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@Lauder Thanks oodles, I looked at the OP as well but I suppose I missed that part!

Just wanted to make sure telepathy was kosher. The Hierophant of the Ascendancy is in possession of quasi-telepathic ability, but I'm not sure yet whether this is due to his technological modifications or because somehow he has preternatural skills. Still trying to work that one out.

Also really trying not to draw too many parallels between the Rashidun Caliphate and the Ascendancy but I have to admit that their whole jihad thing and Islamic-inspired military ranks might seem a bit obvious.

However the collectivism vs. individualism debate which I want to raise with the Mur-Po does not reflect my IRL opinions.

No worries! I am simply fulfilling my duty as CO-GM!

That debate should play out nicely in the IC too!

Forgot to mention you
Ah, telepathy. It's the closest thing to magic seen in most Sci-fi. It's an amazing idea, but unfortunately, it has some limitations.

Most sci-fi with telepathy excuse it by claiming that the species evolved to possess this ability naturally, and thus is capable of reading the thoughts, or at least feeling the emotions, of every living thing they encounter (see: Deanna Troi). I call bullshit. Yes, I believe it would be possible for telepaths to exist, but I cannot think of any logical reason why they could sense the thoughts of other species. I imagine that any telepathic species would communicate by sending mental signals out using an organ presumably located in their brain, which another member of that same species would "hear" using a similar organ.

Now tell me, what if Species A is able to telepathically communicate through these organs, but Species B does not have them, and therefore does not send out mental signals? How would Species A pick up on the thoughts of B?

Hint: they wouldn't.

Use telepaths all you want. Telepathy is cool. But don't attempt to say that your species can read the thoughts of every other species. It makes no sense.

The only possible exception is if the telepathy worked through some sort of technology, but we'll cross that bridge if we get to it

This is what the OP says.
I find this concept highly interesting!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

EMP is basically an AoE DEW. Aside from interfering with a spacecraft's sensory equipment for a brief period of time, it's not going to really do much damage (if any at all) to a properly-engineered spacecraft. It's to be assumed that the generality of the spaceships zipping about in this RP are going to be sufficiently proofed against stellar radiation elements (star flares, cosmic rays, ect) and--at least for military-grade starships--heavily resistant to mainstream DEWs that can wreck untold havoc on improperly shielded electronics (in example: particle beam weapons, electrolasers, x-ray lasers, and gamma ray lasers).

They're not useless weapons, but they'd be more effective against civilian targets.

Though, a civilization that's still running mechanical computing technology and vacuum tubes or a nation that has forsaken silicon-based electronic technology in favor of optical fiber cabling and laser-based wireless energy transfer methods is probably going to snub an EMP attack with comparatively little effort.

But that's hard science bullshit.

EDIT: Wow, this filled up quick.

Ah, thank you. I'll just have a "shield buster equivalent" though I'm still going to call it an EMP. It just fits better.
<Snipped quote by Sigma>

I understand. Just something to establish and all.

My next post will probably be Crushers devouring the bones of pathetic humans just some more stuff to elevate the tensions.

Mine will be

I'll be writing my IC soon as well. I have been very busy, @Willy Vereb. Exams are stupid.
@Hael@Willy Vereb

Ehh, fine. I'm still gonna call them EMPs *sulks in corner like the little baby I am*
<Snipped quote by Lauder>EMP IS energy. If a shield which exists to absorb energy attacks cannot stop an EMP then it isn't working for anything else, either.
EMP in reality is just a poor man's DEW in comparison.
But like I said I don't wish to nitpick on things especially when it hasn't been even confirmed that I can join the game.

I realize EMP is energy, I never denied that. However, I am simply proposing that if it were in a missile form, would it not pass through the energy shielding?
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