Avatar of Lauder


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I also have been adding in bits to my nation. I'm pure just going to show off how I write with the history

Pfft. That's mainly my shitposts.
Shit, posted in the characters tab instead of the OOC.

Would love to be a part of this!

You can use that area to put your character and nation if Hael approves of you

You displayed interest in the wrong part of the thread, friend.

Hmm, may have to consult @Hael on this one. We already have someone playing a Himan Federation, though I personally see no problem in an independent faction.

I would recommend waiting until Hael gets up
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well welll well. This looks rather interesting. Always liked a space nation rp.

Well, well, well. Another interested person. Welcome aboard laddie!
There still space? This sounds like great fun, already have a nation turning round in my head. xD

As far as I know, we are still open for new players. Let's hear your idea!
I mean, biologically the mat is going to have a hell of a time influencing alien life.

I'd wager it's totally impossible unless the biology of the alien is closely related or miraculously similar. To date when a new mat is introduced to a planet it quickly supplants the local life, utterly devastating the native ecosystem if not eradicating it. After this imported flora and fauna take up on the new mat, effectively meaning my primary species is a terraforming agent.

Now I feel the need to clarify something, only my 'critters' are intelligent, that is only one species that lives on the mat has evolved to use the mat symbiotically to gain an edge in smarts. The other life forms living on my planets and off the mats are not symbiotically influenced, but rather parasitically influenced. While this parasitic influence is largely harmless, it does instill in animal life an instinctual need to protect the mat.

I- I cannot comprehend your race. You confuse X'Cor. MUST ERADICATE!

That is certainly one unique race you got there

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