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Finishing up form, just doing relations ^^
Oh I did put giant, that's a derp. I also see your point on Storik's ideology, I'll change that and yes it is a current WIP.

The True Order

The True Order, in full, has been around for at least fifteen years and its policies and ideas are still considered an experiment. In 2145 a man by the name of Storik Eisenhower prompted the idea of this form of government to replace that of the United Front to "unify" the human race as a whole, but it just never took flight. By 2345 A man by the name of Bethren Goston took this idea to heart and began to rally others who believed in the idea as well. It took five years for a planet to adopt this idea of thinking and it has so far stayed on that one planet as the people of the True Order began to establish themselves as their own faction as opposed to United Front citizens. Most of any resistance was met with force. Many settlements were completely burned to the ground just to show what te True Order was willing to do.

By 2360, the entire planet had been taken under the True Order's control and already they had begun taking the entirety of the system. They met little resistance from anyone who called themselves a United Front citizen as those ships had steered clear ever since the fighting first begun. The True order then took the entire system before the end of the year and declared themselves independent.

Political Organization:
The True Order is led by a man who holds near absolute power,the position is typically referred to as The Absolute to further set this. Then there is The Advisor, his role is self explanatory, he holds power greater than most but not The Absolute and with support from The Council, ones who can stop The Absolute if s/he becomes corrupt or harms the nation as a whole, s/he can overthrow The Absolute. The Council is the faction's judicial system and most important legal cases go to the ten man group, they also deal with diplomatic relations. The Advisor can only be discharged by the Absolute, the Absolute can be discharged by the Council, and the Council can be discharged by the Advisor. There is one last position, The Cleaner. The Cleaner is someone who holds power to eradicate the entire government and replace it if it is failing or all are corrupt. If the Absolute is to die then a member of the council is chosen to take his place.

Gauss Cannons, Ship-mounted railguns, Plasma throwers {similar to flamethrowers but with plasma}, Orbital Communications Stations that are able to message the entirety of a system if needed, and finally Ion Thrusters for fighters. Along with the standard technology.

Systems Controlled:

The True Order has hostile relations with the United Front, the True Order being seen as a terrorist group currently, but are seeking to repair that and dissuade hostile actions.

The True Order shall stand! Pro Ordine!
Yes! A fallout thread! I will start on a character sheet tomorrow!

That seems fairly nice, having to rely on ships with warp drives to deliver messages, that can be an advantage and a disadvantage :P

Just to clarify post any factions or characters here. I will PM acceptance.

Alright I'll start on my form when I get home
Ima do my form when I get home
This seems very interesting to me ^^
Alright I wish all of thee best of luck
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