Avatar of Lauder


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Can homunculi use magic?
Working on my character!
Hwow, this definately seems fun. Time to start plotting!
This definately seems like something that I would like to be a part of!
The Fourth Bridging Cycle of the Fifteenth Harvest

{1865 on Earth}

Hello, my name is Dr. Schrödinger, but by all means call me Doctor. Welcome to the madness that inhabits the Great Expanse, a planet that infinitely expands with no signs of stopping! Now, we are in our own little realm so no need to worry for any Milky Way galaxy creatures! However, by now, you may have noticed that there is no light produced by stars, unlike you universe where "science" is needed to work everything, but instead darkness lies everywhere! No worries though! You will may or may not succumb to the darkness as of yet, so long as you listen to my instructions. Anyhow, back to the whole lighting problem of this expansive planet, if you don't mind that I go back to the subject! Lava lakes and seas can be found everywhere and so can bioluminescent plants. I advice you take extreme caution in going through the darkness, who knows what lurks in there! I sure do and you wouldn't like it, but I digress. You will begin your journey in port Lumino, a large city where I will give you further instructions. However, if you decline this offer of a lifetime then I dragging you in regardless!

You may call yourself a god or alien, but nothing is foreign is this realm that I have so kindly called you into, from whatever time period you may be from. Though, I have not brought you here to discuss you. I have brought you here to discuss the matter of lighting, the species here may have adapted and evolved to not being in the presence of high light concentrations, there was indeed a single star in the sky. However, it seems that it is not here anymore, yes? I need your help in order to bring that star back into our sky and restore what has been lost for billions of years now! Now I must update my map, geography here is a b*tch.

{hello! This is my first RP and I wanted to test out this place I have been pondering for a while. I will be glad to answer in questions you have so far! Before you ask, I will allow you to be nearly anything with SENTIENCE, and no, no xenomorphs *shivers* }
Hiro Anu

"Don't worry, finding the ruins shouldn't be too hard of a thing to do," Hiro said in response to Tybalt before seeing him get a Pegasus in line with a good shot. It was then, he drew back and arrow and held his breath to better aim the shot. He took the shot, hoping that the arrow would hit and take down the Pegasus. The arrow was good, it had gone right through the bone of the left wing for the beast, sending it spiraling into the ground. "Quickly, to the forest!," Hiro called out before dashing forward.
Ooohhhh~ this looks fun

I am glad you liked Fer! I thought having a Lizalfos on the good side would be a good change of pace of a LoZ roleplay!
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