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Is this still open at all?
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I agree. I am pretty sure Nehalenia and the Sawl Confederation can become great partners in Serrantia :)

<Snipped quote by Shade>

The Nehelenian colony in Serranthia is supposed to be about as large as my empire, the biggest in the Old World. Since you're way bigger than even that, I'd say your nation has the most land in the world.

We must change that...
Era of Desuro (calendar not developed)

Quickly running along the groung in search of prey that had just gotten away from their grasp, a teskur in particular, they had tagged it with about three arrows before it had run off. A group of hunter, five ohmuru men no less, running after the blood trail that had beg ngoing up the nearby mountain side. The trees were coming in less of a concentration and so they knew that they had to hurry up and get the kill before they had to wait and adapt to the mountainour terrain. The group had sight of the beast once more and it was moving fairly quickly. With two arrows set loose, the arrows hit their target, making the teskur collapse, no longer having the use of its legs. One hunter moved forward and put a spear through the beast's neck, finishing it.

With the kill done, the group picked up the beast and brought it back to where the tribe was settled at, they were just below the trees that contained the entry point. They had to take off the limbs in order to bring the beast up and it was still hard getting the main body of the animal up, though it was done.

"A fine hunt, this will do nicely for the night," a deep, raspy voice stated, Desuro the Ohmuru chieftan, his attite was a necklace of small skulls with fur around his body. "My chieftan, we are thankful for your praise," a hunter said as the group took a bow to their leader. "It was mearly a compliment, go about your duties now," Desuro said before turning and going back into his personal tree hut. That was where his youngest son at the age of 15 days sat in the arms of the cheiftan's wife. It was rare for a chieftan to have one wife but no one really seemed to mind all that much. It was time to rest for the chieftan, he easily grew tired of overlooking the entire tribe but he had faith that his first son's, being 17 years of age, leadership would prove worthy for the tribe.

Best wishes!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Yes but your to the south and I have no outpost or colony there. Plus you are lead by a dictator that started a civil war my people especially in my colonies are already unhappy so yea...

:3 not my fault you guys are unhappy also

I have raw resources
Nation Name:
The Confedaracy of Sawl


Brief Nation History:
The Confederacy of Sawl was started up by multiple merchants who got fed up with their own governments for various reasons; taxes, respect, etc. The merchants banded together and set aside any hate that they may have had for one another, they wanted to make a place in their image where they didn't need to deal with that problem. In 1756, they made landfall on the place they would call home and began to clear out the natives in the immediate area. A colony was set up and so was a port, allowing for more ships and trade. They began thriving. In 1763, they had been expanding rapidly accommodate for heavy immigration, leading to the territory the have now.

In 1802, Sawl went over a massive civil dispute and whether the country should be isolationist or not. The government at the the time said yay, a majority of the others did not want this though as they feared it would dwindle the economy. It wasn't until 1805 that a two year civil war broke out over this. In the end the rebellion had succeeded and the the government had been eliminated. Now, it is led by an absolute dictatorship by the current dictator, Williams Sergio the I

Afterwards, the nation became more militarized in order to properly defend their lands from pirate and the natives in the surrounding area.

Absolute dictatorship

Landmass: (marked in orange)

Spend points here
-- Population:
Due to the civil war, Sawl is still recovering but holds at 13,000,000 strong (1)
-- Martial Prowess:
The Sawlian military is growing in order to deal with closer threat so that they do not die out essentially, that would be bad. (5)
-- Cultural Unity:
Sawl is less concerned about growing rather than rebuilding but it will begin once more when everything is proper. (1)
-- Navy:
24 third rates, 16 second rates, 9 first rates (8)
-- Colonies:
There are plenty of lands around them to expand into. (0)
The Confederacy of Sawl

"My lord," a servant announced as he walked into the old republic building, now turned into a palace for the dictator. "Speak," the dictator said as he looked up from his desk, piercing into the servant. After a few moments the servant spoke "We have received word that our fleet is now fully ready to set sail and defend any trade that we would possibly engage in." "And what of our land armies? Surely we have enough forces to repel any invaders?," Williams asked. "4,000 men are being recruited as we speak." A smile came to the dictator's face "Wonderful, marvelous! Send out our ships to find any nation that would seem to be a profitable trade with"

Not long after that order, five Third Rate ships went out and explored the surrounding sees for any new or old nations. Of course a two went to make the trek back to the old world, no doubt things had changed. They had found ships that held the Nehalian flag, they were surprised to find that the Nehalians had expanded so far. Some of their original merchants came from Nehalia when the country first began.

A letter was sent to the Nehalians in the Serranthia holding after reports had gone to the dictator himself.

The letter had been given the seal of the Sawlian Confederacy so that their new neighbors would know who it would be from. They clearly meant no hostilities and soon after, the dictator had more printed for him to sign. This was in case more important nations had begun to get noticed by any of the ships in the Sawlian Navy. The ship quickly set sail back to the homeland so that the ship could get back to its original post, defending the bay that led to Sawl territory.


Raise Army (4,000)
Improve relations
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