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Have you no shame?!
Sawlian news paper-

After the declaration of war against the Union tyranny, the Sawlian navy had suffered a defeat by the hands of an ironclad fleet. However, Sawlians have recovered from this loss and have gone to show the Union what happens when you mess with Sawlian men. An air raid had happened to defeat this fleet and it was reduced to smoldering peices in the sea. Men now move to take a province from the Union and show the lot what a true man is made of! Meanwhile the fleet grows larger as twenty new ships are built and 6,000 men are drafted into the Sawlian Militant Arment. Well, on more news; the people of Sawl are not being drafted into the military anymore unless they wish to become apart of 20 ships that are still under construction.

-Sawlian Editor; Maticus Fithil, Gnome.

It was a beautiful thing; the Sawlian people had rallied after that first attack and sunk an Ironclad fleet. Although the Union was gaining more land an that needs to stop or else they were going to lose this war on many fronts. However, if they could reclaim this province for Kebriw then they could stand a better chance as it could act as a front against the Union.

That is when Sawl would go to help Pankra by destroying any fleet that they can find. Hopefully, Pankra would be able to rally soon so that the Sawlian people would not have to do all the work in this war.


"Alright men! We are going to push up and show these Union people what it means to have everyone against them! The Arquebusiers will be moving towards the rear of the coordinated attack as you can kill the enemy from afar. The Kebriw troops will move in first, however, make sure to stay close to them. Heavy Calvary will charge in to deter any forces from trying to flank us! I want you men to fight well! Now how are we!," strategized General Cornellious Perkinson, a gnome who had proven himself in battle many times, though this would be his first battle against other Islanders and not people who wanted to overthrow their current leader.

"We are the Sawlian Knights Regiment!," The heavy Calvary said in union.

"We are the Sawlian Riflemen Regiment!," the Arquebusiers yelled in union.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Oh, surely there's still room in that black void for Bastian.

Unless you're talking about the stomach. Then Bastian would really rather remain friends.

Awww but I thought the belly was the heart :(

"his efforts to melt the Spider Queen’s heart"

What heart? The cold void that is only filled with music? And death?

"They shall fall before they reach this place, my lord," Serikul laughed before excusing herself from the throne room. She jumped onto the back of one of her spiders before she was off to her own lands. Forces must be rallied if they were to attack the army of elves that dared go through the trouble of attacking the fortress.

She let out a loud screech that would echo to all spiders, she called for the largest of them all, ones similar to her current mount. All the spiders would converge to the mountains and form up in ranks. Then, they would move to meet the army by means of ambush, hiding in the caves of the mountains that lined the direction the enemy was coming from and even the nearby forests. Serikul began to hum a song as she waited for her enemies to come.

The elves would stand no chance against Serikul and her swarm of spiders. Especially in an area that was as mountainous as this. "Come to my land land of pain, oh lovely ones as dull as grass. Come to your death as you march for good," she said in a song song voice.

Serikul rallies her spiders to lie in ambush for the elves army at the entrance of the mountain range. Total spider number; 6 thousand
I'm dying XD

My lord, we had the same idea XD
Serikul, The Spider Queen


Strong points:
Serikul, being the spider queen, has the ability to rule over all spiders, forcing them to do her bidding. She can move across webbing with no problem at all and she can climb up walls like its nobody's business. She can shoot webs to slow are even harm people.

Before becoming the Spider Queen, Serikul already had the ability of a great dancer and musician, able to entrance people in song, but was a renowned thief of the area. She could break into any building that she wished with a lockpick. Serikul is also handy at dual wielding daggers if she needs to.

While being an incredible dodger in the midst of combat, she cannot take a hit as it will hinder her ability to fight greatly. Fire magic works well against her in driving her back. Serikul is not the strongest so she is a weakling in hand-to-hand combat and she can be driven into a fig of rage if somebody says something wrong to her.

Opinions towards the other Lieutenants:
Serikul is very cooperative towards her peers and will often feel the need to help them out if she finds a reason to. Her feelings towards the others does vary however, with Uaziezuhr are the highest for he was one of the first Lieutenants that she met. Bastian hold her lowest favor because she still holds a hatred towards humans, despite her previous life.

He just needs to keep his pathetic mouth AND MIND to himself, I already want to make a trophy of his head. Not to mention he seems rather... attached to me and to be frank; I don't know whether to be flattered, disgusting, or blood thirsty

That man is rather nice. Sure he is typically the dark and brooding type but that can be looked over.

A yes the Orc, I find him to have the typical personality of one. Stubborn, Blood thirsty, dumb... Don't tell him I said that. To be honest he isn't all that bad to be around, only if I could get him to cover up his stink at times.

It seems that the dragon may not like me much for whatever reason. Though I do not mind, so long as he does not act like Bastian then I am fine with him.

The Lich, hmm, it's hard to say how I feel about him but I do respect him. I am lucky he was around for my, eh, adjustment to being undead. After all he is one as well so we have that much in common. However, I will stick to my spiders and he can stick with his brainless saps.

The dragon is quite the reptilian, he is a sucker for gold which I can find a use in for bribing and such. Not to mention is he an absolute muscle house. I wonder if he would have any intrest in sharing that gold with me...

Serikul was born into the poorer provence of the land and did not have many things to call her own. It was a dreadful first few years of her human life before she found an interest in music and dancing.

The thought of being a musician excited her and she practiced day and night to become the best, regardless if it brought her family any money or not.

One day, as she grew older, she had to perform for some gentleman who she had done wrong to in the past. What did she do? She helped infest the building with spiders from everywhere that she could go. Yet, she still performed for them, knowing that they would want to kill her but they were not given the satisfaction. She had gotten the spiders to come out with her song, killing everyone in the buildin, including her.

However, this was known as 'The Rise of the Spider Queen', as she was brought back to life a few hours later. However, she had a different from now, more arachnid in appearance. She had also found her new abilities with ease and used them to lay waster to the town that she grew up in, finding out that there were large spiders as big as man. It was a glorious day and she but on a show for all of her new spiders. This is when the overlord revealed himself.

She pledged her allegiance to him and went on to enforce fear into everyone who knew of the dreaded Spider Queen and her vendetta against most mortal men. She would go on to lay waste to villages, sabatoge castle defenses with the smaller, more venomous spiders. Afterwards, she merely enforced the law of the land.

After her defeat, however, she retreated to a mountain range and declared her own dominion over the land. Engaging in the disrupting merchants and armies who drew too close to her lands. Then she heard the voice of her master, beckoning for her to fight once more. She happily accepted.
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