. Now, it is led by an absolute dictatorship by the current dictator, Williams Sergio the I

Afterwards, the nation became more militarized in order to properly defend their lands from pirate and the natives in the surrounding area. Now with a population just under 300 million. They tend to be more industrial and trade worthy at most times as well.


The Confederacy of Sawl was started up by multiple merchants who got fed up with their own governments for various reasons; taxes, respect, etc. The merchants banded together and set aside any hate that they may have had for one another, they wanted to make a place in their image where they didn't need to deal with that problem. They made landfall on the place they would call home and began to clear out the natives in the immediate area. A colony was set up and so was a port, allowing for more ships and trade. They began thriving. They had been expanding rapidly accommodate for heavy immigration, leading to the territory the have now.

In following years, Sawl went over a massive civil dispute and whether the country should be isolationist or not. The government at the the time said yay, a majority of the others did not want this though as they feared it would dwindle the economy. It wasn't until three years later, a two year civil war broke out over this. In the end the rebellion had succeeded and the the government had been eliminated. Now, it is led by an absolute dictatorship by the current dictator, Williams Sergio the I

Afterwards, the nation became more militarized in order to properly defend their lands from pirate and the natives in the surrounding area. Now with a population just under 300 million.
@Lauder You and me both my friend. If you want to, I can edit you a picture. Just tell me where your kingdom lies :D

I can edit the picture but I just can't add any names to cities
Alright I got the location and I am generally getting the history in my head but, I cannot name the cities due to the limitations of my phone (I don't have a computer)
Arûkî of the Black Lands

They were safe, secluded, and they had their shelter. What more could they want other than food and power over Mordor, these things came in time but first they needed to regain an easy passage into Mordor. Ûrul over looked the lands beyond the Black Gate into Mordor, that would be his in due time. "What shall we do to restore our connection my liege?," one of his Uruki lieutenants asked.

"Would a draw bridge work? Have you thought of that yet?" Ûrul asked before the lieutenant nodded and left. They would need to build this draw bridge to withstand the heat of the lava that came from Mt. Doom.

A scavenging party was also sent out, a party of fifty orcs on wargs into the mountain side to find a safer passage and maybe some food. They still had enough to last for a good two weeks, however, without a steady income they would be forced to cannibalize. That was not something that they wanted to do but they would if needed so the rest could live on.

"Get those drakes fed!," Ûrul shouted from his little tower as her heard the roads of the drakes grow ever louder. They were unrulely but they would prove their worth in short time, their young raised to be obedient and silent. An army of lesser drakes for the orcs would be absolutely worthwhile as they would be able to kill off their competition with ease.
Thanks man! I will post in a bit!
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