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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Name: What's the name of your lieutenant?

Race: What race is your lieutenant?

Strong points: What is your lieutenant good at?

Flaws: What are your lieutenant's flaws? (for every 2 strong points there must be a flaw)

Opinions on Other Black Lieutenants: What does your lieutenant think of his colleagues?

Backstory: What's your lieutenant's story?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Serikul, The Spider Queen


Strong points:
Serikul, being the spider queen, has the ability to rule over all spiders, forcing them to do her bidding. She can move across webbing with no problem at all and she can climb up walls like its nobody's business. She can shoot webs to slow are even harm people.

Before becoming the Spider Queen, Serikul already had the ability of a great dancer and musician, able to entrance people in song, but was a renowned thief of the area. She could break into any building that she wished with a lockpick. Serikul is also handy at dual wielding daggers if she needs to.

While being an incredible dodger in the midst of combat, she cannot take a hit as it will hinder her ability to fight greatly. Fire magic works well against her in driving her back. Serikul is not the strongest so she is a weakling in hand-to-hand combat and she can be driven into a fig of rage if somebody says something wrong to her.

Opinions towards the other Lieutenants:
Serikul is very cooperative towards her peers and will often feel the need to help them out if she finds a reason to. Her feelings towards the others does vary however, with Uaziezuhr are the highest for he was one of the first Lieutenants that she met. Bastian hold her lowest favor because she still holds a hatred towards humans, despite her previous life.

He just needs to keep his pathetic mouth AND MIND to himself, I already want to make a trophy of his head. Not to mention he seems rather... attached to me and to be frank; I don't know whether to be flattered, disgusting, or blood thirsty

That man is rather nice. Sure he is typically the dark and brooding type but that can be looked over.

A yes the Orc, I find him to have the typical personality of one. Stubborn, Blood thirsty, dumb... Don't tell him I said that. To be honest he isn't all that bad to be around, only if I could get him to cover up his stink at times.

It seems that the dragon may not like me much for whatever reason. Though I do not mind, so long as he does not act like Bastian then I am fine with him.

The Lich, hmm, it's hard to say how I feel about him but I do respect him. I am lucky he was around for my, eh, adjustment to being undead. After all he is one as well so we have that much in common. However, I will stick to my spiders and he can stick with his brainless saps.

The dragon is quite the reptilian, he is a sucker for gold which I can find a use in for bribing and such. Not to mention is he an absolute muscle house. I wonder if he would have any intrest in sharing that gold with me...

Serikul was born into the poorer provence of the land and did not have many things to call her own. It was a dreadful first few years of her human life before she found an interest in music and dancing.

The thought of being a musician excited her and she practiced day and night to become the best, regardless if it brought her family any money or not.

One day, as she grew older, she had to perform for some gentleman who she had done wrong to in the past. What did she do? She helped infest the building with spiders from everywhere that she could go. Yet, she still performed for them, knowing that they would want to kill her but they were not given the satisfaction. She had gotten the spiders to come out with her song, killing everyone in the buildin, including her.

However, this was known as 'The Rise of the Spider Queen', as she was brought back to life a few hours later. However, she had a different from now, more arachnid in appearance. She had also found her new abilities with ease and used them to lay waster to the town that she grew up in, finding out that there were large spiders as big as man. It was a glorious day and she but on a show for all of her new spiders. This is when the overlord revealed himself.

She pledged her allegiance to him and went on to enforce fear into everyone who knew of the dreaded Spider Queen and her vendetta against most mortal men. She would go on to lay waste to villages, sabatoge castle defenses with the smaller, more venomous spiders. Afterwards, she merely enforced the law of the land.

After her defeat, however, she retreated to a mountain range and declared her own dominion over the land. Engaging in the disrupting merchants and armies who drew too close to her lands. Then she heard the voice of her master, beckoning for her to fight once more. She happily accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vFear
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CondorTheMole
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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Name: Lord Phastum the Dark and Decaying

Race: Undead(Lich)

Picture: gyazo.com/86d28d35c86f3200ba1e2fef8e55..


Lord Phastum’s powers during the Overlords reign were vast and could rival anyones.

Aside from Immortality granted to him by The Overlord, he is greatly skilled in magic, namely death magic. He knew of the powers of the white makes but could never deflect them. He's arguably considered the most dangerous mage ever living.

Through his time studying the arts of magic he also learned of an object called Seeing Glass which allowed to him to see vast distances anywhere in the world.

His final power the strongest of all his might is fear itself. It inspires his own warlords and has caused heros to fall from grace into madness or under his will. This came after his time studying and eventually turning into this undead mage and when people gaze upon it’s true form is horrifying. However when in his truest form he's also his weakest which means he'll only be able to use dark magic.


The weaknesses of the lich were few but can cause him serious damage. While sunlight will weaken his powers some he unlike others don’t get hurt and will merely be a nuisance to be him if that.

In his true form while it'll drive weak minded men to madness. Those that can with stand it will have an easier time destroying the lich.

What the hero's used to defeat him was the power of white magic which blinded and confused the lich. However he couldn’t have been killed as aside from the power of the overlords Immortality he also connected his soul to that of necklace hidden in a tomb.

Opinions on Other Black Lieutenants

He has an interested in all of his fellow LTs.

First there was Bastian the human King he felt hated by his people just as the lich was. While he has powers similar to the lich he’s a brute in practice and one that can be easily manipulated especially now seeing as though he was the first to fall

Next there was Ukdur the Brute who he disliked the most as he cared little for knowledge and only destruction though it has served purpose with fear in the past. Easily manipulated and can be a decent ally if needed.

The third to fall was Uaziezuhr and the Lich liked him very much. He mastered the dark arts, began a cult for the overlord and can command demons however he was too loyal and could never be an ally or if they did he would be tricky.

Next was the spider queen who was interesting she used music for power which many people do not think of. Even better she used spiders and like the lich himself was corrupted by darkness. He believes her to be useful. Though she can be annoyed easily.

Finally there was Skraal the dragon who is just another brute but is loyal to the overlord. His mistake is that he is easily weakened by the numerous spells the lich can used and weild.


Lord Phastum is an ancient lich from long ago that no one but himself and Overlord knows of. If one could recall the Lich used to be called Jundal the White. He was the youngest of the white mages of his time. However while his colleges focused on their own research and staying away from mortals and interfering with the balance, Jundal left the order to help kingdoms who were hurt or dying. On his travels he met a fair maiden named Lily and they married shortly after. They continued to help the mortal lands as needed until his wife was taken from him. When he brought her to the White council for help they said nothing could be done. He did not believe that,

He knew the White Council disliked him for leaving the order,marrying and interfering with mortals. So he begun studying ancient forms of magic, dark things awaited him. He eventually found a way to bring back the dead. When he chanted the spell it worked and Lily was amongst the living but not alive. She had no color,no emotion and was mindless. This time he had to kill her and end the misery of his love.

He kept care of the tomb and continued studying looking for a way to save her, As the years past he learned more dark power that eventually corrupted him. Eventually he knew his time in the living was nearly over but rather than allowing his love remain alone he found a spell that could keep him tied to the world. This was the tipping point that ended any chance of redemption.

He tied his soul to that of the ring on Lily that she had when the married. Yet when the spell began he lost his soul,skin and other things that made him human except his mind. Which was retained in full. He now had a vendetta against the living and over the years built an army of undead from a mountain fortress in the cold darkness. While he also learned of new magic and spells that he can deflect and use. Eventually the darkness called for him and he answered.

The Darkness now known as the Overlord made the new mage his first Lieutenant and over the years he built an army with more knowledge granted to him while his master gathered followers. However he never had an intention of staying with the Overlord he planned on betraying. Yet there was no one willing to stand up for a long time so he continued researching and building.

Eventually some heros began a quest to slay the Overlord and at first he took no notice of them. It wasn’t until the Dark Lieutenants began to fall that he took notice. One by One they fell eventually he came to them with a deal. They spared him in return for the destruction of his lord. They accepted and he told them.

He waited and when the Overlord fell he wasn’t defeated so the Lich had to appear against the heros and be defeated. He the strongest and oldest of the Black LT’s and was never defeated but merely fled in a “weakened” state. He waited and rebuilt and army until the day his lord called for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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