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Felrëich listened to the two bicker before they had looked to him for his answer, it was a tough choice. No matter what, a war with the Daraski was on the horizon and he knew that the attacks would just be wave after wave. However, if he were to attack first then he could run the risk of having the nation's reputation drop. Though, he did not care, so long as his people were safe from the greed of the Daraski. "We march to war. I will permit 15,000 men to go to Mtol Dærine with 200 Sun Knights to accompany them, do not make your presence known or formally declare an attack on them. The dogs need to learn what happens when you poke at a hive of hornets," the King stated, gazing at the general.

A surprise attack upon the enemies would serve well to cause havoc among the entirety of the Daraski kingdom, hopefully they could win without the enemy even truely knowing what happened.

Alright! I'll get to reworking those things tomorrow; fear not for I will get this right!

That took a long time on phone, if there are any mistakes then please tell me so I can edit them!
Koro Sakia
"Wanna fight!"
Prideful, joyful, and care-free are all words that could potentially describe Koro in most ways. His actions are all instinctual, no thought ever put into what spells he uses. If he were to actually try then he would prove to be quite the handful, especially if he does not begin to get his way. He hold full hope that his moves will knock out his opponents on one to two hits, after that he begins to panic, which can both bolster his attacks by making them unpredictable as well as make them generally weaker as he tried quick spells. He never can concentrate on one thing and he is very easy to distract, though of he does maintain focus long enough then he can manage to combo spells comparative to those of Magi who have studied magic their entire lives.
Koro has a rather large mana pool to draw from and it works in his favor with what he prefers to cast, also allowing him to do his trademark panic combo. With that said, he has a strong affinity for ice and rock magic alike though he is planning to study some of the other branches as well. Then there is his strongest attack;
•The Hebi no koiru- The attack is a rather strong on and it uses up most of Koro's mana pool in the process. It summons a giant magical Earth Serpent that can and will coil around any of those unlucky to be Koro's opponent. It can be destroyed if Koro is knocked unconscious or if it sustains enough damage.
Koro is a good "combo" Magi, able to chain spells back to back without problem. He is good in melee combat so long as he has his staff. He is also pretty good at analyzing a situation so long as he can focus long enough.
A staff and a book with all his spells in them; that is really all he uses.
•Brief Backstory:
Koro was brought up in less than favorable places for a child of his personality, not his first choice. However, he lived in some slums with his mother and two sisters for the majority of his life. That isn't to say that Koro or his family would regard their lives as bad. His mother forced him into being a child with only the best of the best no matter what, wanting her children to exit a life of poverty. At the age of ten, Koro showed his prowess as a Magi and it was not by accident or some freak discovery. Everything he did was intentional and so he was able to be tutored at the most prestigious school, free of charge, in his area where he had been scoring top marks in most of his classes. With his prowess and study for five long years, he was able to get a chance as a big shot for the White Knight of Klarsberg. With the full support of his family, Koro goes with a smile on his face and his head held high.
•Plot Role:
I didn't post because on the last update it said "coming soon" so I waited. Welp. Darn.
I am still here!
Meanwhile, Sek just wants attention to trade things.
To the Temple of Time, your destiny awaits"

Those words rang in Slink's head, causing him to awake in quite a stir out of fear and surprise. It wasn't natural for him to hear voices in his head, nor was that common for everyone. The Lizalfos got to his feet and looked around the hovel that he called a home, a building abandoned by its people. Slink had not a clue why the people abandoned the building but it was not up to him, besides that was not his focus at the moment. In a haste, he grabbed his gear that he traveled to Hyrule with a departed from his home in a bit of a secretive path, a hole in the roof, as to not be noticed by any of the inhabitants.

He dug his claws into the wood and pulled himself out of the building before breaking into a run, now jumping from building to building to get to the temple that he had been called to. Slink had just felt compelled to do so; it was better than stealing food from the people.

The Lizalfos did stop at the sight of a parade, it was not often that he saw such a large gathering so he wanted to simply watch for a moment. For exactly one minute he watched, then he was off once more towards the Temple of Time that the voice had so graciously told him to go to. Slink was a very speedy one along the roof, not bothering to be careful and not alert people of his presence for he did not care if the people fled in panic or the guards came after him with their weapons brandished. He had a motive to go, a motive to see a temple, a motive to exit his hiding. It was not long before he reached the Temple, its doors closed to everybody. So why had it called him here, was he just going mad or had the call meant something? Slink reached out and touched the door, simply to feel it, that was before his sprinting and jumping caught up with him. Now he stood there, with shortness of breath and haunched over out of the way he had been running and jumping.
House Name:

House Placement(pick a territory to be the seat of your house):

House Lord(name of the current leader):
Felrëich Helier

Leader's Family:
Heinrich Helier (Brother)
Mitilda Helier (wife)
Sans Helier (son)
Florintie Helier (eldest daughter)
Seryl Helier (youngest daughter)
Xavier Helier (Cousin)

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep(How your main castle looks like, optional):

House General:
Heinrich Helier

House Admiral(if you have a sea opening):

Delen Fores, Kiniun Hos, Xavier Helier

Minor Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital):

I made a form for you guys to work on while I being on the OOC

Abilities/Powers(opt/max of three):
Skills(Max of three):
Flaws(min of three):
Why were you selected:
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