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"Oh really now, what do you suggest that we do about this, eh, lack of entertainment? I would like to do know anything that may help improve my people's living," Felreich stated, a smile coming to his face. If he could learn this then he could use to improve the moral of his men, thus decreasing their chance to route.
"I merely wish to apologize for the invasion upon your people, we simply attacked out of fear of being attacked ourselves. Feel free to make yourself at home here, I will release within a year when things have calmed down a bit. However, before I let the gaurds escort you back, how do you things are in Anqallyt? Please answer this honestly," Felreich said, looking down on the young lad. He definately seemed to be a lad of the Daraski but that was of no matter to hime at the moment. He planned to let the boy to be treated fairly in his realm for the year that he would be spending here.
Slink had been watching the people that had arrived, they had not even seemed to acknowledge him so he knew they would not fight him unless they needed to. He heard the voice again, this time saying that the once gathered here could open the door, now things were getting interesting. So it had seemed that the mysterious force had gathered all of them here for some sort of reason, it couldn't be destiny because he was not a firm believer in it. The Lizalfos watched the boy open the door without much effort, and so the boy entered. Feeling compelled, Slink followed close behind and saw the sword. It held some of the best craftsmanship that he had seen and he doesn't even use swords.

The Lizalfos stood silently behind the lad and his eyes went to the girl, why had she not kept the door opened if she had been inside this entire time. Slink did not know what to make of the situation so he remained silent, watching. To be honest, it was rather interesting that some mysterious force had called this group to the Temple of Time. Though, now his mind began to wonder on what they would be doing now that they arrived. His head turned to the boy who had spoken his question, good, somebody spoke for him.
In response to the army on the Sha'an Tzien border, a letter asking for the army to stand down as the Anqallyt are not looking to actually fight the Sha'an Tzien or the vassals. However an army of 5,000 will be sent to monitor the large force that had been sent. The army at Mtol Dærine shall replinish its forces until further orders.


The King ponders for a moment before looking over to one of the guards and says "Bring the boy that the Daraski sent me."
The Caliph of the Daraski,

Your terms are acceptable. We hope that there will be no strife between us after this. Despite there have only been one battle, I feel enough blood has been shed.

King of the Anqallyt,
Felreich Helier
To the Caliph of the Daraski,

The demands are that you will cede both Mtol Dærine and Avat to the Anqallyt Empire; failure to do so will have dire consequences of having both cities taken by force. Those will be our only demands, this will teach you what greed will get you. There is another alternative; become the vassal of the Anqallyt and change your ways. By becoming a vassal, you will remain independent but must come to the aid of the Anqallyt in the event of a war, grant full military access, and pay taxes to the Empire.

The King of the Anqallyt,
Felreich Helier
Hiro Anu

Hiro had turned back just in time to see the wyvern crush the Fox Spirit, one of their squad had actually died. Someone had lost their lives. That was when it fully dawned upon them that their instructor was not kidding when she had said no all of them would make it. His eyes widen, this wasn't right to him. The death of one of his comrades was setting in and he did not deal with death to greatly but he knew they all couldn't stay in the forest. "Everyone keep moving! We have to make it to the temple!," Hiro said to his teammates, turning back around and running. The fun thing was that they could actually make it to the temple, it was in his sights!

However, he saw two Pegasus riders dive bomb the group and so he called it out to his team "Pegasus riders right above us!" The archer fired arrows at the two to get them to veer off course, and it worked on one of them. The one that stayed was heading straight for him.
"We shall stand our ground for now. We will request go into honorable combat through champions, if they are not to accept them then we will fight like they would. Dirty and bloody. They will not win this. Put our demands of the two cities into the request and send another 5,000 men down to begin as reinforcements," Felreich stated, taking in both sides at once. If the Anqallyt champion is to loose then they shall back off for another time, if there be any sign of cheating then the army will attack with full force.
@GrafRoy Zeppeli

No objections here

The Empire was filled with nothing but racist humans who have nothing better to do than shove others around whenever they feel the need. Or at least that was what Sek thought when he was being pushed around into the crawler, with people who he would be with for a little while. Needless to say, it did not seem that he would be with the friendliest bunch but he trusted the Empire enough to take orders from them, despite them doing this to him for no reason. However, upon walking into the Crawler, the gigantic droid came into view with the E-11, a blaster. Blasters were something that Sek was deathly afraid of, he tried to back out of the crawler but sadly he was pushed back in. That sealed the deal with him being terrified, even more so with what he had heard the droid say to the human pilot.

In a mad scramble, the Ithorian went to his seat with his eyes locked on the droid with the blaster. It simply wasn't something that he though entirely okay with in any sense. With a small gulp, the terrified Sek lightly asked the droid "Um... e-excuse m-m-me, but c-can you p-put the b-b-b-blaster d-down, please?"

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